Silver Dragon

Chapter 8

30th December, 2003 – Early Afternoon

Cwm-Ysbryd-Arian, South Wales

Jason felt restless. Marc had transported back to the United States, and all of Jason's family were now back inside the Manor-house; Jason, however, found himself unable to relax. What he had seen in his mind yesterday after he had been healed by Levi was still repeating in his head. On top of that, everything with their new friend Marc, and those things that had arisen with the four rescued boys, had all piled on top of him, so he was now trying to sort through everything.

There were rooms in his mind that were not there before. He was finding it hard to even find limits on things. Strangest of all were those echo feelings from Nathan and Victoria; as if they were the same, abate a different shade of feeling. He was Telepathic; Nathan was Telekinetic, and their sister Empathic. The two boys shared in that empathy and Victoria shared in Jason's telepathy. Nathan could even broadcast... it was slowly getting to the point where nothing made much sense. All of the children they had gathered into their group were different in one way or another.

"Evolution? Or Providence?" Jason asked of the air. There was no answer. He did not expect one. He looked out over the valley, down towards where it joined with Town. Port Talbot's eastern edge began at the mouth of Cwm-Ysbryd-Arian and ran on west for miles. From here, though, the Bristol Channel was clearly seen, and due to it being a bright December day, everything was coloured in sunshine. He could even see the northern coast of Devon.

Jason shivered slightly and pulled his coat around himself more. His breath steamed in the winter air. "It'll freeze tonight," he whispered to himself. "Best make sure Riti is kept warm."

He walked down the pathway, then cut across part of the lawn. Reaching the garden wall, he climbed up and settled down to stare and brood. 'It's just not fair,' he thought to himself. 'I'm just a kid. Why me?'

Earlier that morning, when Marc had been in sickbay with Doctor Fisher, Mary Parnell, Telez and Antony, Jason had been with Spock in the brig; with the three criminals that had been locked in there...


Mr Davies was still screaming, and Jason was looking at Spock with tears in his eyes. "Was what I did right, Poppa? This... this is..."


"It was justice, my child, yet greater justice now calls." Spock moved and picked up his human son, and cradled him in his arms. "You did what was right. What was wrong was that you were the one who had to do it. No child should be made to be judge, jury and executioner without training. You are not ready for it, yet."


Jason sobbed quietly, "I'm just a kid. I don't want this yet! It's just not fair!"


"Release what you did to that man, child. I shall now render justice, then we shall talk."


Jason did so, and the screams stopped suddenly; but it did not remain quiet for long.


"Let me out of here! How dare you do that to me, you degenerate pervert!" Mr Davies screamed at them. Mrs Davies and Mr Howard, Mr Davies' half brother, started to yell out also.


Spock moved into the middle of the Brig and looked at all three in their separate cells. "You shall remain silent. Your minds have been read and then the information gleaned has been examined by a Vulcan Telepath. You have systematically abused, coerced and brainwashed Matthew and Tristan Davies, and have started the same with Llywelyn and Rhys Stephenson. You have caused aggravated harm to all four boys' minds and bodies. Your lives are forfeit, for you feel no remorse."


"You wouldn't dare! We have rights to a fair trial!" Mrs Davies exclaimed.


Spock's eyebrow raised, "You have received such, according to Vulcan Tradition, which supersedes British and, in fact, any Earth Law." He moved to her cell, opened it, and fired his phaser. Nothing was left.


Twice more Spock repeated this action. The brig now stood empty of all but himself and Jason, who was still crying quietly.


Spock moved back to him and picked him up so as to carry the boy out of the brig. "Come, Son; we need to talk."


Carrying the crying child, Spock quickly made his way to the turbolift and then into the Officer's Lounge. Finding a quiet corner, Spock placed the boy next to him, and they began to talk through those issues that were upsetting him.


As Jason began to feel lighter inside after pouring out some of his frustrations to his Pop, he pulled himself in tighter to Spock's side. Spock said softly, "Soon, once my father has finished making the arrangements, you and your siblings will receive all the training required so that you can remain children, yet carry out such tasks as are needful."


"Thanks, Pop," Jason sighed. He remained quiet for a while after that, and simply relaxed into Spock's embrace.


"Poppa?" Jason broke the long silence suddenly.


"Yes, Jason?"


"Can I... can I ask you something personal?"


"That is acceptable, child. I am your A'nirih; you have that right. However, there are some things I cannot answer, or will not. In such cases, I will simply tell you nothing. I will not, of course, lie."


"Okay." Jason looked out at the Earth through the plexiglass windows, wording his question carefully. "You said you had a son. Are you married?"


Spock closed his eyes, and sighed. Jason felt that hidden pain resurface for a moment. "No longer. I cannot tell you much, for it, too, is under a 'Yon'kur Wan' code. She who was my wife is dead."


"Sorry, Poppa. Can you... can you tell me how?" Jason asked carefully, his compassion filled eyes looking deeply into Spock's.


"The Transwarp Disaster, Earth date 1992," Spock said, his eyes going distant. He saw again that terrible event; and remembered all that came from it. "I lost both my wife and son that day," he whispered finally; his voice no more than a ghost's.


Jason choked slightly. 'Oh God... I shouldn't have said anything!'


Seeming to know what Jason was thinking, Spock said, "Do not feel bad about asking, my child. It is only natural for you to do so; and your position as my child grants you the right."


"You n...never saw your son? Not once?" Jason stuttered, his voice filled with a horror and sadness he could barely express. "You said that, right? This is why not? That... accident..."


"Correct," Spock nodded. "I have only seen one holo-image of my son... my little boy..." his voice trailed off in a very human way as his own eyes filled with tears.


Jason pondered whether or not he should ask if he could see his would-have-been adopted brother's image. Spock beat him too it. From around his neck, Spock pulled out a chain, and on it was the Crest of his Family, plus the Seal of his House. Next to it was another Family Crest, and attached was a small emitter. "Do you want to see him?" Spock asked thickly.


Jason nodded slowly. "Yes. Yes please, my A'nirih. I wish to see my brother..."

 :End Flashback:

A twig snapped a few hundred yards away, startling Jason. He spun and stared into the foliage just passed the garden wall that divided the House Gardens from the fields of the valley. There was nothing there. He probed out with his mind and emotions, and, apart from a very brief flash of worry, found nothing. The worry he sensed troubled him; it was not an animal emotion.

Jason closed his eyes and rubbed at his temple. 'Must be tired,' he thought.


He turned and saw Riti flapping towards him. His winged brother was again in his Vulcan made uniform, and so was snug and warm from the chilly Welsh winter. Jason opened his arms and Riti swooped into them, grinning at him. Once settled over Jason's hip, Riti began pecking-kisses over both sides of Jason's face, causing the older boy to laugh happily. "I love you, Reet!"

"Love you too, Jace! Mezí is asking if you're okay. You've been out here for a while," Riti rattled off at a mile a minute.

"I'm cool, little bro. Just thinking."

Riti hugged his big brother tighter, "Of course you're cool... it's freezing out here, silly!"

"You feather-head," Jason laughed, "it means I'm okay, not that I'm cold."

"Oh. Humans! You need to say what you mean!" Riti poked his tongue out briefly, then relaxed in to enjoy the hugs. "Nice view."

"Yeah, and I bet it looked great from up there, no?" Jason pointed skywards.

"Oh, yes. This country of yours is lovely. Insane and cold, but lovely."

They remained there for a while longer, just taking in the beauty around them.

"How's Antony and Telez doing with their boys?" Jason asked quietly.

Riti's face grew sombre, "They are okay, I think. They jump and start easily, but they are better than the other two. Your friend Matthew and his brother are really messed in the head, Jace. Poppa Spock is getting concerned."

Jason sighed sadly. "I hope we can help them."

He turned and started walking back in slowly towards the house. "Jace?" Riti asked quietly.


"What message did you get from yourself? The one that Levi and them gave ya?"

"A list of names and code-names. Nothing else, but it was from myself in ten months time."

"Wow. Okay."

They opened the main doors and entered the hallway of the house to see Dafydd waiting for them. "Jason, your grandparents are asking for you, Nathan and Viccy to visit today. Your mother said she'd take you up since I'm busy. You able to be ready to leave in half an hour?"

"Sure! Can the others come too?" Jason asked as he lowered Riti to his feet.

"Sorry, but Spock thinks that letting them in on how many brothers you have now will be dangerous with Red One in effect. At least for right now."

"Oh, okay," Jason nodded with understanding, "Gran and Gramps will find out soon, though. They want to come here to see our new place. They said they would, weeks ago. Now we have it early, they'll really wanna see soon."

"I know. We'll work on that as things happen," Dafydd motioned briefly, "You'd best get ready. Riti? Can you go find Koth, please? He's left his warrior armour all over the living room after dressing up for Marc this morning. He needs to tidy up."

"Okay, Nají. Korris will smack his bum for him for doing that!" Riti giggled.

"I know," Dafydd laughed. "That is why I asked Kor to help Mary move some garden chairs around out back. He'll be busy for a while. Go find your errant Klingon whirlwind and help him clean up."

"'Kay!" Riti jumped and flew up the stairs, calling out for his brother, giggling all the while.

Jason made to follow, abate afoot. "I'll get my boyfriend ready. How long we staying with Gran?"

"'Til tonight. Remember, we have the Memorial tomorrow in San Francisco."


Brecon Beacons, Welsh National Park

Harry was brooding as he marched with the Alamein Company through the rough terrain of the Beacons. Things in the services were as bad as he had feared, judging by the many comments he overheard, and by those discussions that his companions tried to involve him in. British Law was far more progressive than the attitude he was finding with the other eighteen and nineteen year olds on exercise with him. It was alarming.

'Why did I not take that time off from school? I should have let my brother handle this. He is the commissioned officer, after all,' Harry thought to himself as he waded across a stream.

He brought back the memories involved with his decision to come here at this time. They were still valid. You learn more when you investigate those running the training programs from a position of a student than from that of a superior officer.

The most unnerving thing was that it was so subtle. Not all those in Sandhurst were dishing out the bad attitude, but the ones that were being listened to. And it did not end there. Whispers of change were being picked up, even by Parliament itself, and reports from the Prime Minister were alarming; showing a growing trend of racial, sexual and interstellar bigotry.

He sighed, and pressed on. 'Ear to the ground, eyes open.'

"We're ready, Mammy!" Victoria yelled from the front door. Jason and Nathan were standing with her, hands covering their ears.

"Jeez, sis! I don't think they heard you in Swansea!" Nathan groused.

"Oh, shush, blond-bonce!" Victoria poked him in the ribs, making Jason laugh at the whoosh of breath expelled from his boyfriend.

Angela walked from the front living room, chuckling at their antics. "Do you have the gifts for your grandparents, kids?"

"Yup," Jason lifted both bags he was carrying. "All here."

"Okay, let's go," Angela opened the door and led the way out to one of the vehicles outside. Sarek had provided a number of them to the growing family, from standard family cars to mini-buses. She led her original three children, for that is how she thought of Nathan as well, to a Range Rover and opened it. The kids all climbed in and strapped themselves in while she started up the engine. "All set? Then off we go."

Riti and Koth watched from the front room as their brothers and sister left with their new mother. After a few whispered questions and answers, they finished clearing the armour from the room, and ran upstairs with them. They found Antony and Telez in the upstairs children's "Chill" room with their two new sons. Llyw was hugged in close to Telez and looked fairly relaxed, yet Rhys was apart from his new parents and looked nervous. Koth knew that they had entered in the middle of something serious and so sent a questioning glance at Antony.

"Come in, guys," Antony beckoned, "maybe you can help us."

Riti sat down on the floor and pulled his Klingon brother down with him, "What's wrong?"

Rhys regarded them both. "You gay too?"

Riti blinked in confusion. "What is 'gay'?"

Koth explained, "It's liking someone the same sex as you and wanting to be a mate with them, rather than mating with someone of the other sex. Jace and Nath' are gay, and so is Antony. Telez is as well, I think, as he's Tony's bonded."

"I'm bisexual, actually," Telez offered easily. "I like both."

Rhys' eyes widened, "Then do you want to hurt us like they did?"

"Never," Antony said firmly. "What they did was evil, Rhys. No-one should ever be forced to do sex things, and rape is one of the worst crimes in the world."

"I...I..." Rhys tried to find the words, but he failed.

Koth looked at him sadly, "Rhys, these boys would never hurt you. I dunno what I am, but even if I am gay, I'd not hurt you either."

Riti looked closely at the young android. "You are not acting like you're six, Rhys. I thought they made you to be six inside and outside together."

Llyw answered for his younger brother, "They did, just like I am eight inside too, but we grow. We are able to be our physical age, and also our real age. Right now, we need to understand before we can relax and be kids again."

"Okay, so we'll all talk," Antony moved off the sofa and sat close to Riti and Koth, Llyw moving with him. Telez also settled down, and then opened his arms to Rhys.

Rhys paused a few minutes, but finally moved over and sat on Telez' lap. "Okay. Talk is good."

Spock drew Mary to one side as she and Korris came back in from the garden. Dafydd and Graham were talking quietly with the two frightened boys sitting by the kitchen table. "Mary," he began, "both those boys have suffered severe brainwashing and mental alteration. Jason and Nathan have managed to bring Matthew to a certain point with his interaction with them, but the severity of their conditioning is beyond a Human Telepath's aid. Especially untrained. I request your authority to meld with them both."

"Can you help them, really help them?" Mary asked hopefully.

"Yes. They shall remain the same as per their personalities, but I can break the conditioning. It will require a three way mind meld, as they each draw strength from the other, so they both need to be healed together."

"Do it, Spock. As long as they agree, do it."

Spock moved closer to the boys and sat near them. "Matthew, Tristan."

"Yes, sir?" Matthew answered.

"I would like to mind-meld with you. I believe I can help you with this new situation you are in."

Tristan trembled, "B...but that is witchcraft! You can't... you..."

Matthew hugged his brother to his chest and began whispering quickly, "Trist! It's not. Jace said melds weren't evil. I trust Jace more than our old parents. Will you trust me?"

Tristan numbly nodded his head.

"Then come here, children, please," Spock beckoned.

Once they stood before him, hand in hand, he raised his own hands to their faces.

"My mind to your minds, my thoughts to your thoughts..."

'You're quiet,' Nathan sent to his boyfriend as they sat next to each other in the back seat of the SUV. Victoria was in the front passenger seat talking with their mother, thus both boys were left more or less alone.

'Just thinkin',' Jason sent back. He smiled at Nathan's curious face, but Nathan was not fooled.

'Spill. What's eating you?'

Jason sighed softly as he pulled Nathan closer. His mental voice seemed filled with tears when he opened up, 'Everything. I can't understand all this, Nath' and it's killing me. Matt's dad, what happened to Trist, Llyw, Rhys and Matt; everything. It's just too much!'

Nathan kissed him gently as he said, 'You're trying too hard. Stop trying to be the leader for a while, and let Mam and Dad do their job.'

'But we're dads too, now. Can we...'

'Yes, we can. You heard grandpa. He said our parents would be there when we needed help. We're still kids too, Jace. We ain't grown ups! Stop trying to be one, and just be the Jace I fell in love with.'

Jason turned his face and hid it in Nathan's neck, 'You're right.'

Angela looked through the rear view mirror at them both. 'Good. Now, as soon as they are ready, we can help them.'

About an hour and a half later and Angela pulled the SUV into the lane leading to her parents-in-law's farmhouse. Jason and Nathan were out of the vehicle before it had even come to a complete stop, and, with Victoria only seconds behind them, were running towards the open front door and their Gran and Gramps.

"How's my little men and my little princess, then," their elderly grandmother asked as she gathered all three into her arms. Meredith Evans was a large lady who could only be called 'grandmotherly'. If you were not being fed, hugged or otherwise fussed over, she was ill, and seriously so.

"We're good, Gran!" Victoria giggled from the depths of the hug.

"Yeah," Nathan smiled up at her, "We're okay, Ma'am."

"Now, none of that from my new grandson! You'll call me Gran or I'll roast your behind for you!" she exclaimed as she tickled Nathan's ribs.

Jason laughed, "Told ya, bro."

"Okay... UNCLE... s...stop tickling, Gran!" Nathan squirmed about.

"That's better," their grandfather weighed in. "If you'd have fought her command, I'd be getting it in the ear for months!"

Jason looked over at his grandfather with the utmost love and respect in his eyes. Gwyn Evans was a man that was tough as old boots, yet as gentle as a summer's day. Real 'salt of the earth', to use the biblical phrase. He was also as skinny as a rake.

Jason moved over from Meredith's hug and was pulled into Gwyn's arms firmly, "So, you finally got yourself a brother, cariad?"

Jason looked back lovingly at Nathan, who was gradually disappearing into his Gran's ample stomach due to the force of her hug. "Yeah, Gramps."

Meredith looked up and saw the love in Jason's eyes, raised her own and nodded firmly at Gwyn.

"And I'm betting he's a little more than 'just' a brother to you, yes?" he asked slyly.

Jason looked up at him nervously. How would his Gramps take the news that his little grandson was gay?

"Take that fear out of your face right now, Jace," Gwyn said softly before kissing the boy's upturned forehead. "We've known for the last year that you were into boys not girls."

" I didn't know a year 'go!" Jason stuttered.

Gwyn smirked. "Remember that trip to Florida last March?"

"Uh huh," the boy replied slowly.

"We saw you scoping out all the other boys your age. Girls weren't even given a second look. Yet your Speedos nearly went flying to the other side of the water-park when you were looking at the other boys. We sort of guessed then."

Jason's face turned beet red, and Nathan's howls of laughter were thankfully muted in Meredith's stomach. Victoria giggled, "That's not changed, Gramps. He just takes Nath' here off some place quiet and then it stops bein' quiet!"

Gwyn raised his eyebrows, then chuckled, "Well, well, well."

"Viccy!" Nathan and Jason yelled through their embarrassment.

"Yes?" she replied sweetly, her face so angelic that even the devil would have repented if he'd seen it.

"Leave them alone, sweetie. You'll be in love one day, and they will remember all the heat you give them now." Meredith chuckled.

"She has Riti, so we won't wait long!" Nathan blurted, his face still red. It did not stay red for long as what he said sank in. He went dead white instead.

"Oh, well done Blondie!" Jason sighed, his eyes rolling heaven ward.

"This we need to talk about inside, I think," Angela said firmly. "Come on, Dad, Mam. Let's get them inside, then we'll explain."

"And he's 'just' my friend, Nath'!" Victoria said as a parting shot as they were firmly led inside.

Nathan did not retort. He was still white-faced from his slip.

After being sat down in the living room by Gwyn, Meredith started off with, "Well? Who is Riti, and don't tell me a boy in school, for that name is not from around here, and Jason and Nathan would not have reacted to it that way."

"Mam, you best sit. You have more grandsons than you know about." Angela said quietly.

Jason added, "And since we're telling you, you might as well add a new title, too, Gran."

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" she asked.

"Great Grandma," Nathan whispered.

Spock sat back and watched Matthew and Tristan come out of the mind-healing state they had been under for the past thirty minutes. They looked around the room before looking at Dafydd and Graham. Both men's faces grew relieved, for the fear that had been ever-present was now gone. Mary sobbed in happiness as the two boys continued to look at each adult in turn; a wonder in both their eyes that replaced the nervous tension from before.

"How do you feel now?" Graham asked softly.

"Good, Uncle Graham," Tristan said with a soft smile.

Matthew rubbed his forehead slightly, "Yeah. But I still feel... hurt a bit too."

"That is normal," Spock offered. "Your memories are the same, but the poison from them has now gone. You remember everything, but the power of them has been destroyed."

Tristan nodded, "I... I remember. I'm not scared to remember, but I don't like it." Tears started to form, even though his eyes seemed to still be at peace.

"Do not try and stop the memories, Tristan. Every time they arise, I want you to seek out someone and talk about them, no matter what time it is, day or night." Spock said.

"Okay," Matthew nodded.

"Mr Spock?" Tristan looked at the Vulcan.

"Yes, child?"

"Can we call you 'Poppa' too, sir? I saw in your head that Jace calls you that."

"You may, child. Both of you may, for I am A'nirih to all the brothers of Jason."

Both boys stood and fell into Spock's arms, seeking comfort, yet also giving him their thanks in the only way they could; through hugs.

Upstairs, the story was much the same, yet the journey to the end result had been different. Llywelyn and Rhys had talked and asked questions of the four boys with them until their hearts finally unlocked.

Telez now held his six year old android son in his arms as the boy finally allowed himself to be six again, while Antony did the same for their eight year old one. Riti and Koth just watched, and smiled.

The sun was setting over the Beacons when the back door opened, and Gwyn, Jason and Nathan stepped outside. "They are camped on the far side of this field, boys, so be careful on your walk. You have your flashlights?"

"Yes, Gramps," Nathan giggled.

"We'll be careful, Gramps," Jason added.

Gwyn nodded, "Good. Here's my mobile phone. If you get..."

"Don't need that, we have our communicators," Nathan said, showing his grandfather the small Starfleet issue device attached to his belt.

Gwyn laughed, "Okay. Now, I'm going back inside. These old bones need the heat, and I want to be there when your Gran calls our son. Secrets in this family don't exist, Red One or no Red One."

They giggled, for they knew he was only half serious. Gwyn had been in the military himself, so he knew all about things like the Official Secrets Act.

Gwyn closed the door behind him as both boys walked into the dusk, hand in hand. They had no-where in particular in mind to walk, but just needed time out. Angela had taken them to one side after they had explained everything to Gwyn and Meredith, and told them point blank to take a chill pill and only concentrate on each other for a while. They walked down the pathway that led out over the once active farm land, and towards the darkening trees lining the property, talking about nothing earth shaking. In fact, the longer they walked, the less they spoke. Words seemed pointless to the love they felt for each other that transmitted through their joined hands and through their empathy.

"Over there, Jace. I see their camp fire." Nathan pointed.

They moved in that direction, moving steadily and in the open. The path now led past the wall that defined the edge of their grandparents' land, and was only a little under Jason's head height. "Shall we watch or go up and chat, love?" Jason asked.

"Watch for a while. They might do some drills or something. Still light enough, you think?"


As they drew close enough they could see the tents and the soldiers in the clearing. They looked like they were unwinding from their exercise, so more drills were unlikely.

"Ah well," Nathan sighed. "I'm tired. Can we sit down for a while?"

"Sure," Jason turned and climbed onto the wall, then heaved up Nathan. They found a comfy place and settled down, with Nathan tucked firmly against Jason's side.

One of the young men near the fire looked up and made them out, since they were close enough for the light of the camp fire to make them visible in the growing darkness. He moved over slowly, and as he drew close, they saw a welcoming smile on his face.

"Hello, kids. Come to watch us? Sorry if you were expecting something more entertaining, but we are at rest now," he said easily.

Jason smiled back, for he sensed a calm energy and kindness radiating from the young man. "We're just out for a walk, and saw ya. It's okay to be here?"

"Of course, but don't let the owners know you are climbing their walls, or they could think you're up to mischief," the soldier replied with an amused grin.

Nathan giggled, "The owners always knows we're up to mischief."

Jason snorted with amusement, "Oh, yeah. Too right!"

The young man cocked his head to one side, "What's the joke?"

"They're our grandparents," Jason giggled.

The soldier laughed, "Ah, you're brothers. I wondered why you're so close to each other. That's not something I see much with boys your age."

"Well..." Jason said, growing wary, "My 'rents adopted Nath' on Christmas day, and we're best buds..."

The man looked at them both carefully; and Jason felt a touch upon his awareness. His eyes popped open.

"Ah," the soldier said, "good for you both. Love is something precious. Don't lose that."

"How... ah, you're empathic?" Jason stammered.

Now it was the soldier's turn to look startled. "Yes, but... how did you..."

He stopped suddenly when he felt a whispering tickle in his mind. Jason's eyes had gone unfocused. "Oh my god! Your Highness, I'm sorry! We didn't know you were up here!"

Prince Harry really did look surprised, now. "Mind if I join you on that wall? I'm not guarding tonight, and I think we should talk."

"So, care to explain that tickle in my mind, Jason?" Harry asked after both boys had introduced themselves. Harry sat near to them and they both seemed slightly on edge.

"Umm, well. I'm... you could say I'm telepathic and empathic, your..." Jason began, but Harry stopped him.

"Call me Harry, boys. I get enough of that lot throwing 'Your Highness' at me. They do it to take the piss, but I know you don't, but still. I prefer Harry."

"Then call us Jace and Nath'? We like that better than our full names," Nathan giggled.

"Deal. So you're telepathic? That is interesting. All my family has empathy. We have for uncounted generations. It's what makes us good at our job, I think," Harry mused.

"Our sister, Viccy, is empathic. She's off the wall with it now, though," Jason said.

"Oh, yeah. She's powerful with it now," Nathan added.

Both boys shivered slightly, and Harry noticed. "Guys, if you want, you can cuddle up with me to keep warm as we talk, or we could go into the camp. I'm sure the guys won't mind telling some stories... if you don't mind it getting a bit basic."

Jason giggled, "You were right about us, Harry. We're boyfriends, and..." He stopped with a blush that Harry could feel more than see.

"I think I get the picture. Well, as long as those straight boys and their girl stories won't matter, we could go over there."

"That don't matter, we have straight friends. I'm fairly sure that you ain't one of them, though. By your phrasing, I mean." Jason giggled.

"Correct," Harry grinned.

"I knew it! I just knew that the little princeling was an arse-bandit!" a yell from behind them sounded.

All three turned to find two other young men. "Higgins, you are on guard. Why are you here, you should be on patrol!" Harry said, menace in his voice.

"I'm your superior in this platoon, Windsor. To hell with your 'station' outside. And what makes you think I'd listen to a fag anyhow?!" Cadet Higgins demanded. His partner looked nervous, as if not knowing where to run.

Harry slid off the wall and helped Jason and Nathan down as well, "You guys best get off home fast," he whispered, "things might get nasty here."

"Don't worry 'bout us," Jason said with steel, "we can handle ourselves."

Cadet Higgins and the other young man climbed over.

"Wines, you don't need to follow him. Go and find the Sergeant and ask him to come here." Harry ordered.

"But..." Cadet Wines started.

"Move and you're on report! I'm Platoon leader, and the Serg will believe my report over yours!" Higgins spat at him.

"What the hell is going on?" a few of the others came over upon hearing the yells.

"Harry and these two queers are about to have a three-way. He's not just gay, but into little boys as well!" Higgins yelled back, making sure he drew the entire Company's attention.

Jason started to get annoyed, "This is my Gramp's land, and you are here 'cos he said you could be. What gives with these lies? Harry isn't doin' anything to us!"

"Shut up, you shit-faced fag. Go kiss that thick boy's arse, and piss off!" Higgins threw back, pointing at Nathan.

Bad move.

One moment he was standing and spitting abuse. The next he was upside down and hovering three feet off the ground. "You were saying?" Nathan asked sweetly. The other lads in the Company jumped back with startled oaths.

'Harry. Don't react, just think your reply back. How many in this group think like this arse-wipe?' Jason sent to the Prince quickly.

'Most of them. Wines and two others are okay with it, but the rest, and the Sergeant, are homophobic and getting worse. The strangest thing is that all those going that way are from England. It's why I was sent here. Now, what gives with the floating?' Harry thought back.

'Nath's telekinetic. Don't worry, we'll deal here. In a way, we have access to authority above your Grandmothers!' Jason sent with a smile as he watched the hovering Higgins lose control of his bladder. 'Oops, wrong nerve... I was aiming for his bowels... pity.'

The entire Company gathered around the floating Higgins, and the other three standing near. "What the..." the Sergeant said as he finally found his voice. "What's going on here? Windsor, you better have a good explanation."

"Higgins started hurling abuse, against the 'Equal Rights Act', at myself and these two boys regarding our sexual orientation, and then he grew insulting, sir," Harry replied.

"I see. How is he floating?" the Sergeant grated.

"That is my doing. No-one insults me or intends me or my Jace harm while I have anything to say about it!" Nathan said, intense dislike in his voice. His empathy flowed with the active hatred from the Sergeant that was now aimed at both himself, and Harry and Jason.

"You'll put him down now, or I will be authorised to use force," the Sergeant ordered as he drew his gun.

The next instant all the guns, even Harry's, flew up and stayed twenty feet above the ground. "You will find that your authority is very lacking in our presence, Sergeant," Jason retorted.

Transporter beams appeared ten feet away, and fifteen Starfleet Security officers appeared, led by Captain Spock and Captain Dafydd Evans. "Good move, Jace. Keep that communicator open, we are recording this aboard the Hood." Dafydd said, pride in his voice.

"What is the meaning of..." the Sergeant could not continue for his voice-box suddenly stopped receiving the commands from his brain.

"I'd just sit down like a good little soldier, if I were you," Jason said, just as sweetly as Nathan had earlier.

Spock moved to Jason, "Have you completed your scans, my child?"

"Yes, Poppa. Shall I transfer, or do you wish to meld?"

"Transfer is acceptable," Spock answered. His eyes grew distant as he started examining Jason's quickly delivered scans. "Captain Evans. Cadet Higgins and Sergeant Johnson are to be taken into custody, pending trial by Her Majesties authorities. The remaining company shall be transported back to Sandhurst, after a debriefing by myself aboard the Hood. Three of them, other than His Highness, are blameless and shall be offered a position within Starfleet Security, should they deem it right to accept it."

"Done, Spock." Dafydd motioned for Spock's orders to be carried out.

Spock gestured at the three blameless cadets and kept them near to himself as the remaining Company disappeared into the Hood's transporter beams. Nathan then lowered Higgins to the ground and he and the Sergeant were also taken aboard the Hood.

Dafydd chuckled as he hugged his two boys, "You two. More paperwork for me, but I don't care. Good work, guys. And your Highness, thank you for being nice to them. I shall arrange for transport back to Sandhurst for you?"

"No, thank you, Captain. If I may, could I remain here awhile? I would like to get to know my new young friends who just saved me from a beating at best." Harry requested politely.

"Certainly. My parents would be overjoyed to have you visit, and then you can come back to my home. We have plenty of room for a guest." Dafydd said with a smile as he and Spock moved back a few paces. The three remaining Cadets stayed close to the Vulcan and were grinning openly as all five disappeared.

"Well," Harry muttered, "that was the shortest training week ever!"

They moved into the now empty camp. "We can't leave this unattended. Nor can we leave the weapons," Harry mused quietly.

Nathan sniggered as all the tents folded up, the fire went out and everything that should be kept safe started to float near to him. "I'll take it all back with us, Prince."

Harry also started to chuckle. "Okay, lead the way, you two!"

The sight of tents, weapons and miscellaneous paraphernalia being stacked in one corner of the back yard in the growing gloom of the late evening was enough to prompt Gwyn and Angela to exit the kitchen to investigate. Leaving the half cooked supper to Meredith, they closed the back door behind them and watched with amusement as everything ordered itself. There was no sign as yet of their wandering mischief makers.

"What in Heaven's name have they been up to this time?" Angela muttered with some small asperity.

Gwyn, however, was still marvelling at the steady stream of Army surplus that was now filling one half of his pristine back yard. "When you said telekinetic, you really meant it, didn't you, Ange?"

Giggles from the back gate answered that question. They both turned and saw their two boys grinning at them, and a smiling army cadet standing behind them both.

"What have they been doing, Cadet, and do you require help getting this stuff back?" Gwyn asked curiously.

"Explain. Now." Angela ordered before Harry could open his mouth to reply to the elderly gentleman.

Nathan started protesting, "We ain't done nothing bad, Mam! Harry here needed help... so we helped 'im!"

"Come here. I want details, boys. You too, young man," she said, gesturing them to move closer. As they approached she continued, "Startling your grandparents and me; stealing army issued items, and... and... Oh!"

She stopped speaking as Harry came into the light, his eyes twinkling with suppressed mirth, and her two sons started to poke their tongues out at her cheekily.

"See, Mam?" Jason grinned, "We ain't done nothing! It's all the Prince's fault!!!"

"Hey!" Harry picked up Jason before he could run for it and started tickling him.

"I... Your Highness. Welcome," Angela said as she found her voice.

Gwyn tried to keep the laughter out of his own voice as he invited Harry inside, "Come on; let's get you introduced to the misses, Your Highness."

"Please," he requested plaintively, "just call me Harry. These imps do, so you should as well," he finished as he handed the giggling Jason over to his mother's arms. Picking the laughing Nathan up by his belt, Harry carried him inside, followed closely by Angela and the squirming Jason.

"As you wish, Harry," Gwyn responded as everyone got inside and he closed the door.

"Who is it, love? What have the terrors done this time?" Meredith called from the kitchen.

Victoria's startled yell of, "I don't believe it!" from the front living room doorway made Meredith leave the kitchen quickly rather than wait for a response.

"Well," she said as she wiped flour off her hands, "it's a good thing I cleaned today." And she did her usual. She pulled Harry in and hugged him in welcome. "Make yourself at home, lad. Dinner is in ten minutes."

As dinner and the explanation of the evening's fun wound down, they all moved into the living room for coffee, or hot chocolate in the case of the three kids. Jason and Nathan shared a large, comfy chair between themselves; their legs all tangled together as they whispered to each other and sipped at their hot drinks. Harry smiled warmly at them both.

"How long have you been a couple?" he asked them in a break in the general conversation.

Nathan grinned, "Since Christmas night!"

"Really?" Harry was impressed, "That's some Christmas present for you both. New brother, and boyfriend all at once. Can't imagine what else could have topped that."

Both boys blushed suddenly, and Harry started to guess. His guess was confirmed with Victoria's statement, "They got real noisy that night!"

They blushed all the more. Gwyn and Meredith laughed, and Angela shot a warning look at her daughter. Victoria was unrepentant.

"Oookay," smirked the young Prince. "I guess there's nothing new between you two, then."

"Well," Jason giggled, with a wicked smirk at his furiously blushing boyfriend.

"Don't you dare, Jace!" Nathan gasped out.

"I was only gonna say we've got one thing left to try, sweetie!" the brown haired boy giggled.

Gwyn laughed, "I think you may need something extra to go all the way with, boys. Lube, for instance."

"Oh," Nathan muttered through his embarrassment, "we've done that, Gramps!"

"I don't really think I should ask, but..." Harry left it hanging, mischief in his eyes.

Jason smirked as he stood and pulled Nathan up with him, "Something that's about to become our favourite number!" With that, he and Nathan ran from the room quickly, and made their way upstairs.

"Oh," everyone except Victoria said, trying not to laugh.

"What favourite number? What??" she started asking.

Harry shook his head and laughed, while Angela whispered to her, "Ask Koth about it. I'm sure he'd know!"

Half an hour later, Harry and Angela were preparing to leave, and Victoria was busy hugging her grandparents goodbye. In through the door came the two now relaxed and smiling eleven year olds. They were side to side, with an arm around the other's waist.

Angela said nothing other than, "Say goodbye to your Gran and Gramps, guys. We have to go home now."

They too rushed to claim their hugs. Harry watched with amusement as Meredith whispered something to each that set their faces flaming. "Now, we'll see you both on New Years. I want to see all my family," she said more loudly. "Off you go, and you take care of that little boy you've adopted."

"We will, Gran!" they both chorused.

After piling in the Range Rover and waving farewell, Angela pulled off and started the homeward journey. Harry had been corralled into the back seat and was between the two boys. Victoria was again riding shotgun. It was not long before all three children had fallen asleep, but the cutest, in Angela's opinion, were her two boys snuggled into the English Prince's side.

Harry looked up and saw Angela looking at him in the rear view mirror, and he smiled; tightened his grip on the tired love-birds, and closed his own eyes. 'Wonderful family,' was his last thought before he, too, drifted off to sleep.

Angela drove on in silence. With all her passengers lulled to sleep in the dark car as they made their way through the Welsh countryside, so she had time to ponder all the events so far that day. Having the third in line to the British Throne in the car made her both nervous and far more alert; why did Harry trust her this much after only just meeting her? At least, she had expected him to request an escort.

It seemed to take less time getting home than it did to get to her parents-in-law, but that was always the same, travelling at night. As she pulled into the road that led from Port Talbot's eastern edge into their own Valley, she mentally prompted her children to wake up. Jason then gently shook Harry awake, and they yawned and rubbed their eyes the remaining distance up the Valley to the Evans' mansion.

As they pulled into the main driveway, they saw on the now well lit lawn Korris and Koth sparring. All the others, adults included, were seated along the edge of the grass lawn watching them. Both Klingon boys were in full armour and almost dancing as their practised and sparred.

The arrival of the Range Rover went unnoticed, such was the interest the entire group had in the two boys before them. Jason and Nathan moved over to their little son and, once they too had sat down, pulled him in between them to cuddle him. Riti was picked up and cuddled by Angela, while Victoria snuggled into her father's lap. Harry stood to one side and watched the two Klingons in awe.

The grace and ease with which they flowed from one position to the other was breathtaking. Korris spun and danced with deadly ease; his bat'leth singing as it cut through the air. Koth, however, astounded them all; his double mek'leth blades twirled between his hands faster than they could follow. Both boys seemed to steam in the cold December night air, but even so, they were still sweating over their exertions.

Korris, having judged that they were both sufficiently warmed up, grunted one Klingon word, and both spun to face each other. What came next was a stunning display of controlled sparring, and Jason was unable to tell if this was for real, or in training only. They flew at each other and the metallic ringing as their blades met shattered the peace of the evening, and the sparks that flew as their weapons slammed into each other was disconcerting.

Prince Harry was quite sure he did not want to be on the opposite side to either boy in a real fight.

It went on for another ten minutes before Dafydd, having been warned by Korris beforehand, called a halt to the sparring. The brothers disengaged, then went back to their blade-form dance to cool down. The silence returned, and Jason was sure that everyone had finally started to breathe again.

"My God in Heaven," Harry muttered, "I really want to have a long chat with those lads!"

"You and me both, Prince," Jason answered with a small grin.

Antony looked up quickly, "'Prince'? Prince who? Oh! WOW!"

The human children all jumped up and moved over to Harry excitedly. Riti and Telez looked at each other and shrugged, however. "They'll tell us soon, I hope," Telez whispered to the little Lo'Garn.

"What's a 'Prince', Tel?" Riti asked.

"A leader, or a son of one," the Andorian replied. "I know some Earth countries still have hereditary leaderships, called 'Monarchies'. I just don't know who this person is, though."

"Prince Henry of Wales, son of the Prince of Wales, Charles. He is third in line to the Crown of the British Empire and Third in line to the role of Protector of the British Commonwealth. His elder brother, Prince William, is yet to marry and produce issue to the succession," Koth muttered as he finally wound down and completed his exercises.

Jason giggled, "Well, you certainly learnt your Earth History lessons well, little bro!"

"Yup!" Koth giggled as he re-sheathed his blades and ran over to greet the Prince. "Hiya, Your Highness! Daddy Daf said you'd be coming to visit!"

Riti pouted and whined at Dafydd, "Why'd you not tell me an' Tel?"

"You were both playing games upstairs when I mentioned it, little one. Sorry," Dafydd apologised as he picked up his feathered son and cuddled him.

"'Kay," the boy murmured as he enjoyed the cuddle.

Mary stood up and addressed them all, "Inside, please. Before we all catch our deaths out here. Your Highness? If you will follow me, we'll get you something warm to drink. You too, kiddos," she said, gesturing at all the children.

Harry grinned. Here was someone you did not dare argue with, so he picked up the twins, David and Andrew, and followed quickly. All the others giggled and ran alongside as fast as they could; hot drinks sounded great.

Introductions were made in the kitchen, along with Harry's plaintive request to just be called 'Harry'. So, all the kids from that moment on just had to address him as 'Prince', of course.

He did not mind.

"What's the palace going to say when they find out you are here and not at Sandhurst, Prince?" Antony asked curiously as everyone settled around the table with their drinks. "Are we going to get into trouble, or something?"

"No," Harry smiled, "I called and let them know what's happening. They were not that happy, but they know of Captain Evans by reputation, and so they are not sending in rescue squads."

Telez raised an eyebrow, but Antony and Nathan giggled. "Would they have attempted such, especially since this valley is protected by Vulcan?" Telez asked curiously.

Harry nodded seriously, "Yes, and they would be within their rights to do so, if they believed me to be in danger. The Treaty between Earth and Vulcan recognises that the leaders of the League countries have to be protected. If my guard had felt the need to come here, they would have approached in peace, but would be prepared to pull me out under hot conditions. Even risking offending the Vulcans."

Spock nodded and said, "His Highness is correct; yet in such a situation, if the Palace felt that Prince Henry should not be here, we would have to co-ordinate his return without resorting to such measures."

"I think it's great," Jason bubbled. "So cool! The guys in school will never believe we had you here, Harry!"

Harry grinned, but it was Spock that caused the next stir. "You will not be returning to that school, Jason. None of you will be going to school here on Earth."

Dead silence.

"Not even me?" Harry asked with a grin, in order to break the tension.

"Correct, Prince Henry," came the unexpected reply.

Harry was dumbfounded. He had only been joking. "Wh...what do you mean, Captain?"

"We shall discuss this tomorrow after the Remembrance Service for the Lexington," answered Spock. "All of you are invited to my father's residence in San Francisco afterwards. Dafydd, you shall have that meeting that was previously arranged, and I shall explain what will be happening over the next year to your family. My father shall make sure you are kept abreast of the changes during your meeting."

The Captain nodded slowly, casting a puzzled look at his wife. Angela shrugged, "I'm okay with this. We trust you'll do what's best for the kids, Spock. We'll wait until tomorrow."

"I think I'd better know sooner, however," Harry stated seriously. "My grandmother will..."

"Please," Spock politely held up his hand to forestall the young Prince. "Your Highness. As soon as I saw you and my children together as friends, I started to include you in my plans. Her Majesty has been approached and has given her Royal Assent for both you and a number of like minded youths to be included. In fact, even your elder brother will be, abate in part not in full."

Nathan and Jason giggled at the look on their new friend's face, then, with Belar already asleep in his lap, Jason said, "Think we need to get some sleep, guys. Long day tomorrow, it seems."

"I'm gonna try my bed tonight, so not in the nest," Riti said as he jumped into the air and hovered over the table, hoovering up all the scattered biscuits and cookies greedily.

Victoria silently sent a question at her feathered brother, who stopped picking up cookies and looked at her. He nodded, then flew quickly from the room with her following.

"I'm thinking they'll be getting together soon," Telez giggled.

Jason shook his head, "No, they are just friends right now, although Viccy does feel more, and Riti thinks she's attractive. It's going to be fun."

"Read their thoughts?" Angela asked.

"No, their emotions," Jason smiled. "If they are friends for too long before they accept they love each other..." he trailed off.

Korris chuckled. "Be prepared for violent temper tantrums when they do!"

Angela sighed. It was going to be one of those situations, she just knew it. "Okay. Jace is right. Bed, the lot of you. Together or in your own rooms, I don't care, but move it!"

Everyone jumped up quickly and started their rounds of hugs and 'good-nights'. Harry smiled as he took in the obvious love and affection around him. 'Just like home,' he thought to himself.

"What are you sitting there for, boyo?" Angela turned to him quickly as the others started towards the door.

"Pardon, Mrs Evans?" he stuttered.

"Didn't I say bed time?"

Harry blinked. He was nineteen, and, unless in Sandhurst, he had no set time for bed. He opened his mouth to query Angela when she started laughing at him.

"I think she gotcha, Har'!" Jason giggled from the doorway. "But seriously, you're knackered, big bro. I'll show ya to your room, then you can get some rest, or return down here."

"Well," Harry blushed at being caught out so easily, "I am tired. How'd you...?"

"Duh! Telepathic? I know how long you've been awake, doofus!"

"Jason Iain Evans! How dare you speak to..." Dafydd started, but Harry's raised hand stopped him.

Laughing, Harry said, "We've been teasing each other that way since we met, Captain Evans. It's cool."

"Oh. Okay then. But, I'm Dafydd, not Captain anything to you. Same for my wife. She's Angela. She'll box your ears if you call her Mrs again... Prince or no prince!"

"Understood, Sir," Harry stood and saluted, an amused grin on his face. "I think I will retire for the night. Good night, all." Going over to Jason, he picked up the eleven year old and slung him over his shoulder, "Okay, tell me where and I'll take you... and this is for the 'doofus' remark!"

As Harry made his way out and up the stairs, the adults could clearly hear the light slaps he was giving to the giggling and squirming Jason's backside...

"Jace? JACE!!!"

"For God's sake, Nath', I'm right here! Don't need to shout the house down, blond-bonce!" Jason giggled as Harry placed him back on his feet. He entered his bedroom to see the entire group seated on the bed. "I thought you were sleeping with your boyfriend tonight, Vic," he teased his sister.

"He's just my friend!" Victoria yelled.

"She's just my friend!" yelled Riti simultaneously.

Nathan giggled, "Stereo... sweet!"

They both stuck their tongues out at their older brothers, then at Harry who was trying not to bust his ribs laughing at them.

"So, what's going on? We 'nesting' again?" Jason asked hopefully.

Nathan shook his head, "No, bro. This lot want stories; I do too. And you are going to tell us one!"

Jason blinked. "Okay..." he said slowly. "What do you want to hear?"

Nathan handed him a book. It was the 'Shattering of the Last S'harien' that Tulek had given him Boxing Day.

"Jeez! This will take a week!" Jason exclaimed loudly.

"We know, Jace. Just tell us the Legend that got you so excited. Paraphrase it, dude!" Telez giggled.

Harry looked at the book speculatively. "I have read that myself. Ambassador Sarek gave an accurate copy to both myself and my brother five years ago," he said quietly.

"Cool, you can help, then!" Jason giggled as he dragged the prince over to the bed. Once everyone was comfortable, he began.

"Once upon a time..." Jason started with a giggle.

Nathan slapped him affectionately, "Get on with it, dolt!"

"Okay, okay!" Jason laughed. "This is something that happened over one thousand, seven hundred years ago... Surak died before the end of the last war on Vulcan; however it is due to his teachings and particularly his actions in the final months of that war that decided the fate of Vulcan.

"In the final weeks of the war, the leader of those 'who marched beneath the raptor's wings', D'Tan, brought his armies to the base of Mount Seleya and there was a complete stand off between the two factions. As was tradition, the opposing leaders could engage in personal combat to decide the fate of the war and thus spare more Vulcan lives. Traditional personal combat was always carried out with bladed weapons."

Koth and Korris both perked up at hearing this. "Now this is a story!" Korris smiled.

Harry winked and took up the story, "Surak, although being dedicated to peace, knew that 'peace cannot exist without justice' and that 'to stop the shedding of blood, sometimes a life must be taken.'. He and D'Tan met in the wide open space between the two armies, and at the foot of the mountain. D'Tan carried one of the then modern swords favoured by the Vulcans of the time. Surak, however, carried his family heirloom; the first, and the last, of the S'harien. It was the first S'harien ever forged, and it was also the last one to exist whole."

Jason took over, "The blade carried the personal name of 'Sa'ren'. The S'harien, the 'Pierceblood' Swords, were ancient style combat blades, extremely strong and durable, forged in a manner long lost to the Vulcans at the time of Surak. Long lost now, too.

"The first of these, 'Sa'ren', was kept by the family of S'harien, the original maker and designer of the blades, and from whom the blades took their name. His descendent, Surak, was it's final keeper while it remained whole. 'Sa'ren' had never seen combat, nor had it ever shed blood; until that fight."

"The fight lasted a shockingly short period of time," said Harry. "Due to his absolute emotional control, Surak was able to maintain his fighting ability while purposely making his foe lose his temper and act emotionally and rashly. With a strong swing, Surak sent 'Sa'ren' sheared through his opponent's sword and through his chest, killing him instantly. However, the blade that had never seen blood in its entire history, shattered on impact."

"Those 'who marched beneath the raptor's wings' left the field, appearing to abide by the terms of combat. Yet a brutal counter-attack took Surak's faction unprepared." Jason said.

"Cowardly bastards," muttered Koth.

"Yeah," agreed Jason. "Well, the war continued for three more months, but due to the dishonour of breaking the rules of Combat, all of Vulcan banded together and threw out the rebels. Surak, however, never saw this event, for he died of radiation poisoning shortly before."

"His son gathered the shards of 'Sa'ren' and kept them as a reminder to all of Vulcan of the futility and cost of war; all it does is break, not heal. The Symbol for the House of Surak since then has contained the IDIC symbol Surak created and a stylised representation of the Last of the S'harien, the shattered blade 'Sa'ren'."

Riti raised his hand, for all the world as if this was a school room and he wanted permission to go to the toilet. "Jace?"

"Yeah, little dude?" his brother replied.

"This is history. Where's the legend bit?"

"Getting to it, feather-head!" Jason giggled as he pulled the boy over and sat him on his lap. He was handed Riti's blanket that had been left behind at the sudden move, and wrapped it around the cold-sensitive kid. "Comfy?"

"Yeah," Riti almost purred as he briefly nuzzled his brother's cheek with his own before resting his head on Jason's shoulder. "Carry on... more stories..."

"Not a lot of it left, little man. T'Klass was Surak's finest pupil, and the first after him to master Kolinahr," Harry continued.

"What's that?" asked Tristan, who was cuddled up against his new big brother Antony.

"It's something some Vulcans do to purge themselves of all their remaining emotions. Masters of Kolinahr have suppressed their emotions to the point that they technically don't have them any more," the prince explained.

Jason nodded, "T'Klass claimed to have had a dream shortly after the rebel's departure from Vulcan. She said that '...In that time, in Vulcan's greatest hour of need, 'Sa'ren', the Blade and Scion of Surak, shall return... Remade in Time, it shall be forged in pain and tempered in love... No blood shall stain it until it must again fulfil its destiny... The Line and Blood of Surak shall not fail, nor cease to defend our home, 'til Sa'ren is reforged...'."

Harry added, "That is not all of it, however. Not even these books hold the full prophecy. It is kept on Vulcan, and only a few can ever see it."

"Wow!" Tristan said in wonder, "did they believe that?"

"Some did, most didn't," Harry said. "It was at that cross over point between emotion and logic, so there were some."

"Prophecies ain't real, though... are they?" Llywelyn asked doubtfully.

"Who can say?" Jason giggled. "Some Vulcan's do have abilities to catch glimpses of the future. Just like Tony can. Maybe she really did see something."

"Want to hear something else funny?" Harry asked with a chuckle.

"Sure!" Andrew and David said in unison.

"J.R.R. Tolkien was a good friend of my Grandmother, and he was told of this Legend by the Vulcan Ambassador to the United Kingdom years and years ago. He liked the story so much, that he wrote it into the 'Lord of the Rings' as the 'Anduril' sword of the King of Gondor, Aragorn." Harry laughed then, as all the kids just looked at him in wonder.

"Woooow! Sweeet!"

"Children, it is time for bed," Spock said from the doorway.

Belar ran over and climbed into Spock's arms with agility, "Wes been havin' stowies from Dada! We's heard alls 'bout 'Sa'ren' Sword."

"I know. I was listening. We can talk more tomorrow, youngling. Bed now," Spock responded as he carried the little Bajoran into the connected room, with Ross and Rhys running behind him.

"Pop's right; bed everyone," Jason ordered with a smile.

Nathan agreed with a giggle, "Yeah. No nest tonight. I want some 'alone' time with my beautiful boyfriend, if you all don't mind!"

Jason blushed as everyone started giggling. Telez and Antony exchanged a glance that was as full of meaning as the one Jason and Nathan were now sharing.

Koth glanced at Riti and Victoria as they both got off the bed. "Guys? Can I come in with you two tonight, please?"

"Sure," they both responded and held out their hands for their Klingon brother to take.

Korris laughed, "No snores! I'll sleep tonight!"

"Bite me, brother!" Koth giggled.

"Okay... where?"

The three imps ran out laughing, with Koth sticking his tongue out cheekily.

Spock re-entered the room, "Your Highness, if you will follow me, I'll show you to your room. Matthew, Tristan; have you two claimed a room of your own yet?"

They both nodded, as did Llywelyn. "We're sharing. Rhys is staying with Belar and Ross. The Twins and us have connecting rooms just down the hall," the eight year old android explained.

"Good. The prince is next to yours, then. Come. Let us leave the couples in peace." Spock replied, and so everyone left Nathan and Jason alone and closed the door behind them.

"Mmm," Nathan muttered as he pulled Jason in close. "Just you and me, lover-boy."

Jason did not reply. He just started to peel the clothes off his blond boyfriend.

In Antony and Telez' room, the same situation was unfolding.

Belar, Ross and Rhys, in their room between the two belonging to the two couples, were thankfully asleep by the time the noises started...

Next Morning

31st December – New Years Eve

Prince Henry of Wales stirred and stretched as he woke. 'That's funny. I can't move my arms! And why is it harder to breath?'

He opened his sleep filled eyes and blinked against the morning light. He soon worked out why his arms were dead. Rhys was sleeping on one, and Ross on the other. The reason why he was having trouble taking deep breaths was also easily answered. He was being used as a bed by Belar, who was happily snoring and dribbling onto his chest.

'Oh God! What will the Captain say! I'm going to be thought a pervert!!!'

'No, you won't, big bro,' came Jason's telepathic voice.

Harry quickly turned to look at the door, where the entire group were standing and watching the four on the bed. They were all quietly giggling.

'Welcome to life with Belar and the Rugrats!' Nathan sent with amusement.

Belar snuffled slightly, opened his eyes to look into Harry's, then promptly yawned. "Mornin', Unca Harry," he mumbled.

He was echoed quickly by Ross and Rhys saying the same. Harry laughed as he was suddenly covered in sloppy kid-kisses. "Come on!" Belar half shouted once he was done bestowing his morning kisses, "Hungry!!"

"Showers first, boys, then breakfast," Nathan ordered, pointing at the en suite.

Harry was about to let the little ones go first, but they were having none of it. He soon found himself honoured with the responsibility of making sure all three were clean in a shared shower.

"That'll teach the prince to NOT lock his doors!" Antony giggled as he moved away towards the stairs.

After breakfast, Dafydd asked Harry, "Will you be coming to San Francisco for the Remembrance Service with us?"

Harry nodded, "My father and grandparents cannot make it, and my brother is on a state visit to Australia at the moment, so I will be representing the Empire. I was told this before I went on the training week, and arrangements had been made for Starfleet to transport me there and back. That is unnecessary now, however." He smiled at Jason, who was seated next to him, "It looks like I've been adopted, so I'll go and return with you."

"You're right," Angela laughed as she cleared the dishes with Riti's help, "These kids collect siblings like no-one's business!"

"My grandmother will love it," Harry chuckled. "She loves grand kids, and you guys now fit that bill."

Jason's eyes widened. "You mean... she'd think of us as family too?"

"Of course," Harry explained, "for the British Monarchy follows much of Vulcan's traditions. We loved them when we learnt of them, and so absorbed a lot of it into our own world view."

"Kewl!" Nathan bounced happily.

"Very," Harry winked at them both, "you are now part of the British Royal Family, or will be when Grandmother finds out about this... Your Highnesses!"

Later that morning:

Tristan sat on the floor by the front door as he pulled on his best shoes. After a lightning visit to the Hood, all the children without formal wear had been outfitted ready for the Remembrance Service. Tristan had been the first to get himself ready. Never before had his 'parents' bought him anything as fine as these clothes; and the shoes were the most comfortable he had ever had on.

"Mmmm," he murmured as he stood and walked about the hallway.

Mary came out of the Living Room and watched him quietly for a few moments. "Trist?"

"Yes, mother?" he answered formally, then did a double take. "Oh, sorry, Mam. It's... it's a..."

"Yes," she smiled at him, "I know, it's a habit. Don't worry. Come here, sweetheart. Let's get that tie done up right."

She moved over to help tidy her new son up, but he suddenly shrank back from her, his eyes wild and fearful. "I'm sorry, really I am! I'm..."

Victoria suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs, slightly out of breath. She focused her mind on Tristan and quickly stilled his growing fear. Mary nodded up at her, then gathered the hazel eyed boy into her arms. "Kiddo? Just because you do something wrong, or even just not get something totally tidy; you will never be hurt again with me. I promise you." She sat down on the stairs and rocked the trembling child securely in her arms.

Tristan whimpered slightly, but Victoria's abilities kept him from going over the edge. Poppa Spock had helped him and his brother yesterday in dealing with what was right and what was wrong, but the instinct of a lifetime was not so easily brushed away. He clung to his new mother, and absorbed the comfort she was giving him; comfort, always before, denied him, unless from his brother, Matthew.

As if thinking about him had summoned him, Matthew appeared next to Victoria at the top of the stairs, along with Antony. Upon seeing their little brother upset, they took the stairs three at a time, and cuddled up next to him and their mother. It did not take long for a sweet, relaxed and happy smile to reappear on Tristan's face. Matthew reached and straightened his brother's tie, then kissed his nose. "Come on, T. Let's go get some cookies, then we can see if the others are ready yet, okay?"

"'Kay. Thank you, Mammy," he said as he turned and kissed Mary.

She smiled, "Any time, little one."

Five minutes later, and three cookies a piece, the three brothers were pouncing a half dressed and totally surprised Telez.

"Excuse me," Telez started with a half giggle, "but I cannot get dressed when you are using me as a futon, Tristan!"

"I know. Whole point. Stop muttering, and start hugging!" Tristan replied cheekily.

His antennae waving about lazily in contentment, the young Andorian obliged all three; Antony had the extra treat of a long, deep kiss. "Can I finish putting my pants on now?" Telez asked.

"Yes," replied the laughing Matthew and Tristan.

"Not if you really don't want too!" came the polar opposite response from Antony, who was eyeing up his half naked bonded.

"Oh, I'm sure that the Starfleet Admirals and Captains and such would just LOVE having a naked, blue, and horny Andorian at the ceremony!" Telez giggled back.

"Okay, good point. I don't want no old fart of an Admiral trying to take my hunk of a boyfriend away from me!" Antony laughed as he threw Telez' clothes into his face. "Come on, guys. Let's leave him to tart himself up!"

"Nuts," Matthew muttered as they left. "Totally."

After visiting each bedroom in turn, and bugging everyone into getting ready faster, Antony led the other two away from their last visit at a very fast speed. It was really a sprint, for Koth and Korris were chasing them, attempting to retrieve their boots from the giggling trio.

"When I get you lot, you won't be sitting for a month!" Koth yelled as he ran barefoot down the stairs.

Korris added, "Sitting? I'll start feeding you to the dog! We want our boots!"

"Bite us!" Tristan giggled as he saw Spock and leapt into his arms, Korris' boots still held firmly in his grasp.

Spock caught the flying nine year old easily, then raised his eyebrow curiously. "I am wondering what mischief you three have perpetuated to initiate an attack by a pair of irate Klingons," he mused quietly.

'Play along, please, Poppa?' Victoria sent silently; pleadingly. 'Tristan needs to play a bit. We're all in on it.'

Spock nodded slightly, then held out the now struggling and giggling Tristan to Korris. "I believe this is your quarry. Please clean up the mess once you have finished with him."

Korris grabbed the boy out of their Poppa's arms; very gently, of course. He tossed Tristan over his shoulders, then he and Koth went to the nearest sofa, upon which Tristan was dumped in a giggling, undignified heap.

"You'll pay now, Trist!" Koth yelled ferociously.

Korris did not bother saying anything; he simply started tickling without mercy, with Koth helping only seconds after.

The squeals and giggling yells of the 'dying' prey echoed through the Manor-House; and brought wide smiles to everyone's faces.

Starfleet Command,

San Francisco,

8am Local Time, 2pm GMT

It was quiet, more so than on most Wednesday mornings. Being New Year's Eve meant little to Starfleet; they were on duty all the year round, but the gathering of officers, crewmen and cadets in the Garden of Remembrance was only done rarely, and so all those who were not directly involved or, in some cases, not required to be there, had gathered. Most to pay their respects, some simply out of respectful curiosity. Admiral Morrow was speaking, and his voice reached every area of the Gardens. His words spoke not of a fine group of people who had bravely put their lives on the line for others, but instead he spoke of a group of friends, who had been willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. As he finished, other officers and even crew members came forwards to add their own contribution to the ceremony.

Last of all was the Evans family; or more precisely, Captain Dafydd Evans and his youngest Klingon son, Koth. Koth stood by his new Dad, holding his hand for comfort, as Dafydd told the gathered crowd of his close personal friendship with Captain Steven Fowler. When he finished, Koth was lifted into his arms so that he could reach the microphone to say his own piece.

"My Daddy Steve rescued me when no one else bothered. He... his ship was only a science vessel, yet..." Koth trailed off as he tried to stop the tears. He failed. "He fought for me, and f...for the others enslaved... He and all my uncles r...risked everything j...just to see us free."

"He never kn...knew how much I l...loved him. I'm Klingon, a...and I was told never say that to others n...not my race. B...but I say it now. I you, Daddy Steve..."

Dafydd held the boy close as he finally dissolved completely and walked from the podium. Not a single eye was left dry. The service continued for another half an hour as Captain Fowler's old minister came to read the eulogy and close off the ceremony, then those gathered moved away to the Main Command building, where refreshments had been provided. It was time to talk to others whom Captain Steven Fowler had touched in his live.

Captain Sulu of the Excelsior was not one of the expected captains to attend the service. Dafydd went up to him and stood with him next to the synthahol-bar. "I thought you were taking those children home, Hikaru. You can't have finished that task yet," Dafydd queried.

"Quite correct, Dafydd. A Vulcan Cruiser met us at Prison-Moon D564 and offered to take them back. We had only three remaining; human children from one of the new colonies," Sulu answered with a smile. His smile wavered slightly for a moment, "Their parents had been killed by the Orion attack when they got enslaved, Daf. They are with my First Officer over there. We don't know who'll have them now." Sulu pointed to his second in command.

Dafydd saw Commander Susan Bateman sitting with three small children; two girls and a boy. "I think I can handle this problem. Or should I say, my children will," he said to Sulu.

"I think they have already started," Sulu pointed towards Jason, Antony, Korris and Llywelyn who had noticed the three children and were walking over to them.

Dafydd chuckled, "Time to sit back and watch the magic, my friend!"

Korris was smiling happily, "Donna! You got back home, then?"

She shook her head, and looked at him through her large green eyes, "No. My family are dead, Korris. Thank you for killing that man, but... I wish I'd died, now. I didn't know, but they'd killed my Ma and Da when they kidnapped me!"

Antony moved closer without meaning to. "Donna, is it?" She nodded, so he continued, "We cannot replace your family, but we can help you find new family. We want you to stay with us, if you'll agree."

She sniffed back some tears and replied hesitantly, "I'll... I'll go with you and see." She looked to her side at the two smaller children. "What of Oliver and Jessica? They coming too? I won't leave them, so don't even think..." she started to say, her temper beginning to flare. She really was a red head!

Jason grinned, "If they want to, then yes, we have room for them as well." he moved forward and crouched down to look into the eyes of the two kids. They looked back at him nervously. "Hi. My name is Jason. You are Oliver and Jessica?"

The brown haired boy nodded briefly. "You our new owners?" he asked, pulling his little sister closer to his side.

"No," Jason answered gently, "we don't own family." There was something about these two children that pulled on his heart, so he quickly fired off a message for Nathan to join them.

Oliver was dubious about that statement. He focused his eyes on Jason's, and suddenly Jason felt movement in his mind.

"Oh wow, you're head is funny!" Oliver started to giggle.

Jason blinked, then smiled, "And you are special. Nice strong telepath. Hey Nath'; get over here, bro!" he called as Nathan was closing in on them.

"What's up, Ja... oh, ain't they the cutest pair! Who are you, sweeties?" Nathan grinned at the kids.

Jason quickly made the introductions, then added, "And all three are telepathic. Strongly so."

"Good thing they are with us, then," Antony and Nathan said at the same time. "JINX!" the both yelled, causing all three of the new children to start laughing madly.

"Are they good people, Ollie?" the little girl, Jessica, asked as she stopped laughing.

Oliver nodded happily, "Yeah, Jess. They are! We're safe with them!"

She smiled and moved her face towards her brother's, and they both kissed. It was not a kiss that a brother and sister would normally share, however.

'I think we have a problem here, Jace,' Nathan murmured silently, as Oliver and Jessica broke the serious kiss they had exchanged.

'No shit, Sherlock!' retorted the shocked Jason.

To Be Continued...

Editor's Notes:

I say, "The family that plays together, stays together." This was certainly one interesting chapter. It seems there was a lot accomplished, and AAKD is alive and well it would seem. I think there are some things coming together that will impact on some future events. The Evens Clan is growing and becoming more and more close. This can't be a bad thing, I love this story.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher

Clan Short Archivist's Review Notes:

First of all I pray that there is an update to the CSRD very soon as my memory can no longer hold all of the relevant information.

This story continues to add things around the periphery of the existing stories while continuing to add depth and substance to the characters.

I am eagerly looking forward to the further adventures of Clan Evans and the fireworks that are going to occur when this story fully links with the existing stories.

The Story Lover