A soft light turned on and dimly lit a very plain looking white room. Although the room seemed to be a decent size, there was not much in the room. There was a small desk off to one side, which had a computer terminal of some kind on it. There was a pair of comfortable looking chairs sitting in a corner, with a small table and a lamp. Across the room from the chairs there was a small dresser. And not far from where the dresser was positioned, there was a nightstand, with a clock. Next to the nightstand there was a bed. Although these things could have stood out and made the room feel cozy or lived in, that was not the case here, as all of these items were just as white as the walls. In fact, the only color in the room was the gray, thin padding that covered the floor and the boy asleep on the bed.
The boy, who looked to be no more than twelve years old, was sleeping soundly, on top of the covers, in nothing but a white pair of underwear. As the light in the room began to get brighter, the boy's light brown hair and very light dusting of freckles could easily be seen against his pale, almost translucent skin.
The room continued to get brighter, causing the walls and furniture to almost reflect the light, until the room was as bright as it might have been if there were any windows to let light in.
As the room finished lighting up, the clock next to the bed, on the nightstand, suddenly began to pulse. It grew louder and louder until finally the boy on the bed groaned and started opening his eyes. The moment the boy seemed to truly be awake, the clock stop pulsing and stated the time.
"It is now 6 o'clock IAT, time to wake up," the clock said in a gentle voice.
The boy looked over at the clock with a confused look, as if he was not sure what it was. After a few seconds he began to slowly sit up and look around the room. His dark brown eyes inspecting every item scattered around the room, for a few seconds.
"Where am I?" the boy said softly as he looked down at himself, noticing that he was not fully dressed. "I don't remember what..."
Suddenly, though, the door of the room hissed open and another boy entered. He looked to be about the same age as the first boy, possibly a little younger, and with slightly darker brown hair. He was dressed in white long pants, a white long sleeve shirt, and simple white slip on shoes. He was also carrying a stack of white clothes with another pair of the white shoes sitting on top of it.
"Good morning!" the second boy said cheerfully as he walked over and set the stack of clothes on top of the dresser.
"Ummm, hi," the boy on the bed replied.
The second boy pointed at a number on his white shirt and said, "I'm Caretaker 31, but you can call me C31 or just 31 if you like!"
The boy on the bed gave 31 a confused look, "Can you help me? I can't seem to remember...well, anything...umm where am I? Actually, who am I?"
31 grinned as he walked over and took a seat on one of the two chairs across from the dresser, "Well, our Dispatch system should have given you some very basic information to work with, before it placed you here in this room, so at least some of what I'm about to tell you should make sense. You should know several languages, both spoken and written. And you should know basics about all of the different standard subjects, like math and science."
"Ooookay," the boy on the bed said cautiously.
"To answer where you are, you're currently in the Interpretation Archive, section 9321, room 4. The Interpretation Archive, which we all call the IA, is located underground on the Moon!" 31 said excitedly. "The IA is where all of the Savant Seers live, who work on predicting the future and recording it. Xanus, the Interpretation Archivist, then reviews the information and will pass on what's important to the Founder Council back on Earth." 31 paused for a moment and then continued, "Currently there isn't a Founder Council, but the Savant Seers are predicting that there will be again soon."
"Wait, so why am I here, and why can't I remember anything about who I am?" the boy said as he shook his head.
"Oh, sorry about that, maybe I should have started with that," 31 replied thoughtfully. "I don't normally greet new arrivals, but the Public Relations Savant is extremely busy today getting ready for some big event, and so I'm helping him out. So, everyone that is sent to the IA used to live on Earth. For various different reasons, whether you committed a crime or volunteered, you have had your memory wiped by the Founders back on Earth. After they wipe your memory they then have you teleported up here to help serve in the Interpretation Archive."
The boy's eyes grew wide in surprise, "But what about who I was?"
"As much as I hate to say it, it doesn't matter anymore," 31 said as he shook his head. "There isn't any way for us to recover your memories. But all of us, up here, have had the same thing happen. I've been here for about 2 years now, so I'll be showing you the basics and getting you settle in."
" I have a name?" the boy said sadly as he gazed down at his lap.
"Yes, actually, you do!" 31 said cheerfully as he stood up. "Most of the people sent here to become Savants end up being Savant Seers, because we are in constant need of those. However, some of us that arrive here either don't have any Seer skills at all or we have very little Seer skills, so we become the Savant Caretakers!"
The boy looked up at 31, "What are Seer skills?"
"Seer skills are a skill that lets us see into the future," replied 31. "It's the dominant skill in all Founders."
"But not all of us have them?" the boy asked in confusion.
"Nope," said 31. "I think it's because our people, back on Earth, aren't as genetically strong as they used to be. So, some of us are born without any extra skills."
" I a Seer or a Caretaker?" the boy asked.
31 smiled, "You're a Caretaker, like me!"
"You make it sound like it's better than being a Seer," said the boy. "But, being a Seer kind of sounds cool."
"No, we get the better end of the deal," 31 replied, almost bouncing with energy. "Unlike the Savant Seers, we are assigned names! And the reason that we are always in need of Savant Seers is because, depending on what kind of work they are predicting, they can burn out in only a few years. Very few of them last more than 10 or 15 years before their mind is completely gone."
"So, the Seers don't have names?"
"Well, they have nicknames that they have either given to each other, or that we call them," 31 said as he walked back over to the dresser. "But officially they have no name, and no identity, beyond what they study. In fact, their nicknames, if they pick one up, often reflects their work. Our names, however, belong to us for as long as we're alive!"
The boy nodded that he understood, "Okay, well I guess that makes sense., what's my name?"
31 grabbed one of the shirts from the pile of clothes that he had left on the dresser. He quickly unfolded it, and held it up so that the boy could see. There, on the left side of the shirt, stitched in black lettering, was a number.
"You're Caretaker 47! But we'll probably all call you 47," 31 said excitedly as he then handed the shirt to the boy. "I stitched the numbers on your shirts myself. One of my Savant Seers works with yarn, so I always have a ton of it. That kind of unofficially made me the number stitcher, but I don't really mind."
"One of your Seers?" 47 said carefully.
"Yes," nodded 31. "We're all assigned different sections, and we're responsible for the Savant Seers in those sections. It's the job of the Caretakers to take care of the Seers. They kinda forget to do things like normal people."
"Like what things?" 47 asked as he pulled on the shirt that 31 had handed him.
"Oh, they forget to eat, sleep, bathe, and sometimes go to the bathroom," replied 31 as he handed 47 a pair of pants. "We also make sure that they are stocked with whatever material they use to predict the future with. I mentioned that one of my Seers works with yarn, he uses that yarn to map out the future like a spider web!"
"Wait, so we'll be constantly cleaning up after people that can't take care of themselves?" 47 asked, as he pulled on the pants, with disappointment evident in his voice.
"Ohhhh, don't be like that!" said 31 as he reached over and proceeded to pull 47 off of the bed. "Just give it a few days before you make that kind of judgment. Once you've met some of the Seers I think you'll understand that our job isn't all that bad. In fact, in the two years I've been here, I don't think I've ever had a dull day."
47 gave 31 a skeptical look, "Although I don't remember anything, I just have this feeling that not having a dull day could mean two different things."
"Nah, it only means one thing," replied 31 as he then handed 47 the shoes from on top of the dresser. "Put those on and then I'll take you to get something to eat, pick up your equipment, and to meet some of the other Caretakers."
47 shook his head as he sat down on the bed so that he could put his shoes on, "Are you always this cheerful?"
"I...I'm just trying to be friendly," 31 said quietly, looking a little hurt by the comment. "I AM positive most of the time, but I can try and tone it down if I'm bothering you."
"No, you don't have to do that," 47 replied as he finished slipping on his shoes and stood up. "It wasn't a problem, I was just asking."
31 grinned happily, "Really? That's a relief. Some of the other Caretakers do seem a bit put off by my attitude sometimes."
"Well, I don't have much in the way of a preference one way or the other," said 47. "But you're at least keeping my attention, if nothing else."
"I think that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!" beamed 31.
"Really, that wasn't that nice," mumbled 47.
"Maybe not, but the meaning behind it was," replied 31 as he took hold of 47's hand. "Well, let's get started before the day gets away from us!"
Before 47 could say anything, 31 dragged him out of the door.
"Welcome to the cafeteria!" 31 said as him and 47 entered a very large room.
There were tables and chairs scattered all around the bright white room, but only about 30 people seems to be occupying them. And everyone was dressed in white, just like 47 and 31.
"Are there only about 30 of us?" 47 asked curiously.
"No, there are about 50 of us right now. Anyone that isn't here right now, for breakfast, either worked the night shift or they're working already," replied 31. "There are only about 100 Savant Seers right now, and only about 50 Cleansed, so we manage pretty well with what we have."
47 frowned, "Cleansed?"
"Those are Savant Seers that have lost their mind," said 31. "We still have to take care of them. However, since they tend to be more dangerous we assign one Caretaker for every five Cleansed, and we always work in pairs. It's too dangerous to work by yourself with the Cleansed, even if you're only responsible for five of them. Actually, I guess if you look at it that way, then it's two Caretakers for every ten Cleansed, but whatever."
"Oh, okay."
"Anyway, as you may have noticed on the way here, this is section 9100, also known as Caretaker Commons," said 31 as he lead 47 over to the side of the room, where a strange white box stood. "All of us Caretakers live in the 9000 block, which is why your room is in section 9321. The only section in the 9000 block that isn't for us is section 9320; that section is reserved for visiting guests."
"Do we get guests all that often?" 47 asked, as he eyed the strange box that they were approaching.
31 shook his head, "We've never had any guests that I'm aware of. Although, that could be changing! The rumor is that's why the Public Relations Savant was busy this morning; he's preparing for guests."
"You don't know?" said 47.
"No, but then I've been busy this morning," replied 31. "We'll check with the others when we sit down to eat."
"Okay, so where do we get food from?" 47 asked, as he noticed that the strange white box was the only other 'furniture' in the room, other than the tables and chairs.
"From right here," said 31, as he indicated the white box.
"Umm, 31, it's just a box," 47 said sceptically.
31 grinned, "No it's not! This is the food provider!"
"Are you sure?" teased 47. "It looks an awful lot like a white box to me."
"Maybe a white box of awesome!" said 31 as he turned to face the box. "Provider, two breakfasts please!"
Suddenly two plates appeared on the top of the white box, with food appearing on them immediately afterward. After getting over the fact that both food and plates had just appeared out of thin air, 47 looked the food over. The one food item was yellow in color and looked to be rather lumpy; while the other item was a dark red and was stacked in strips.
"Well, that's kind of cool," said 47, as he picked up one of the plates. "What is it exactly? The food, I mean."
31 giggled as he picked up his own plate, "It's bacon and eggs; scrambled eggs to be exact. And tomorrow is pancake day." 31 started walking away, heading towards one of the tables, "Come on, I want to introduce you to some of the others."
47 quickly followed after 31. The table that 31 was walking towards had 3 other people sitting at it. As they sat down, joining the others, 31 quickly made the introductions.
"47, here on our left is my friend 118," said 31, indicating a young boy, who looked up and grinned upon hearing his name. 118 was clearly the youngest person at the table. He looked like he could not have been more than 9 years old. He had short, light blond hair and had the number 118 stitched on his shirt.
"Next we have the very talented 24," continued 31, as he gestured to the young man sitting directly across from them. 24 looked to be about 18 years old, and he honestly looked like he was a mess. His shaggy brown hair almost cried 'cut me' and his shirt looked like he had slept on top of it. He glanced over at 47 briefly before looking back down at this plate and muttering a quick "hello".
"And finally, we have the illustrious, and magnificent 4," said 31 as he motioned to the woman to 24's left. She was certainly the oldest of the three, looking to be in her mid to late thirties. But everything about her seemed to say that she took everything very seriously. From her straight brown hair, that was pulled back into a very neat, very tight looking bun, that sat on top of her head. To her shirt, which looked to be pressed and creased to an extreme. Even the number on her shirt was different, looking to be carefully embroidered on the shirt rather than just stitched on.
"Everyone, this is our newest Caretaker, 47," 31 finished with a grand smile.
"It's nice to meet you all," 47 said politely.
"Yes, of course it is," 4 said sharply. "31, you are two minutes and fourteen seconds behind schedule for breakfast. The day waits for no one, but our Cafeteria does, please try and be on time next time; you know how I hate waiting."
47 frowned, and was about to say something in 31's defense when he suddenly noticed that none of them were eating yet.
"Sorry about that 4," 31 said cheerfully. "I've never had to greet a new arrival before. We can eat now!"
Suddenly, as if the table was waiting for 31 to make that statement, silverware and glasses of water appeared around the table.
"I...I don't understand," 47 said as he picked up a fork.
"The cafeteria knows that we like to eat together and thinks that it's rude for us to not wait for everyone to arrive," 118 said with a grin.
"Wait, the cafeteria KNOWS?!" 47 said in surprise.
"Precisely," replied 4, as she started to cut her food into very neat squares. "Although there is not a central computer intelligence to the Interpretation Archive's computer system, the different systems and rooms throughout the complex are sensing aware. They record behavior and learn to expect what we want. That data is then fed back to section 9101."
"That's right," said 31. "Section 9101 is Dispatch. And that data is how Dispatch knows what needs done all around the complex. I'll be taking you to Dispatch after we're done eating."
"You said that this was Caretaker Commons, right?" asked 47 as he started to eat his breakfast.
"Caretaker Commons is all of block 9100," 4 replied carefully. "In that block you have Dispatch, at section 9101, Procurement, at section 9102, and then the Common Room and Cafeteria here at section 9103. The rest of the 9100 block is used for medical, storage, and any other services needed to help maintain the Interpretation Archive."
"Am I going to be expected to remember where everything is?" said 47 as he bit into a piece of bacon.
"Nah, that would take you forever!" answered 31. "There are 400 different blocks throughout the complex, with each block, or section, having a total of 4 different hallways, with each hallway having 22 rooms and a bathroom."
"Which is 36,800 different rooms, if you count the bathrooms, in case you were wondering," 24, who had been really quiet up until now, said softly. "Most of the rooms are not occupied. According to the Interpretation Archivist, thousands of years ago there were a lot more Savants living here."
"Yes, well times have changed," said 4 as she set her fork and knife down, having finished her meal. "But if you were to try and memorize where everything was it would take you a very long time, as the sections are not placed in numerical order, nor are they named in any way that makes sense. And even if you were to eventually memorize the layout of the Interpretation Archive, you would have to relearn it every 30 days."
"Every 30 days?" 47 said curiously. "What happens every 30 days?"
"The entire Interpretation Archive rearranges itself," replied 4. "Which means that your bedroom is never exactly where you left it. Sections are kept together, but they end up being moved away from where they were before. There isn't a pattern to it at all. The entire process is maddening, but it is done to keep the Savant Seers from knowing where they are at."
"Yeah, but that all drives 4 crazy," giggled 118. "She doesn't like things that are a mess, out of order, or change often. That's why we make her sit next to 24, because he's a mess and all out of order!"
Both 4 and 24 glared at the little boy, which just caused him to continue giggling.
31 grinned at his friends' behavior and then said, "Anyway, before I take you to meet your Savants, I'll be taking you to get a sub vocal communication device, and what we like to call an Eye Window."
"An Eye Window?" said 47 as he set down his fork.
"Yeah, it's a special device that they plant into your left eye," replied 31. "I'd tell you to look into my eyes, but you wouldn't be able to see anything other than the awesome shade of brown that they are. I don't know all the science behind it, but somehow it makes it so that you can see messages, alerts, as well as status reports on your Savants, in your vision. It also provides you with a map of the complex and shows you your current position."
"It brings a certain order to this chaos," added 4 as she continued to glare at 118. "You can request that it show you how to get to a certain location and it will help you navigate there."
"Which is important if you're trying to get to Procurement in a hurry, because one of your Savants ran out of something," said 31 as he pushed his empty plate into the center of the table. As he did, the plate vanished.
"You make sure you introduce him to Zero," 4 said to 31 sternly.
"I will, I promise," 31 replied quickly. "Besides, it's not like I can forget. The Public Relations Savant gave me a list of things I needed to cover."
"Who is Zero?" said 47 curiously.
"He's the guy that talks in your ear and sends data to your eye!" 118 quickly replied.
"Caretaker Zero is in charge of Dispatch," 4 added to 118's explanation. "He is a little different, in a very different way, but he is your most valuable resource."
"Oh! That reminds me! Have you guys heard if the rumors about us getting visitors today is true or not?" 31 asked as he started to stand up.
"If it's not true then half of the Savants in this complex are insane," replied 24, as he and the others also stood up, pushing their plates to the center of the table, where they vanished. "I stopped by my section really quick before coming here this morning and that's all my Savants seem to be able to talk about."
"Umm, 24, think about what you just said," giggled 118. "I think it's safe to say that more than half of the Savants in this complex are insane!"
"You would know, squirt, aren't you their leader?" 24 grinned as he reached over and messed up 118's hair.
"Oh don't do that, I just got his hair to lay down," 118 said in a somewhat annoyed voice. "I swear you do that kind of stuff just to get me all worked up. Now I'll have to stare at him all day long with a mess on top of his head."
"Someone has to do it," mumbled 24.
"Well, it is almost 7 o'clock IAT, so we had better get going," said 4 as she stood impossibly straighter. "I will see you all at lunch."
4 then turned and started to head for the door, with 118 and 24 following after her. 24 waved goodbye while 118 called out "Have fun 47!" as they left.
"Well we'll see you guys later then," 31 said fondly as he watched his friends leave.
47 noticed the look on 31's face and grinned, "They aren't just your friends. They're your family."
31 looked at 47 with a shocked look, "Umm...yeah, I guess I do see them that way."
"By including me in breakfast, are you making me apart of your family?" 47 asked timidly, yet hopefully.
31 broke into a smile, "Yes."
"Thank you," 47 said quietly.
"So, are you ready to head to Dispatch?" said 31 as he offered 47 his hand.
"Lead the way," replied 47 as he took 31's hand.
"So, this is Dispatch," said 31 as they walked through a door labeled 9101. "This is where Zero lives, as well as where you'll pick up your sub vocal communications device."
As they walked into the room 47 stopped for a moment and looked around. It was not at all how he imagined Dispatch would look. Not that he really had any preconceived idea of what it should look like, but for some reason he imagined that it would just be someone sitting at a computer. Instead, the room was mostly taken up by hundreds of white boxes, all of which had thick white cables coming out of them, leading up to a chamber of some kind in the center.
"Come on, I want to introduce you to Zero," said 31 as he motioned 47 to follow him to the chamber.
As they approached, 47 could see that the top of the chamber was made of glass. But what really surprised 47 was that inside of the chamber was a boy about his age. At first glance he looked to be dead, but 47 quickly realized that he was not dead, as the glass had a holographic display over the top of it listing his heart rate and brain activity. He also had a strange looking device covering most of his head, and it seemed that all of the white boxes scattered around the room were actually feeding into this thing on the boy's head.
"What is this?" 47 whispered softly.
"This is Zero!" replied 31. "He's in a cryo-stasis chamber. It keeps him alive, but unlike other chambers of this type, his mind is still awake. He's connected to all of the computers scattered around the room, through a neural device of some kind. I don't really know the science behind it, but the gist of it is, Zero is connected to the Sensing Aware Computer Network. They feed him data and he in return uses that data to help us run the Interpretation Archive."
"So, when 4 said that you don't have a central computer intelligence, what she really meant was that you have an actual intelligence running the systems," 47 said slowly.
"Exactly!" said 31 as he looked down at Zero, through the glass. "They say that if his eyes were open then you'd be able to see that they were purple instead of brown like everyone else's."
"Purple?" 47 asked curiously.
"Yeah, Zero has been here at the Interpretation Archive since it was created, so he's of a stronger Founder descent," replied 31 as he looked up at 47. "He was the very first Savant Seer, but due to his overly strong abilities they decided that he would be better suited running the system rather than predicting futures. So here he is, still doing that job."
"I don't know why, but that makes me kind of sad," 47 said quietly as he looked down, through the glass, at Zero. "How long has he been here?"
"I don't know, I've never asked," said 31 as he took a few steps over to one of the taller white boxes. "Good Morning Zero! Can I please get a sub vocal for 47?"
A small device suddenly appeared on top of the white box. 31 quickly picked it up and walked over to 47 and handed him the device. It looked to be designed specifically to fit into the ear canal.
"Just hold it by that little, tiny, stick and then insert it into your left ear," said 31 as he watched 47 study the device.
47 looked at the device for a few more seconds before he did as 31 had asked, inserting the small device into his left ear. As soon as he had the device in place, and let go of it, he felt the device readjust itself in his ear, making it not only fit better but 47 could no longer feel that it was there at all.
"So, now that you have a sub vocal communications device, you can talk to anyone on the network, and you can talk to Zero," said 31 excitedly.
"How do I use it?" asked 47.
"Well, Zero is always monitoring everything that's being said, so you can just talk to him directly. But most of the time, you mouth what you want to say, without actually saying anything, and the device will pick up that you're meaning to talk to someone over it," explained 31. "You can link directly to another Caretaker by asking for that Caretaker by name, or you can talk to Zero by either calling for Dispatch or for Zero directly."
"So Zero is listening to us right now?" said 47. "Even to the conversation that we just had about him?"
"That's right," a voice suddenly said in 47's ear.
47 screamed and jumped, almost falling over, at the sound of the voice.
31 giggled, "Zero just said something, didn't he? Go ahead and talk to him for a minute before we get going."
47 nodded, and then, looking around cautiously, he mouthed, "Zero?"
"Hi 47," came the reply. "It's good to finally meet you. I've been watching you since you woke up this morning, you seem to be picking things up really quickly."
"You've been watching me?" 47 mouthed in response. "That's kind of creepy."
47 heard Zero chuckle, "Yeah, sorry about that. All the rooms just feed me the data, whether I really want them to or not. It's just part of the job. Oh, to answer your question from earlier I am 76,121 years old. I was twelve when I came here to be apart of the Interpretation Archive."
"That's a long time," mouthed 47. "I can't even fathom how long that actually is."
"Well, it'll get easier to understand the longer that you're here," said Zero. "After all, as far as you're concerned, today is the first day of your life."
"Right," 47 mouthed as he nodded. "I'm still getting used to that idea too."
"Don't worry, 47, you'll fit right in here with the rest of us," said Zero. "After the first ten years you get used to it."
"Great, ten years," 47 mouthed as he rolled his eyes, which earned him a giggle out of 31, who was patiently waiting.
"Why don't you go ahead and go with 31 to get your Eye Window now," said Zero. "We can talk more later, and you don't want to keep a good looking guy like 31 waiting."
47 blushed as he glanced over at 31 and grinned, "Okay."
31 tilted his head for a moment and then nodded, "So, you're ready to get going then?"
"Umm, yeah," replied 47.
"Zero said you were ready," said 31 as he once again offered 47 his hand.
47 blushed an even deeper red as he took the offered hand.
Noticing, 31 grinned, "So what did Zero say to you that's got you all red?"
"Nothing..." mumbled 47.
"I'll just have to tickle it out of you," 31 said with a giggle as he led 47 out of the room.
"Are you okay?" 31 asked as they walked down one of the hallways.
"Yeah, I think so," replied 47 as he rubbed his left eye a little. "I'm not sure what was scarier, them putting the Eye Window in my eye, or the strange robotic thing that did the procedure."
"They're called Medbots," said 31 as he giggled.
"Yeah, well how am I supposed to want it to help me if it looks like something from a nightmare?" said 47 as the rounded a corner. "All those arms..."
"By the end of the day you might be wishing YOU had that many arms," giggled 31.
"Thanks, that makes me feel so much better," mumbled 47.
"So, this is your section of Savants," 31 said as both he and 47 came to a stop at the entrance to a long hallway. "You have 22 different Savant Seers, with 11 on each side, and a very large bathroom for all of them at the end of the hallway, just before it bends and connects with 24's section. The hallways behind you, to your left, and at the end of the hallway to your left, are also yours, but you don't have any Savants in those hallways."
"I have 22 of them to look after and they don't have names?" asked 47 cautiously.
"Well, no," replied 31. "They have unofficial nicknames, that I know you'll pick up on quickly. Other than that they just have room numbers that they are assigned to. You are in charge of the 4700 block."
47 gave 31 a confused look, "So the section I look out for is named after me?"
"No, not really," said 31 a little uncomfortably. "You're not the first Caretaker to carry the name 47, you're just the newest Caretaker to carry that name. I've been watching your block, along with my block, for the last two weeks while we waited for a new Caretaker to arrive here."
"So, in reality, even though we have names, no one remembers us once we're gone," 47 said quietly as he looked down the hallway. "We don't really matter."
"Ohhh, don't look at it that way!" 31 said as he smacked 47 up side the head. "You matter to these Savants, and you matter to me!"
"Oww!" yelped 47, as he quickly reached up to rub the side of his head. "Okay, sorry. So I matter to them and to you."
"That's right," said 31 very matter-of-factly. "Our Savants rely on us to keep them going, we rely on them to give us purpose, and the world might be relying on what our Savant Seers tell them to survive. It's all a very delicate balance, but the important part is that we matter and without us it would all fall apart."
"Okay, I suppose that makes sense. So, should I introduce myself to my Savants or should I..." 47 started to say, but suddenly someone slammed into him, trapping him up against the wall.
"Oh, they'll introduce themselves, for the most part," grinned 31 as he watched the female Savant pin 47 to the wall, not at all concerned with what just happened.
"What the heck?" 47 managed to get out, as he tried to see who it was that had tackled him.
"Well, hey there big boy," the female Savant said as she started to feel him up. "You can call me Susan."
"31! Help!" cried 47 as he tried to stop the woman from manhandling him. "She's trying to get into my pants!"
"What do you say you and I go back to my room and get down to business," she whispered into his ear as she continued to let her hands wander.
"So, this is 'Call me Susan', although you can call her just 'Susan' for short," 31 said casually as he walked over and proceeded to pull her off of 47. "She studies futures specifically for Prostitutes and Hookers."
"For what and what?" 47 asked as he backed away from 'Call me Susan' as 31 finally got her off of him.
"People that sell their bodies for money," 31 gently replied. "Well, they don't completely sell themselves, they sell sex for money, is what I should say."
"I'd say she comes on a bit...strong," said 47 as he started to straighten his clothes.
"That's the way I like it, big boy," 'Call me Susan' said as she winked at 47. "My rates are fair, and my body is even fairer."
"Umm, maybe some other time," blushed 47 as he watched 'Call me Susan' start to walk away.
"Well, alright then, but if you change your mind, I'm just over here in room 4700.1" she replied with a giggle as she slipped into her room.
"I had a feeling that she would do that," 31 said with a grin as he leaned back against the wall. "She was quite fond of the last 47."
47 glared at 31, "And you didn't warn me?!?"
"Nah, I thought it'd be more fun to watch you learn all about their quirks yourself," replied 31 as he started to wag his eye brows at 47. "Just be careful she doesn't corner you. She has been known to take it too far with some of our unsuspecting Caretakers and Seers."
"Well at least I know she won't attack just me," 47 mumbled grumpily. "Maybe I can use some of the others as a distraction."
"That's the spirit!" 31 said cheerfully as he stood up straight. "Come on, let me introduce you to a few of the others."
"So, who's nex..." 47 started to say when suddenly he was pelted in the face with a stuffed tiger. He did his best to recover before turning to face the hallway again. "What was that?"
"Boo!" shouted a teenage girl from a few doors down. "Boo, boo, boo, boo!"
"Umm, who is that?" 47 whispered to 31.
31 grinned, "That's 'Stuffed'."
"You shouldn't be here! Why are you here! I had hope that you would not end up like us!" 'Stuffed' shouted at 47. "Are those Founder's mad! I know the truth! Curse them, curse them!"
"So, what is she studying?" 47 asked as he knelt down and picked up the stuffed tiger.
"Children," replied 31. "The futures of children. She stitches the stuffed animals together by hand, from cloth and stuffing we provide, in accordance to what child she is predicting for. Each stuff animal she creates belongs to a particular boy or girl back on Earth, and it represents them. She has thousands of stuffed animals in her room. When she touches them she can see their future."
"Yes, yes, yes! Futures!" 'Stuffed' screamed as she ran forward and pulled both the stuffed tiger and 47 into a hug. "This tiger is! This tiger was! It's not right! I know you, tiger!" She started to cry as she continued to hug 47.
"Well, I'd say you have your first fan," 31 said gently. "I think she knew you before you came here. That doesn't happen often, but it does happen."
"Be quite puppy dog! It's just as sad that you're here too!" 'Stuffed' cried angrily as she let go of 47. She then looked 47 in the eyes, "You keep your tiger now that you're here. He can't see who you are anymore..." 'Stuffed' paused before wiping her eyes and starting back for her room. "When an animal goes dark before it's time, it's just too sad for me to keep."
"Okay," 47 whispered softly as he watched her go. "Thank you."
'Stuffed' stopped and shook her head, "Take care of each other, Tiger. I will see you around."
"She means well," 31 said carefully.
47 looked down at the stuffed tiger he was hold and thought about what she had said, "Can I ask her about who I used to be?"
31 shook his head, "We aren't supposed to ask, and she probably wouldn't tell you."
"Puppy dog, huh?" 47 grinned as he looked up at 31. "So she knew you too? Do you still have him?"
31 blushed, "Yeah, he sits on my bed in my room."
"Can I see him later today?" asked 47. "I mean, if you don't mind showing him to me."
"Umm, sure," 31 said in surprise. "I'd lov..."
"VOTE FOR ME!!!" someone suddenly shouted, cutting 31 off, and breaking the mood. Both boys looked over to see a very portly, balding, man, who looked to be in his forties, and dressed in a bed sheet, walking towards them. He had a big, fake, grin plastered on his face, and was offering his hand to 47 as he approached.
"Looks like your next Savant is coming to greet us," said 31 as he recovered. "We like to call him..."
"Let me guess, you call him 'Vote for me'?" 47 said with a grin as he shook the offered hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir."
"Likewise! Re-election is coming up soon, so vote for me! Progress is my middle name!" 'Vote for me' almost shouted. "But it's good to see a new face in our district! The last governor that we had here had a terrible platform, and refused to listen to us Senators!"
"Well, I promise that I'll try to be better than the last governor," 47 replied as he tried to pull his hand back out of the man's grip.
"If you haven't guessed already, 'Vote for me' studies future politics," 31 stage whispered to 47.
"My dear ambassador, he isn't a fool!" 'Vote for me' said to 31. "The man recognizes a Senator when he sees one!"
"Does he now?" replied 31, with an amused grin.
"Of course he does!" shouted 'Vote for me'. "But if you want some advice, Governor, stay away from Susan in room 4700.1. She's trouble with a capital T!"
"Ya know, he only says that 'cause he's havin' an affair with her," called a young man, who looked to be wearing overalls, from the next door down.
"Oh, 'Oddjob' don't go telling the new Governor lies like that," 'Vote for me' chuckled nervously as he finally let go of 47's hand. "Umm, if you'll excuse me, Governor, I have to get back to my office. Important things to do!"
As 'Vote for me' hurried off, 'Oddjob' stepped out of his room and leaned against the door frame.
"It's good ta meetcha, 47," 'Oddjob' said in a friendly tone. "Don't ya worry none about ol' Voty, he don't hurt nobody. But he'll go talkin' yer ear off if ya let 'em. He done got more to say then them there voices in my head."
"Thanks for the warning," grinned 47. "What is it that you do?"
"I ain't doin' all that much," replied 'Oddjob'. "While ya can find me lookin' at futures for people that work harder than most, I share scribbin' with 'Mumble'."
"Yeah, that's something that I need to mention," said 31. "Each section has two Seers that also act as scribes. It's their job to enter all of the information that the Seers in their section predict into the central computer."
"Yep, means we gotta spend lots of time with everyone," added 'Oddjob'.
31 nodded and then continued, "And that also means that they're your most reliable Savants."
"So, if you're at this end of our hallway, does that mean that 'Mumble' is at the other end?" asked 47 curiously.
"Yes, I normally am," whispered a voice over 47's shoulder.
Both 47 and 31 jumped as the quickly turned around to find an old man, with a very neatly kept beard, standing behind them.
The man grinned and then mumbled, "I am the Savant known as 'Mumble'. Mostly because, well I speak softly. At least in comparison to the rest of our friends here, I do."
"Umm, well it's nice to meet you," 47 almost stumbled to say.
'Mumble' nodded to himself for a moment, but then, suddenly, he reached out, grabbed 47 by the shirt, and pull him close.
"I know that you are new here, young 47. But I have lived to see you renewed now 3 times over," 'Mumble' whispered into 47's ear. "It's all a farce, you know, with sanity being the mask that we think we wear. But in reality our mind has already let go of the wheel." He paused for a moment, looking deep into 47's eyes. 47 was afraid of him, and 'Mumble' could see that very clearly. He nodded and then continued, "That fear will do you well in this place, young 47. Not all of us can be trusted, not all of us are harmless. Especially with what is to come..."
"What do you mean?" 47 asked as he tried to keep himself from shaking.
'Mumbled' grinned, "Oh I forgot, you don't see what we can see. But this is big, so big that the others have yet to see it coming. Can you taste it? I can. Can you smell it? It smells both sweet and sour. Something big is about to happen. I can see it in between the lines. It's almost tangible. The very fabric of time itself feels like it's coming apart. It's changing, warping into something else. I can't quite see it yet, because it's dark. I can see the light that exists, and it's beautiful, but it's what's twisting time. I see the beginning and the end; I see the light and the darkness. Both are never ending and yet finite. The very fabric of time is about to be turned upside down, and when it happens, when it comes here, the others won't be happy about it. So keep your wits about you, young 47. Don't trust us Savants unless you have no other choice."
He continued to stare into 47's eyes for a few more seconds before he let go and quickly continued down the hallway.
"Oh, and just so you know, 'Sticker' is just about out of stickers, so you might want to get her some more," 'Mumble' called as he slipped into one of the room.
"Are ya alright, 47?" 'Oddjob' asked as he studied the expression on 47's face. "You look like you done wet yerself."
47 shook his head, snapping back to reality, "Sorry, he was just a little..."
"Intimidating?" finished 31. "Yeah, they do that from time to time."
"You could have helped me," mumbled 47.
"I could have, but you don't learn that way," replied 31. "Also, 'Mumble' is right, only the other Caretakers can be trusted. Not everyone here will mean you well."
"And you're going to leave me alone with these people?!" 47 said, not sounding too thrilled with the idea.
31 grinned, "Don't worry; you don't really have any dangerous Savants. They can be a little pushy, and they'll say things that'll either make you piss yourself in fear or in laughter, but they're not dangerous."
"But there are Savants, here on the station, that are very dangerous," continued 31. "As long as you stay away from the sections on your map that are marked with red then you shouldn't run into any of them."
"But ya still gotta be careful," added 'Oddjob'. "We all like ta wander every now and then."
"So, on that note, I gotta go!" said 31 cheerfully.
"WHAT?!?" 47 said in a panicked voice. "Already? But I'm not done meeting all of my Savants yet!"
"I know, but my own Savants are starting to get restless, so I have to get going," replied 31. "Don't worry, 'Oddjob' here will make sure that you meet everyone else. Your Eye Window will tell you when it's time for lunch. You can tell me all about the rest of your morning when I see you then, okay?"
"Ummm, okay," said 47, who still did not sound very sure of the idea.
But before 47 could say anything else, 31 was jogging away from him.
"I'll see you at lunch, 47," 31 called as he left. "Try and have fun!"