Secrets 2: Looking Through Different Eyes

Chapter 25: Off to the Races

Shortly after our flight took off for Florida, my dad turned to Devin and me and spoke. 

“Since you two were so helpful while we were assisting your mother’s parents, I called my dad before we left and asked him to add another day to our visit to Disney World.”

“That’s awesome.  So, which park are we going to visit twice?”

“That’s not exactly what we’re going to do.  I asked your grandfather to get us tickets so we can spend a day at Blizzard Beach Water Park, because I thought it would be a good way to cool off before we returned home.  I imagine it will probably be quite warm while we’re in Florida, so I thought going there would be a great way to wrap up our visit to Disney World.”

“Yeah, it sounds like a great idea, but can Grandpa afford to do that, since he’s paying for so much already?”

“I told him that I’d pay for the extra day, and I’ll also give him a little extra money to help out with what he’s already spent.  I’m not sure if he’ll take it, but at least I’ll make the offer.  Your mother and I just want to make sure you two have a wonderful time while you’re there, since you were such a big help in Missouri.”

“I’m sure we’ll have a blast.”

I let Devin have the window seat again, but we spent the first part of the flight talking about what my dad had just told us.  He finally turned to look out the window after the captain announced that we’d reached our cruising altitude of 30,000 feet (9.1 km). 

“I can recognize a lot more things on this flight, since we’re not flying as high as we flew in the private jet with Gramps and Pops.  Captain Jack said we were flying at 41,000 feet (12.5 km) and we were so high up that I couldn’t recognize much of anything on the ground.”

“Yeah, and now think about what the astronauts see, because they’re flying even higher up when they look out the windows.”

“Yeah, that must be an amazing sight to see.”

The flight went fairly smooth, although we encountered a bit more turbulence this time, than we had on the private jet, and it was a much longer flight as well.  My dad slept for part of it, since he was still tired out from all the work he’d done for his in-laws, so my mom just smiled and let him sleep.  However, she did elbow him a few times when he started to snore.  

As soon as we landed at the Tampa Airport and disembarked from the plane, we made our way over to the baggage claim area to collect our luggage.  Once again, everything was there, so we grabbed our suitcases and followed my dad to the car rental counter.  After he’d signed the paperwork, we walked outside and got into the vehicle. 

“So, you got another Nissan Pathfinder,” I remarked. 

“Yes, we’ll need it.  We’ll still have six passengers, and sometimes eight, if your grandparents and cousins are with us at the same time.”

“I see, so this should work out really well.”

Dad then had to make his way out of the airport to get on I-275, and then he took I-4 east to where my grandparents live in Lakeland.  When we arrived at their house, we left everything in the SUV and went inside to say hello to my dad’s parents. 

“Thanks for doing this for us and including me too,” Devin told them after we’d exchanged greetings and hugs. 

“It’s our pleasure and it’s nice to see you again, Devin,” my grandparents replied. 

“It’s nice to see both of you again as well.”

“Grandma and Grandpa, this must be costing you a small fortune,” I commented next. 

“It’s not cheap, but we get a discount because we live in Florida, so we’re able to afford to do this for our son, daughter-in-law, and our grandchildren,” Grandpa responded.  “We want all of you to have a wonderful time while you’re here.”

“I’m sure we will.”

“And we’ve been invited to Linda and Ted’s house for supper this evening.  They want to spend some time with all of you as well, and they want to thank your parents for offering to take their two children to Disney World with you.”

“This will work out nicely,” my dad confirmed, “because I want to spend some time with Linda and Ted as well.  We’ll use the rental vehicle when we go there, because there’s room in it for everyone.”

We chatted with my grandparents for a while longer before we got ready to go over to Dad’s sister’s house, and Grandpa picked up a medium size box as we were leaving.

“What’s that for?” my dad wanted to know. 

“You’ll find out in a little while, so you’ll just have to wait until then.”

“That sounds like something my dad would say to me,” I told Devin as we were going out the door.  “Now I know where he gets it from.” 

Once we were in the SUV, Grandpa gave Dad directions on how to get to his sister’s house.  When we arrived, Katy opened the front door to their house before we were even out of the SUV, and Ben was standing right behind her.

“Somebody’s excited to see you,” Grandma stated when she saw them. 

“I think they’re more excited about going to Disney World, just like Devin and I are.”

We let my parents and grandparents go into the house first, and then Devin and I followed.  I introduced him to my cousins on the way in, while my mom and dad were greeting his sister and her husband, and then I introduced Devin to my aunt and uncle. 

“We’ve heard a lot about you, Devin, and it’s nice to finally meet you,” Aunt Linda said. 

“It’s nice to meet all of you as well.”

“Let’s head into the dining room, because dinner is just about ready.”

Devin looked at me oddly after she said this, so I made a comment.

“We’re in a different part of the country and down here they refer to supper as dinner.  It’s more high class, I guess.”

“And it explains why we call it a dining room, and not a supper or eating room,” Devin joked, and then he whispered to me.  “Your cousin Ben sure is handsome, so this is going to be interesting.”

“Yes, I’m sure it will be.”

As we ate, Aunt Linda told us some stories about when my dad was younger, which included some of the crazy things he did.  Of course, my dad had to retaliate and told Katy and Ben some embarrassing stories about things their mother had done when she was younger.

“Which one of you is older?” Devin asked to neither of them in particular. 

“Mike is two and a half years older than me,” Aunt Linda answered, “so I had a chance to learn from his mistakes.”

“And obviously you didn’t learn very much,” Grandpa MacPherson teased. 

“Oh, I did, because I was able to get away with some things that you never found out about.”  This caused Grandpa to give her a puzzled look, but he didn’t respond.

We remained at the table and chatted for a little while longer after we finished eating, and then my dad made an announcement. 

“I hate to eat and run, but we planned on making the drive to our hotel tonight so we could check in and then get an early start in the morning.”

“We totally understand,” Uncle Ted replied, “and we really appreciate that you’re taking Katy and Ben with you.”

“Yes, we appreciate it very much, because it will be like a vacation for us as well,” Aunt Linda joked. 

“Ok, then why don’t the two of you go get your things and we’ll load them into the SUV,” my dad told Katy and Ben.  “We’ll drop your grandparents off at their house first, and then we’ll head to Orlando.”

“Before we do that,” Grandpa interjected as he was retrieving the box that he’d brought with him.  “I have something to give each of you first.  It’s obviously going to be quite hot while you’re at Disney World, so I bought each of you a little something that will hopefully make your time there a little more bearable.”

He then handed each of us a white plastic item in the shape of a large horseshoe and explained about them at the same time.  “I bought each of you a portable neck fan and they should help to keep you cooler while you’re at the park.  They’re rechargeable, so you can do that in your hotel rooms at night and won’t have to worry about buying or changing batteries.”

Katy tried hers on immediately, and then Ben, Devin, and I followed suit.  As we glanced around at each other, it appeared as if we were all wearing neck braces, but once we turned the devices on we realized how beneficial they would be.

“Thanks, Grandpa,” Katy, Ben, Devin, and I all said after testing them out. 

“Yes, thank you, Gary and Helen.  They’ll obviously come in very handy while we’re visiting the different parks,” my mom agreed. 

“You’re very welcome,” Grandma replied, “and it’s just a little something to make your experience a little more enjoyable.”

Katy and Ben quickly put those items in their suitcases, and then the rest of us added them to our suitcases when we got outside. 

“How will we arrange the seating?” Grandpa asked after we’d done that. 

“Katy can sit in the extra seat between you and Grandma, and Ben can squeeze into the back with me and Devin.”

Devin, Ben, and I had to get into the back first, and we made Ben sit between us.  Grandma, Grandpa, and Katy then took their places in the middle row, and once we were all situated, my dad took off. 

When we dropped my grandparents off at their house, we all got out so we could thank them for everything again and give them a hug before we said goodbye.  When we got back in the SUV, we had Ben and Katy sit in the back row, while Devin and I got comfortable in the middle seats, and then my dad got back on I-4 and headed east to our hotel in Orlando. 

“I thought you told my dad we’d be staying with your parents while we were here,” Devin commented to my dad. 

“I just told him that so he wouldn’t think this trip was so expensive and then try to give me even more money,” my dad replied. 

During the ride to the hotel, we asked Katy and Ben a lot of questions and they asked us just as many in return, so we got to know each other a little better along the way.  When we reached the hotel my mom turned to speak with Katy and Ben before we went inside. 

“We reserved two double-rooms, and Katy will be staying in one room with her uncle and me, and you boys will be in the other room.” 

“Yeah, my mom told me that’s probably what would happen,” Katy commented.

After we checked in and were given our key-cards, we headed up to the rooms.  We said goodnight to my parents and Katy before we entered our room, and then we took a quick look around. 

“Which bed do you want?” Devin asked Ben. 

“I’ll take this one, if you don’t mind,” Ben said, indicating the bed closest to the door and the bathroom. 

“Ok, we’re good with that,” I responded.  “I hope it doesn’t bother you that we’re a gay couple.” 

“Nah, as long as you don’t keep me up all night while you’re having sex,” he quipped before releasing a nervous laugh and grinning shyly at us. 

“No, we’ve already agreed that we’ll be good and not do anything like that while you’re in the room with us.”

“So, you’re gonna throw me out of the room when you want to have sex?” he followed and then laughed again.

“No, we’re just going to abstain from sex while we’re here.”

“Oh, ok.”

Ben then turned on the TV to see what he could find, and during that time we asked him a question. 

“Do you want to use the bathroom first or second?”

“I might as well do it now, if that’s ok with you guys?”

“Yes, that will be fine.”

We then watched as he stripped down to his boxer briefs before entering the bathroom, and as he was heading inside, Devin turned to me and spoke. 

“How old did you say he was?”

“He’s sixteen.”

“No, I’m not.  I turned eighteen a month ago,” Ben said after he came back out of the bathroom to retrieve his toothbrush from his suitcase. 

We were slightly embarrassed that he’d overheard what we said, because we didn’t anticipate him coming back into the room.

“Then why did my parents tell me you were sixteen?”

“I think they got confused because Uncle Mike is two and a half years older than my mom, so they keep assuming that I’m two and a half years older than Katy.  She’s thirteen, but my mom had a couple of miscarriages between when we were born.  I think it’s what throws them off, because they forget about that.  You know, I thought for a while that I was going to be an only child.”

“But you would have been really young at the time.”

“I know, but my mom kept telling me she was going to have a baby and I’d have a little sister or brother, but then it never happened, so I thought it was going to always be just me.”

“Ah, I see.  So you’re not going to be a sophomore in high school this year?” 

“No, I’ll be starting my senior year in the fall.  I’m a year behind the group I started school with and they’ve graduated already, but I was held back a year because I missed so much school when I was in second grade.  It was due to injuries and illness.” 

“What kind of injuries and illness?”

“Just after school started when I was in second grade, I was hit by a car while riding my bike, so I ended up in the hospital.  I had some internal injuries and underwent a couple operations, and even after I got out of the hospital, I had to stay home and couldn’t go to school for a while.   I returned to school after Thanksgiving, but then in March I got meningitis and ended up in the hospital again and missed another month and a half of school, so they decided to hold me back.”

“That explains a lot, so have you applied to any colleges yet?”

“Yes, I applied to several, including Florida, Florida State, and the University of South Florida, but I really want to go to South Florida.”

“Where’s that located?”

“In Tampa, so I’ll be away from home, but not too far away.  I hope they accept me.”

“I do too.  So, do you know what you want to major in?”

“Yeah, business.”

“That sounds good to me, so I hope it works out for you.”

As soon as Ben entered the bathroom again, Devin turned to me and spoke.

“Damn, I didn’t notice the scars from the operations until he told us about that,”

“It’s because you were staring a little lower,” I teased.

“Maybe I was, cuz he’s got an awesome body for an eighteen-year-old and that bulge is pretty nice too.”

“Yes, I noticed that as well.” 

Ben was in the bathroom for nearly twenty minutes, and when he came out he was carrying his underwear in his hand and had the towel draped around his neck.  I believe Devin’s and my mouth dropped open and our eyes bulged out of their sockets when we saw him. 

“I play sports, so I’m used to being naked around other guys.  I hope you don’t mind,” he stated after noticing our reactions.

“No, not at all,” I stammered, and then he grabbed his suitcase and took out a clean pair of boxer briefs, but he didn’t put them on right away.  Instead, he used his towel to dry off some more, so Devin and I stripped down to our underwear and went to take our turn in the bathroom. 

We brushed our teeth and used the toilet first, and then we showered together.  We talked about having sex while we were doing that, but we agreed we shouldn’t do it on the first night, so we finished up and exited the bathroom.  When we did, Ben was stretched out on his bed watching TV and gently flogging his meat.

“Hey, you aren’t the only ones that have needs,” he announced when he saw our reactions as he continued stroking his penis.   “You can join me, if you want.”

Devin and I looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders, and got naked before we stretched out on our bed and began masturbating as well.  Hey, it was better than not having a release at all. 

Watching Ben helped us reach our orgasms a little sooner than we normally would have, and since Ben had started before us, he also finished before us as well.  Devin and I both thought we’d caught him checking us out during that time, and then he remained naked after he used his towel to wipe off the mess.  After Devin and I had both ejaculated and cleaned up as well, we got up to put on a clean pair of underwear.  Ben got up at the same time and finally put on his boxer briefs as well. 

“I hope I didn’t shock you when I did that, but I’ve jerked off with some of my friends before and I didn’t think you’d mind if I did it with you too.”

“No, it was fine, although we were mildly shocked at first.”

“Yeah, I could tell,” he responded and then laughed. 

“Have you ever done anything else with your friends?” Devin wondered. 

“Yeah, we tried jerking each other off as well, but we don’t do that any more.” 

“Ok, I was just curious.”

We then got in bed and prepared for sleep, although I’ll admit that I didn’t fall asleep right away.  It appeared that Devin didn’t either, and I believe this was due to the fact that we both still had visions of what Ben had just done and we were replaying that scene in our minds.

The next morning, my mom called our room early to wake us up, and we got dressed so we could all go down and have breakfast together.  After we finished eating, we went back to our rooms to brush our teeth and retrieve our personal neck fans, and then we went down and hopped in the SUV so Dad could drive us to the park.  On the way there, we talked about what we wanted to do while we were at the Magic Kingdom. 

“Do I have to go on all the rides with my sister?” Ben wanted to know before anything had been decided. 

“No, we can rotate who rides together on the various rides,” my mom answered, “because Mike and I want to spend some time with each of you as well.”

“Ok, that’s good,” Ben sighed in relief, “because I want to go on some of the rides with Mickey and Devin too.”  I guess this meant we’d now formed a ‘bro club’, at least in Ben’s mind. 

We then spent the day making our way from one ride to another, and fortunately the park wasn’t as crowded as we feared it might be.  We were later told the previous two weeks had been really bad, but the crowds were thinning out now since a lot of the kids had returned to school already and the days were getting hotter.  That suddenly reminded me about the personal neck fans we were wearing, and as I glanced around I could tell that each of us was grateful that Grandpa and Grandma had bought them for us.   They weren’t as good as being in air conditioning, but they certainly helped while we were walking around and waiting in lines. 

We basically stayed together throughout the morning as we went on some of the rides, and we only made a quick stop for lunch around noon.  We then went on the rides again, and since everyone had a chance to ride with everyone else, we’d started the cycle over again.  It was Devin’s turn to ride with Katy as we got in another line, and then she suddenly screamed. 

“Hey, that guy just stole my neck fan!” she yelled as she pointed at the man who was running away. 

He was probably in his early to mid twenties and Devin immediately took off after him so I followed.  We were weaving in and out of the crowd and Devin and I were gradually catching up with the guy.  My parents, however, had held Katy and Ben back and kept them from following us.  As we caught up with the guy, Devin grabbed his arm, gripped it tightly, and yanked the device out of his hand. 

“Fuck, that hurts!” the guy complained as he suddenly took a swing at Devin with his other arm, but Devin was able to duck the blow as he squeezed the guy’s arm tighter. 

“Sonofabitch,” the guy hissed.  “You’ve got a grip like a fuckin’ vice.”

At about the same time, a man dressed in casual clothes approached and identified himself as a Disney security officer. 

“What’s the problem here?” he asked.

Devin told him what had happened as he held up the device and placed it near the one he was wearing.  I did the same thing as I verified Devin’s story. 

“Ok, I was informed on my earpiece that something was going on in this area, so I’ll handle the problem with this guy from here on out.” 

“I think that asshole broke my arm,” the thief whined to the security guard.  “He must be a weightlifter or something, because he’s got one hell of a fucking grip.”

“Don’t expect me to feel sorry for you,” the security officer retorted.  “You got what you deserved and you’re lucky he didn’t do even worse to you.”

As we turned to leave, the security guard spoke to Devin.  “I probably should take that as evidence.” 

“It’s a personal fan and it belongs to our 13-year-old cousin.  She shouldn’t have to suffer because of this guy, so just take a photo of it with your phone.  That should be good enough to prosecute him.”

“Ok, I’ll do that instead.”

The security guard took a couple of photos of it, and then he led the guy away, and as they were walking away from us, I asked Devin a question. 

“Did you transition?” 

“Not completely.  I just gave myself sprinter’s legs and more muscular arms, but the rest of me stayed the same,” he replied.   “How about you?”

“I just gave myself sprinter’s legs so I could keep up with you.  Did you really break the guy’s arm?”

“I might have, but if I did it’s probably only a hairline or spiral fracture.  It might have happened when I twisted his arm as I ducked to avoid the blow when he tried to punch me with his other arm.  I doubt it’s a complete break.”

 We then made our way back to the others and Devin handed Katy her portable neck fan. 

 “Thank you.  You guys were really awesome.”

“We run a lot together, so it wasn’t hard to catch the guy.”

“Do you think he’ll get in trouble now?”

“Security already picked him up and they’ll probably hold him in the security office until the police arrive to arrest him.”

“Do you think he’ll go to jail?”

“Maybe for a short time as they book him, but since these things most likely cost less than $50.00 he’ll probably only face a misdemeanor charge, but I’ll bet they ban him from all Disney parks for a while.”

“Won’t they need us to testify?” 

“Nah, they probably have a video recording of the entire episode from the security cameras positioned around the park, so they’ll just use those instead.”

When we stopped to have supper later, the others grilled Devin and me about that little episode. 

“I didn’t know you were so fast, or Mickey either,” my mother stated.  “Did you stop him by yourself or did someone help you?”

“Nah, we caught him by ourselves and then the guy from security showed up a short time later.  The security guy asked what was going on, so Mac and I told him what had happened, and then he told us he’d handle the problem and took the guy away.”

“So, you helped out too, Mickey?” Katy followed.

“I was mostly there for moral support.  Devin took care of the other guy and got your neck fan back from him, and then the security guard showed up.  All I did was to be there in case he needed help and to verify what he told the security officer.”

After we finished eating, we headed into another area of the park and went on even more rides, and we did that until the park closed.  As soon as that happened, we made our way to the SUV for the ride back to the hotel, and then we returned to our rooms. 

Once we were inside and the door had closed behind us, Ben made a comment.  “Do you want to follow the same order as last night?”

“Ok, the bathroom’s all yours.” 

This time he stripped completely before heading inside.  Apparently, he didn’t feel he had anything left to hide, especially after what we’d done the previous evening.  After he finished in the bathroom, Devin and I stripped down and went in to do our thing next.  We found Ben watching TV when we came out about a half hour later, and this time it appeared he had waited for us. 

“Do you want to do the same thing we did last night?” he asked. 

Devin looked at me quickly before he answered.  “Yeah, we can do that if you want.” 

Ben seemed pleased by Devin’s response, but he waited until we were both situated on our bed so we could all start together this time.  Once everyone was ready, we began stroking our penises, and we also kept glancing over at the other bed to watch the action.  Ben busted a nut long before either Devin or I did, and after he used his towel to wipe up the mess, he draped his legs over the edge of the mattress and watched us. 

This was kind of a turn on for Devin and me, as we looked over at Ben as we continued.  To our surprise, he started to get another erection and had completely boned up before we finished.  This caused us to cum sooner than normal, since we knew that we had turned Ben on.  After that happened, Devin and I cleaned up and put on a clean pair of boxer briefs as we prepared to go to sleep, and Ben did the same thing.  He also thanked us for doing this with him again before we turned off the lights.