
Duty Roster ~ Aliens Encountered

Aliens Encountered

While the Galactipedia mentions the various races the Sooloo has encountered, this is a list of the individual alien characters mentioned in Voyagers. You may print this list, so you can reference it when trying to figure out who is who. As the authors, we may feel a need to look at this list so we can remember who belongs where, and we know some readers will be wanting a list as well. Again, you are welcome to print this for your own personal use.

Alien Encounters



ƛľįɰ ľǜ ɠʂʌ ʂľfɥʌ ľǜ ϰįʑԀľɰ, ľǜ ɠʂʌ ɥʌʞɠ ľǜ ϰįʑϣľɰƦϣľ, ľǜ ɠʂʌ ɰʌɥɠ ľǜ λįʑɥʂƦį, ľǜ ɠʂʌ λʑƃ ľǜ λʌɷϰʑņʌ.ƛľįɰ ľǜ ɠʂʌ ʂľfɥʌ ľǜ ϰįʑԀľɰ, ľǜ ɠʂʌ ɥʌʞɠ ľǜ ϰįʑϣľɰƦϣľ, ľǜ ɠʂʌ ɰʌɥɠ ľǜ λįʑɥʂƦį, ľǜ ɠʂʌ λʑƃ ľǜ λʌɷϰʑņʌ. (Zorn of the House of Drakon, of the Sept of Draconico, of the Nest of Brashir, of the Bay of Beldame.)

or simply, Zorn

Race: Sinocardian (You can discover more about this race in the Galactipedia)

Classification: Humanoid, Friendly

Note: Zorn has proven to be extremely helpful and friendly to the crew of the SS Sooloo. he has helped with massive upgrades to almost every system.

Introduced in Chapter Sixteen

Elder Arvid

Elder Arvid

Names: Elder Arvid, Elder Alf, and Elder Egil

Race: Human

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: These are the Elders of the village on the Northernmost Continent of Kepler 186f, the first planet where the SS Sooloo explored.

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Two


Name: Lars

Race: Human

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Lars is a native boy on the first planet where the SS Sooloo explored, Kepler 186f. The natives speak Norwegian, very similar to Norwegians on Earth.

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Two


Name: Azazel

Classification: A Dark Star (Rogue Star)

Note: Azazel is a "Fallen Angel" or evil dark star. The Star Council had put him into isolation, yet he was able to reach out and take the Sooloo.

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Five

Draconians aka Darastixians

(You can discover more about this race in the Galactipedia)

Meagear Endou Takumi

Name: Meagear Endou Takumi

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Leader of the Draconian Fighter Squadron

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Seven

King Zedrick

Name: King Zedrick

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: King of the Draconian People

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Seven

King Kairu 

Name: King Kairu

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Previous King of the Draconian, Great-Great Grandfather of King Zedrick

Mentioned in Chapter Twenty-Seven


Name: Eitaro

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Pilot who died on Sinocar

Mentioned in Chapter Twenty-Seven


Name: Koji

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: An orphan boy

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Seven


Name: Dracora

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Daughter of King Kairu and the Princess who sacrificed her life for her people.

Mentioned in Chapter Twenty-Seven

Miss Dewel

Name: Miss Dewel

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: She runs the orphanage in the Capital City

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Seven

Prince Zarek

Name: Prince Zarek

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Eldest son of King Zedrick

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Seven


Name: Yedard

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Guide for Kyle and Danny

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Seven

Dr. Muskalla

Name: Dr. Muskalla

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Draconian Doctor

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Seven

Nurse Ichiro 

Name: Nurse Ichiro

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Draconian Nurse

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Seven


Name: Jeison

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: One of the guards

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Seven

Hanabusa Erikku

Name: Hanabusa Erikku

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: One of the guards, killed protecting the King and he left a son.

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Eight


Name: Hanabusa Juro

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Son of Hanabusa Erikku.

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Eight


Name: Badras

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Head Chef of the Castle

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Eight

Prince Zifaa

Name: Prince Zifaa (Zypher)

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Youngest son of King Zedrick

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Nine


Name: Tomo

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Orphan friend of Juro and Prince Zifaa

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Nine

Prince Zakku

Name: Prince Zakku (Zack)

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Middle son of King Zedrick

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Nine


Name: Michi

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: She runs Hall of Records

Introduced in Chapter Twenty-Nine

Haimono Jaku

Name: Haimono Jaku

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: A HosayakuHosayaku (" Equivalent to a Lieutenant on the Sooloo, Third Highest Rank in Draconian Military, after the Prince(s). ") in the Guards. Will be a liaison on the Sooloo.

Introduced in Chapter Thirty-Three


Name: Haimono Tei

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Brother of Haimono Jaku

Introduced in Chapter Thirty-Four

Shasho Seizen

Name: Shasho Seizen

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Boy in the Orphanage

Introduced in Chapter Thirty-Four

Ruukaso Sukotto

Name: Ruukaso Sukotto

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Boy in the Orphanage

Introduced in Chapter Thirty-Four


Name: Akage

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Boy in the Orphanage Jaku asked Kage to adopt

Introduced in Chapter Thirty-Four

Shinzen Koushi

Name: Shinzen Koushi

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: Ambassador to Earth

Introduced in Chapter Thirty-Five


Name: Riko

Race: Darastixian or Draconian

Classification: Humanoid Friendly

Note: One of the bullies in the orphanage Akage was in.

Introduced in Chapter Thirty-Five




End Notes:

This is currently incomplete and as the remaining Bios are written, they will be added.

This work is a collaboration of 3 authors. We will be posting chapters of this story as we are able. When commenting, please cc all three authors. Authors of Voyagers.