Secrets 2: Looking Through Different Eyes

Chapter 23: A Glitch in Preparations

Since I could tell Devin was feeling badly about the thought of losing so much money, I wanted to do something to help.  I was trying to think of a way I could give him some hope when I suddenly had an idea. 

“You changed in the men’s room, so maybe you left the money in the other shorts you were wearing.  Where are they now?”

“I put them in the bag with the other stuff I bought,” he said.  “They should still be in the bag with the new clothes I haven’t taken out yet.”

“Then check to see if maybe you left the money in that pair of shorts.” 

I watched as he started searching for the bag, and when he found it he pulled out the old pair of shorts he’d been wearing that day.  He immediately shoved his hand into the left pocket as I held my breath.

“It’s here,” he shouted as he pulled out the wad of bills and breathed a sigh of relief.  “I must have just taken out the things I had in the right pocket and put them in the new shorts and forgot about having money in the left pocket.”

“Well, I’m glad you found it, otherwise it probably would have ruined our vacation.”

“Yeah, it probably would have, so I’m glad I found it too.”

Seeing that had been taken care of, we got our clothes together and carried them down to my mom.  She had us drop everything off in the laundry room and then she did several loads before we ate. 

She put the clothes in the dryer long enough to partially dry them, and then she hung the clothes out on the line until it got dark.  We ate supper in between, and then we helped my mom take the clothes off the clothesline before we turned in.  Luckily there are lights out back that helped us with that process. 

Once we had everything, we went upstairs and packed for the trip, and then we brought our suitcases down and loaded them in my dad’s SUV.  Once that was taken care of, we put the remaining items in Devin’s SUV and he parked it in our garage, and then my dad locked the garage until we returned from vacation. 

Devin and I were both in an upbeat mood as we went to bed that evening, so of course we made love.  In fact, Devin’s new confidence and improved attitude showed in the way he made love as well, since he was a little more aggressive, yet still attentive to my needs, so I certainly wasn’t about to complain. 

When we finished making love, we went through our nightly ritual before we turned in, and even though we were excited, we both fell asleep fairly quickly.   We knew my parents would be waking us up early in the morning to leave on our trip and we didn’t want to be tired when that happened. 

When we woke up on Friday morning, Devin and I got dressed quickly and joined up with my parents downstairs.  After my mom and dad made certain the house was as they wanted to leave it, we went outside and got in the SUV while my dad locked up the house.  We were going out somewhere for breakfast so there wouldn’t be any dirty dishes or leftover food in the house while we were away. 

About halfway to the Denver airport, my parents stopped so we could have breakfast, and then my dad drove the rest of the way so we’d be in time to catch our flight.  As soon as we arrived, we made our way through the security checkpoint so we could boarded the plane for the short flight to Kansas City, Missouri.  As we were getting on the plane, Devin asked if he could sit by the window. 

“Sure, I’ve flown to my grandparents’ house plenty of times before, so I’ll let you have the window seat. 

It was a very uneventful flight.  There weren’t any rowdy passengers and hardly any turbulence, and as soon as the plane landed we headed directly to the baggage claim area to retrieve our luggage.  We were thrilled to discover our suitcases were there waiting for us and hadn’t caught a flight to another destination, which unfortunately was something that had happened to my parents in the past.  As soon as we’d all collected our suitcases, my dad led us out of the terminal so we could catch the shuttle to the car rental company, which was housed in a separate building. 

Once we arrived there, my dad walked up to the Hertz counter and let the attendant know who he was and that he was there to pick up a reserved vehicle.  When he finished signing the paperwork, we followed him out to where the vehicle was parked. 

“You reserved a Nissan Pathfinder?” I asked as soon as I saw the vehicle we were taking. 

“Yes, we’ll need something that will seat six passengers comfortably, the four of us and your grandparents, while also getting decent gas mileage.  These requirements meant my choices were limited and this vehicle seemed to meet our needs the best.”

After we loaded our luggage into the back, we all hopped inside.  As my dad was adjusting his seat, my mom called her parents to advise them we were leaving the airport, so they would know when to expect us.  She was still on the phone when my dad started driving south in order to get to the Interstate, and then he would take I-70 all the way to Columbia, where my grandparents live. 

While he was making his way to the highway, Devin and I looked out the windows and observed the scenery, but as soon as we were on the Interstate, we got comfortable and listened to our music instead.  That was due to the fact that there wasn’t much to see and my mom was keeping my dad company.  In fact, they chatted during the first half of the trip, and when they stopped I decided to ask a few questions. 

“When are we taking Grandma and Grandpa to see the senior living facilities?”

“We have an appointment at both places tomorrow, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.”

“Then what are we going to do the rest of the time?”

“We’ll spend the remainder of today visiting with your grandparents, and then tomorrow we’ll visit both of the senior living facilities.  Then on Sunday, we’ll help your grandparents decide which items they’re going to take with them, sell, throw away, or donate to charity, and then we’ll place each group of those items in a separate location.”

“And how long are we going to stay here?” Devin followed.

“Our flight to Florida will be a week from Sunday, which means there will be a lot to do in a short amount of time.  It will be tough getting everything done while we’re here, but we’ll do the best we can.”

“Is it ok if Devin and I do what we have planned on Wednesday?”

“Certainly, that will be fine,” my mom answered. 

“And then the rest of the time we’ll help you guys with what you have to do for Grandma and Grandpa.”

“That will help out and be greatly appreciated, because there will be a lot to accomplish.”  

When we eventually reached my grandparents’ house, they greeted us warmly. 

“I’m so glad you made it without any problems,” my grandmother said, “and Devin it’s so nice to see you again.”

“Thank you, it’s nice to be with both of you again as well.  I was just a little kid the last time I saw you.”

“Yes, you must have been eight or nine at the time, and now you’re all grown up, just like Mickey.  Would any of you care for a drink or something to eat?”

We all agreed a drink would be nice, and maybe a snack to go with it.

“Don’t eat too much,” my grandfather warned, “because we’ll be going out for supper before too much longer.”

“Isn’t it kind of early to do that?” I challenged.

“Maybe a little early for the rest of you, but it’s what your grandmother and I are used to and we get to take advantage of the early bird specials.”  He chuckled after he said this. 

“I guess I never thought about that,” I admitted. 

“You will when you get older,” he shot back.

After we’d consumed a small snack and downed our drinks, my grandparents began asking Devin and I about college and how we were doing.  After we answered all of their questions, my grandfather asked my dad when he was taking them to visit the senior living facilities, and my dad advised him of the schedule.

“Ok, that’s fine, but I’m still having a problem about moving out of the house, since we’ve lived here for most of our married life, but I know we have to do this,” Grandpa admitted.  “I can no longer take care of the house or do the things that need to be done outside, and we’re both having trouble getting up and down the stairs.  It will be better to do this before the house loses most of its value or one of us has an accident on the stairs.”

“Yes, we certainly don’t want either of those things to happen and we know you’re going to enjoy it at one of the two places we’ll be looking at tomorrow,” my mom replied.  “They have a lot of activities you can participate in and you’ll be around people your own age, so you won’t lack for company.”

“Yes, I just hope we get along with them,” Grandpa countered. 

“I’m sure you’ll be able to choose whom you associate with.”

“But there are always a few obnoxious people who try to pry their way into your life whether you want them to or not.”

“That’s true, but I’m sure you can explain your problem to the staff and they’ll be able to find a way to prevent it from continuing.”

Feeling that discussion had come to an end, my grandmother told us which rooms we’d be using. 

“Cindy, you and Mike can use your old bedroom, and Devin and Mickey can stay in the guest bedroom.  You have time to take your things up to the rooms, unpack, and freshen up a bit first, and then we’ll take you out to eat.” 

“And don’t take too long,” Grandpa urged, “because I’m starving.”

“Oh, don’t worry about him,” Grandma quipped.  “He’s always starving, but he’ll adjust.  Even though we usually have supper between 5:00 and 6:00, I’m certain that’s too early for the rest of you, so he can always grab a snack to tide him over if he’s that hungry.”

“Thank you, because we don’t usually eat supper until between 6:30 and 7:30, due to our work schedules,” my mom replied, “but I’m sure we can adjust a little as well.  In fact, it might be easier for us to make the adjustment than it is for you and dad.” 

“Oh, he just likes complaining, but he’ll survive.”

“I may lose a few pounds in the process, but I’ll manage,” Grandpa relented.

“And that’s a problem?” Grandma shot back.  “You can stand to lose a few pounds, so this will be good for you.”

Since that issue appeared to be settled, we took our suitcases up to the room we’d be using and got situated, and then we took turns using the bathroom to freshen up.  It took about forty-five minutes before we all made it through the process, and then each of us went down to rejoin my grandparents when we were done. 

“It’s just like when she was a teenager,” Grandpa teased.  “Cindy was always the last one to get ready to leave the house.” 

“That’s because women take more pride in how we look before going out.”

“Hey, that’s not true,” Devin challenged.  “Mac and I always try to look sharp when we go anywhere.”

I thought his comment was more than a little ironic, since he used to dress in oversized clothes all the time.

“Yes, I guess maybe gay men are an exception to the rule,” she conceded with a smile. 

“Come on, let’s get moving,” Grandpa urged.  “Can’t you see I’m wasting away?”

“Fat chance,” Grandma replied.  “You could probably last a month without having another meal.”

“Just the same, let’s go out and get in the SUV I rented,” Dad offered as a way to end the banter.  “That task might be slightly difficult for the two of you, so do you have a stepstool we can use to help you get in and out of the SUV?”

“Yes, I have one that folds,” my grandmother replied, and then she went out to the kitchen to get it. 

“That will work fine,” my dad confirmed after seeing it, “and I’ll help you as well.”

My dad had Devin and I get in first, since we had to fold down one of the middle seats to get to our seats in the back.  After we were sitting down and had readjusted the seat in front of us, my dad helped my grandma get in next.  As soon as she was situated, he helped my grandpa get in, and then he folded up the stepstool and stored it away so we could head to the restaurant. 

My grandpa directed us to Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, and dad was able to park the SUV in a handicap spot, since my grandparents had a handicap sticker they hung on the rearview mirror of their car and had allowed my dad to use it. 

We then reversed the process my dad had used to get my grandma and grandpa into the Pathfinder, and once that was completed we went inside to eat. 

“They offer a nice selection of meals here, so I’m certain each of you will be able to find something you’ll enjoy,” Grandpa advised us. 

He stopped complaining about starving as soon as the server brought the rolls and salads to the table and he started shoveling food into his mouth.  In the end, we not only had a delicious meal, but we also had a very enjoyable time chatting with each other as well. 

After helping my grandparents into the Pathfinder again, my dad drove back to the house.  Once we were there, my dad explained to all of us about the next day’s schedule. 

“Our first appointment is at 10:00 and the second is at 1:30, and we’ll stop and have lunch in between.”

“Mom, I’ll get up early so I can help you fix breakfast in the morning, and then I’ll do the clean up afterward so we’ll be ready to leave in time,” my mom offered.

“Thank you, dear.  That will help a lot.”

My dad then explained a little about each of the destinations and why he had selected them out of all of the possibilities he’d investigated.  My grandparents seemed Impressed after hearing the amount of time he’d spent doing this and how much research he had done, so they were looking forward to visiting both locations. 

As soon as that discussion ended, my grandparents bid us goodnight and headed up to bed.  Devin and I assisted them up the stairs, and then the rest of us stayed up a little longer before turning in.  Devin and I allowed my parents to use the bathroom first, and we took a little time to have some fun and make love while they were in there.  After we finished our nightly ritual, we cuddled together and slept soundly for the rest of the night.  It proved to be a good thing too, because my mom woke us up early. 

After having a big breakfast together, we all loaded into the SUV and Dad drove us to The Village at Bedford Walk Retirement Center.  I have to admit that it looked impressive as we pulled into the parking lot, and then we all got out and followed my dad as we went to meet the representative for a tour.  After she introduced herself, my dad explained that he was the person she’d been speaking with on the phone, and then he introduced his in-laws.  After they’d exchanged handshakes, the woman asked my grandparents about themselves, and then she led us on the tour. 

Over the next hour and a half, the representative showed us a one-bedroom villa, a studio apartment, and two different one-bedroom apartments.  Once we viewed those, she showed us some of the amenities, which included the dining facilities, fitness center, and the activity room where a variety of hobbies, projects, and events were offered.  She also explained that they had a healthcare facility on site and they conducted group outings to various locations and events, and there was also a park and a few trails for the residents to use on their own. 

When we finished the tour, my dad told the woman that we had other places to visit and then he’d discuss the various options with his in-laws before they made a decision.  He said he would get back to her if they decided The Village of Bedford Walk was the retirement community that best met their needs. 

Once we left there, we went to a restaurant to have lunch, and while we were eating my parents and grandparents talked about what they had seen. 

“So, what did you think of the place?” Dad asked to kick-start the discussion. 

“It was nice and there were several features that would either benefit or interest us,” Grandma answered. 

“And it appears there are a lot more women than there are men, so I hope I’ll be able to find a guy or two that I’ll be able to talk to about sports,” Grandpa added. 

“There are more women because women tend to live longer than men,” Mom replied, “and you’ll probably find the same thing at the next location as well.”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right about that, and it’s not that I mind being around so many women, but it would be nice to find a couple of other men I could engage in discussions about guy stuff.”

“I’m sure you’ll find enough men so you’ll be able to do that,” my dad assured him.  “And some of your current friends could also come to visit, since it’s not that far away from where you’re living now.”

“Yes, I suppose that might be possible.”

“Wasn’t the monthly rent kind of high?” I wondered.  “I mean it’s a lot more expensive than renting a normal house or apartment.”

“That’s because so much more is included,” Dad responded.  “Nearly everything they’ll need is included in that price, along with on demand transportation services.  They’ll also have a designated parking space for their car, if Calvin wants to keep it.”

“That will depend on whether he is able to continue driving with all of his ailments, including his eyesight,” my grandma replied.  “He’ll also have to maintain the car and keep the insurance on it as well.”

“Grandpa, will you be able to afford the rent?” I pressed.

“We have our retirement income, and we’ll also have the money from when we sell the house, so we’ll be able to manage.  It’s not that much more than what we pay per month now, if you add in all of the other things it covers.”

“Ok, I guess I never considered all that other stuff.”

Shortly after we finished our lunch, Dad drove us over to The Terrace Retirement Community next.  At first glance, the two places appeared very similar, although I thought the other location was aesthetically more pleasing.  The buildings at The Village at Bedford Walk had stone and brick exteriors, while The Terrace was completely white and sterile looking, but I guess it’s what they offer inside, not just how it appears on the outside.   

After we met up with the representative and everyone had exchanged names and handshakes, she took us on a tour of the facility, and it was nearly identical to the tour we’d taken that morning.  The biggest difference, however, was that this time my grandparents happened to run into other people they already knew.  Whenever this happened, the representative would give them a few minutes to chat before urging them to continue the tour.  Meeting their old acquaintances seemed to have a profound impact on Grandma and Grandpa and we could all see that they seemed to feel more comfortable here. 

After we finished the tour and the representative had answered all of my grandparents’ questions, we drove back to my grandparents’ house to discuss which place they liked best.  I had a feeling that I already knew which one they were going to choose. 

“I think The Terrace would be best for us,” Grandpa responded.  “Not only will it meet our needs, but we already know some of the people that live there and they had only great things to say about the place.”

“And it will give us the option of eating in one of the three dining facilities or fixing our own meals, since the apartment has a full kitchen,” Grandma added.  “The rent includes a certain number of dining points we can use to eat at The Pub, The Bistro, or The Dining Room, and that will be a great help for when I don’t feel like cooking.”

“And I like that they have a maintenance crew that takes care of all of the repairs, so I won’t have to worry about those things any longer,” Grandpa followed.  “I also like that they have a billiards room, an emergency call system, and weekly blood pressure checkups.”

“And they have a barber shop and beauty salon there as well,” Grandma continued.  “They also offer housekeeping services and a sundry shop where you can pick up a variety of things, such as basic groceries and household items.”

“It sounds as if you’ve already made up your minds then,” my mom replied.

“Yes, I think we have,” my grandparents agreed.