Lincoln, The Family I Never Expected

Cover by Logan

Cover by Logan




Explanation from the designer:

On the right side of the tree is Lincoln as both images represent him. The lower one is Lincoln walking his path to find Garret. The upper one represents Lincoln as the main character in the story. To the left of the tree is the other three boys. We have a stylish Ryker holding hands with Garret, as Ryker is always close by him. Next, is Jacob who is sitting down. He is more reserved and smart hence why he is reading a book and the only boy sitting down. Last but not least is Clayton… Lol sorry, CLAY! He is just there to have fun and make people laugh. And last but not least, is the tree. The tree represents two things. 1: all the problems that are buried deep down, that eventually grow and become beautiful! And two, the tree represents family, and the many branches of Garret’s family that help the boys manage life. ~Logan