Camp Bam Bam

Chapter 1

Author's Note! Okay guys, I am sure this might be a little confusing, Camp Bam Bam is the title of book 2 of The Unit. If you have not read the Unit, then you would not have a clue as to what's really going on. However, feel free to read The Unit, and then you will understand what's going on here. For everyone who has read the Unit, I really hope that you like what I'm doing here. I also would like to thank my new editor. Boxerdude, thank you so much for helping out with this story. You have really helped make this chapter as good as it is. Please feel free to send comments.


Adam walked into the very crowded theater room, looked around at the over four hundred people seated in the room and then moved up onto the stage. He still couldn't keep up with everything that happened that day. It all started after that very strange dream that seemed to have come from Jimmy. Adam still had a hard time believing that Jimmy was as dangerous as the dream showed him, but he'd been assured that the younger boy was. Thankfully, Janet was watching out for him, cause Adam had way to much stuff to do right now.

Unfortunately, as far as Adam was concerned, that wasn't really the weirdest thing that happened. This morning, right after he woke up, and found out the rest of his brothers had the same dream, one of the Clan boys came and told him that Seth needed to talk to him ASAP. Adam remembered that Seth was the communications officer for the Clan, so off he went to CIC.

When he got there, Seth informed him that they were starting to get overwhelmed by calls for kids needing help. "We can handle a lot of kids," Seth had said, "But this many is way out of our league. Think you can help?"

Of course Adam said they would help, and to just give them a few hours to get ready. Adam then went around waking up Unit members, and letting them know that it was time to go back to work. They all gathered to head back, and Ark was nice enough to do the honors. That's when things got REALLY weird.

They appeared in the hanger bay, or at least what looked like a hanger bay... just not the one they had before. As everyone started looking around trying to figure out what was going on, Levi popped in right next to Adam scaring the shit out of him. "Sowwy... they keep sayin I shouldn't do that. But it's fun!" The little imp laughed. "So what ya think about the new place? I got a couple of friends to help me remodel. Here's a map that your puter guy made up. He's really cool too. Well... gotta go... see ya!" Then he was gone.

Adam looked at the map, and nearly fell over. The complex they had before was only four levels, this one was seven. Adam knew the other one could hold about a thousand people. This one looked to be able to hold many more. "Daileass?" Adam called out.

"Yes Adam?" The reply came from speakers all over the hanger bay. Adam could easily hear the laughter in the boy's voice. Adam didn't know where to start... so he just told him to forget it, and then set about exploring their new home. An hour later, all he could say was that he was very impressed with the work that was done. He knew he would have to explore more, but now he had work to do. That's what he'd been doing for the last several hours, and now it was time to get everyone else involved.

Adam took his place behind the podium and looked out over the crowd. Most of the people there, he didn't know. But he trusted all of them. Some more than others of course, but he wouldn't have let anyone into the base that he didn't trust. However, the ones that he didn't know were all part of the Clan, so that made them okay. At least for now.

Adam took a deep breath then began once everyone was silent. "First off, thank you all for coming. I want to take a brief moment and introduce a few people. When I call your name, please stand up so that everyone can see who you are. First we have His Royal Highness, Prince Henry of Wales." Adam smirked a little bit as Harry stood, and many gasps were heard throughout the crowd.

"Second, Adam continued, "I would like to introduce the leaders of the Dragon Division of the Vulcan Special and Covert Operations. First we have Division Commander Jason Evans, Voice of the Dragon. Next to him is Commander Nathan Evans, Fire of the Dragon. Commander Victoria Evans, Heart of the Dragon, Commander Telez Zorin-Fisher, Wisdom of the Dragon, Commander Antony Parnell, Eyes of the Dragon, Commander Koth Evans, Talons of the Dragon. Also we have Sub-Commander Korris Evans, Chief of Security, and Lieutenant Oliver Evans, Psi-Corps." One by one, they all stood up and polite applause filled the room.


"Sorry," Adam smiled. "Finally, Oliver Evans' Spirit Guide, Iori!"

The young eagle on Oliver's shoulder clucked happily at Adam, then went back to preening Oliver's brown hair.

This did get some laughs from around the room. Adam waited till everyone quieted down again. "Okay, now to bring everyone up to date on what's going on. As of 0930 this morning, all calls for help are being routed here. Also, in all the states that have adopted the title of "Safe Haven States", those being Iowa, South Caroline, Florida, Montana, Utah, Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, and North Caroline, they have agreed to help as much as possible. I just finished up a conference call with the Governors of all those states, and they have agreed to place rally points in all their major cities, and route all calls to them for police pick up. The Police or other officials will bring the children to the rally points, at which point the Clan members there will make the determination if they can go into the local social services system, or they come here."

He took a breath and then continued. "As far as the other states go, all the calls from them will require a team to go investigate, and they will have to make the same determination there. I will let Logan explain the rest of what is going on. I am leaving him in charge of the actual intake, and rescues, while Chang will head up any and all military action that might need to be taken. I have something else I need to see too. While all this is going on, I cannot bear the thought of those family members that died two days ago being forgotten about. So with that in mind, I am personally taking on the responsibility of planning and executing the funeral arrangements." Adam had to stop for a moment as he started to choke up.

I also have one final announcement to make Adam started to say as he looked out at all those assembled, at least until the tears clouded his vision and he had to stop for a moment to try and collect himself. As of this moment, this complex will officially be named Camp Bam Bam, in honor of those who sacrificed their lives so that others.thatothers but he had to stop as he choked up again and it was only Logan reaching out and steadying him which allowed him to continue. To those who sacrificed their lives so that others,.so that members of our familyso that they might live he finally finished brokenly. Almost as every single Unit member in the room rose to their feet and with applause adding their wholehearted agreement to the proclamation just made, all of them, with at least a few tears in their eyes. Adam looked around at the support he saw there and was moved to more tears at seeing it as he held up his hand for silence. Before I go, I think it would be appropriate for everyone here to know EXACTLY what those boys in that helicopter did on that afternoon. With a deep breath Adam reached down and pressed a button on the player in front of him. Silence reigned as another voice filled the room, Seths voice "Wow it's getting pretty crowded up here As the minutes went by the room got to hear those final moments and what had transpired on that fateful day for the crew of Bam Bam. They learned what four boys had been willing to do for the love they held of their family. They heard Seths agonizing scream of Do something followed by Dennis telling them what the cost would be and soft cries could be heard as they listened to the two littlest ones determinedly say Do it and Eric adding We cant let em die They listened as Dennis sent the bird on a course which they all knew could have only one ending even as Will screamed out at them asking them what they were doing. They heard Dennis softly say What we have to and finally they heard Dennis tell his brothers I love you guys as sobs filled the room before the final words, "Guess we're gonna find out bro." brought muffled laughter through those sobs which ended abruptly with the explosion of static that filled the room before Adam reached silently down and shut the cockpit voice recorder off. No one in the room had a dry eye when their final run to save the lives of their family members had been played out and as Adam silently walked off the stage Logan took him in his arms and they just hung onto one another in a tight embrace crying into one anothers shoulders, taking strength from each other. When they finally let go, they looked up to find every single one of the Unit there at attention and saluting the picture and recording before it, as both dissolved into tears once more. No they would never be forgotten; Adam knew then, never.

Logan broke the hug, and then walked up and took his position behind the podium. He looked out at everyone out there, and started to get a bit nervous. This is easily the biggest thing that he had ever been in charge of. He took a second to gather his resolve, and then started. "Again, thank you all for coming. As you heard from Commander Casey, there are a few states that are helping us out, which will help us out quite a bit. However, there are a number of states that are not helping out as much as we would like. This is due to bureaucratic red tape that they are not willing to shred through, the way the other states have done. So with that in mind, we will have to just go in and remove the children that call, if that is warranted. This is how things will work. Commander Jason Evans, if you would be willing, I would like you to have the Dragon Division setting up inside the rally points. I would like at least two people per rally point, as they will be aided by the local officials." Logan paused, and Jason gave an easy going nod of understanding.

"Okay, now for the rest, here is what I would like. First off, all Unit members that have full military training are to be in full dress uniform, carrying at least a side arm. Groups will be no less than four armed members, and with each group, there will be at least one adult. The reason for this is simple. Even though we know that the kids here are the ones that really have the authority to do removals, most people will not understand that. Therefore, the adults are there simply to lend credence to what is being done. Adults, if you have to, get involved, but remember the kids are in charge. Kids, use the adult there if you need to. There is no reason to have something get out of hand that doesn't need to." Again Logan waited until he made sure everyone understood before he continued.

Of course, someone had to bring in a smart assed remark. Koth sniggered. "Let anyone try disobeying my big brother!" He giggled to Juan, who was on his right.

Jason reached over and patted Koth's shoulder. "Hush, Koth-boy. No giving away secrets, now," he said jokingly.

Logan smiled down, trying not to laugh. "I guess I should also mention at this time, and yes, Juan, I am speaking directly to you. We want to keep the body count as low as possible." Logan said with mirth in his voice.

That prompted Juan to give an "Oh man... do I gotta?"

Many voices from all around the room echoed in answer, "YES!"

"Jeez! You sound as bad as Korris... I like!" Koth giggled as he lightly tickled Juan's ribs.

"HEY!!!!" Juan cried out as he squirmed in his chair. "Don't do that!"

Koth gave him an open, toothy grin, and then quietly filed that bit of information away in his mind. 'He's ticklish; goin' to be fun!'

About that time, an elderly Japanese man suddenly appeared standing next to Logan. Of course Logan jumped, and gave a startled shriek. However, once he recognized the man, he calmed down. Of course, almost everyone else in the room gasped with shock, except for a few of the kids form the Dragon Division, who were looking around wondering why everyone was so shocked. They had seen him all along.

"Greetings my son, it is good to see you again." Isamu Takamora said, with a slight bow. Adam, Juan, Logan, Chang, Will, and Jory, all jumped to their feet to bow to their Master.

"Master..." Logan said, "It is good to see you again as well. How may we help you?"

"Actually child, it is not how you can help me, but how I would be able to help you. I have received word that you are in need of supplies. I have arranged to have supplies readied for you. You will find a full listing of what is available to you on this data pad." Isamu said as he handed Logan the pad he had in his hands. "I also noticed that you have Starfleet personnel installing transporters. That is very good, as you will need them. However, I must leave you again, as I know you have much to do. Be well, and follow you heart." Isamu then turned out toward the crowd. Every single member of the Unit knew who this man was, even though many of them had not actually met him. "That goes for all of you as well. You are all doing very important work, and it lightens my heart to know that you are doing so well." With that the old man bowed to everyone, and then turned and walked off the stage, Logan stared open mouthed as he scrolled through the pad that had been given to him, and that pretty much ended the meeting.



'God I hope these people can help.' Thirteen year old Chris Davis thought to himself as he headed for the rec center he saw on TV. 'It's either that, or I swear it... I'll just step in front of a bus, or something. I can't handle this anymore.' He said silently to himself as the tears came again. He knew being on his own was going to be tough, but he had no clue as to how bad it would really be.

He'd been on his own for just over a year, and things hadn't been too bad. He'd learned the areas to go to get food, and the areas to stay the hell away from. But it hadn't been good enough. Last night he got jumped in the park. The park he'd been staying in for the last two months. He thought it was safe enough there, and for a while it was. Well lit, and patrolled by the cops. Just stay hidden when they come around, and everything was cool.

That was until a group of older boys decided that he looked like a fun play toy, so they dragged him off into the bushes. He tried to fight them off, but one of them had hit him over the head and he was seeing stars. When he came to his senses, they already had him gagged and tied up. It wouldn't have been too bad had they not kicked him as hard at the end. Hell, he'd survived worse treatment by his step dad. The problem was, he was pretty sure he had some broken ribs.

He'd been able to check earlier, and thankfully he wasn't still bleeding from his butt. That was something he was thankful for. While it did hurt, none of them had been anywhere near as big as his step dad had been, so he was used to THAT kind of pain.

The beating wasn't as bad as his step dad did either, except for the last couple of kicks. Thankfully they stopped when they heard the ribs break. He never thought that the sound of bones breaking would be that loud, but it was. Now he was limping towards help, and hopefully a future away from all the hell that his life had been.

Clan Short, that's what the television had called them, something about a Vulcan clan on earth. He really didn't understand it, all he knew was they said they would help kids who needed it. He really wasn't sure what he would find, but he hoped they could help. It was definitely time to get off the streets.

He turned the corner, and saw the rec center just down the street. The place was surrounded by cops and reporters. 'What the fuck?' Chris thought to himself as he stopped and stared. He saw a police car come up to the building, and watched as two kids got out of the back, and went inside, escorted by the police. This was not what he expected it to be. For a brief moment, he thought that this could have been some type of trick, trying to lure street kids right into the hands of the cops. But then why bring them here, and why were those kids not in handcuffs? Chris wasn't sure, but he figured he didn't really have much to lose.

It took a few minutes, but he finally got the courage up to keep walking. Mainly it was because the pain had started to come back, and he really just wanted it to go away. He started to slowly limp towards the rec center, and was almost there when one of the reporters saw him.

She screamed out a question at him, and thats all it took. Within a few seconds, reporters were surrounding him, and barraging him with questions. Microphones got shoved in his face, and bodies pressed all around him.. one of them pushed too hard, and he felt a hand press on his ribs, the ones he was sure were broken. He couldn't help it, and screamed out in pain. For a second nothing could be heard but the whimpers of pain escaping from Chris.



Ken Savage looked into the camera and waited to hear from his producer that he was broadcasting live. When the signal came in, he started talking. "Thank you Samantha. Yes, I am here at the south Des Moines Rec Center, and as you said, it's been taken over by representatives of Clan Short. As you may already know, two days ago, a battle happened between Clan Short, and radical members of a religious organization. We are still waiting to hear who or what was in charge of the attack, but reports seem to indicate that they were targeting the Patriarch of the Clan, one Cory Short. Thankfully he was able to escape with minor injuries. However, that event has triggered a number of states, including Iowa to declare themselves "Safe Haven" states.

Ken took a second to let what he had said sink in, and then he continued. "What happened this morning is even more shocking. This morning at around 8:45 local time, an announcement was made that any and all children that need help can either call their local police, call Clan Short directly, or show up at one of the rally points spread throughout the United States. They would then be helped by Clan Short. From what I understand so far, this is a huge undertaking by not only local police, and Clan Short, but they have also involved the Federation Youth Services as well as a number of local and state offices including the Department of Social Services." Ken took another deep breath, and was about to continue when he heard a commotion off to the side.

He glanced over, and saw a young boy, maybe twelve or thirteen years old, and the throng of reporters rushing to him and surrounding him. Then he heard something that made his heart break. The kid let out a cry of obvious pain.

Ken never hesitated, he dropped the microphone, ripped the ear piece out of his ear, and ran over to the kid. Bodily, he threw himself through the crowd and wrapped himself around the boy there. The kid looked up with tears in his eyes. He was stunned for a second, because he looked so similar to his own son David. The reporters around him pushed back still trying to talk to the boy, and that pulled Ken back to what was going on. "Come on son, let's get you out of here."

From there, Ken lowered his shoulder, and pushed his way through the crowd, and was met by some police, who were also making their way to the group. They immediately formed up around the two of them, and hustled them into the building. Chris looked up with a small smile on his face and whispered a soft "thanks."

"No problem kiddo. When I saw what was going on, I just had to put a stop to it." Ken said as he pulled the kid into a tight hug. Chris whimpered again, and Ken jumped back like he'd been shot. "What's wrong?!" He asked with obvious concern in his voice, as he knelt down to be on the same level as the young boy.

"I... I think I got some broken ribs." Chris said as he looked down, with more tears falling. Ken was about to reply when a Vulcan man walked up to them.

"Greetings, may I be of assistance?" The man looked back and forth between Chris and Ken.

Ken stood up, and put an arm over Chris's shoulder, and then met the Vulcan's eyes. "Yes, this is.. umm..." Ken looked down with a question in his eyes.

"Chris...Chris Davis." He said softly, not really looking up at anyone.

The Vulcan man nodded, and then turned. "Please follow me Mr. Davis." Chris started to follow the man, but then turned back to Ken, and gave him a questioning look. Ken just nodded, took a step forward, and put his arm around the young boy's shoulder. Chris smiled slightly, then they followed the Vulcan man further into the building.




Ronnie walked into the office that was located inside the main control room. He knew that Adam and Logan wanted to talk to him, but he wasn't really sure why. As soon as they saw him, both Adam and Logan smiled, and waved him to a seat. "So, have you found your room yet?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, its cool, they're set up like they used to be, but I'm a level lower than I was. This place is HUGE! Did you get a chance to see the rec deck yet?" Ronnie asked, his excitement overflowing.

Both Adam and Logan shook their heads. They had both been too wrapped up in what was going on to see everything in this place. "Well, you really need to." Ronnie said. "It's amazing. There's a huge pool with diving boards, a full sized football field with a track around the outside, and a working bowling alley with like sixteen lanes. A two screen movie theater, a putt putt golf course, AND an arcade with like a hundred games... and... and, I even saw, a basketball court, batting cages, and a couple smaller rooms I don't even know what they are for, but there surrounded by glass." Ronnie was so excited he was nearly jumping out of his seat. Adam and Logan, though, both had their jaws on the floor.

"Your shitting me!" Adam finally said, still not believing. Ronnie was about to reply when from somewhere in the room they heard a little boy's giggle. "Its true. Hope you like." And then the voice was gone. Adam and Logan knew who's voice that was and just shook their heads in both amusement and disbelief.

"Thanks Levi." Logan said softly, and then focused his attention back to Ronnie. "Okay kiddo, we got a job for you. Master Isamu gave me a list of supplies he has waiting for us." He said as he handed Ronnie the data pad. As Ronnie started looking it over, Logan continued. "I'd still like to know how the hell he got a hold of all of that."

Adam just gave a short chuckle. "Trying to figure out how Master does things is like trying to figure out how I can talk to all you guys in my head. I've just adopted the phrase... it just is. I don't care how it works, it just does. I don't care how Master always seems to know what we need before we even know we need it, I'm just glad he does."

The other two just nodded, and Ronnie went back to looking over his list. Finally he got down to the bottom, and looked up at his boyfriend's dad and pop. "You know what. I've done a lot of research into distribution centers, and to be honest, this looks a lot like it could be one for like Wal-Mart or something."

Logan sat up a bit straighter when Ronnie said that, and turned to his computer. "You know, youre right. Hold on, let me look at something." For the next few moments, Logan's fingers flew over the computer keyboard. He sat back suddenly with a huge grin on his face. "Well, I'll be damned, kiddo, and your right. The address on that list is for the Target distribution center in Ogden Utah. And if I had to guess, because of the fact there's not a single truck leaving thats loaded yet, they got a shit load coming in, I think that's exactly what it is."

Just at that moment, Isamu appeared behind Ronnie, and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "So Ronald, does that list meet with you approval?" He said with a small smile on his face.

"Umm... yes Master, it does... but... but.. I mean how?" Ronnie sputtered after getting over the shock of the older man just appearing behind him.

"Well, let me ask you this, what would the purpose be of purchasing the company, if I cannot use it to help my family?" This left all three boys with their jaws on the floor. Isamu couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Do not worry, Boys, everything will be explained shortly." He never waited for anyone to answer, he just bowed slightly, and walked out of the room.

Adam just laughed harder, and soon was joined by Ronnie and Logan. As soon as they calmed down, Adam looked at Ronnie. "Okay, here's the deal. I'm leaving in a few minutes to meet with Cory Short and a few others about the funerals, and I'm taking Jimmy and Kent with me. Your our Quarter Master and have done a great job so far. WEwant you to keep that position. Get whatever help you need, and start getting the supplies we need in here. Essentials first. We've only been at this for an hour, and we've already got over a hundred new kids going through intake. The first ones should be done shortly, and we need to have a place for them to go thats ready. I know we have the supplies to handle that many, but I think this may just be the tip of the iceberg. We could fill this place in a week. That's three thousand bodies, and I know we don't have those kinds of supplies on hand." Adam finished up, and looked at Ronnie to see what his reaction would be. He knew he was dumping a lot of pressure on this little kid, but he was sure Ronnie could handle it.

Ronnie, for his part, was more than a bit nervous, but also excited. This would be one hell of a challenge, and he loved challenges. Finally he looked up at Adam and Logan. "I'll take care of it. You both got a lot of other shit to worry about. Don't worry about supplies, I'll get a few people to help, and we'll have everything ready when it's needed." He said a little bit more confidently than he actually felt.



Chris appeared in the middle of a huge room, easily the largest indoor room he'd ever seen. He was still really nervous, as he had never been transported anywhere before, but Ken had been with him the entire time, and even now, when Chris knew that Ken's boss was calling all the time, Ken just shrugged it off, and stayed with him. He hadn't asked why Ken was being so nice, Chris was just really glad that the man was. He was the first man that had been nice to him just because. The teachers at school, when he went, were nice to him, but they had to be, it was their job. Ken was nice, and he didn't have to be. Chris really felt comfortable with the man, but he still didn't know why.

He didn't have much time to think about it, because almost as soon as they appeared, there was a kid, who was no older than eight or nine who came running up to them. Chris almost had to laugh because the kid was wearing a military uniform. But then he noticed that there were a lot of people in similar uniforms all over the place.

"Hey there!" The kid said excitedly. "You guys new here?"

Chris just nodded, however, Ken spoke up. "Yes, this is Chris Davis, and he needs a place to stay." Chris looked up as the man squeezed his shoulder, and smiled softly. "He also needs some medical attention."

The boy stopped suddenly and looked him up and down. "Are you hurt, we can take you to the medical ward right away?"

"No," Chris said, "it's not that bad. I've had lots worse."

"Okay, if youre sure." The little boy said, as he looked him over once more. "My name is Ray. If you want, I can help you figure out where you need to go." The boy looked so cute, as he blushed a little bit, and Chris couldn't help but squat down so he could be eye to eye with the boy.

"That would be great, I'm a little scared right now, and if you could help me out, that would be great." The boy immediately brightened back up, grabbed the boy's hand, and started to lead him deeper into the room.

Ken stayed right with Chris, but did take a moment to look around and was astounded at everything he saw. He'd spent some time, before his wife died that made him have to be home for the boys, covering the military and what he saw around him was a military base. If it wasn't for the age of the kids wearing uniforms, they would have been just like the soldiers scurrying around any number of bases that he had been on.

They finally got to a few tables that were set up near the back of the room with more kids sitting behind them, all of them with computers. Ray walked up to the girl sitting behind the first table. "Hey Mommy, I got another one that just showed up."

The girl looked up, and her smile brightened. Ken thought he saw the start of a tear, but she quickly wiped it away, and looked over at Chris and Ken. Ken was stunned. This girl couldn't be more than sixteen or seventeen, yet she had a son that's seven or eight?

"Hey there, welcome to Camp Bam Bam, I'm Emily, and I'll start your intake process, but before we begin, do either of you two have any questions?" She asked as she looked first at Chris, who shook his head, then to Ken. Ken had lots of questions, his reporter nature coming to the fore, but he pushed that aside, cause now was not the time. Right now, his full attention was on making sure Chris was okay. "Okay, then lets get started. Ray, you wanna go get your new brother, then you two can show these two around when we're done."

"Sure!" Ray said, and then bounced off with a grin. Emily watched him go with a smile on her face, then turned back to Chris and Ken, then motioned for them to sit on the chairs in front of the table. Once they were seated she began.

"Okay, first off, I am going to be giving you a lot of information, and asking a lot of questions. If you have questions at any time, feel free to stop me, and I'll answer them as best as I can. Okay?" She said, the entire time, looking right at Chris, who nodded.

"First, is this your father?" She asked while looking at Ken. Chris quickly filled her in with what happened earlier. After he was done, she smiled at Ken, "it's nice to know there are some adults out there that are willing to help kids out, even when it might not be in their best interests." As if on cue, Ken's cell phone rang. He looked at it, then hit the ignore button for the twentieth or so time this hour, this time though, he shut it off.

"Sorry, that was work." He said with a bit of a blush.

"No problem, shall we begin?" Emily asked, while turning to the computer. Chris nodded, a bit scared at what the questions would be, and reached out a hand to Ken, who squeezed it reassuringly.

"Okay, we'll begin with the easy ones." She then went about asking name, age, his date of birth, she asked for his social security number, which he didn't know, then asked about his parents. That's when he started to get really nervous, but all she wanted to know was easy details, like names, ages, mom's maiden name, things like that.

After a few minutes of the easy questions, she leaned back, and looked Chris over. "Okay Chris, now things will get a little tougher for you. But before we go there, I want to assure you that everything you tell me goes no further than me, and the computer file, which only six other people have access to."

Emily watched Chris's eyes, and knew he was scared, so she decided to try and make this easier for him. "Chris," she said, her voice softer, and holding a lot of comfort, "I can tell just by looking in your eyes, that you've been through a lot. Please believe me when I say that nothing you have gone through, or things that you've done will be held against you. If you want, we can ask Ken to leave us alone..." She never got to finish, as Chris started to shake his head no.

"Okay, he stays, but maybe if I tell you a little bit about my past, it'll help you feel more at ease. See, I'm seventeen now, and have been here for almost a year. However, before that, and since I was thirteen, I was living on the streets. I just couldn't deal with my dad raping me anymore. It happened every night since I was eight, and I just couldn't handle it anymore, so I left." She said, the emotions playing across her face, and a few tears threatening to spill over. "For two and a half years I lived on the streets of Seattle Washington. Then I tried to get down to Florida, figuring things would be nicer there. I ended up hitching rides from a lot of truckers. Most of them wanted sex in exchange for the rides. It was the most terrible time of my life, and I only made it to Salt Lake City, before I couldn't handle it anymore, mainly because the last guy got really rough."

She paused for a moment to wipe the tears that were falling. Chris was also crying, their stories were real close. He looked up at Ken, who was wiping away his own tears, then looked back at Emily. "Thanks, it does make me feel a bit better to know that you know what I went through, mine was pretty close. My step dad was the one who liked to come to my room at night, and I tried to tell mom, but she wouldn't believe me. So I left. Things were good for about a year, but then last night, I got jumped by a bunch of guys, and they tied me down and... and raped me." Chris couldn't keep going at that point, and Ken gasped with surprise. He guessed Chris had been hurt, but he never guessed that.

Emily handed him a tissue, which he used to blow his nose, then looked back at her, determination shining in his eyes to finish his story. "The... rape... didn't hurt that bad, my step dad was a lot bigger than any of them, but then they started to hit and kick me. I guess they finally left when I passed out. I woke up this morning, and went into a fast food joint to get cleaned up. When I came out, I saw you guys on the TV, and figured I had nothing to lose."

Emily nodded, fighting back her own tears. It was hard to remember that there were actually adults out there that cared about their kids. As a matter of fact, and a fact that she had to keep reminding herself of all the time, was that kids like her and Chris were the exceptions, not the rule. Most parents did love their kids.

"Okay, so I don't have to ask about your sexual activity. But please understand when I say we are going to have to check you for any STD's during the physical. Don't worry though, since we are part of a Vulcan clan, we have access to Federation tech, which means even if you did catch something, we'll have you fixed up in no time." Emily said, trying to be as reassuring as possible.

Chris did feel a little bit better. He knew all too well the dangers of STD's, and had tried to steer clear of all of that. But the guys last night didn't really give him a chance. "Now, the last thing I need to ask is about drugs. I need to know if you have ever done any, or are addicted to any." She asked watching Chris very closely, she didn't think Chris would be addicted to anything, but she also knew that kids who live on the streets sometimes get addicted cause it helps them cope with what their lives are like. "And before you answer, understand that we will know when we do the physical." She left the rest unsaid.

Chris just shook his head, "Nope, never got hooked on that shit, although I did try pot once, about eight months ago." Chris held his head high. He knew that a lot of street kids did drugs, and it was something he was proud of, that he never did.

"Okay then, we're all done here. Also Chris, thanks for being so honest, it really does help us here. I think you'll do fine here, and if you ever need anything, just ask for me, and I'll help out if I can. Okay?" She said while standing. Chris and Ken both stood at the same time, and they shook hands, and then Emily pointed them off to the next place they had to go.

Twenty minutes later, Chris walked away from the other table, now really confused. They had given him a card and told him that it would be what he used if he wanted to buy anything that wasn't already provided for him. The kid there said it already had five hundred dollars on it, and that the money was a gift from the Clan. He was also told that food and regular cloths were provided, but if he wanted anything special he would have to buy it himself. He was told that he would earn more money, mostly for doing things like going to class, and helping keeping the place clean. The normal things a kid would do anyways. He was starting to think that this place was too good to be true. But then he was told he would have to have the physical next. That brought him back to reality.

He walked up to the waiting room outside of the hospital ward, and went to talk to the kid behind the desk. He was still trying to figure out why the adults that were around were letting the kids do all the work, but he figured since he hadn't seen all that many adults, maybe the kids really did run things.

The kid took some information down, and then called someone from the back. Another kid, who couldn't have been any older than him came out wearing a doctor's lab coat, and motioned him back. Ken went to go with him, but was told that only the individual going through intake was allowed in here, but he would be out in an hour or so. Chris gave Ken a big hug, "Don't worry, I'll be okay... you'll be here when I get out... right?"

Ken bent down and hugged Chris, being mindful of the ribs, and kissed him on the forehead. "Don't worry kiddo, I'll be right here when youre done. I'm even going to ask if I can bring my sons here for you to meet. I'm sure you'll like them." Chris had a huge grin on his face, and hugged Ken again. Then turned and walked into the doctor's office area.



Ken walked away from the Doctor's office area, and found a seat off to the side of the big hanger bay. He sat down hard, still not really believing everything he'd seen today. He broke down and just cried for a few minutes. He cried for what he heard that both Chris and Emily had gone through, but also for the other kids who were here. He was sure that there were many other kids here, whose stories were as bad or maybe even a lot worse.

Finally he pulled out his phone and turned it back on. 'Twenty six messages, I wonder if I still have a job?' Ken thought to himself, as he pulled up the voice mails. Five minutes later, he closed his cell phone, it wasn't good. His boss was threatening to fire him for walking out on a live broadcast. He really wouldn't have cared too much. The guy worried more about ratings then he did about people. He would have quit a long time ago, but he had three boys that he had to worry about.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when his cell phone went off in his hands. He looked at the number, and sighed. It was his boss. "Hello." He said, and wasn't able to get a word in edgewise for the next five minutes. Finally he just couldn't deal with the bull shit anymore and almost screamed into the phone. FINE! GO AHEAD AND FIRE ME! I HAD TO HELP THE KID OUT, AND I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT!" Then he hung the phone up. He fell back into his seat, and dropped his head into his hands. 'What am I going to do now?'

"Mind if I have a seat?" Someone asked, and Ken looked up to see a woman in her early thirties smiling back at him. He jumped to his feet, and turned to face her. "Sure... umm... sorry about that."

"No problem, I'm Janet Hayes, and I could guess that your boss wasn't happy with you?" She said, as she sat down on the bench, and Ken sat down next to her.

"Yeah I guess you could say that... Wait a minute, how'd you know?" He asked in surprise.

"Easy," Janet said with a laugh, "Emily's one of my kids, and after Chris left, she told me the whole story. Then we watched the news from earlier and saw what you did. I would like to thank you for that."

"Oh, I kinda forgot that was live." Ken said blushing a bit. "I just couldn't let Chris get mobbed without stopping it. But now it looks like I'm out of a job." He said in dejection.

"Maybe not." Janet said with a smile on her face. "See, we also looked up your background, and found out a bunch of stuff. Like the fact that you used to cover the military till your wife died, leaving you with three boys to raise. We also know that you've turned down better jobs because you wouldn't be able to be with your family." Ken's mouth was wide open, and Janet couldn't help but laugh.

"When you get to know the kids around here, you'll know that they can uncover anything, as long as it's on a computer somewhere. But I must say that I can't help but respect your dedication to your family. We're all one big family here, and we have to be. You know what happened a few days ago, and it's hard for all of us. More than sixty members of our family died in one day." She had to stop as the tears came again. She hadn't really had the time to grieve for the kids that died, but there were other things they had to do now.

Ken reached out, and gave her a small hug. "I don't know if I could handle it if even one of my boys got hurt. I can't imagine what youre going through right now."

Janet wiped her eyes with a handkerchief that she had, and then turned back to him. "Thanks, it's hard, but we're managing. But lets get back to the reason I came over here. I can gather by the conversation I overheard that you might be interested in a new job?"

"Yeah, I would love one, but I have to think of my kids, and that place was the only place that would actually work around my schedule." Ken explained to her.

"Well how does this sound to you. We've been getting hammered with calls from the press asking for information. We've decided that we need someone to be a press liaison. We were thinking one of the kids, but it would be nice to have someone with some experience." She held up her hand to stop him from interrupting. "Please, let me finish. This would include housing here in Camp Bam Bam for you and your boys. Full health care for all of you, school for your boys, as well as training in a field of their choice for the two older ones, your youngest would be eligible for that when he turns ten, also a salary of fifty thousand a year." She finished up with a smile.

Ken sat there trying to absorb what he was just told, he couldn't believe it. It would be an increase from his current salary, but he just wasn't sure if his boys would like it. "I... I appreciate the offer, but I'd have to talk it over with the boys."

Janet's smile widened. "Good, if you had answered any other way, I might have had second thoughts." She was about to continue when another boy approached.

"Hey Mom," The boy said, and Ken turned to look at him. He was about thirteen years old, and had the same sandy blond hair, and bright blue eyes that Janet had, so he guessed this was her natural son. He'd done some research of his own before heading out to cover the story this morning.

The boy hugged his mother, then turned to face Ken. "Hey, I'm Logan, and you must be Ken." He said as he held out his hand.

Ken shook it, and nodded, and the boy went on, looking over to his mother. "So did he accept?"

She laughed, and ruffled his hair. "Not yet, he said he wanted to talk it over with his boys."

"Good, I thought you'd say that." Logan said while looking back at Ken. "How much did she offer you?"

"LOGAN!!" Janet said, but Ken couldn't help but laugh.

"She offered fifty thousand a year." Ken got a bit worried at the look that came over the boy's face.

"Fifty thousand?!?! Mom, that's not nearly enough, you should have said a hundred!" Logan said looking to his mom, but then someone called him from across the room, and he looked over, and then back shaking his head. "Shit, gotta go, I'll be back later. Hope to meet your boys, Ken." He said, and then was off.

Ken was speechless, but Janet was laughing. "Well Ken, I guess it's a hundred thousand a year." Ken looked at her in shook, and she just laughed harder. "Ken, if you take the job, you need to remember something. The kids here are in charge. I may be his mother, but when he said to offer you more money, I kinda have to. It's really hard to get used to, but the kids here have yet to prove us wrong that they really can handle things."

She looked around for a second, then motioned for him to follow. He did, still not being able to make any words come out. She led him over to one of the helicopters that was sitting off to the side. Ken knew from his time covering the military that this was a Black Hawk Helicopter. He could also tell that it had been modified. "You see this helicopter?" She asked, as she ran her hand over the fuselage.

He nodded, and he and Janet walked around it, and he looked real close at the missile pods on the side. They were loaded he noted. "This is Puff, named after the Magic Dragon from the song. This is also the flagship of our helicopter fleet. As you can see it's fully armed, with a few modifications." She paused and waited for him to nod his understanding, and then she continued. "Currently there are only four people who are qualified to operate this helicopter on a combat mission." Again she waited for a second, and when he nodded clearly wondering where she was going with this. "The oldest one of those four is fifteen year old Sarah Martin." She said, and watched as Ken spun to look at her, with his mouth agape.

"Damn mom, and you call me mean." Ken looked over and saw a laughing boy walk over to them. He looked to be twelve years old, with platinum blond hair, almost white, and bright shining blue eyes that danced with humor. "Hey there, I'm Will..." He said as he ran his hand lovingly over one of the missiles on the side. "So, you like my baby?"

Ken couldn't help but smile, still not really believing any of this. "Ken, I'd like you to meet one of my sons, William Casey, he's the Unit's Air Wing commander."

Will stuck out his hand, and said with a laugh. "In other words, if it flies, it's mine. If you want, I'll take you up for a flight." Ken was now totally stunned about everything he'd heard. But his brain was starting to fire again.

"Oh boy, this really is a lot to take in. Ummm... Janet, do you think I could get transported back home, and bring my boys here for a bit. I want them to be able to look around, and get to know the place, and I promised Chris I would be back for him when he got done with the physical."

Janet smiled she knew that he didn't believe everything, but he would soon. Hell there were times SHE didn't believe everything either. "Sure, Will why don't you show Ken to the transporters, and make sure he gets a communicator, so he can contact us when he's ready to come back."

"Sure thing mom. Come on Ken. I still like flying better, but I guess the transporters are okay too."



Ken appeared back in the hanger bay about forty five minutes later, still a bit in shock, not just from what happened earlier, but what he found out from his eldest son when he got home, Ken Jr. or Kenny as he liked to be called, told his father that most of today in school had been about the Clan, and everything that they'd been doing lately. It seems that his teachers had thought that it would be a good idea to use the Clan as a teaching aid today, so they used the examples the Clan portrayed, and tried to explain to the students who they were, and what they did. Kenny knew more about them then Ken did by this point. He was also really excited to meet everyone, and instantly agreed to the move. The other two weren't as excited as their brother.

Ken's other two boys, Travis and Davey, were both looking around in wonder at everything in the hanger bay. Ken started to lead them towards the doctor's offices when they were met by two young boys, Ken knew Ray, as they had met earlier, but wasn't sure who the other boy with him was. "Hey Ken!" Ray said as the two boys got up to them. "This is my new brother Josh." Ray said in the way of an introduction.

Ken couldn't help but laugh, until he saw that the other little boy looked scared to death. Ken knew there was something wrong, so he squatted down to try and make himself smaller. "Hey their Josh, how are you doing?"

"Fine sir." Came the quiet answer, and Ken could see the boy was shaking a bit. Something was wrong here.

"It's okay Josh, this is the man I told you about earlier. The one that helped the older boy here. He's a good man. Even mom said he was... remember?" Ray said still holding the other boys hand.

Josh nodded a bit, and looked up at Ken. He was still scared, but it wasn't as much. "You... you met momma Emily?" He asked, he was still quiet, but it wasn't filled with fear like his voice had been earlier.

"Yes I did, and she's a very nice woman." Ken said, almost calling her a girl, but thought better of it. He must have said the right thing, because he got a shy little smile from Josh. "Would you guys like to meet my boys?"

Ray nodded eagerly, and Josh gave a slight nod, so Ken stood back up, and put his hand over Kenny's shoulder. "This is my oldest, Kenny, and he's thirteen, next to him is Travis, who just turned eleven and then my youngest is Davey, and he's eight."

Ray shook all their hands, and then Josh did too, although Ken could tell he was still scared. He was very impressed with his boys, they were all very gentle with the older of the two boys. It was kind of sad, Ken could tell that Ray was at least a year or two younger then Josh, but Ray seemed to be older. "I'm Ray, and I'm seven, and this is my big brother Josh, and he's nine. Hey, would you guys like to get the tour. We just got done giving one to another new boy, and we were waiting for someone else, but we could show you guys around too. This place is really neat. We stopped to play in the arcade last time, this time I wanna play putt putt golf." Ray bubbled almost a mile a minute, and Ken could see that Josh seemed excited too.

He looked at his boys, and both Travis and Davey looked excited, but Kenny didn't really. "What do you guys say?" The younger two immediately started to nod their heads up and down, while Kenny kinda shook his head.

Ken knew what was on Kenny's mind and stopped himself from laughing. "Okay, you two can go with them, but I want you back in an hour..."

Ray interrupted him. "Umm.. Mr. Ken, if you want, you can get a hold of me anytime with the communicator you have. And then we can meet you when youre done. Would that be okay?"

Ken nodded, "yeah, that'll work. You two be good, okay?"

Ken barely got that out before the four boys ran off. He chuckled and put his arm around Kenny. "Come on, lets go see if Chris is done yet?" Ken almost laughed more as he noticed Kenny blush a bit. Kenny had come out to his dad two months ago, and Kenny was really worried how his dad would take it. But Ken made sure to let Kenny know that he loved him no matter what, and that his being gay didn't bother him at all. When Ken had told his son about Chris, Kenny immediately wanted to meet him, while no one knew if he was gay or not, it didn't matter to Kenny. He really just wanted to meet the boy. Kenny was rather a loner at school, and Ken had been on him about making new friends, so Ken was happy that he wanted to meet Chris.

Kenny had really withdrawn into himself before he came out. That's how Ken knew there was something wrong. Kenny still hadn't really made it past that yet.

They had just arrived at the waiting room when Chris walked out. He looked drained, but a smile sprang up on his face when he saw Ken. He rushed over and slammed into the man. "You're here. I didn't know if you would be." Chris was fighting back tears. He wasn't used to an adult actually caring about him.

"Hey there little guy... no tears. I told you I'd be here. And I am. Now, there's someone I want you to meet. This is my oldest son Kenny." He pried Chris away, and turned him towards his eldest. He couldn't help but smile as both boys looked rather bashful all of a sudden. He knew that Chris was a good looking boy, and so was Kenny. Chris reached his hand out, and Kenny took it. They both felt a little electric shook, and Ken could only smile as the boys suddenly didn't know anyone else was there for a few seconds.

They all walked out of the office, Ken with an arm around both boys, when they got another shock. A huge man came walking up to them. Ken knew who he was right away, and knew that Kenny would know him too. It seemed Chris did as well by the gasp that escaped his mouth.

"Heya, I'm Hulk Hogan." He said to Chris, who shook the offered hand. "I'm here to show you little dudes around, and show you to your room, if you want." Ken was blown away by this. Hulk Hogan, the wrestling legend, was there, and helping to show people around. This was just too much.

"Uhhh... okay... can Kenny come too?" Chris stammered, while looking up to Ken for approval. Ken nodded, and Hulk clapped his hands together.

"Sure thing little dude, come, this place is great." He said placing a huge hand on the shoulders of both boys, and leading them away from Ken. Ken really wasn't sure how much more he could take. But figured he'd better get ready for more. This place was full of surprises. But he'd already made his decision. He was certain the younger boys would agree, and he really couldn't turn down this offer.

He turned to go find Janet, to tell her he was going to take her up on the offer, and almost ran into a boy that was walking up to him. In his hands he had a state of the art video camera, one that would make most news agencies drool. He had a huge grin on his face as he looked the thing over. Right behind him was a smiling Janet.

"Excuse me sir, are you Ken Savage?" The boy asked; he couldn't have been more then fourteen or fifteen, with black hair and emerald green eyes.

"Yes I am; can I help you with something?" Ken asked wondering what was going on, but having a pretty good idea what it was.

"I'm Gordan and was told that you could help teach me how to use this. I'd seen this thing in a bunch of magazines, but never thought I'd actually get the chance to use it." The boy was bubbling over with excitement. Ken would almost swear he saw the kid's jeans tented out.

Ken looked up at Janet, who just smiled. Ken nodded his head, and she got the message. "Hey Gordan hold on a second, I need to talk to Mr. Savage before you get a hold of him."

Gordan looked up and blushed a bit. "Okay Aunt Janet." He said, then moved off a bit, going right back to fiddling with the camera.

"Sorry about that; he got so excited when we asked him about which camera we should get. He ran all the way to his room and came back with this dog eared magazine. He said if we wanted to go with the best we needed to get that."

Ken smiled back at her. "That's no problem, and he's right. There's no better camera on the market. I used to be a camera man myself, and that thing is great. Never got to use one, but I know people who have."

"Great, Gordan was a camera fanatic when he was still in school, from what he says, but then he had some things happen at home that forced him to come to us. But thats another story. So, what do you think of our offer?" She asked while motioning him off to the side so they could sit.

"Well baring anything dramatic happening, I think I'll take you up on that offer. But there is something I need to ask first. I've heard that you guys can certify adoptions in an instant. Is that true?"

"Well, yes and no." Janet responded. "It's a bit complicated, but in essence yes. I don't think I can, but almost any of the kids can. All that is required is that both the child and adult agree to it and that one of the clan telepaths okay it."

Ken's mouth dropped..."telepaths?!?!"

Janet smiled slightly. "Yes, see that's one of the things about us that many people don't really know. There are a lot of the kids around here with some very special abilities. It's those abilities, as well as huge hearts that allow them to do what they do. That and I really think their age helps them a lot. See, the way I look at it, most adults "know" what they can and can't do. Kids don't have that hang up. No one has ever told them they can't do something, so they figure out how to do it."

Ken had a perplexed look on his face as he thought about what she just said. "You know, I never thought about it like that. But you know it makes sense. If you don't know you can't do something, you'll try until you figure out you can't... or until you figure out how to do it."

"Exactly. These kids are perfect examples of that. All of these kids are gifted in some way or another, but most of them only have one gift... a really big heart. I think before we go any further, you should know a few things about the Unit in specific before you really accept." For the next hour, Janet told Ken all about project Genesis, and how these kids came to be where they're at. To say Ken was stunned would be an understatement. But in the end, he now knew he would have to be a part of this.



Daileass was focusing his entire attention on the incoming calls, routing and rerouting them so that the best people answer the relevant calls. Some were going to Orlando, some to Charleston, and many to other places in between. Of course, a large amount were being answered by the Unit, and all had to be checked over first by Daileass.

If it was not so serious, he would have been having fun, but since the rest of his abilities seemed redundant, he was getting bored.

'I can help, Daileass' came a voice he did not recognise.

'You are not a caller. Who are you?' the thirteen year old AI asked curiously. The other voice seemed strange, yet calming.

'I am Draco, a Vulcan AI and part of Technical Ops for the Dragon Division. I, too, am handling 'Clan Short' calls from the European Protectorates, just to give you state side people a breather, but I too am... bored. 'Eyes' is with you, so I cannot play chess to relieve my stress.'

'Well, to be honest, the person I mostly play games with, Alvin, is rather busy. Would you be familiar with a version of Chess called 3-D Chess?'

'Of course; it is a Vulcan game that was based off human Chess.'

'Oh cool... wanna play?' Daileass asked with obvious excitement

Equally excited, Draco bubbled, 'Bugsy bein' black!'



Juan looked over at Koth as they walked back into the control room, he stopped and pulled Koth off to the side a bit. "Hey Koth, I hope you don't mind, but I had asked that we be teamed up."

Koth smiled at the shy look Juan was giving him, and giggled, "'Corse not! But, ummm... if I may ask, why? Why me?"

Juan took a deep breath, not really used to the feelings he was having inside. "Well see... I talked to Tony last night, while we were going to sleep, and well, we talked about you." Juan said, but then rushed to keep going. "I was just really curious about the stuff that happened in your past. I mean the things that were dumped in my head... and... well I just thought that we could be friends, and stuff, cause... well, cause I went through a lot of stuff like that too." Juan finished up, blushing a bit.

As he had been saying it, Koth's smile grew broader and broader; and Juan saw that as he stood there blushing. "So, you'd not mind either if I told ya I've been kinda following what you've been doin' for the past month or so?" Koth asked, his own face darkening noticeably.

"You have?" Juan asked surprised, "But why? I mean what makes me special, or.. or whatever"

Koth's eyes widened, and then he looked a bit sad. "You're special 'cos you're you, Juan."

Juan's eye's filled slightly at the soft sound of Koth's voice.

Koth continued, "And 'cos you're real cute, you fight honorably, you've got a cute butt, you're funny and exciting to watch when you're angry, and you're cute."

Juan was about to reply, even though his face was so red, he could have died of embarrassment, when they heard the Intel boys speak up loudly. "Hey there... does anyone know how to speak Spanish?"

Jason, who had been watching the two boys near the door with a mysterious smile on his face, moved over to Simon. "I do. What's up, Chipmunk?" Jason asked, a gentle smile on his face.

Simon looked up, and he took off the head set. "I got a kid here that sounds like he needs help, and I can tell he's speaking Spanish, but I don't know enough of it to understand everything he's saying."

Jason held out his hand, and Simon handed the head set to him. Everyone watched as Jason spoke with the kid on the phone for a little more than a minute in rapid fire Spanish. Finally he handed the headset back to Simon. "Don't worry about him, he'll be okay." Then he looked around at the other kids on phones, sixteen of them in all. And spoke up for everyone to hear. "Hey guys, put your calls on hold for a second." Once they did he closed his eyes for a brief moment, and then opened them while all sixteen of them, including Logan gasped. "There you go," he said with a little laugh, "now you guys can speak every language in the world."

Koth giggled from his corner with Juan, "My bro is going to have just too much fun with that, Juan."

They both slowly moved over to join the others, and without even noticing it, Juan had shyly taken Koth's hand.

Jason looked down at his Klingon brother, winked, and then ruffled Juan's hair. "You guys are cute."

Juan immediately pulled his hand out of Koth's and jumped back a bit. Sputtering he tried to protest, however, Jason quickly put Juan's mind at ease. "Easy little guy, there's nothing wrong if you like my little brother. I happen to know he doesn't mind at all." Jason said smiling. Juan looked over at Koth who nodded shyly, and Juan couldn't help but let a small smile play on his face.

Koth moved over towards his new friend, then looked back at Jason seriously.

Jason smiled, "I won't 'listen', Koth-boy. Promise."

Koth nodded with a smile, then leaned in and whispered into Juan's ear. "I kinda know what you're worried 'bout, Juan. If you want that 'stuff' to be 'more than friends' then don't worry that I know more than you. It'll only be what you want to do, and I'd never hurt you. I'm not like a lot of Klingons... I'm kinda... a big gentle softy..." he trailed off, his heart in his eyes as he pulled back to look into Juan's. "I kinda like you a whole heap too, Juan..."

Juan was lost in those eyes, and was about to respond when they got an interruption. "We got someone who needs a rescue!" Alvin said loudly.

Logan looked around and spotted Juan and Koth standing there. "Juan, Koth, youre up."

Juan smiled a bit and said softly while looking down. "Tell me something I don't know."

Koth giggled, moved in quickly to lightly kiss Juan's lips, and then grabbed his hand. Together they ran over to Logan and Alvin, while Juan was still open mouthed at the kiss.

Koth saluted with his free hand, and cheekily asked, "Okay, who needs the two cutest guys in the whole wide world to save 'em, Mr Hayes?"

"It's Logan, 'little brother'. Can't have my Juan's new boyfriend calling me Mr, can I?" Logan chuckled before turning to Alvin. "You're up, little bro," he said, while Koth and Juan blushed to their neckline.

Then Logan looked around, "Okay, who do we have for an adult?" He looked around and saw Joe speaking softly to Sarek's wife Amanda, in the corner. They both looked up when Logan said that. Logan knew that Joe couldn't go, as he was still stuck in the wheelchair, and he wasn't about to ask Amanda to go.

He started to look around, however, Amanda spoke up. "I'll go."

Jason and Logan shared a look. "I'm not sending the Lady Amanda off without more than two," Logan said firmly.

Jason and Koth both nodded. "I'm good, and I know Juan is good, but she's my grandma; we need two more," Koth said, his blush receding.

"I don't think I should. I've got a feeling about it," Jason trailed off. He then tapped his communicator, "Kor, you there?"

"You pick the most damnable times to call, Jace!" came Korris' reply after a ten second pause.

Logan sniggered, "Why? You and Chang 'sword fighting'?" he asked, not referring to a sparring match. Alvin and Simon sniggered as well.

"I was attempting to locate his tonsils," came Chang's dignified reply.

"Umm, Korris: you didn't tell him Klingons don't HAVE tonsils?" Koth asked curiously.

"I saw no reason to tell him that, Koth-boy. We'll be there in a moment, Jason." and the signal went quiet.

Juan was on his butt, laughing, and Koth soon joined him. "By the way," Juan said as the others regained some of their self-control, "Koth and me are friends. We're not boyfriends..." He looked into Koth's eyes, and added without thinking, "... yet."

Koth grinned, and kissed him again.

"Oh, so it is not just Chang finding tonsils, kid bro?" Korris asked as he came into the room, Chang right behind him.

Both kids stood up fast and blew raspberries at their older brothers.

Chang smiled slightly, and then looked over to Logan. "What is it that you needed, brother?"

Logan, who had just barely managed to stop laughing, looked at the four standing there, then over at Amanda. "We have a rescue to go on, however, Amanda is the only adult that is able to go. We don't like the idea of sending her with only two people, even if they are Juan and Koth. So we would like you two to go with them.

"Your reasoning is sound," Korris said seriously. "I think between two Klingons, a gun-happy ten year old and a Samurai, she'll have all the protection she needs."

Juan couldn't help but put a cheesy smile on his face, "HEY! I resemble that remark."

Chang shook his head and looked at Logan. "What is the situation?"

Logan looked down at Alvin, who took over, grin falling from his face. "Okay, situation we have is this. Eight year old Jason Smith just called worrying about his friend, seven year old Reuben Jacobson, who lives with his stepfather. Father died before he was born, mother died two years ago. According to Jason, the abuse started then. Jason's parents have been trying to help, but local social services would not intervene. Jason was supposed to meet Reuben in the park, and he did not show up. When Jason stopped by his friends house, he heard the step father yelling, and heard some crashing. Parents called police, but they would not investigate." Alvin told them in a very professional manner, although he did have a hard time containing his anger. "You'll be going to Sin City itself. Las Vegas Nevada."

Logan also could not keep the anger off his face, "You guys get going." He said to the four, and Amanda, who was already heading towards the door. He then turned to Alvin. "Unless youre needed for a call, I want you to look into why this piece of shit is being protected."

As Amanda was joined with the four boys, she heard Korris call into his comm, "Draco, do you have the address?"

"Of course, and I take it you want me to transport all five of you?" the AI replied.

Before he could respond, the doors opened, and a man walked in, followed quickly by an older boy with a video camera. And right behind them was Janet.

"Great!" They heard Logan exclaim. "Korris do you mind taking those two with you? They know to stay out of the way."

"As long as their ready to go now." Koth replied for his brother, and both the man and the kid nodded. "Okay Draco, lets go... ten seconds ago." Koth ordered, and they all vanished in a shimmer of light.



When they appeared in front of the house, it didn't take more than a second to know something was drastically wrong. The father of the boy in question was standing behind them a bit, with a shotgun resting on his shoulder, and in front of them, there were two police officers, standing over a couple who were handcuffed and laying face down on the ground. Off to the right was a young boy, who couldn't have been more than eight years old, sitting on the ground, sobbing, holding the side of his face. One look and anyone could tell he'd been slapped hard, the hand print still clearly visible, as well as a small trickle of blood coming from the side of his mouth.

Immediately, Koth and Juan got behind Amanda, Juan already having two pistols out, and Koth had his wrist mounted phaser, both of them aiming them dead center on the man with the shotgun. Meanwhile, Korris and Chang positioned themselves between Amanda and the cops, who already had their guns out, and trained on the two boys. Korris, was in his favored battle stance, Bat'leth held loosely in his hands, with his weight on the balls of his feet, ready to move in a second. Chang had drawn both swords, and had the blades pointed at the ground, in a low defense stance. Also ready to move in a second. Ken and Gordan for their part quickly moved off to the side. Gordan's camera already going, and Ken wondering if he really had made a good choice.

"Now just hold it right there!" One of the cops said, moving his gun from covering the two adults on the ground, and now pointing them at the group. Korris growled lowly under his breath, and was about to move, when Amanda placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to keep him calm.

"It is alright officer, we are just here to help. I am Amanda, Wife of Sarek of Vulcan." She was about to go on when one of them cut her off.

"I don't give a shit if youre the wife of the Dali fucking Lama. Youre interfering with a police matter. Now get the hell out of here!"

The boys were pissed, and Juan wanted nothing more than to drop the two pigs, but he couldn't leave Lady Amanda's back open to the prick with the shotgun, so he called to Logan, telepathically, while the cop was mouthing off.

'Logan we got a shit storm brewing here. We need some help. Here's what I got in mind...' The sadistic smile on Juan's face growing even more. The guy with the shotgun watched as Juan closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the normal eyes of a ten year old were gone, only to be replaced by bright yellow eagle's eyes.

Ken watched in amazement and more than a bit of fear as the cops trained their weapons on the group, and mouthed off to Lady Amanda. He couldn't imagine what would happen now, but knew it couldn't be good. About that time, he noticed 3 shimmering figures appear behind the officers. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?!?!" He cried out, as the cops spun, and both had to look up into the face a huge feline face.

"What seems to be the problem officers?" The huge cat person said, as he reached out lightning quick, and took the guns out of their hands. Next to him had appeared a huge black cat, who simply went up on hind legs, and knocked both of the cops to the ground.

At the same time that they appeared, Juan fired his guns, both bullets slamming into the shotgun, one bullet tearing into the stock, just above the trigger, and the other shredding the chamber that held the shells. The guy with the shotgun immediately dropped it while jumping back.

The third person, a kid that couldn't have been more than ten, patted the huge cat on the side. "Good Girl Fluffy," Tommy quipped, "now, make sure they don't move, and NO... you can't have a snack." To which the cat simply walked over and sat in between the two officers, one huge front paw set on each of their chests. She stood over them, licking her lips, and then looked over at Tommy. "I don't care if youre hungry, you CAN'T Eat them... yet.

Gordan was laughing so hard he couldn't keep the camera steady. "Yeah you get'em Fluffy. Nice job Khan!"

The huge cat person simply looked over, and waved, with a smile on his muzzle. "Thanks, this was the most fun I had today. You guys need anything else?" He said looking at the four boys who were shifting away from Amanda so as not to suffocate her.

"Nope, I think that's it. Thanks Khan." Juan said with a grin. "Actually can you check on that boy, we got these guys, Korris, Chang, why don't you take Amanda inside and see if you can't find the boy in there?" He said as walked over to the guy that had the shotgun. With a quick move of his feet, the guy was laying on the ground flat on his back. Juan then jumped up on the guys chest and sat down, with one of his huge pistols pointed right in the guys face. "I think I got this one." He said with a laugh.

Koth grinned as he sat next to the man's head, and then started sharpening his mek'leth blades, one at a time. "Yeah, I think we're going to be 'best friends', isn't that right, humie?" he said as he lightly patted the man's forehead.

"Do you have any idea who I am....mphhhhhh" The guy started to say, but got interrupted when Juan shoved the barrel of his gun into the mans mouth.

"Please don't, your whining is hurting my boyfriend's ears." Juan said, then blushed as he looked over at Koth.

Koth's face was a picture; his mouth dropped open, then a fat, foolish grin covered his chops. "Yeah," he giggled, "we Klingon's get very bad tempered when our ears hurt!"

"Come on, children," Amanda said to Chang and Korris, who were casting smiles at the two foolishly grinning ten year olds. "Let's go find the youngster."

The last thing Korris heard as he followed behind Amanda, with Chang at point, was Koth asking Juan, "Sooo... is that a gun in your pocket, or...."



Chang led the way into the home, looked around for a second, and then went up the stairs. "I can hear him, upstairs. He is injured, and having difficulty breathing." Chang took the stairs two at a time, almost running. He heard from behind him that Amanda was having no difficulty keeping up. She may have been an elderly woman, but she kept herself in very good shape.

When they got upstairs, Chang paused for a second, then went off to the left, and then went to the first doorway he came to. He tried the door knob, but it was locked. He applied more pressure, and soon enough the door knob snapped and let him into the room.

Lady Amanda couldn't help but gasp at what she saw when she followed Chang into the room. In the far corner was a naked boy laying in a pool of blood, urine, and what looked to be his own feces. She followed Chang who immediately went over to the boy who was barely conscious, and sobbing. When they got there, she knelt down and pulled the young boy's head into her lap. Chang simply nodded to her, as he pulled out his tricorder and started figuring out how bad the boy was hurt. "Shhh, honey, it'll be okay." She whispered to the boy who looked up into her eyes. There was a small moment of clarity in the boys eyes, and he smiled as much as he could, but then went limp in her lap.

Her eyes jumped up to Chang who simply nodded his head. "He is still alive, barely."

Thats all that Korris needed to hear. He spun on his heal, and stalked back down the stairs, and outside.

Koth looked up when the front door was slammed off its hinges by his obviously enraged elder brother. "Heads up, Juan," he said quickly, standing to his feet, "it's going to get real!"

"Chang has already told me of the situation." Juan stated the rage barely contained in his voice, his yellow eyes blazing with anger.

Koth watched as Juan pulled the man they were guarding to his feet, and also saw that Fluffy still had the two policemen pinned down, however, Kahn had already released the couple that were on the ground. They were now comforting their son, and waiting to see what would happen. In the distance more sirens could be heard coming closer. Koth, however, had other things to deal with as he moved over to his angry brother. "Report, Sub-Commander," he ordered formally.

Korris took almost a full minute to calm down before he met his younger brothers eyes. Meanwhile, three more police cars showed up, and Kahn had moved over to intercept them, already pulling out his ID. In most cases Korris would take the lead for the two boys, but in this instance, Koth was his commanding officer. "Sir, upon entering a locked bedroom, we found the subject lying in a pool of his own blood, urine, and feces. From the looks of it, the child had been beaten savagely. I do not know the extent of his injuries, but I did hear Chang say that he was alive, but barely."

Koth nodded and took out his tricorder. He moved to the suspect, got him and Juan to stand and started scanning the man. He found bruises on the man's hands, and then grabbed one.

"Don't touch me, you little shi... AHHHH!" Juan's gun being jammed into his spine brought Mr. Jacobson's outburst to a swift close.

Koth scanned the man's hand carefully, and found blood on it, but no cuts or lacerations. He tapped his comm, "Chang, I am sending you a tricorder reading. Please confirm a match with the child's."

After a second a quick, "It's a match," came from Chang.

"What is the state of the child?" Koth asked as he released Mr. Jacobson's hand.

"Critical. If we had been a moment longer, he would be dead. He may still die, in fact. Also, there is evidence of semen still inside the child," Chang said, fury barely contained in his voice.

"Sending a DNA sample of Mr. Jacobson," Koth spat out.

After another moment, Chang sent back, "Match."

Koth stepped backwards to Korris and they shared a look. Nodding, Korris stepped forwards while Koth turned to the little boy and his family. "Jason, cover your eyes, sweety."

The boy did, and so did his parents. They could sense that something serious was going to happen. Two pissed off Klingons sort of gave that away.

Facing the now nervous Mr. Jacobson, Koth stated, "You have been charged with and found guilty of the attempted murder, abuse, rape and assault of Reuben Jacobson. In accordance with the Federation Safe Haven Act, and by the Authority of the Vulcan Special and Covert Operations Divisions, I hereby sentence you to death. Sub-Commander, proceed."

While this was going on, Khan was busy dealing with six more police officers, who were not happy about what was going on. However, Khan was intimidating enough to keep them at bay, for now.

Korris walked up to the man, quickly swung his Bat'leth around, and before the man knew what was happening, his head came away from his body. At the same time, they heard a gunshot, and then all hell broke loose...again.

Khan immediately drew his pistol, and fired, while jumping over one of the cars to find cover. Tommy immediately started to pull Jason and his parents behind another car. Korris and Juan immediately ran over towards them to do the same thing. Koth for his part, simply pushed a button on his belt, as he looked down at the bullet that was meant for his brother. Thankfully the shielding they wore had stopped the bullet.

Suddenly everything around them went into shadow as a large space ship decloaked directly above the house. At the same time, a large number of Vulcan Security forces started to appear around them. Khan, Tommy, and Juan were returning fire at the cops that were shooting at them, but they stopped when the Vulcan's appeared. Within twenty seconds every single police officer was stunned and being secured on the ground.

"I think we have a load of paperwork to sort through," Koth murmured. "Lieutenant," he called to the lead member of the Vulcan Security group, "please check out the local enforcement agencies. Corruption reigns here."

"Acknowledged," came the reply as all the stunned police were beamed to the hovering ship above.

Korris looked over to Juan and Koth and gave them a nod in the direction of the house. The three of them then moved into the house, and up the stares at a run. When they got into the room, Chang quickly looked up from working on the young boy. "We need to get an ambulance here now, he is too unstable to be transported anywhere."

Juan nodded, and pulled out his cell phone, but Koth placed a hand on Juan's. "Ark... Ark can teleport, and it's a lot safer than anything else." He said as he pulled out his own communicator. "Ark, Can you transport everyone here to the Unit's hospital, also please alert their AI what is happening."

And a moment later they were all gone.



First Editor's Notes:

WOW, I am in awe of how Roland was able to move from The UNIT into this new book so effortlessly!! And to think, that All Hell Breaks Loose happened on Saturday and here we are on Monday, 3 days later, with a new place and a bunch of new characters! I have to tell you, I really like that Levi!! I want one! Well to get to the point, we have a whole new setting and another story to tell and Roland starts off kicking! We are now part of the Clan and Adam is a major force to be reckoned with. Oh, I just have to mention that Juan is so darn cute and he has such an awesome personality. I cant wait to see what Roland does with his character! This is a perfect start for this new book. To be honest, if there was to be a title for this first chapter, I think it would be appropriate to call it New Beginnings as this is the rebirth of our awesome group of kids and adults. They get to start over with even more tools, people, and things to work with. Can you imagine how many lives they are going to change!! The cool thing about it is that there is no end to what they can do here on Earth or anywhere in the Universe now. Roland is a true artist and this just proves more than anything, there is nothing he cant do or write about! I am honored to be a part of his team and be his editor! Thanks for my new beginning!

David aka: Boxerdude (yeah another David to deal with! LOL)



Second Editor's Notes:

Very nicely done, guys. It kind of makes you wonder how we manage to get along at all without the help of the unit and other members of The Clan. Of course Ark is also very helpful. I must say that Camp Bam Bam is starting out to be another interesting and compelling story, right in line with the first book of The Unit. I'm sitting here with worms in my mouth (bated breath) for the next chapter.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher