What is Love?

What is Love?

"What is Love?"


What is this that I now feel,

Held close in gentle arms?

No pain, no fear;

'Cos they are near;

No strike from hateful palms?


To hear true words of comfort

That let me know my place;

To sense concern,

And compassion;

Joy when they see my face?


My heart once hard from beatings,

My heart once dead through grief,

I now must walk;

That longest road;

That helps me find true peace.


My Brothers now forever,

And when push comes to shove,

They'll guard my back,

And light my way;

While I learn: "What is love?"


(By Joel Short Date - 27th October 2004 For my Big Brothers, Cor and Sean.)

 Co-Written by Ilúvantír, First posted in Chapter 4 of "CSV-DSM" by ACFan