Hello! I really don't know if this is needed or not but this is a character list for the Operant Unconscious Project. I was just going through my notes (which are all handwritten) and decided to type them up. Then it occurred to me that maybe some of you would be interested in a character list. This list contains basic information on each character up through chapter 9 as well as just a little bit of background information on just a few of them. Some of the characters may have a better description than others which just leaves more up to your mind as the reader. Mind you that this is not all that there is on each character but if I gave you more than it would ruin the story. If you have a question about a character or you think that I have made a mistake somewhere where accuracy is concerned then please e-mail me.
Name: Jacob (lion)
Age: 10
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Basic Description: Jacob (like all the boys) wears white baggy one size fits all clothes that come in two parts, pants and shirt. His hair is about three inches long and he never really tries to do anything with it because he sees no point. He has pale, almost translucent, skin that comes from having never seen the sun. His eyes, which are a deep blue, have almost an almond-like shape to them and he has a semi-small nose that seems to fit him just perfectly.
Background: Jacob, who also goes by Ari (Hebrew name meaning lion), is the most respected and loved child in the group. He gets along with everyone and seems to really care about all of them, which is why he is more or less their leader. Although Jacob is not telekinetic like Jesse he is telepathic. He also always seems confident and sure of himself, or he was until till he met Jesse. Jacob really doesn't know exactly what to think of Jesse but he does know that Jesse really wants to be his friend. Jesse is growing on him, though, and he truly is starting to like him. Jacob found out threw Dr. Taylor that Zachary is his brother, though it wasn't really all that hard to tell because he looks just like him. More information will be added later.
Name: Julian (tiger)
Age: 10
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Basic Description: Julian wears the same white baggy clothes that everyone else wears. He wears his hair just like Jacob does but he at least tries to keep it looking somewhat decent. His skin isn't quite as pale as Jacob's but it really isn't that far behind. His eyes, which are a dark brown, are much more round than Jacob's.
Background: Julian is Jacob's best friend. Until Jesse came along he has never been without Jacob and has always stood by his friend's side. Julian cares far more about Jacob than anyone really realizes and only one other person knows exactly how deep that caring actually goes. After his encounter with Jesse Julian is not as sure about himself as he once was. He isn't completely insane but he always seems to be somewhere else now. He doesn't hate Jesse but he isn't comfortable with the fact that Jesse knows everything about him and he will never forgive Jesse for taking Jacob away from him. More information will be added later.
Name: Jesse
Age: 8
Hair Color: Brown almost black
Eye Color: Black
Basic Description: Jesse wears the standard white baggy clothes all of the children wear. His hair is a really dark brown, almost black, and is about three to four inches long. He always looks very tired and has very dark circles under his eyes. His skin is somewhat pale and translucent and his eyes seem to be black.
Background: Jesse has lived his life pretty much alone and longs for companionship in any form. He chooses Jacob as a companion because of the things that Dr. Taylor has told him about Jacob. Jesse has a strong dislike for most adults. Jesse is both telepathic and telekinetic and uses his skills any way that he can. All he really wants is a friend but he is very excited about the fact that Zachary likes him and thinks he's cute. Jesse is eager to please but is also very quick to get mad especially if he or someone he cares about is in danger and or pain. Jesse is also extra sensitive and can feel everything from pain to emotions to bodily functions (hehehe) of anyone around him; especially if they are touching him. Jesse has no animal name assigned to him. More information will be added later.
Name: Kollin (bear)
Age: 9
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Basic Description: Kollin wears the same white baggy clothes that everyone else does. His hair is about five inches long and he is always brushing it out of his eyes. He has the same complexion that Julian has as well as the same basic facial structure.
Background: Kollin, also known as Bjorn (Hebrew name meaning bear), is by all standard a good kid. He tries hard to model himself after Jacob but he realizes that he is not Jacob so he will never be exactly like him. Kollin is very good at strategy games and is what one might call a lousy winner. Always thinking that he is the best (that is until Zachary decides he's had enough and knocks him down a few notches). Kollin's best friend is Samuel. Although Samuel is younger than he is Kollin seems to have more in common with him. When Jacob goes to stay with Jesse he leaves Kollin in charge of everyone's well-being. Jacob knows that Kollin will try his best not to let him down. More information will be added later.
Name: Zachary (mouse)
Age: 7
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Basic Description: Zachary wears white baggy one size fits all clothes. He is the only one who rolls up the long sleeves on his shirt and the legs on his pants. His hair is about three inches long. He has pale, almost translucent, skin that comes from having never seen the sun. His eyes, which are a deep blue, have almost an almond-like shape to them and he has a semi-small nose that seems to fit him just perfectly. Zachary looks like a smaller version of his brother Jacob.
Background: Zachary is a very energetic and active little seven-year-old. He truly loves just being a kid and tries to make the best of the situation that all of the children are in. Zachary has an IQ that is almost off the charts and he knows way more than he ever lets on. Zachary is very good at all strategy games but doesn't normally play unless it's to show Kollin that he's not the king of games. Zachary may be young but he knows what he wants no matter what the situation. He likes Jesse very much and likes the fact that Jesse knows him completely. Zachary also loves his brother, Jacob, very much. More information will be added later.
Name: Micah (falcon)
Age: 8
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Basic Description: Micah wears the same baggy white clothes that everyone else wears. His hair is about shoulder length and his skin is dark enough to suggest that he has some kind of Mexican heritage. He has bright green eyes.
Background: Micah is a very private and shy boy. He doesn't often share what he thinks with others and sometimes has trouble holding a good conversation. Micah's best friend is Isaac and when they are together Isaac seems to be able to bring out the best in Micah. More information will be added later.
Name: Isaac (snake)
Age: 10
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Basic Description: Isaac too wears baggy white clothes just like everyone else. His blond hair is about four inches long and he parts it in the middle. He has very fair, milky white, skin and all of his facial features are perfectly proportioned. Isaac has blue eyes that are light enough to be considered gray.
Background: Isaac is a very easy kid to get along with. He hardly ever argues with anyone and really hates being alone. He loves to play games of any kind and seems to enjoy himself more if he has a partner playing with him. Isaac's best friend is Micah. He thinks that Micah is one of the most honest people he has ever met and values Micah's opinion more than even Jacob's. More information will be added later.
Name: Samuel (wolf)
Age: 7
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Green
Basic Description: Samuel wears the same baggy clothes that everyone else wears. He always seems frustrated with them and hates whoever came up with the term "one size fits all". His hair is about five inches long and often hangs in his eyes. He has pale skin and his eyes are a dull faded green. He is the smallest of all the children.
Background: Samuel is a very quiet seven-year-old and acts more like a shadow than a kid. His best friend is Kollin and they spend most of their time together (making him Kollin's shadow). His other friend is Zachary but Zach is much too energetic for him sometimes and gets on his nerves. He has told Zachary off several times but Zach just gives him some space and totally ignores anything Samuel may have said that he really doesn't mean. Samuel prefers to be called by his full name; the only one who he lets call him Sam is Kollin. More information will be added later.
Name: Kevin (horse)
Age: 9
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Brown
Basic Description: Not important
Background: Kevin was killed by the scientists after he went into a vegetative state during the first experiment that involved Jesse. Other information about Kevin is not important but does exist. It may be added later if asked for (though I don't know why it would be).
Name: Computer assisted Organizational Backup Interface Emitter (C.O.B.I.E)
Basic Description: Cobie is about two inches wide, one inch tall, and a quarter of an inch thick. He is shaped like a half circle and conforms to the base of Jacob's skull. Cobie is soft to the touch having been given a gel-like outer coating and is bluish gray in color. He has been drilled into Jacob's head and has many tentacle-like fingers that spread throughout Jacob's brain.
Background: Cobie was designed to be like a Task Manager for Jacob's mind. He helps Jacob file information better and he also seems to amplify Jacob's abilities allowing for the collection of better and more accurate information. Although Cobie is not very big he has the ability to organize large quantities of data. He does not, however, store this data on his systems; he stores all intake in the unused portions of Jacob's brain (as humans use a very small portion of it anyway). More information will be added later.
Name: Logbased Oversoul Guardian And Neuromapper (L.O.G.A.N)
Basic Description: Logan is about one inch wide, one inch tall, and a quarter of an inch thick. He is shaped like a half circle and conforms to the base of Zachary’s skull. Logan is soft to the touch having been given a gel-like outer coating and is brownish gray in color. He has been carefully drilled into Zachary’s head and has many tentacle-like fingers that spread throughout Zachary’s brain.
Background: Logan is the brother device to Cobie but has a completely different function. While Cobie helps its user store information that is taken in through telepathy Logan takes in a different kind of information via tactile contact. When the user touches another human being they can choose to link their souls together and store a pathway for the other person’s soul to follow if separated from their body. Basically, Logan will catch the souls of those that the user chooses him to when those people die, their souls are then temporarily stored in the unused portions of the user’s mind. Later the user may choose to transplant those souls into another body assuming that the body has no soul to get in the way. The Logan device also allows the user to have almost complete control over their own genetic structure allowing for regeneration and a variety of other things. The Logan device is untested and was ultimately abandoned when deemed unstable.
Name: Dr. Paul Guise
Age: Unknown
Hair Color: Gray
Eye Color: Brown
Basic Description: Dr. Guise wears a white lab coat over top of a dress shirt and tie. He wears black dress pants to complete his outfit. His face looks very well worn and he has no facial hair of any kind. He has gray almost white hair and brown eyes.
Background: Dr. Guise often comes off as a very mean, very grumpy man. He likes getting things done ahead of schedule and hates delays of any kind. He is willing to anything to get the job done and expects nothing less than perfection from his colleagues. Dr. Guise, as we get a glimpse of in chapter 9, had a very interesting childhood. He does his best to become a better man than his father is/was and has just taken that quest too far. Instead, he seems to have become his father. Dr. Guise is the head scientist and is the only one, besides Dr. Taylor, that reports directly to the Council. More information will be added later.
Name: Dr. James (Jim) Taylor
Age: Unknown
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Basic Description: Dr. Taylor wears a white lab coat over top of his often purple dress shirt. He wears no tie and completes his outfit with dark tan pants. His hair is about four inches long and is parted on the right side. He has very pale skin. He has no facial hair and looks to be in his mid-thirties.
Background: Dr. Taylor is more of a psychologist than a scientist. He seems to be the only adult that cares about the well-being of all of the children. He, like Jesse, seems to get a kick out of pissing Dr. Guise off but often advises Jesse not to follow his example. He is the only other scientist that reports directly to the Council. More information will be added later.
Name: Dr. Greg Hager
Age: Unknown
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Brown
Basic Description: Not needed at this time
Background: More information will be added later.
Name: Dr. Jane Bender
Age: Unknown
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Basic Description: Not needed at this time
Background: More information will be added later.
Name: Lt. Malcolm Domach
Age: Unknown
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Grey
Basic Description: Not needed at this time
Background: Very little is known about Lt. Domach other than the fact that he is the caretaker for all of the boys (minus Jesse). Normally he is just referred to as Domach, unless addressed by a superior.
Name: Lt. Joshua Gemini
Age: Unknown
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Basic Description: Not needed at this time
Background: Lt. Gemini is in charge of Jesse's basic care. Not much is known about him and at this point, it is not known what kind of group he belongs to, he is only known as Jesse's caretaker.
The only information known about the Council at this time is that they appear to be the ones that head up the whole operation and have a final say in everything. More information will be added later as more information is revealed.