Haven Book Three

Chapter 03

Parts of this chapter were contributed by Gustavo Cristofero as told to The Story Lover. Thank you for the help. It is always good to have a dragon on your side.

When Leo took off, he proved that he had worked as an EMT in college. There was gravel flying, as he hit the paved road and burned rubber. Tom was laughing hysterically at Eric, whose jaw was hanging open, as the dust settled.

In the van, Bart was holding the baby and crying. It wasn't clear to Neal if they were tears of happiness that the baby was alive or of fear and sadness that the poor thing was unconscious. Neal, in the passenger seat, turned and focused on Daddy Doc, who was concentrating on setting a new land speed record for custom vans. "You gotta hurry!"

Leo spared Neal a glance. "I'm trying!"

"Don't try. Do it! And then you gotta adopt the baby, too."

"Neal, try to calm down; let's take things one at a time." Leo made the turn onto the main highway and put the pedal to the floor. Tom had done well, when he bought this van; they were passing everything else on the road, with ease.

Neal looked back out the windshield. "KEWL! How fast are you going?"

Leo was now slowing to make the exit for the emergency room. "Neal, Bart is falling asleep. Take the baby before he drops it."

Neal released his seat belt, moved to the back, quickly strapped back in and took the baby gently, as Bart slipped into never-never land. The van made a couple of turns and screeched to a stop. Leo was out and around the van, and had the door open before Neal had released his seat belt.

"Neal, take the baby in, have them send a gurney for Bart. Go! Hurry!"

Neal was off like a shot, almost running into the automatic doors before they could open. As he cleared the doors, he was yelling orders like a modern Major General. "Doc needs a gurney outside, STAT! I need a doctor to look at the baby, NOW!"

The urgency and command in his voice got the action he was after before anyone really thought about it being a twelve-year-old issuing the orders.

A tall woman in a long white lab coat came out from the back, and she did not look happy. Neal saw the name A. Hastings, M.D. embroidered above the pocket and nearly pushed the limp baby into her arms. "Here, Doc, get busy!" Neal was running back out to help with Bart.

Leo led the orderly pushing the gurney into the ER. Neal was beside his friend. "Neal, stay with Bart." Leo looked around and went into the examination area.

"Alice, how's the baby?"

"Leo? What the hell has been done to this child?"

"Abandoned two days ago, as best as we can figure."

"I'm pushing fluids. I've ordered formula and diapers from maternity. Where are the child's parents?"

"Father is unknown, and mother is the one responsible for the gunshot victim the other night. The boy is the uncle to the baby and told us where to find it."

"Well, he sure as hell would be a better parent. I heard you are adopting him."

"Boy, news sure travels fast. I will adopt this one, too. Neal has been pretty demanding about that."

"Neal? Oh, the pushy little twerp that shoved this little sweetheart into my arms and told me to get busy."

Leo laughed. "Yeah, that's Neal."

"There must not be a dull moment around your house."

Leo laughed and nodded his head in agreement. "I think we had one last month. Neal was gone for a few days."

"When you get a chance, there are two new docs that stopped in this morning. One of them is an orthopedist, specializing in pediatrics, adolescents in particular, and his wife is a child psychologist and physical therapist. I think they are in the lounge with Dr. Lisa."

"Wow, we sure could use them. I wonder if they're staying."

"Look, I've got this under control, for now. Why don't you go meet them?" Dr. Hastings put a clean diaper on the baby, as Leo left for the lounge. Bart was still asleep, and Neal was happily standing guard over him.

As Leo entered the lounge, the three occupants looked at him. Dr. Lisa began the introductions. "Leo, these are Drs. Anthony and Tina Miller. Anthony, Tina, this is Dr. Leo Turnman."

Anthony shook hands with Leo. "I've been hearing some very good things about you. Both Tina and I love working with kids."

"Well, we have a bunch of them around here that should be able to cure you or make you happy for a very long time. I actually live in the next county, and have three clinics I visit. One is where I live, Haven Manor, one is at the Phoenix House, and the third is in Havendale. I've just opened that one back up. It got ransacked by some corrupt cop, trying to make a good friend of mine look bad."

"Well, I'm pretty specialized, but general medicine isn't beyond me, either. Is there any kind of physical therapy center in the area? Tina and I would both be able to use that."

"Boy, do I have a deal for you! Where are you staying?"

Tina answered, "We stopped here, first thing. A friend said we needed to be here to find our boy."

"Well, I know a place that has lots of room, where you would be more than welcome to stay. You say you are an orthopedist? I have a patient sleeping in the ER, who could use your specialty. Want to have a look?"

Dr Lisa said to Tina, "We'll talk more, later."

Leo grinned, "Great idea. Join us for dinner?"

"I thought you were never going to ask." Lisa grinned

Leo grinned and did his Neal imitation, "Jeez ©."

Neal watched as Dr. Anthony Miller examined Bart. "What in the name of God has been done to this boy? Who are his parents?"

Neal filled him in. "His parents are dead; his older sister was selling him to pay for her drugs and food. When he refused to put out anymore, she stopped feeding him, then shot him and dumped him on the highway, where he was almost run over by a truck."

Anthony glanced at Leo, who nodded. "So, who is responsible for him, now?"

Neal and Leo answered together, "I am."

"I'd like to get some tests done. I think this leg has more damage than the one with the road rash. If it is what I suspect, I have developed a special procedure that will correct it with few adverse effects. I've had a 95% success rate."

"Okay, let's get going on the tests. I don't think he's going to want to make a special trip back for them," Leo said.

"But I don't have privileges here, yet," Anthony said.

"But I do," Leo replied. "Neal, do you want to come with us, or wait for Dr. Hastings to tell you the baby is okay?"

Neal looked back and forth then decided, "I'll hang with you."

"Pleasant thought," Anthony said softly.

Bart slept peacefully through the series of tests that afternoon. He finally woke up in a hospital room with Neal sitting there watching the Myth Busters blow up yet another car. "Neal? What's going on? Why am I here?"

"Bart! We got the baby all taken care of. It's down in the infant care unit. There was a new doc, and he and Daddy Doc have been doing stuff on you, and they think they can make you better. They went to check the results, and will be back with lunch soon, I hope."

As if on cue, the door opened, and Daddy Doc entered. "Hey, Bart, I'm glad you are awake. I need to talk to you about that leg of yours."

"It's healing up fine, really."

"No, the other one. You know, with the foot that turns in and makes you fall if you try to run real fast."

"It's always been like that."

"I know, son. I met a doctor today who thinks he can straighten it and fix the problem."

"Will it hurt?"

"No, and he says that, by the time the other stuff is healed, you will be recovered from his procedure."

"Ah, okay. When does he want to do it?"

"He's scrubbing up right now. All I have to do is give you a sedative in the IV and we're all set."

Bart looked at Neal, who nodded to him. "Okay."

Leo gave him a hug and then the sedative. Bart closed his eyes and was asleep, again.

Neal stayed with Bart until he was taken into the operating room. Daddy Doc had told him to go to the waiting room. Neal was surprised to find everyone there. The place was packed. Tom held out his arms for Neal to come to him and sit in his lap. The time passed slowly, and they had all gone to the cafeteria for what would have to pass for lunch, and returned, when Daddy Doc and another doctor came into the waiting room.

Tom was on his feet, with Neal next to him. "Leo, how's our new boy?"

Leo grinned. "I'll let Tony fill you in. I've never seen anyone do what he just did. Magic in the O.R. Amazing."

"I'm Dr. Anthony Miller. I just did a procedure I had developed back home and have straightened Bart's twisted leg. Just a little geometry and some fancy foot work. In a week he should be ready for my wife to take over with some physical therapy, and he should have full, 100% use of both legs."

Tom couldn't help himself, and gave Dr. Miller a hug. "I don't know how to thank you enough. All my boys are special to me. I want the best for each and every one."

Dr. Miller looked a bit confused. "Yours? I thought Bart was being adopted by Leo."

"Jeez. It's a long story, Doc. When can we visit Bart?" Neal asked.

"Oh, he will be sedated until about noon tomorrow," Dr. Miller answered.

"Okay. Daddy Doc, what about the baby?" Neal asked Leo.

"The baby is responding well, and, as soon as we prepare a nursery, we can bring it home." Leo had a bit of an evil gleam in his eye that Neal missed completely.

"We'll get on that in the morning. I heard Mrs. Johnson was fixing a special dinner and Andre was doing one of his special creations for dessert. So, if we're done here, let's get a move on and head back home." Major General Neal was taking command again.

Leo leaned over to Anthony and whispered, "He has a two star flag on his dirt bike." The two doctors laughed, as they went to change out of their scrubs. They checked on Bart and then the baby, who was now awake and alert. "I'll never understand how anyone can mistreat a child, especially an innocent babe. I sure hope the sheriff can catch this woman, and we can get some justice here."

There was a note left for Anthony that Tina had gone with Dr. Lisa and would meet them at Haven. Anthony showed the note to Leo. "Haven? There sure seems to be a lot of 'Haven this' and 'Haven that' around here."

Leo laughed, as he led Anthony out of the hospital. "Lead the way to your car, and I'll tell you the story. Tom's great uncle Philip discovered this beautiful little valley in the 1920's. He was young and had more money than anyone ever thought to count. He bought this estate with a pre-Civil War mansion that hadn't seen a resident since the 1880's. He had a whole new wing built, so that he could invite all his rich friends to come and party. Then there was the Crash, and almost all his friends were looking to him for handouts. It seriously affected the poor man. He realized his money had friends, but he didn't. Even his family was leeching off him. He became a recluse and named his little kingdom 'Haven.' It was his safe haven where no one could hurt him. He had only one friend in this world. When Philip was a boy, he was left for dead on the streets, and another boy saved him and actually gave him the identity of Philip Richards, because he didn't want his own legacy."

They reached the Millers' car. It was loaded with boxes and clothes. Leo got in and gave Anthony directions, as he continued the story. "So, when the war came, Philip and his friend had the resources to support the industry needed to produce what the country needed. They didn't want to be flashy, like Howard Hughes; they insisted on being quiet and low key. One of our boys has been reading Philip's journals, and FDR and Truman were not strangers in Haven Manor. After the war, Philip concentrated his efforts on building Haven Enterprises into what it is today. He built a town for his employees and he sponsored businesses in the town for anyone who wanted to try their luck in the business world. As he got older, he watched his family self destruct, except for Tom. He watched him intensely. In the 90's, he began building again, this time with Tom in mind. He built a whole new wing, and other facilities and we haven't even explored everything, yet." Leo watched as Haven came into view ahead. "Ah, home, sweet home. Just pull up to that gate."

Anthony nearly ran off the road, as he realized this was Haven. He stopped at the gate, and there was a red light. Leo leaned over and said, "Wake up, Lurch!"

'You rang, Doctor?'

"Actually, I have our other dinner guest. Oh, by the way, that makes us a pair'a'docs." Leo giggled. [Darrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyylllllllllllllllllllllllll]

The light turned green and the gate began to open smoothly. 'Dr. Miller, you should kick him out and make him walk. That was a terrible pun.'

Both men were laughing, as they began the long drive up to Haven.

* * *

This was a formal meal night at Haven, and all the kids had on nice clothes and were behaving their best. Dr. Lisa asked Tom, "What in the world have you done with the children I have been working with?"

Tom laughed. "Every Monday and Wednesday evening, we do a formal dinner. When I first arrived, the staff wanted every meal to be formal. I made a compromise to save my own sanity. The rest of the meals are healthy, 'kid friendly' meals. I learned that trick at Boy Scout summer camp. The kids actually have come to look forward to showing off their manners, at least here at the table."

Tina Miller spoke up, "I must say that all this is kind of overwhelming. I feel as if, since we arrived this morning, I have been in the land of OZ."

Leo grinned and said, "Tina, Anthony, there are a great number of things here that we haven't even talked about yet. Today has been very intense, and I want you both to take a couple of days' rest here with us. Then I would like to show you the Phoenix House, where I think you can build your dream practice. Of course, you will have to have the approval of the Board of Directors of the Phoenix Youth Foundation. You have impressed the Chairman of the Board already, so I don't see any big problem there."

Anthony asked, "Who is the Chairman of this Foundation?"

Leo giggled as he said, "Our very own modest Major General, Master Neal Huxley Richards."

Anthony stared at the boy sitting at the other end of the table. "Neal?"

Tom, Leo, Dr. Lisa all nodded and said, "Yup, Neal."

Hearing his name being said by so many of the adults at once, Neal responded, "Yes?"

Tom answered, "We were just explaining something to the Millers."


* * *

After Dr. Lisa left and the Millers were settled in a guest room Jim had prepared, Leo went into his office and closed the door. It was a little late, but on this problem he needed some guidance. Linda answered her cell phone on the third ring. After twenty minutes of intense discussion, Leo and Linda agreed that they were going to have to get Fred and Linda's brother into this and see if there was any possible way around this obstacle. It was huge!

* * *

The next morning, when Leo arrived at the hospital, Dr. Hastings was waiting for him. "Leo, is there a birth certificate for the baby?"

"I don't know. We should ask Bart."

The two doctors went to Bart's room. He was awake and glad to see Daddy Doc. "My foot's funny. It's straight, not off to the right. Is that what this was all about?"

"Yes, son, that is what the procedure was. Now, at first, things may seem a little off balance, but we have a special Physical Therapist waiting to work with you, as soon as you are healed enough to start," Leo explained.

Dr. Hastings, with clipboard and pen ready, asked, "Bart, I need some information about the baby."

"Sure, what do you need to know?"

"Has a birth certificate been done?"

"No way! My sister had it, wrapped it up and handed it to me. She managed to get some diapers and bottles and formula. After three days she'd had enough of the crying, and she did what she did to me, and, I would guess, left the baby to die, too."

Dr. Hastings had tears in her eyes. "So, date of birth is six days ago. Baby's name?"

Bart stated the name he had given the baby.

"Mother's name?"

Bart gave his sister's name.

"Father's name?"

Bart grinned and stated loud and clear, "Dr. Leo Turnman."

Now that was a show stopper. Dr. Hastings dropped her pen, Leo collapsed into the lounge chair, and Bart grinned from ear to ear.

Alice Hastings was the first to recover. She retrieved her pen and looked at Bart. "You mean Dr. Turnman will be the baby's father, when the adoption is done."

"Nope. I mean he is the father," Bart said, with a certainty that was quite final.

Alice turned to look at the still stunned Leo. Leo looked back and ran the conversation he and Linda had last night through his head again. He grinned and looked at Alice. "The boy knows that baby. If he says I'm the father, then I am. Please fill out the form, and let's get it filed."

"But Leo..."

"Alice, you have to go with the best information you have. The boy swears I'm the father, and, as you can see, I'm not denying it," Leo stated with a wide grin.

"Okay. I don't know what else I can do. I have had more strange cases since I came to this nice calm little community. My classmates all thought I would get bored, way out here in 'the sticks' and be back in a big city hospital in a year. I've had more challenges here in a year than I would have had in a lifetime in the city. What is it about this place, Leo?"

Leo stood and hugged Dr. Alice. "There is magic here. I don't know how else to explain it. The most unlikely things come together, and lives get saved from ruin. It's magic directly from God that is somehow worked through each of us."

Dr. Hastings nodded and whispered, "Amen."

* * *

Neal cornered Mitch and Travis as soon as they arrived at school and was making a list of things that were needed in a nursery. After all, they were the experts, with triplets at home. Then he was off in search of Tom. "Dad! Come on, we need to go shopping."

"Neal, you have school."


"Yes," Tom replied calmly.

"The nursery for the baby! Jeez!"

"Son, I believe that between Aunt Alice, Samuel, Leo, Dr. Hastings, myself, and the Haven Furniture Emporium, we have it pretty well covered."

"What about all this stuff?" The list he had made, from what the twins had said, was thrust out.

Tom took the list. "I'll be sure we have all this on hand, too. Now, young man, remember the rule, you have to do your best in school."


* * *

Neal managed to at least sit in his place through the morning classes and work times. When lunch time arrived, he was off like a shot, looking for his dad. He found him in what had originally been the dressing room. Now it was a fully equipped state of the art baby nursery. Samuel and his brother were just finishing the cabinet and counter installation. Aunt Alice and Aunt Linda were busily stocking the changing table with diapers, baby wipes, powder, lotion,... everything needed to pamper a baby's bottom. There was even a bottle warmer and a case of formula, for newborns, and things Neal didn't have, or want, a clue as to what they were. "It looks like you've done a good job, Dad."

Tom looked up and grinned at his first. "I seem to remember telling you I had it covered. Want to learn how to change a diaper?"

Neal approached cautiously. Aunt Linda picked up one of her triplets, and handed him to Tom. "Thanks, Linda, he's just wet." Tom showed Neal how to pre-place the clean diaper and pointed out that speed could be the difference between a dry face and a wet one. Neal wanted to change one by himself, and he was a quick learner.

Tom hugged Neal. "You are a good big brother. I'm very proud of you."

* * *

Out on the interstate highway, the State Police had a set up a roadblock and were checking every vehicle for the fugitive woman. They certainly didn't miss the pickup truck that pulled a U-turn across the median and took off at full speed, leaving quite a bit of rubber behind. The chase was on. It is amazing how people think they can outrun a high performance road machine, such as a police car, much less the radio in that car. The chase was heading right back into Sheriff Henry's jurisdiction. He was delighted and had his men deployed to stop the suspect. This was one that wasn't going to get away, if he had anything to say about it.

The road was completely blocked. It was actually quite an amazing sight. The Valley Volunteer Fire Department had their tanker and pumper trucks across the road with all lights flashing; the power company had sent a couple of their cherry pickers to block the shoulders. Their yellow lights were flashing. All of the Sheriff's department cars were there, and Eric watched in horror, as the pickup approached and didn't even begin to slow.

As the truck got closer, it veered to the right. It hit and careened off the guard rail, went airborne and there was a sickening crash as the metal of the truck met the trunk of sturdy oak, head on. The EMTs went to check, but there was no way anyone could have survived in that crumpled mess.

Eric signaled to clear the highway and radioed an end of pursuit to all units.

Sissie's evil was ended.

* * *

Bart looked over to where Daddy Doc was sitting and writing notes in his record. "It's over."

Leo looked up, startled. "What's over?"

"Sissie. She's dead." A tear slid down Bart's cheek. "She wasn't always bad."

Leo moved over and hugged his boy. "Hold onto those good memories, son."

After a gentle cry, Bart took a deep breath and asked, "Are you mad about me insisting you were the real father?"

Leo grinned at the boy. "Does this look like the face of an angry man? I just don't understand why you did it."

"Well, I figured Sissie would never be allowed to get near us, and you were going to adopt us. This way it was, like, you know, solid. If it's on the birth certificate, it's like super legal and real hard to undo."

Leo chuckled. "I'm afraid you are going to give Neal a run for his money. You have a very good head on your shoulders. Now, how does that leg feel?"

"It hurts a little on the side, where the bandage is, but the rest of the leg is fine. I can wiggle all my toes, and everything." Bart grinned, wiggling his toes for his 'Daddy Doc.'

"Okay, then, decision time. Stay for a wonderful, healthy, hospital lunch, or escape and see what Mrs. Johnson can put together for us?" Leo was grinning.[Isn't healthy hospital lunch an oxymoron?]

Bart pretended to actually be considering the options. Then he calmly said, "If you make me eat here, when I could be eating Mrs. Johnson's cooking, I'll get with Neal and we'll make you suffer a thousand burning toilet seats."

Leo shivered as he considered that pair setting out for revenge. "Okay, let me give these to the nurse, and we'll get you and the baby ready, and head home."

* * *

You would have thought royalty was leaving the hospital. There was a group surrounding Bart and making sure his leg cast was holding everything in place as he was moved to the bench seat in the van and belted in securely. Then Dr. Hastings arrived with what must have been the entire New-Born staff as she made sure the infant seat was properly installed and the baby safely installed. All sorts of supplies were packed into the van. Leo was wondering if there was going to be room for him. Finally he strapped in, and they were off.

Leo pulled over into the parking lot, took out his cell phone and called Tom. "Hey, I'm bringing both patients, are we ready?"

"You've got both? How did you manage that?"

Leo grinned looking back at Bart. "An angel answered a prayer. Don't tell Linda. I want to see her face. We'll need some help getting the van unloaded so we can get to the patients. Tell Anthony we will need thegurney from the clinic. Oh, ask Mrs. Johnson to fix something for a starving boy and his dad. We should be there in about fifteen minutes."

* * *

The van arrived and pulled up behind the kitchen. From the woods, almost a quarter mile away, the watcher focused his new Barska 3-12 x 40mm Tactical Riflescope AC10772. This was one sweet scope, and although being blackmarket doubled the price, it kept the government out of the deal. Look at all those kids... Ah, there is the little bitch. One of these days, she and that fag are going to walk in his direction and then he will be set for life. Just a matter of time now.

* * *

Patty was in heaven as she got her hands on the baby. She had it cuddled and was on her way to the new nursery before Neal had even gotten out of the van. Both Dr. Millers were waiting to be able to get Bart out of the van. The rest of the kids were unloading the supplies and carrying them inside. Once Bart was on the gurney and the van empty, Leo moved it to it's regular parking spot by the stable.

Bart felt pretty special, as Tina Miller was making him the center of her attention. She was a pretty lady and she was talking to him and not about him, as so often happened with adults. She was explaining that when he was able, they were going to get him moving and exercising, and he was going to be amazed at what he was going to be able to do. She was also examining his other injuries and re-reading his medical notes that Leo had brought.

"Bart, you have had some serious injuries and severe damage to your body. The good news is that you are one of the luckiest souls on this earth. If you want, we can get you functioning on normal levels. It won't be easy, but, if you want to work at it, I'm here to make it happen."

The honesty and sincerity of that statement filled Bart, and what followed was a tearful hug, as Bart let her know he was all hers to work with.

Neal was watching from the doorway. He backed up to give them their space. Time to find out where Pat (with) went with his baby.

* * *

The new nursery was packed with people. Patty was holding the baby and every female in the manor was trying to get her hands on the poor thing. Neal rolled his eyes, "Jeez, you all need to let my baby have some space." He reached across several people and lifted the baby out of Patty's arms.

He cuddled the baby and murmured, "Brother Neal has you, now." He looked at the crowd, and said, "Okay, folks, we've had a busy day. It's time for a clean diaper and a nap. So, everybody out!"

To even Neal's surprise, the room cleared. Neal placed the baby on the changing pad just as he had been shown earlier. He lined up the supplies he might need, placed the clean diaper, and began.

His scream of, "DAAAAAAADDDDD!!!!!!" could be heard throughout Haven Manor.

* * *

Evil Author's Notes:

Gee, I wonder what Neal could possibly be upset about. {Tries to look innocent. Fails completely.} I think most of you have it figured out, I've left enough clues. It looks as if these two new doctors that have arrived are really going to be helpful. Bart is a really smart kid. I'm glad he will benefit from this new procedure. Sissie meeting her fate like that was kind of brutal, but anything else would have only increased the pain and suffering of those around her evilness. I'm glad Bart has some good memories of her that he can share. I hope 'Philip' was paying attention to that little scene with the sniper scope. Jeez ©!


Editor's Notes:

I'm going to have to have words with our evil author! Not one cliffhanger, but TWO!! Who's the guy with the sniper scope, and what is his problem? And what's got Neal so upset at the end of the chapter? I agree with our author that it was sad that Sissie had to die in such a terrible way, but she really put herself into the situation. I'm glad, though, that Bart has some good memories of her to hang on to.

I'm really wondering what Neal is so upset about at the end of the chapter. All he was doing was changing a diaper, and he knew how to do that. I sure hope our evil author gets a new chapter to us soon, so we can find out what's going on.

Arli J


Associate Editor's Notes:

First of all, the guy with the scope has been lurking around for quite a while, now, so we shouldn't be surprised about him being there every so often. I guess the fact that he has a rifle is a bit menacing, though.

Seriously, we have seen him before, and he is after one person, and we know who that is. If I know Philip, he hasn't missed a thing and most likely he has a very good picture of the guy and his equipment. I expect he will inform Sheriff Henry of the situation and he will go investigate the area and look for clues.

Sissy is gone but not forgotten; she had a lot of bad things happen to her to turn her into what she finally became.

Remember she carried the baby to term, and didn't even think of aborting it. She was way too young to be taking care of a little brother, let alone an infant. I think she finally just snapped and did the unthinkable. Even Bart doesn't hate her. He can remember a time when she was really nice to him.

Neal is really upset. What is he going on about? Did the baby die? Is it scarred or hurt?

Did they have to amputate some part of it, and forget to tell Neal about it?

Am I evil, too? Grin

Darryl The Radio Rancher


Fort Chief Editor's Notes:

Good grief now I have a dragon with a swelled head, thanks a lot Str8mayb he was hard enough to work with as it was.

For those of you who can't quite place Anthony and Tina you need to check out There Really Is a Santa Clause John Peters by 'Goos' available on this wonderful Padded Room Site and The Story Lover's Home.

As to what Neal is so upset about well other than saying Karma is a wonderful thing; my lips are sealed.

I don't think Leo and Tom were being very nice to the Millers and Dr. Alice with their 'Pat' answers!

Don't forget to check out You Tube to see why Leo called Neal a "modern Major General".