Sa'ren Part I

Chapter 2

As soon as Joel's eyes had fallen shut the evening before he had slipped into a deep dreamless slumber. All the excitement happening around him went unnoticed and time seemed to pass in a peaceful blur of nothingness. Towards the end of the night, however, he did start to dream, but as per Kyle and Tyler's promise, all the dreams were good. He had very few happy memories but it seemed like he dreamt them all.

He was out in the country alone. His master and mistress had left for a long weekend away, and had locked him out of the house. He had been expected to sleep in the tool shed, and so he had for the first night. However, in the back of the shed he had found something unexpected; a camping tent. He raided the bags by the back door for the little food that had been left behind for him, took some of the garden tools that he thought he might need, and headed into the hills surrounding the farmhouse. He was determined to fully enjoy this weekend free. He did not get much time to himself so he was going to enjoy himself to the hilt. Camping alone when only eight years old would have scared most other children, but not Joel. He had faced much worse than simply being alone. He worked out how to make a bow and arrow set for himself within a few short hours, then started hunting for something to eat.

A few dead rabbits later, he was now collecting wood for the fire. It took him almost ten minutes to start the fire, like in those films he had sneakily managed to watch. After getting the fire contained and burning well, he used a Stanley-knife to skin and clean out the rabbits before cooking them. Cooking over an open fire caused a few problems for the bright young boy, but he had fun all the same! And roast rabbit, even if it was a little burnt in places, was the best food he had ever tasted...

The dream faded and another started...

He was ten years old and in the Slave-section of Bridgend library. He was meant to be working on the day's tasks, but was just too excited. He had finally finished the hidden program that would prove to run undetected for the better part of the next three years. He started the program and was immediately given access to the internet. He started a few more programs of his own design and the search was on.

Over the next three years, he found news, stories, films, books, music, games... finally some beauty to spark in the darkness of his existence. He did find horror as well, though. The news always depressed him, but the joy and goodness found on the Underground Internet kept him coming back to it. Then, barely a year after he'd finally gotten on-line, he found what would come to be his most favourite story of all:

"Dragon Earl" - © by The Story Lover


Chapter One - The Discovery


Joth awoke from a restless night's sleep sweaty and disoriented. He threw his supple dragon skin bed covering off...

Again, the dream shifted... A few more scattered good days, or short hours of freedom alone... and then everything settled on something that was not a memory. At least, Joel had never believed it to be so. He had always assumed it was a daydream, or wishful thinking...

He was being held in strong, steady arms that were wrapped comfortingly around his tiny body. Above his face he could see deep dark blue eyes, much like his own, yet the face was out of focus. It was a woman's face, yet the rest of her was a mystery to him. Was this his mother? Maybe, maybe not, but nevertheless, he was content. Above them, a burning sun was beating down from out of a deep, orange sky, and a hot wind was blowing against his naked body.

As he turned his head, he could vaguely make out mountains of dark red and brown, with sparse green foliage dotted here and there upon them. The deep, echoing call of a predator on the hunt reached his ears, a sound not terrifying but soothing. A call within his very being seemed to respond to that deep toned bellow, and a yearning for something he knew not tugged at him.

The heat, which he knew should be terribly oppressive, was also soothing; a gentle touch upon his flesh, and the murmuring voice of his mother filling his ears added the perfect counterpoint to everything he was feeling.

If this was just a fantasy, he never wanted to return to mundane reality. Here, in his made-up mother's arms, in this hot, dry paradise for his senses, he felt finally safe and content.

He was home.

Intruding softly upon his peaceful reminiscence came the voices of Sean and Cory...

"Messy is an understatement, bro," Sean whispered.

Cory took Joel's hand and squeezed it gently. The scars that were once covering Joel's body were gone, and in their place were pale pigmented marks in his flesh. His forehead was blissfully clear of any such mark, though; Kyle had done an excellent job with that tattoo.

"I'll wake him up now; I kept him in assisted sleep for a while," Doc Austin said as he depressed a few buttons on the Biobed. "Look, this is going to be a shock for him, and he's in a lot of stress physically, so lead him gently to what he has turned into."

Joel's face creased slightly and his eyelids fluttered. He cracked them open and looked straight at Cory, his small face unreadable at first. Then fear was clearly seen rising in those deep blue eyes. "Did I sleep late? I'm sorry if I did... really I am..." he began, his voice filling with panic.

"Shhhh... relax, lil'elf." Cory replied gently. "You're allowed to sleep whenever you want for as long as you want. We were just watching you sleep to make sure you were okay."

Sean looked oddly at Cory, 'Lil'elf?'

'You heard Mike. He said our 'Lil'elf' is coming...' he sent back. 'Tell me Joel doesn't fit that name, dude.'

Sean answered with a grin and moved closer to Cory's side.

Joel had relaxed at Cory's softly spoken words, however he was puzzled at the name he was just called. He sat up slowly, his hand still held tight in the comforting grip of Cory's own, and sat there with his legs crossed beneath the light sheet that had been over him. He yawned, then stopped suddenly and looked about ready to cry.

Cory guessed, "You can yawn too, Joel. It's normal."

Joel stared at him, before nodding slowly. "Can I stretch too? I wasn't allowed before when people were around..."

Mutely, Sean nodded, and so the smaller boy did so.

This time, he stopped with a gasp, and his hands flew to his sides and ribs: searching. He looked down, and gasped again. "They're gone! They're all gone!" he half yelled, throwing off the sheet to fully explore himself... and found not one scar on his now smooth skin.

He was now smiling and his face was alight with joy. He looked back at his two protectors, "How?"

"It was Kyle, Tyler and Levi, Joel," Doc Austin answered.

Joel froze and glanced around Sean's body to see the doctor sitting the other side of the room. He trembled, and averted his eyes. 'He was nice last night, but... he's still an adult...' he thought fearfully.

"They also," the Doc continued quietly, trying to make his voice as non-threatening as possible, "got rid of your tattoo, and helped heal everything else."

"Th...thanks," Joel trembled, looking mutely at Sean for some form of help. He was feeling that same old fear come back. He reached out with both hands subconsciously and grabbed a hold of each of theirs that was nearest...

Cory felt a light touch on his heart, as did Sean, and they saw an immediate change in Joel's own eyes. He began to look calmer. Joel asked, "Who's Levi?"

"Kyle's son," Sean answered with a smile.

"Oh," Joel said, feeling confused. Then he remembered that Sean and Cory had kids. 'Maybe they adopted, but... ain't they still young?'

The boy pulled his hands back, and looked at them in wonder, then looked down at himself again. His eyebrows crinkled as he seemed to be trying to work something out. Then he looked back up, "Need to go to the toilet. Can I, please?"

Cory nodded, hiding his sadness. "You can, lil'elf. You never need to ask, you can just go."

Joel threw his legs over the side of the bed and hopped down; and nearly fell. Sean caught him and held onto him as he found his balance.

"You grew a little last night, bro," Sean murmured to him quietly. "Lean on me, and I'll help you."

Joel half smiled, and started towards the door, but stopped and turned slightly towards Doc Austin. "Sir, did you remove that chip?" he asked, his voice trembling.

"Yes, son. It's out now," came the quiet response.

Joel was about to ask what he was, and what the other half of his once hidden DNA pointed at, when his body practically demanded him to move post-haste to the bathroom. Sean sniggered as Joel started hopping from foot to foot, so they made their way out and down the corridor to the toilets quickly.

They made it just in time. Joel ran over and stood to relieve himself, keeping himself facing sideways to the door so that Sean could make sure he was only touching himself 'there' to pee. He braced himself for the pain that he had had to deal with for the past week, and... nothing! No pain! He opened his eyes and looked down in wonder. Obviously, that 'kind of nice' doctor had healed him. He grinned and just enjoyed the relief of peeing without pain. Then it came to him; he felt no pain, but he felt nothing else either.

He sighed and forced back his tears. So, he had been healed, but there were some things that not even the Federation could fix. He felt less than nothing at that instant. He finished, flushed and moved sadly over to the sink to wash up.

Sean had watched all this from the doorway, with Cory just behind him. They had seen fear and expected pain on the kid's face, then relief and joy, and now sadness and loss. Sean cast a questioning look at Cory, who could only shrug in complete bemusement at him. Sean looked back quickly and saw that the swollen look Joel's dick had had yesterday had gone, and so was completely in the dark as to why Joel was now sad.

Filing it away to ask the boy later, he watched as Joel moved to the sink. Sean grinned at his soon-to-be-husband; there was a mirror above the sink, and they both knew... Joel was about to find out! Grinning, they watched and waited for the hopeful sight of an extremely happy Joel.

It did not come as they expected, for Joel never looked into mirrors any more.

The tattoo that he had borne all his life disgusted him, and he hated his own reflection, so habit kept him from looking even though he knew he would not have the mark on his forehead any more. He washed his hands quickly, keeping his eyes averted all the while from the wall and the mirror on it, then dried up.

He paused again, staring at his fingers.

Something was very wrong with his eyes, there must be. He rubbed them and looked again.

Still the same. He looked up at the two boys by the door, and they looked normal. Looking down at his nude form, he could see he was not.

He moved over to the two teens and gently reached and took Cory's hand. He interlinked his own fingers with the blond boy's and studied them.

Under Cory's fingernails the pink coloured flesh could be seen, and the blond's skin, what with him being Caucasian, had that same healthy pinky colour.

The bed's of his own nails were not pink, and his skin seemed dusky and darker where once he was as fair and pale as Cory. He looked at the pale marks that were all that remained of his scars...

"I'm..." he trailed off as he looked up at Cory.

Cory raised both his hands and moved back Joel's curly yet shaggy hair away from his ears, and then traced his fingers gently over them.

Joel's eyes popped open and his mouth formed a perfect O shape. He clapped his own hands over Cory's and together they traced his ears together: his pointed ears.

"Vulcan..." he managed, a shy smile starting on his lips as he glanced back and forth between the two teens. "I'm a Vulcan?"

"Well, you're not a Horta, that's for certain," Sean grinned at him as he too reached and rubbed one finger up and over the point on Joel's nearest ear. "Yes, Joel. You're a Vulcan!"

Joel smiled widely, and turned and ran for the mirror. He looked in wonder for the first time at himself, and moved his hair to see his ears and eyebrows. He was giggling as well, for the sight of a Vulcan face smiling back at him seemed vastly amusing.

"Come on," Sean said as he walked over and pulled the boy into his arms, "let's get you back and dressed."

"Okay!" bubbled Joel. "I am feeling a bit... I'm feeling colder. Why? Wasn't cold last night!" he asked, suddenly puzzled.

"The Doc can answer that," Cory said as both boys reached him at the doorway. "Don't worry," he added quickly as Joel's face fell, "we'll be right there with you."

"'Kay," Joel mumbled hesitantly.

As they got back to the room they found that they had visitors; two Cheetah-boys were standing by the Biobed with MP5's slung over their shoulders. Joel froze for a second, then looked up at Cory, "What kinda alien are they? Never seen them on Star Trek... are they friendly?"

"They're just a couple of cute pussy-cats, at least they are if you're their friend. Going by their grins, I think you're approved, lil'elf," Cory replied softly. "That one is Hermes, and that's his twin, Mercury."

"Pussy-cats?" Hermes grinned at the Patriarch. "Going by the rules here, we are allowed to dunk our commanding officers, so you are going swimming later, Sir," the cheetah-boy rushed out.

Mercury gave Joel his best toothy grin, "We're your bodyguards, Joel and we'll make sure nothing hurts you. But we're not aliens... we're half human half cheetah and the Patriarch is right; we are friendly if we like you and we like you a lot!"

Joel looked up at Cory again, seeking reassurance, before padding across slowly towards the two cat-boys. He reached out with trembling hands and touched their arms lightly. "Warm," he murmured before sandwiching himself between their fur covered bodies. "Nice," he whispered, a ghost of a smile on his face.

Sean sniggered, "Okay, dudes; where's the robes? None of you cats go about without them, from what I've seen with your lion bros."

Hermes shrugged as he kept his tiny charge snugly held between himself and his brother, "I was sleeping, on orders from the Doc, but when I woke, Joel was gone from the monitor, and the Doc looked like he'd been knocked out, so we came running in fast."

Doc Austin chuckled, "I was resting on the chair here and nearly fell asleep. I think it made them nervous by the way I was positioned."

"Uh huh," Mercury purred. "It's okay, though. We don't mind being this way; we'd prefer it, but humans like wearing clothes so we do so to fit in better."

"The ears and furry faces kinda make that a little hard, don't they?" Cory asked, giggling.

Two raspberries were his answer as both cheetah's responded in unison.

Joel poked his pixie-like face out from between the two cheetah's chests, "I like them. They feel safe."

More purrs met that, and Joel found his face being licked by two wet tongues.

"I think you've made their day, Lil'elf," was Cory's laughing response.

Doc Austin coughed lightly and gestured at Cory. Once the teen had come closer, the Doc pointed at a pile of clothes. "Can you give them to Joel?" he asked quietly. "I'm afraid of startling him too much if I try."

"Sure, Doc," Cory smiled as he gathered the Clan clothing into his arms. "He said he felt cooler so clothes are good."

"He would," was the Doc's reply. "Vulcan is a hot world, and his biology would naturally seek higher temperatures than most of earth. He may have been used to it when he was 'human' but he now has to reacclimatise himself. Make sure he stays warm and dressed until he does, Cory."

"Sure, Doc. I'll get him dressed once I get his purring, furry guardians to let him go for five seconds," Cory giggled.

"See us in an hour or so," Mercury called over, "he gives good back rubs!"

Joel's arms, wrapped around Mercury's body, were gently moving up and down the cheetah's spine, and Sean could see that the Vulcan's eyes had closed blissfully.

"Oh, you'll need to make sure he has this lotion rubbed into his skin at about noon, then every 5-7 hours after," Doc Austin handed a tube of skin-cream to Cory. "His skin is highly sensitive right now, but not in a touch way. After his change last night, his skin started to tighten slightly. It wouldn't harm him to leave it, but this cream keeps him moist and loose, to lessen the discomfort. After 24 hours, he should have adjusted fully."

"Got ya," Cory said, taking the lotion.

Joel wasn't listening to this, however, as he felt a lightness in him as he was cuddled between both cheetahs. He was fully relaxed between them now, and the rest of the world seemed distant. He could also feel a protective fire radiating from the two teens standing close. He had never felt safer in his life.

"Joel? Do you want to get dressed now?" Cory asked gently as he came and stood next to the cuddling trio.

Joel's eyes popped open. Confusion was plainly seen in his face. "If you want me to, Cory," he said in a small voice.

Cory's face fell a bit as he remembered that Joel was unused to making choices for himself. "If you want to keep cuddling for a while, that's cool; isn't it, guys?" he said, addressing the question to the cheetah twins.

"Sure thing, boss," Hermes purred to Cory. He brought his muzzle closer to Joel's ear and whispered, "We can stay here as long as you want, Joel."

"Or, if you want, you can get dressed and cuddle more after," Mercury added, whispering in Joel's other ear.

Joel was now nearly in tears. He started to blubber, "I... I don't know... I... I'm scared, and... I..."

"Relax, lil'elf," Cory replied softly. "You need to do what makes you the most comfortable. If you want to keep enjoying the kitty cuddle, go right ahead and keep doing it. When you feel calm and comfortable enough that you feel like you are ready to hunt down some food with us, then we all can invade the cafeteria."

Joel's eyes were wide as he tried to process his new 'instructions' to relax, and yet his near thirteen years of slavery training was telling him to put everyone else's wishes first and his never. How could he make a choice? Why won't they just tell him what to do?

His arms were still wrapped around Mercury, yet they were trembling violently.

Cory's empathy could pick up on the fear, and the two cheetah's could certainly smell it as it radiated from Joel.

Sean asked gently, "What's wrong, Joel?"

Training, as always, took over; even though the answer he must give to the question could end up causing more pain for him.

"I can't have desires; I can't have no wants. I'm not allowed them. I don't really know what I would want even if I was allowed," he said in a squeaky voice, before sliding out of the twin's hug and pressing himself against the wall. He slid down it and covered his head with his arms, "I'm sorry... please don't hurt me!..."

Sean and Cory moved as one without thinking, and both cats stepped to one side immediately to give them direct access to the now sobbing and violently trembling Joel. The Vulcan boy found himself in the possessive, protective arms of the two teens, and he opened his eyes in wonder. Where were the lashes; the blows; the pain? Fire upon Fire, and Heat upon Heat slammed out from the two teen's chests and overwhelmed his senses, and he could not but obey, finally, the command to 'relax'.

"We'd never hurt you, never," Cory managed brokenly, his emotions clearly heard in his voice. "You're never going to be hurt again; not ever, if I have anything to say about it."

Sean whispered, "We only want you to be you, lil' bro. We want you to be happy. We give you the right to choose, and to forget all that you were told and taught before."

Joel trembled again, yet it was not fear. There was a spark of Heat and Fire in his own chest that suddenly flickered to life, but he did not know what it was. It felt something like the Fire and Heat still pouring from his two teen protectors, but it was just as puzzling to him.

Sean added, and tears were now heard in his voice as well, "We know it's going to be hard to 'forget' all you were told before, but please try. We just want you to be happy."

Mercury and Hermes moved in closer and sat down next to the trio. "Joel? Can you look at us, please?" Mercury asked quietly.

The boy raised his face and looked into the cheetah's warm, yellow eyes.

Mercury started to speak slowly and clearly, allowing each and every word to carry all the sincerity that he could muster. "Cory gave an order yesterday. He said that anyone who hurts you would answer to him. My commander, Adam Casey, told me and my brother to come here and be your guards. If anyone wants to hurt you, they have to come through us; and that includes Cory and Sean. No-one, not anyone, is allowed to hurt you, EVER!!"

Cory glanced up at Mercury, his eyes asking what in the heck he was talking about.

Hermes explained, "Your telepathic whatsit yesterday, Sir. We all heard it; at least all telepaths, and some of us Unit guys have that ability."

"Oh," Cory murmured, blushing slightly. He then pressed his face to Joel's hair, "See, lil' elf? We all love you. You never have to be afraid of us."

In a very small voice, Joel replied, "I'll try, Cory. I'll try real hard."

Sean rubbed his back slightly before asking the Vulcan, "Now, do you want to get dressed and get some food, or do you want to have some more hugs with the four of us first?"

Joel thought hard and fast. With the slightest of trembles he whispered his choice, "Hugs... please?"

Doc Austin watched with tears in his eyes as the four larger boys sat together in a circle with Joel sitting in between them. The Vulcan was slowly being passed from one set of loving arms to another, and the man could see that with each cuddle, hug and kiss he was receiving, more and more tension and doubt seemed to leave the tiny boy's face and eyes. He decided that now was as good a time as any to explain a few things to Joel, since he was being calmed and loved by boys he so obviously trusted.

"Is it okay for me to talk to you guys for a moment?" he asked gently.

Joel stiffened for the briefest of seconds before Sean's arms snaked about his body and he found himself held tight, his back to Sean's stomach, and his hands held fast by Cory on one side and Hermes on his other. Mercury giggled lightly and said, "I guess I get to cuddle your toes, mmm, Joel?"

Joel cocked his head slightly, then giggled as the fur on Mercury's paw-like hands tickled the soles of his feet. He nodded, and giggled, "Uh huh; yeah."

"Go ahead, Doc," Cory answered as the man slowly moved and sat nearer, but not too close to the five on the floor.

"Okay Joel, I'm going to explain a few things to you now, but more after I've had some sleep. If you have any questions, please know you can ask them. I won't be mad nor angry at anything you ask; I promise. Do you understand, sweetheart?" Doc Austin asked.

Joel pressed his lips together and nodded, his eyes fixed on the Doc's mouth, for he just could not bring himself to look an adult in the eyes, yesterday not withstanding. Yesterday much of his training had been forgotten due to the shock of finding himself in a Universe where 'Star Trek' was real; now, all his training was back, yet some things were different already. What Kyle and Tyler had done in his mind yesterday was helping some, but his fear just seemed too powerful to be disregarded as he had been told it would.

Doc Austin began, "That's good, kiddo. Okay, first the obvious; you are half Vulcan and half human. I'll get to that later. Anyway, you have some fairly big changes to get used to; mainly your characteristics. As with all hybrids your physiology is mostly Vulcan as Vulcan DNA is generally dominant. That gives you everything any other Vulcan has. There are some bad points, though. You are untrained, and your emotions are going to be far, far stronger than you're used to. Also, your physical strength is greater than that of a human boy your age. Well, physical age I mean. You could easily hurt others if you are not careful."

'Like I said, this could be messy!' Cory sent to Sean with a telling look.

Tightening his arms around the boy, Sean sent back a quick agreement.

"I don't wanna hurt no one," Joel murmured nervously.

"We know you don't. I just want you to be aware that you have more strength than most of us here; myself included. In a rage, a Vulcan is able to do more than any human. I'm not sure yet what one of the Unit is capable of, but I'm sure not even they would want to face a truly annoyed Vulcan. It is not the course of wisdom," the Doc continued gently. "Plus, you are a hybrid, and all hybrids are stronger than pure bloods. The best of both parents is the most likely to rise to the surface. Take Captain Spock; he is stronger than an average Vulcan by at least fifty percent."

Joel's eyes brightened momentarily.

Mercury giggled, "Wouldn't it be cool, Joel? If you found out you were Spock's son? He's well famous!"

Sean nodded, "That would be something, but impossible. Uncle Spock is half Human, and so is Joel. If he was Spock's boy, then Joel would be either a quarter Vulcan or three quarters Vulcan, or a mix inbetween; not half as he is."

Joel nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Sean's right. But I do hope I get to meet him, at least once! I've always..." he trailed off and looked up at Sean briefly before completing his sentence nervously, yet with no small measure of pride for the accomplishment, "I've always wanted to!"

"I promise you will, actually pretty soon." Cory replied gently. "Uncle Spock is probably gonna check in with us as soon as he reaches Planetside."

Joel grinned slowly, then he widened his eyes in shock as what both Cory and Sean had said sank in. "Uncle? Uncle Spock?"

Cory smiled. "Yep; he's our Uncle, which makes him YOUR Uncle."

"How's he your uncle?" Joel asked curiously.

Sean answered lightly, "It's a Vulcan thing, Joel. We're a Vulcan Clan of Adopted Brothers, and linked to Uncle Spock's Family. So, he's our Uncle!"

The boy sat there and processed that; then he stared in shock at Cory when he finally realised what else he'd said. " is he my Uncle if he's yours?" he asked in total confusion.

"Because you are our little brother now, Joel... our very special lil' elf brother!" Sean and Cory chorused.

The gears in Joel's head were very nearly audible. He blurted out, "Brothers? I... I have..." He stopped speaking, not even daring to hope that he had heard them right. His soulful eyes met Cory's and he saw acceptance and confirmation in them almost at once. "I have brothers...? For real?"

"You can count on it; and Cory and I promise to be your brothers forever, too." Sean replied, giving the boy on his lap an extra special squeeze.

He was immediately followed by Mercury interjecting, "Us too." Hermes just nodded firmly.

Joel burst into tears... but this time they were happy tears. A massive shiver went up his spine as a wave of happiness and joy flooded out from his heart. That small spark of Fire and Heat he had previously felt in his chest bloomed and burst forth, and was met by equal Fire and Heat from Cory and Sean, and, to a lesser extent, from the cheetahs as well.

"Well," Doc Austin said, smiling as the four larger boys got to their knees to make a circle-hug around the happily sobbing Joel, "I think I'll save what else I was going to say until later. You guys go eat, once you're done. I'm off for an hour or so in bed." With that, he got up and left them.

Joel did not even hear him leave...

He had brothers.

It was not long before Joel had calmed down and decided that food might be a good thing to go on the hunt for. At least, the loud rumble from his stomach gave that away for him. Cory giggled, stood and sat the boy on the biobed, "Those clothes are yours, lil'elf. They'll keep you warm, and then we can get something to snack on before breakfast."

Joel reached over and pulled the pile towards himself. He ran his fingers lightly over each article of clothing. "Soft," he whispered.

"All of your clothes will be soft from now on, little brother," Sean whispered back.

Joel smiled up at him, "Thanks. All my old stuff used to be thin and scratchy."

"You're our little brother; you only get the best," Cory replied as he reached over and gave Joel a loving squeeze.

Mercury, meanwhile, had picked up the pair of boxer shorts. He knew what they were, but for obvious reasons the G-Cats never wore such. Looking at his twin and winking, he decided to have some fun and see if he could bring more giggles from the Vulcan they were guarding.

"Hey! Is this what you do with these, Boss?" he asked Cory.

Cory looked over and burst into laughter, as did Sean. It was, however, the crystal clear, almost bell like laughter from Joel that Mercury had been aiming for when he had put the shorts on his head; with his ears sticking out from where the legs should be.

"I think you're covering the wrong head!" Sean got out through his giggles. "They do kinda work as a cat-hat though!"

Sean's statement had a profound effect on the tiny Vulcan. He stopped laughing and averted his eyes from everyone for a moment.

Mercury was giggling at Sean, however, and failed to notice. "Really? Oh. So this is a tail hole?" he asked as he took the shorts of his head and wiggled his finger through the opening in the front.

He never got an answer, for a moan of terror escaped Joel's lips, and he was unconsciously covering his genitals with his hands and his legs were pressed as tightly together as they could get.

Cory did notice, and he wrapped his arms around Joel. "Shhhh..... relax little one; you are safe and nobody is going to hurt you."

Mercury gently handed Joel the shorts, "Sorry, Joel. Didn't know that would upset you."

"S'okay," Joel mumbled quietly as he took the shorts and put them on. "Not your fault, si... ah. Cory, what do I call them? Sir? Or can I use their names?"

Cory smiled. "Usually we only use 'sir' if we are being formal; I'm sure if you asked nicely they would both let you call them by name. They might even let you call them a nickname if there is one they really like."

Joel turned his deep blue eyes towards the two cat boys and he asked, "Can I? Call you by your names?"

The two cats looked at each other and grinned. Hermes slowly walked over to the bed the little boy was still on, and gently placed one of his paws on the boy's shoulder, "You could call us anything you like... except late to dinner."

Joel blinked, then giggled. He pulled Hermes in and hugged him.

"But seriously, our brothers call me Merc, and my brother Herm," Mercury said as he watched his brother hugging Joel. "We would both be honoured if you would call us by those names. Then you would really be our brother."

"Thank you," Joel mumbled.

Hermes sniggered, then started passing clothes over to the boy.

Sean was looking curiously at Mercury as the boy's twin was helping Joel. He said quietly, hoping Joel would not hear, "I'm curious, dude. I don't want to pry or anything, but I noticed with Mont and Bast and just thought it was them. Your, ah... well, your dicks don't look... well, were you hurt by the people who made you this way or something?"

Mercury looked down at himself, then back up at Sean. "Ah... no. That's how it's meant to look," he responded just as quietly.

Joel dared a quick look at what Sean was referring to, for his Vulcan hearing was greater than Sean realised. His voice trembling, he offered a fast yet succinct response. "They're cats. A cat's penis retracts deep within the lower abdomen, so you'd only see the small external sheath."

"Ah, that's what you're on about!" Mercury giggled. "Yeah, we can make ours appear when we need to go answer a call of nature, and... well.."

Sean nodded, blushing, "When you get excited, yeah, I get it."

Surprisingly, Joel asked, his eyes fixed on the opposite wall, "Do you have hooks like cats do, or...?"

"Hooks?!" Hermes giggled softly. "Ouch! I'd feel for anyone if we had them!"

"No," Mercury said while chuckling, "when they come out they look like a normal boy's one. Just without a foreskin, as the sheath is the foreskin."

"'Kay," Joel whispered, as he tugged on a hoodie.

Sean giggled as Mercury deliberately made his 'little Merc' visible, "See?"

"Yeah, we see!" Cory giggled, squeezing Joel's shoulder. He gestured with his free hand for Mercury to 'put it away', glancing at the Vulcan who's eyes were closed tightly.

Mercury did so, and said with a smile, "I'll get our robes. Be right back!"

As he ran out, Joel opened his eyes, and smiled timidly at Cory, Sean and Hermes.

Sean sent to Cory, 'I wonder, why he is so afraid to even look?'

'Dunno, but I'll try asking Kyle after. I'm not asking Joel; not yet anyway,' Cory sent back.

Joel looked like he was about to say something else when his stomach suddenly rumbled again.

Cory snorted affectionately as he gently poked Joel's belly, "Let's get that beastie fed before it escapes and eats us all!"

Joel giggled.

Joel's head was swimming from the smells permeating the cafeteria, and he found himself moving towards the counter where a full breakfast buffet was laid out ready for any and all who needed it. He only stopped when a woman came into view on the other side. He turned quickly and ran behind Cory and wrapping his arms around his big brother's middle. He was trembling so much his teeth rattled in his head.

"Hey there, Ms. Jackson!" Cory exclaimed as he placed his hands on Joel's to calm him.

Sean came up from behind and cuddled into Joel's back, whispering, "You can relax lil brother. She is safe; she gave up a really good job to move here and help make sure kids who have been hurt are fed really good food while they are getting better."

Joel nodded into Cory's back, but could not bring himself to let go of the death grip he had around his brother's waist.

"Joel, you've got two attack cats watching over you; I don't know of any human who is stupid enough to mess with them," Cory whispered. "I'll never lie and tell you to trust someone I don't trust; I trust her so I know you are safe around her."

"I... I just can't, Cory," he nearly wailed, shaking his head violently 'no' against Cory's back.

He could not even say it. A man, he could deal with, abate fearfully. A woman, however, brought out a terror that was physically hurting him, and was even making Cory wince slightly. It was only due to knowing his new brothers would protect him that allowed him to even turn and run away from women. Before, he would have stayed there; terrified half to death.

Ms Jackson looked on in pity. "I'll get something ready for you five, Cory. You take the child over to those tables, and Sean and these two cute cats can bring your snack over, okay?"

"Thank you, Ms Jackson," Cory smiled, although the smile did not reach his eyes. He backed away slowly, turned and pulled Joel around to his front as he made his way to the tables on the far side of the room.

"Bacon sandwiches coming up, Sean," Ms Jackson said with a small smile. She added, as she started making the sandwiches, "Doctor Michaels spoke to me after he sent little Antonio over to get you; he said that poor boy went through hell last night due to some of his internal organs changing and rearranging."

Sean gasped, "You're kidding! How could he survive that?!"

"All the doctor said was that it took Antonio, someone called Ark, himself and those cute kids, Kyle, Tyler and Levi, to help keep Joel alive throughout the night. They had to restart his heart twice, and then have the biobed on overdrive for three hours to repair the damage the heart failures gave him," she continued.

Sean paled. "Does that mean that he could have more heart failures?" he whispered fearfully.

"No, he's okay now," she smiled gently, before continuing seriously. "However, neither human nor Vulcan biology allows for what that kid went through last night. How he came to be that way to begin with without dying in the process is beyond me. And I'd know; I was a nurse before working here. That's why Chameloids amaze me at how they change. I loved reading about them when I was younger; but humans or Vulcans doing so? Can't happen. Shouldn't happen. That boy..." she pointed at Joel was was snuggled next to Cory and now giggling slightly at the tickles his blond brother was giving him, "That boy is a living, walking miracle."

"I'll say," Mercury said in awe.

She handed the three boys three plates of bacon sandwiches, "Doctor Michaels said that the boy was to have the energy drinks from now until the Enterprise gets here and Doctor McCoy can see him."

Sean accepted one of the plates, his jaw on his chest. "Bones wants to see Joel?"

"Yes. Dr Michaels mentioned that Dr McCoy is the foremost Starfleet expert on Vulcan/Human hybrids. He contacted him a few hours ago and as soon as Enterprise gets here, Joel is slated to go there; or as soon as is practical. The word is that the ship will be here Wednesday night."

Sean nodded, thinking quickly, "Yeah, they were on the core-wards side of the Federation Central Hub. That's a good week's travel at normal cruise speed." He nodded at the two cheetahs and they both started towards the table where Joel and Cory were. Sean looked back at Ms Jackson, "I'll tell Mom about the drinks, and we'll make sure Joel rests up."

"Good," she smiled, "And tell those two cute cats that I'll bring warm milk for them in a moment, but I'll leave them on the table there," she pointed. "I don't want little Joel getting scared."

"Thanks," Sean smiled before he, too, walked towards the table.

He found Joel looking closely at his own plate, and then nervously watching Cory as his brother ate a sandwich.

Sean grinned, "You can eat, lil'bro. It's not as good when the bacon gets cold."

Joel nodded slowly, and tentatively took a nibble. The two cheetahs came close to choking with laughter when they watched Joel gobble the rest down in less than ten seconds.

Cory's mouth was hanging open in shock. "Lil'elf, you just put Gavin to shame! I've never seen anything disappear that fast!"

Joel started to grin, but then a spark of nervous fear was seen building in his eyes.

Sean jumped in quickly, however. "It's okay, bro. You're not in trouble. You obviously liked it," he said with a soft smile as he cuddled in closer to the boy.

Cory nodded and did the same from Joel's other side, so that the tiny Vulcan was hugged from both sides. Joel grinned openly then, "Uh huh, it was very yummy! Thanks for letting me have some of your food. I really liked it."

"That was your food, Joel," Cory corrected softly. "Anything you want to eat at any time here or anywhere else we go is yours. If we are outside our home here, you'll have the same kind of card that we do to buy anything that you want to eat."

"But when we are here or at home, just ask for some food whenever you are hungry and whoever is making food at the time will get it for you," Sean added. "If you can't talk to the person cooking, ask any of the guys and they will get it for you."

Mercury looked Joel in the eye and grinned, "Plus it'll give us an excuse to get more food!"

The boy's eyes had grown wider with each new piece of information he heard from his two big brothers. He even giggled at Mercury's jest. "Money? You'd give me money?" he asked Cory wonderingly.

"Yes we will, little brother; that is part of you being family," Cory replied.

Joel's smile reached from pointy ear to pointy ear. He twisted slightly in his seat and buried his face into his brother's chest, while pulling Sean over to 'guard' his back.

"Thank you," he murmured hoarsely.

Joel's Point of View:

I hugged myself in closer to Cory's chest, and I felt Sean wrap his arms around my waist from behind. I heard someone come closer to the table and place something down, but I just kept my eyes closed and enjoyed these "hugs".

I think I like "hugs". They feel really, really nice, and don't hurt or nothin'!

Sean sat back after a moment, and my back felt colder. I heard him pull his plate over and knew he was eating, so that was okay. Same as Cory, for only one of my... my brother!... He's my brother, and I still can't believe it! Anyway, only one of his arms was holding me tightly against his chest, so he just had to be eating too.

I opened my eyes and looked up, and found I was right. He swallowed his mouthful and smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

Smiling felt good too. I never used to smile much, but now I'm smiling a lot!

I buried my face back against his chest and closed my eyes again. Breathing slowly, I found myself relaxing into his arms, and it was then that I noticed...

"You smell nice," I murmured, half to myself. I looked up as I sensed him turn his face down to look at me nestled into his chest.

"Thanks!" he smiled. He then asked me something strange, "You're a very huggable lil' elf, can I keep you forever?"

I wanted to stay with him forever. He was a good master; even letting me be his brother. But a slave can't make that decision. "I... ah... I'd like to be here forever..." I hesitated, before closing my eyes sadly. "But it depends if you sell me or not," I finished with a whisper into his chest.

His smell changed, and I felt his muscles in his arm tense up. I tensed too. I must have said something wrong, so I winced and waited for the beating.

"You're a free boy, lil' elf." I looked quickly. His soft words were serious, but... there was no sign of anger there.

He continued to speak in that serious tone, and I found myself almost believing him, "If anyone ever tries to sell you they have to deal with me. You're worth more than all of the money in the world, and the only way that you belong to anyone is that you are my little brother. It hurts me when you talk about yourself as a slave; there are no slaves in my house and you will live here as long as you want to."

He then... kissed?... I think these are kisses. I'd read about them, and seen some on some films... but... whatever, they are nice. He gave one of the 'kiss' things to my nose, and it tickled so much that I giggled. So did he. I like it when they all 'kiss' me. Merc and Herm are real funny with their tongues. My ears are still kinda damp.

I cuddled back in and tried to think about being 'free'. Cory kept saying it. He'd said it yesterday, now today, and he just kept on saying it.

Can't be real, though; can it?

Free for real?

His smell was normal again, now, and he started eating his food again.

Boy, I was still hungry.

That 'bacon sandwich' was nice, and it was more food than I'd ever had for breakfast before... except for those eggs Mikey gave me on 'Forever World'... but I was still hungry.

My tummy rumbled a bit, and I hoped Cory didn't hear it. I didn't want him to think I was being greedy. The hunger can wait. Won't be long 'til nightfall and evening meal, and if my new owners always gave me that much more each time they fed me then I won't be as hungry as I used to be.

But... didn't he say something about asking if I wanted more? I can't do that! Can I?

While I was thinking, and trying to keep my belly from rumbling more, I heard Herm move slightly on the other side of the table. "Joel?"

"Yeah?" I asked, looking over at him.

"What did you mean by Cory smelling nice?" Herm asked as he tilted his head to the side.

Had I asked something wrong? Can't have! Cory didn't say nothing bad about what I said. He said 'Thanks'! Why's Herm asking this then?

"I... he jus' does. He smells... safe. Nice. Warm," I whispered, half afraid.

I felt Cory reach out again, and looked up to see him smile again, "Thanks Joel; that's got to be one of the sweetest things anyone but Sean has ever said to me." He then handed another sandwich to me, "I felt your tummy asking for another one of these; here you go, take your time and enjoy it. There are more if we want them."

I swivelled in his hug until I was seated side to side with him, his arm still around me, though. I took the sandwich slowly. "Really?"

"Yes, really," Cory ruffled my hair before starting to eat again.

I looked down at the sandwich, up at him, across at the cheetahs, then to my other side at Sean. Sean was chewing happily on his own food, but he did nod at me.

The new sandwich disappeared fast.

If they give me more food, I'd better eat it before they take it away again.

I heard Merc sniggering at me before whispering to his brother, "He has a good sense of smell."

"Vulcan's have higher senses than humans," I heard Sean mumbled through a mouthful of sandwich. "Girl Vulcans have a lot higher sense of smell than the boys, but boys have nearly the same as you cat dudes."

"Wow, really? Didn't know that," Herm said in a rush. Boy, they were funny when they spoke! He looked at me, "Can you smell us too, Joel?"

I nodded shyly. I'd noticed something with the cats, but I didn't know Vulcan boys had a higher sense of smell. I just thought it was the gild Vulcans that had that. I smiled, "I... it's not something strong, but I can tell you are Herm by... well, by something about the way the air smells when I'm near you. It's different for Merc. I sorta noticed before in that hug, and you smell... a little stronger than Cory."

Herm nodded, "Yeah, we do. That's cool, Joel!" He grinned at me, and I had to grin back. I just couldn't help it!

"Well at least we won't need name tags for you then," Merc giggled as he took a slurp of his bowl of milk.

I suddenly burped. I clapped my hands to my mouth quickly, "Sorry! Really, really..." I started to sob out.

Cory gave me a quick squeeze as he said softly, "Relax; I do that too if I eat too fast! Tommy says it's not bad manners, it's good food. In some places if you don't belch it's an insult to the cook, so relax. Mom likes it if we say 'excuse me' after we burp, but we don't get in trouble for it."

I furrowed my brow. He used to whip me for doing stuff like that.

"Umm... Excuse me...?" I tried, looking up uncertainly at my big brother. He just nodded at me with one of his huge, beautiful smiles.

Sean then reached out and pulled me over and into his side. "My turn for lil' elf hugs!" he said, and I could feel that Heat and Fire as he said it.

Pass up more "hugs"? No way! I wrapped my thin arms around my other big brother's belly and snuggled in quickly. All Vulcans have a higher sense of smell? Well, I started to put that to the test.

I inhaled deeply.

"Wow," I grinned up from Sean's chest at him.

Sean giggled at me, "Do I smell good too?"

I nodded happily. It was different from Cory. I now knew that I could find Sean or Cory even if in the dark.

But I knew something else, now.

They both smelt good.

They both smelt safe.

Normal Perspective:

As they left the Camp clinic, Joel's eyes bugged out of his head. Mont and Bast were outside, standing guard by the doors.

...And they were massive compared to him!

He turned and fixed Cory's eyes with his own, "They like Merc and Herm?"

"Yup, they are my bodyguards, just like the twins are yours," Cory replied as he held Joel's hand.

"Oh, okay," the cherub smiled before pulling Cory over to see the lions.

Both lions looked at each other and smiled before looking down at the seeming nine or ten year old who was grinning up at them.

"Are you my brothers like your cheetah friends are?" Joel asked excitedly.

Bast looked at Cory and Sean, and both boys giving slight nods. He took a step forward, and then knelt down in front of the boy. "The Cheetahs are our brothers, and if they like you enough to consider you their brother too, then that's good enough for us. So, yes, we would be honoured to be your brothers."

Bast suddenly found himself with an armful of happy Joel, and the little boy was wonderingly running his fingers through the lion's short mane.

Mont grinned as he joined his brother and his new Vulcan one, "Now, since you're our brother, then I guess we should tell you all the ticklish spots that Herm and Merc have."

Joel looked over at Mont and smiled. "Only if they like being tickled," he said softly, to which both cheetah's rolled their eyes and giggled. Then Joel asked the lions, "What do I call you? I don't know your names."

"I'm Mont... and he's Bast... and were here to pump..." Mont clapped, "... you up!" he finished, in a very bad Arnold accent.

Joel giggled as he reached from Bast's hug to end up in Mont's arms. "You're funny; and you're nice, too. You're like Merc and Herm and Cory and Sean. You're safe."

Cory giggled, "Come on, Lil'elf. I'm still hungry, and there's food waiting for us at home."

Joel gave Mont's ear one last tickle before being transferred to Cory's arms. He was held securely chest to chest with his blond haired brother, his thin legs wrapped around Cory's waist, and the grin on his face seemed fixed permanently.

As the group of seven started making their way towards a large group of buildings that were across a road ahead, Joel asked curiously, "What is this place? And what is that place over there? I can't remember much from walking over here yesterday, and that's funny 'cos I remember everything else... everything..." he trailed off slightly, looking a little sick.

Cory answered slowly, concern in his eyes, "This is Camp Little Eagle, and we're going back to the Short Compound; our home, Joel." He looked at the child's face closely and then asked, "What do you mean about remembering everything?"

Joel shuddered. "I remember everything; from my first memory when I was about three to when Mikey came and saved me... everything... every beating, every c...cut of a knife, e...every... b...b...burn..." he started to sob. "... All the p...pain... everything..."

Cory cuddled Joel tightly. "Shh... don't review those memories yet, Joel; you need to let your mind heal itself first. A wise little boy once told me that 'Sometimes bad things gotta happen so that good things can happen'. The bad things are in the past, now; you need to let them go and allow all of the good things that are waiting for you, to happen."

Joel sniffled into Cory's neck. "I've an eidetic memory, Cory," he sobbed quietly. "They're always there, always alive in my mind... but I'll... I'll try... for you, I'll try really, really hard..."

Sean reached over and rubbed his new brother's back lovingly, while the four cats exchanged a sad look with each other. The rest of the journey to the Compound was made quietly, save for the quietening sobs from the frail little Vulcan as he drifted off to sleep in his brother's tender arms.

Once Joel had dropped off, Sean quickly filled the others in on what Ms Jackson had said. He finished, "I'm worried. If Doc Austin needs Bones to look at Joel, then something must be really wrong."

"No point looking for trouble that we don't already have, Love," Cory said softly as he cradled his newest brother in his arms. "We're just going to have to wait for Wednesday or Thursday. Just hope nothing else happens before then."

They all nodded in agreement. Hermes then asked, "How old is Joel. Inside, I mean. He acts a lot younger than nearly thirteen."

"Kyle said," Cory answered softly, "that he never grew emotionally. He's acting like a little child for inside he is one. But, he can also act like an adult as in other ways he grew up too fast. He should even out in time."

"And even if not, he won't be the only one who is emotionally younger than he appears," Sean added with an understanding smile. "Whatever happens, we're going to love him."

As they reached the CIC building, Mercury ran ahead and opened the door for Cory to walk through before they all followed their noses to where breakfast was lying in wait... as well as the rest of the Clan...

"Justy; is Joel back yet?" Kevin asked the teen while looking around for the small black haired boy he'd seen a picture of the previous evening.

Justy giggled. "You might say yes and you might say no, Kev, knowing how Blondie walks when he knows food is waiting, I'd say they should be opening that door over there in about thirty seconds."

"Yeah," Timmy put in his opinion, "They been away for ages, and Daddy needs food jus' a little less than he needs Poppa-cuddles!"

Kyle sniggered, "Justy's wrong about the time, though, Kev. Here they are now!"

Kyle pointed to the door leading from Main CIC and Kevin turned to see the group from the Camp enter, with a small kid sleeping in Cory's arms.

"You cheated!" Justy giggled as he tickled Kyle.

"So?" Kyle laughed as he squirmed about under the assault.

Kevin was not paying them any attention. Rather, he had moved away towards Cory, much to his twin's amusement: or more specifically, towards the boy Cory was carrying.

Kenny cast a telling look at Xain and Jake, grinned and quickly found a place to sit in order to watch what would likely be a typical Clan romance start. 'About time,' he thought to himself, for Kevin's loneliness had been bothering him for quite a while, now.

Sean cleared his throat to get everyone's attention; which was generally hard to do as half the group present had food on their plates. Food on plates was a sin. Food in bellies was good. Interruptions were unwelcome.

"Guys, Joel's here, and is now our brother," he said, pointing to the group who had walked from the Camp, "and I just want you all to remember what we told ya last night. Let him come to you. He seems to like gaining new brothers, so it won't take too long for him to open up. I just don't want y'all thinking that he'll act the same for everyone. Don't startle him and he'll end up asking you what he asked Mont and Bast; to be his brother or sister, okay?"

They all nodded solemnly as Cory started to whisper at the face that was mostly hidden in his neck, "Lil'elf? Wake up, bro; time for a real breakfast."

Joel's head moved up as he came awake. "Real breakfast? I thought we'd had breakfast."

"That was just the 'wake up snack'," Cory giggled.

Joel blinked, then giggled, "Are you really hobbits or something? People don't eat that much... do they?"

Cory smiled, "I think the only time a couple of these guys stop eating is to take a nap."

Joel turned slightly so that he was now over Cory's hip and looked around the room. It was full of children, some older than him, some younger, and all smiling. He recognised most from the night before, just barely, but one new face seemed to stand out quickly: and it wasn't the Andorian waving at him from the back next to the two Klingons; and that was surprising; him paying more attention to a human rather than a non-human.

It was a small boy that held his attention. He was about Joel's size; with short, spiky brown hair and deep, dreamy brown eyes. He was also standing less than three feet from Cory.

"Hi," Joel managed to whisper, his own eyes lost in those of the boy's before him.

Kevin smiled shyly as he also managed an eloquent, "Hi," in return.

Cory smiled at Kevin as he lowered Joel down onto his feet. As he straightened up he whispered something to his new little brother, and Joel nodded his head in answer, his eyes still lost in Kevin's.

Cory grinned, and gently moved Joel's curly, wild hair from covering his ears, revealing what he truly was the the others in the room.

"Kewl! You're a Vulcan!" Calen exclaimed as he trotted over. "I've got an awesome Vulcan Uncle, guys!!!"

Joel's eyes broke contact with Kevin's as he watched Calen come closer. "Your uncle...? Cory, didn't Sean say that he was your son?"

"Yup, and that's why you're his Uncle," Cory responded, squeezing Joel's shoulder.

"I... I remember, now. You have lots of kids... are they all my nephews as well?" he asked as Calen reached him. Joel wasted no time in pulling the other boy in for a hug.

"Yup," Sean answered instead.

"I'm... an uncle," Joel whispered happily as he hugged Calen tightly.

Calen giggled as the hug broke. "You hug real good, Uncle Joel," he said to the smaller boy.

Joel just smiled, then found that his eyes automatically turned back and found Kevin's.

Kevin moved over slowly and stood a few inches away from Joel. Considering that Joel had never met him before, he was very surprised that the Vulcan boy's only reaction was to smile more. "You want to sit with me to have breakfast?" Kevin asked shyly.

Joel nodded, "Yeah; but can Cory and Sean be there too?"

Kevin nodded happily, "I'll get you something to eat. What would you like?"

Joel tilted his head at that. On one level, he knew he was allowed to make choices now. On another he was trained not to. On yet another, some force or power seemed strong in this large group of kids, and the vast majority of the Fire he felt was coming from Kevin. Fire, and overwhelming strength. He answered, "I've not eaten much before, so I dunno. Can you pick something good for me, please?"

Kevin nodded and trotted to the buffet, while a bemused Joel was gathered up by Timmy and Calen and led to a chair. Cory went with him while Sean smiled and moved to the doorway leading to the kitchen. "Here you are! What's happening, Mom? Why are you here and not with us?"

Teri smiled, "We just had a message from Ms Jackson. She said that Joel nearly freaked out when he saw her, so we thought it best for the adults to eat in here and let him enjoy his breakfast."

Sean smiled. "Okay, Mom. Do you have an energy drink for him? He needs them."

"Sure, we were also told to get one ready," Allen said as he turned from the counter. "Here, this one's for him, and the other for Kev."

Sean giggled as he took the two strawberry milkshakes from Allen.

Both were topped with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.

"What's your name?" Joel asked.

"Kevin," came the response. "Kevin Thompson."

Joel smiled. "Can you tell me what this is?" he asked, holding up an orange.

Kevin did so without laughing. "You've not seen one before?" he asked gently.

"Nope," Joel replied as he placed it on his plate. "Not much food where I was. I read about them, though, but never saw one..."

Kevin grinned and then pointed to each item near Joel, and those Joel did not know he explained.

As he was doing so, Sean came up and handed both boys the shakes.

Joel's eyes bugged out of his skull yet again that morning. "Wh...what's this?"

"Doc Austin sent a few messages over, bro. It's a special milkshake that'll help you grow," Sean said as he gave the cherub a kiss on the cheek.

Kevin smiled, "My Poppa made them."

"How'd you know that?" Joel asked nervously.

"'Cos they're extra special," Kevin said as he started drinking his.

"Oh." Joel took a sip, and the flavour exploded on his tongue. He sat there dreamily sucking up the strawberry flavoured milk; and Cory could have sworn the boy was purring.

Once both had finished their shakes, Joel asked, "Why do you need them?"

"The shakes?" Kevin asked. Once Joel nodded, he explained, pointing at his brother next to him, "'Cos I'm smaller than I should be, too. Kenny's my identical twin, and I should be like him."

Joel looked past Kevin and at Kenny. He regarded them both, then whispered sadly, "You were starved too, huh?"

Kevin nodded, his face also showing sadness. "It's all over now, Joel. We're looked after and loved, now."

'Loved?' Joel thought. He half smiled, although confusion was in his eyes, and he turned his attention to that orange he had first picked up. His first bite made his face scrunch up as it was a little sharper than he was expecting, but he found he liked the taste anyway. Giggles from Kevin and Kenny made him curious, so he looked at them in open puzzlement.

Stifling his laughter, Kenny said, "Try peeling the skin off first. It'll taste better." Kevin opened his hand as if asking for the orange Joel held, and once he had been given it, proceeded to peel it for Joel. Once done, he offered the segments back.

Joel chewed one piece and reflected on the difference. "Mmm.... okay, that's nice. The, errr, skin?" Kevin nodded. "Well, I liked that too, but if it's not to be eaten..."

"You can eat it if you want, it's not gonna hurt you," Kevin said with a small smile. "It just tastes yucky!"

Joel giggled, shrugged, then proceeded to finish all the segments before chewing on the orange peel. Cory, along with most of the others near, just sniggered quietly and left him be: if he was happy, why stop him?

Tommy was watching his newest brother when an idea came to him. He stood and whispered to Kelly before tearing out and into the kitchen.

While Tommy ran out, Xain had moved over and sat on the other side of Kenny, placing a plate of food down at his seat and giving another to an older boy next to him.

Joel watched both boys carefully. He whispered to Kevin, "How many Vulcan's are here?"

"Two, now," Kevin giggled. "He's Xain, and he's my brother. And that's Jake next to him; he's my brother too."

Joel smiled wider, and looked up at the other, older seeming Vulcan boy. Xain caught the look, and nodded, a very small smile on his lips.

Joel then started to reach for a few of the more colourful pieces of fruit near him. He felt a pair of eyes watching him, so he turned around to see who it was. It was Sean, and he was watching each piece of fruit on Joel's plate with caution.

"Want some?" Joel offered, holding out a banana.

Sean recoiled back slightly and shook his head forcibly.

"H...have I done something wrong?" Joel asked in fear.

"No Joel, Sean just has a fear of fruit, since the last time he visited the Moon," Cory giggled as he rubbed Joel's shoulders. "It's okay; nobody had a chance to tell you. I did the same thing yesterday morning on accident, and I knew about it!"

Joel looked between the two boys briefly before saying in a small voice, "I'm sorry, Sean. I'll remember."

"Apology accepted, Joel; it's okay since you didn't know." Sean replied, still keeping a safe distance from the banana. "If you do forget, it's not a problem. The guys are trying to help me get over it by teasing me with fruit whenever they can. At least I don't run from the room any more!"

Joel felt something stir deep within his being. He handed the banana to Cory, stood and moved over and sat on Sean's lap facing him. He felt another inner prompt, and laid one hand on Sean's cheek.

"Fa, tev'du tishau savas?" he asked, not knowing why he was doing so.

"Before, did you like fruit?"

Cory's eyes opened wide. Joel had not spoken in English. It was in High Vulcan.

"Ha," Sean replied in the same, shocked by the sudden change.


A whisper, then. Carried on currents of Time, and audible only to those touched of Time... touched of the Doctor...

"He is coming; your brother. You will love him at first sight, but you will be afraid of what to say to him. Do not be! Follow your heart when it commands, and he will be healed. Think, and he will break. In his healing is your own."

Cory and Sean stiffened, yet Joel remained unmoved. He held out his hand for the banana, and Cory found himself handing it to him.

Sean started to tense up, but found his building fear reducing, as if by half; yet the once calm Joel was now trembling as much as he was and was looking at the banana with the same fear.

"Na' abru'sarlah pthak, du z'limuk pthak," Joel stated, his voice echoing in the large Dining Room.

"To overcome fear, you must face fear,"

The rest of the room was still, and at the doorway, some of the adults had gathered to watch, curious as to why a room full of teens and pre-teens was as silent as the grave.

Sean and Joel were both trembling in unison by now, Joel's hand still on his brother's cheek. Sean reached and peeled the banana, and broke a piece off. The war in his face was mirrored in Joel's. He ate it, and then Joel took a bite from what was left.

The banana soon vanished, and a peeled orange was handed to Sean, this time by a small ginger haired child who was smiling at them both mysteriously.

The orange also vanished the same way, yet with less fear shared by both.

An apple was handed over, and shared. This time without the hand to cheek contact, and only Sean was trembling. Joel was not afraid of the fruit: he had only been sharing Sean's fear... his pain...

"Du vuhrgwau dru kusut, heh nazh-tor karik'es s'vuhrgwaya," Joel echoed finally before his eyes rolled in his head.

"You shared your pain, and gained strength from the sharing,"

Cory caught him as he fell limply from Sean's lap, out cold.

Sean just sat there, bemused... and eating another apple.

Joel was held possessively on Cory's lap, and was being rocked gently while the rest of the boys watched in silence. Levi was on Sean's lap, scanning Joel.

"I... he's asleep. I don't know what happened, Uncle Cory. I really don't!" Levi said in concern.

"How the bloody hell did he learn High Vulcan?" Nathan asked from the other side of the table. "Didn't the report Mikey gave say he was lost since he was a baby??"

The ginger haired boy who had been handing Joel the fruit smiled, "You'll find out, guys."

"D... John, if you know something..." Cory said, catching himself in time before giving away the boy's secret.

"Can't say, Cory. Not mine to tell, and not time either. See you later, dude; I'll be back to watch the wedding," 'John' said with a smile before wandering off, eating a banana.

A few seconds later, Joel stirred and opened his eyes. "What happened?" he asked in confusion.

Cory cuddled Joel, "We don't know either, lil' elf; whatever it was, you made it so that Sean isn't afraid of fruit any more. You did a great job and helped him a lot. Thank you."

Joel looked over at Sean, only to see him smiling and eating some pineapple.

"You spoke Vulcan, Joel," Kevin said gently.

Joel glanced over at the brown haired boy with the stunning eyes. "What?" was his puzzled reply.

Kevin repeated, "You spoke Vulcan. High Vulcan; how do you know that?"

Joel tilted his head slightly, "I... I can't speak Vulcan... can I?" He looked around the room, only to see most of the kids nodding at him.

Xain stood slowly, "Shal Xain, Kan t'Solak."

"I am Xain, Child of Solak."

Joel responded without thinking, "Shal Joel, t'ri-fainu ork'ik'ai."

"I am Joel, of unknown ancestry."

His eyes popped open. "How?" he asked in shock. "How'd I..."

Cory shook his head as he placed the boy back on his seat next to Kevin, "We don't know, lil'elf. Don't worry, though. We'll have people find out for you, okay?"

Joel nodded his head uncertainly, "Okay," he whispered, before turning back to his almost forgotten food.

Just then, Tommy came back out from the kitchen carrying a large plate of pancakes and syrup. He slowed as he came near to Cory and Sean, looking at Joel meaningfully.

"Hey, Tommy. What's up? I thought you were busy making cakes," Sean giggled.

"Sean, you know I ain't gunna let my new kin starve! He's gettin special pancakes; my li'l brother ain't gunna be a eatin' just regular food!" Tommy replied, obviously expecting Sean to have understood without asking.

Cory grinned. "Thanks, Tommy; but he's your big brother, not little," he giggled.

"He's li'l'r then me, so he's my li'l bro, blondie!" Tommy stated. "You keep to a worryin' about cuddles; let the exp'rt handle feedin' him. Thar's enuf here for him to be a sharin' with Kevvy if he wantsta. I done made surea that."

By now Joel had picked up on the fact that the three next to him were speaking about him. He turned and saw the nice boy, Tommy, that had brought him those first clothes yesterday in the showers. "Hi," he said with a timid smile on his face. He then asked hesitantly, "You're Cory's and Sean's and Tyler's brother, ain't ya?"

Tommy smiled back. "Yeppers Joel! I'm not only their kin, but ur's too. You're my li'l big brother too, so I gotta make sure you're eatin like you an' Kevvy are 'posed to."

Tommy placed the plate down in front of the wondering Vulcan, and started to turn back, but Joel stopped him by pulling him in for a hug. "You're nice. Can I call you Tommy?" he asked, his chin on his 'big' little brother's shoulder.

Tommy grinned. "You kin call me Tommy; if you keep givin good cuddles like these you kin call me anythin' you wanna!"

Joel giggled, and for the first time in his life, found himself cracking a small joke: "Okay, 'Anythin'-You-Wanna'," he smiled as he broke the hug.

Tommy giggled back with a huge grin. "I'm gonna collect somea dem cuddles again later; you needta eat the pancakes while they's still hot, that's when they's the best!"

"Thank you," Joel murmured, "I will."

Tommy walked off with a happy smile while the Vulcan turned to look closer at the plate. Pancakes, cream, syrup, strawberries, and a few other things were there, and in a large quantity.

Kevin, who had watched the entire show with a mysterious smile, was now side by side with Joel, looking at it as well. "Boy, he must really love you, Joel. That's extra special pancakes that is!"

Joel nodded mutely. He glanced sideways at Kevin, "You want to... to share some with me?" he asked hesitantly.

Kevin, as was normal, did not feel like eating; however, he thought to himself, 'He trusts me, and I don't want to disappoint him.'

Kevin nodded, "Yeah, but not too much. I don't eat a lot."

"'Kay!" Joel grinned happily before digging in. Every so often, a fork full was presented for Kevin's consumption, and happily accepted by the brown haired boy. Also, due to the fact he was sharing his food, Joel seemed to slow down his eating speed without knowing it.

Mercury nudged his twin in the ribs lightly, "Look. That's so sweet."

Hermes giggled and nodded, before returning to his bowl of warm milk.

Artemus and Aphrodite were near to their brothers and watching Joel closely. As with the others, they had been surprised at the dynamic change that had occurred when he had started speaking Vulcan, but now that he was acting as before, that heavy scent was back in the air, and it set them on edge. Even in his happiness, Joel was afraid; mortally so, and it made the two female G-Cats go into maternal protection mode.

Muttering to themselves, they remained where they were, and nibbled on the meat on their plates; watching the boy.

Cory was watching his brothers and friends mill around the room, in between glancing at his young charge at his side. Everyone seemed to be eating well enough, but rushing to get away from the table after casting giggling looks at him and Sean. Cory rolled his eyes. 'They are definitely up to something, Teddybear,' he sent to his beloved.

'How'd you tell?' was the sardonic response as Sean continued to inhale his breakfast.

Cory watched him for a moment in bemusement, 'How the heck can you eat? I'm nervous as hell!'

'Well,' Sean sent back, looking up with a wicked gleam in his eyes, 'I'm thinking I'm going to need my strength for... later...'

Cory blushed five shades of red, nodded, then fell into his own breakfast with equal gusto.

Kyle noticed and giggled, bringing himself to Cory's attention. Cory blinked, then narrowed his eyes slightly, "Bro, didn't I tell you to get some sleep?" He looked around and saw Antonio. "Him too! He needs it more than you do!"

"We got about ten hours, ain't that enough?" Kyle giggled.

"You stopped time?" Sean said while still chewing, then giggled as a piece of bacon flew out of his mouth, vanished and appeared on his plate.

"Naw; Levi knows this cool place to just chill and sleep by a waterfall. You should try it sometime!" Kyle replied with a grin as the bacon on Sean's plate tripled in quantity.

Sean looked down, then chuckled, "Thanks, but I don't want to eat an entire pig, Your Majesty!"

"It could be arranged!" Kyle giggled. "Now eat your food, horsey boy!"

"Bite me," Sean muttered, yet he did as he was told with a loving glance at his 'baby' brother.

"You've got whole pigs?" Mont called out from across the table, his ears perked forwards with extreme interest. "They still alive?"

Kyle giggled. "Get with me after the wedding; I know a place where all of you can go and have a really good hunt! This place is overrun with wild pigs and would appreciate the help in getting rid of a few!"

"Sweeet!" all the G-Cats chorused happily.

"Wedding?" Joel asked, looking around.

Cory smiled. "Yes, a wedding. Sean and I are going to get married later today; and going by the faces I'm not seeing here all of the rest of the guys are planning on making it something really special."

"... or overdone... or both..." Sean muttered with a grin.

Joel reaction to his answered question was not expected, however. He started to tremble violently and looked around nervously for something or someone he did not know, suddenly afraid of something he could not remember. He pushed back from the table and stumbled backwards from them, tears falling thickly from his eyes.

Kevin moved quickly and took a hold of one of Joel's hands. "What's wrong?" he asked softly.

Joel shook his head, his fear receding as that strength he had felt earlier from Kevin was magnified by his touch. "I dunno... I don't wanna lose my brothers..." he sobbed brokenly, looking through his still falling tears at a shocked pair of teens in front of him.

"Why do you think you are going to lose them?" Kyle asked softly as he watched Cory and Sean try to process the sudden change in mood.

"They... they're..." Joel tried and failed to say.

"Gay?" Kevin asked, a fear of his own in his eyes. Was Joel afraid of gay people? Had he been abused by someone and was now terrified of them?

Joel nodded, then screamed.

Allen had just come through the door and was walking towards Cory and Sean. He stopped dead at the deafening scream from the tiny boy, and even backed up a pace or two.

"Wha...?" was all he managed to say.

"Get away from them!" Joel sobbed, running forwards and placing his trembling form between his new big brothers and the horror before him. "Don't hurt them!! Don't..."

"Joel, I'm not..." Allen said, extending both hands in what he hoped was a passive gesture.

He was not prepared for Joel's sudden collapse into the waiting arms of Sean.

The few kids left in the room all moved at once, and all seemed to be productive. Justy and his young twin brothers rushed to the door and held it closed, Xain and Jake moved forwards to help Cory and Sean stop a thrashing Joel from injuring himself or others, the G-Cats, who had been watching this in dumbstruck horror started calling for medical assistance, and the three Mikyvis started scanning.

"What's wrong with him?" Cory managed as he just about held one of Joel's arms down.

Levi had tears in his eyes. "I don't know! I've not seen this before... his mind's gone, Uncle Cory! It's gone!" he sobbed.

"No, it is not, Levi," Xain said as he reached Joel. "I have seen something like this before, when I was a child on Vulcan. His mind is wounded, and he has been drawn into that wound."

"I can see a blank space there, bro, but I can't see inside it!" Kyle said, fighting down his panic.

Tyler was nearly incoherent. "I won't lose my new brother; I won't! DOCTOR!!!" he yelled out, amplifying his voice to sound through all the Compound.

Xain looked at Tyler curiously, wondering what a human doctor could do to help Joel. "Patriarch, I do not have all the required training, but I am his only hope of survival. He needs a mind-meld, and Grandfather Sarek is too far away to get here in time. Joel has moments only."

"Do it!" Cory ordered, no option for argument left in his tone.

Xain was about to when Allen addressed Cory quickly. With pain in his voice he said, "Xain might die."

"What?" Cory asked in horror, immediately weighing his love for Joel against that for Xain. "Why?"

"Sopek at work mentioned this to me; a family member of his tried helping another with Joel's problem and was untrained. He died, and the one he was trying to save was lost," Allen said, worry in his voice. "It could happen to Xain."

Levi interrupted. "No he won't; I will make sure of that!"

Xain felt a chill of fear run up his spine. He fought it down and placed every emotion he could within the deepest levels of his mind and locked them away. He turned to Levi and ordered, "Levi, this needs Vulcan touch telepathy. Your telepathy might be equal or greater to my own, but can you place your mind into another's body as Vulcans can? If yes, then meld with me while I meld with him. You must let me direct our joined minds. I know what to do, it is only that I do not have the finesse nor experience of a Kolinahr Adept."

Levi nodded seriously. "I've studied how you do it Uncle Xain, and I can mimic it to the point that you will have as much use of my mind as you need. You'll just have to tell me what to do once I connect to you."

Levi put his fingers to Xain's temple and felt a touch on his awareness through his non-human nervous system. Quickly adding new levels of protection, he allowed Xain's mind to briefly enter his own being, before feeling and allowing Xain to gather what he could of his own mind. Together, they dove back through into Xain's body. Just as soon as Xain's fingertips touched Joel's face, they said together in Xain's voice, "Our minds to your mind..."

When Joel had seen movement by the doorway to the kitchen, he had not seen what the others had. Instead, he saw his master was coming through, holding a baseball bat in his hand, and the bat was covered in blood.

Mr Williams marched, savagery etched in his face, towards the two gay teens.

Joel screamed; a howl of terror and fear, knowing that he was about to lose his two big brothers.

He placed himself before them, and faced his master. Only due to that strength that Kevin had somehow given him could he do so.

"Get away from them!" Joel sobbed, "Don't hurt them!! Don't..."

He saw his master stop and look at him in disgust. "Joel, I'm not..." was all he said before everything turned to darkness to Joel's eyes.

He seemed to fall beyond all thought and knowledge, and slowly, like a building wave, pain started to lance through his mind.

Bright light, screams, yells, fire, smoke... people milled about, all dressed in black, apart from the few slaves like himself who were dressed in grey. His master was with the other Eldar Enforcers, exacting justice upon the wrongdoer. The 'criminals' were being let out of the prison vans one by one, and parcelled out to various groups.

Once there, they were slowly beaten to death.

The Enforcers had a variety of weapons, all blunted objects, like baseball bats, golf clubs; you name it, they had it. Joel was on the edge of one circle and was being made to watch, the night surrounding them lit by bonfires spread about the old playing fields in Bridgend. These fields had long since been abandoned for playing games; they were now solely used for this barbarism.

He witnessed horror after horror as Christians, Jews, Hindus, homosexuals, and many more were brought into the circle to face death. They all looked at him as they died, or so it seemed.

This was a suppressed memory. He knew that now, but he had no knowledge about events after this, or even from before it. It was as if he had always been here; trapped in a time-loop of carnage.

Yet as he watched the events repeat over and over, subtle differences started to rise. His master had paid no attention to him when this started, now as the all too familiar faces started coming forward to die once again, his master's eyes seemed fixed on his own. An oppressive dread and malevolence started to close in on Joel, as even the dying started casting their eyes at him; blaming, accusing, hating.

He trembled and shook, but could not turn away... he tried to close his eyes, but was unable to. He had to watch. Blood seemed everywhere, and he could feel it splattering onto his face. He started sobbing "Please stop. Please, don't hurt them any more... please... stop..."

His master's eyes started glowing red, and a voice, low and terrifying, started to intrude upon Joel's awareness...

Die... scum... pain... blood... you are next... you'll be ripped apart... no more... unloved... agony always...

The voice was his master's, yet Mr William's lips uttered no sound. Joel started to feel the darkness close in, and pain lancing all the more through his every nerve. His head seemed ready to split in two.

Another voice. Clear and strong and... recognized! It came from somewhere Joel could not remember, yet he knew it. He could not hear the first thing the voice said clearly, yet it suddenly and sharply came into focus:

"... our minds are merging; our minds are one."

Two boys appeared. One was small and very young looking, with bright purple eyes, while the other was slender and taller than he, and his ears! They were pointed! The 'older' boy looked at him in the eye, "Joel, take our hands. Come with us. Quickly."

Trust. He felt trust. He raised his left hand but it grew heavy and fell back again. His master was staring straight at him, malevolence smiting into him like fire, pain unlike he'd known. Joel screamed, "I can't leave! I can't move!"

Pitiful bastard... suffer and die... worthless trash...

"You can. Fight it and move your arm. Take our hands!"

Behind the boy with the pointed ears, another boy, taller, came into view. His hands were gripping onto the first boy's left shoulder and his eyes also fixed themselves on Joel's face. The first boy's voice became choral as he said "You are nearly out of time, Joel. Please. Take our hands!"

... how does it feel, freak? To have your life torn away...

But he could not. His strength had gone. There was nothing left to fight with. All that remained was the courage to tell these strange boys to leave, before they too were killed. "G... go! Go now! You can't..."

You cannot escape me, you faggot!... I will rend your flesh!... you shall not live to be His Shaper!

The voice intruded and more pain lanced through his mind. "G... GO! Quick!" he yelled at the three strange boys before him. He started to pull back from them as if to give the strange ones room to run, but stopped suddenly as he felt strength enter him. Someone had taken his right hand.

He looked down to see a pair of hands holding his own. He looked up at yet another boy, of the same height as he, who had brown hair and beautiful brown eyes that shone with life... and something else. Something he could not recognise. "Joel, please come. You are scaring me."

His voice sounded choral as well. Joel looked past him and saw yet another boy. They looked very much alike, yet the second was slightly taller. He suddenly remembered! Kevin and Kenny!

He reached out with the new strength flowing into him, grasped hold of Xain's hands and the now five boys seemed to reach as one and yanked him out of darkness...

You will NEVER escape... I will come for you, Broken S...

Huge sobs ripped from Joel's throat at the pain in his head, and the light in the Dining Room stung his eyes. He could barely make out Xain sitting on his legs and gripping his face between his hands, with Jake on one side and Levi behind him. He closed his eyes tightly, and just continued to sob, for the pain, while now lessening, was overwhelming.

"My turn Xain; pay attention to what Poppa taught me," Levi announced. Without any warning, Levi began to glow an angry purple as the entire compound was rocked by lightning strikes outdoors despite the clear sunny skies.

Joel's sobs grew less as the pain vanished. Xain gently moved himself off Joel's legs, which were drawn up to Joel's chest as he tried to curl in on himself in emotional trauma.

He could not, however, for he was being held in a sitting position by Sean, with his smaller body pressed against his big brother's chest. "Shh, it's over, Joel," Sean soothed quietly. "You're here, you're safe. Shhhh..."

Cory crouched down and pulled both of them over and into his arms, murmuring comfort to the gently weeping Vulcan.

Levi continued to siphon Joel's pain and redirected it outside, while his parents and the Double J's stood together and worked on repairing, as best as they could, Joel's mind.

"We're not trained for this!" Tyler spat out angrily. "There's 'something' else in there!"

Justy was still by the door, holding it closed to stop the other kids in the Rec Room from seeing what was happening. He suddenly felt himself prompted to open the door, and once he did so, three kids came in quickly: Jason, Nathan and Victoria. Their eyes were glowing a brilliant blue.

"We are trained; we'll help," Jason said firmly as the three N-Gens joined their minds with Jamie and Jacob.

Kyle smiled with relief as he and Tyler added their own power to the mix. "Show us, bro. I think we need to know!"

The Double J's grinned, and their eyes started glowing, just the same as the other three N-Gens.

Teri, watching nervously from the Kitchen doorway with Billy, sighed.

Angela came over to them and hugged Teri tightly in comfort. She looked at her three children who had just joined the group, then noticed the twin telepaths. "More glowing eyed kids. Are torches going out of date or something?" she asked no one in particular.

"Torches? Hmm..... that might add a little more to the ceremony. Thanks Aunt Angela!" Bryce commented before popping out from his vantage point next to her.

The external light show started to fade as Levi sensed the pain in Joel fading away. Jason sighed in relief a moment or so later, and the glow from his and the other four N-Gen's eyes faded. "That's got it," he said happily.

"The blank place is still there, Jace," Kyle stated in concern. "This could happen again."

Jason nodded, "I know, but I'm not a Vulcan, and Xain ain't Kolinahr trained. We need Poppa Spock for this; he can heal Joel fully."

Nathan added, "But we have placed blocks there, and you did too. They have got to be able to hold against that 'thing' breaking out again."

Cory was speechless as he moved to envelope Joel in a full hug. Jason looked down at them, then gestured to his brother and sister, "Come on. Joel's in good hands now; let's get back to the 'other stuff'."

The three of them quickly moved out of the room as Sean shook his head in shock. "What happened?" he asked Xain.

Xain sat down, his body trembling slightly, and answered Sean, "He must have suffered trauma in his past and from his reaction now, I think he blocked those memories when he was a human. When he returned to being Vulcan, those blocked memories would have injured his brain. He was trapped in what can only be described as a hole in his mind."

Cory found his voice, "What happened, though? What was... all that...?"

Jake, tears in his voice, replied, "He was made to watch people getting executed for being religious or gay, Cory. He had to see many die for it, and so he thought that is what would have happen here when he saw Dad moving towards you two."

Allen looked sickened. "Joel?" he called gently.

The boy turned his face away from Cory's chest long enough to cast a nervous glance at the man.

"I'm gay, Joel. And I have someone special. It's okay here; we won't get hurt," Allen said, sincerity in his eyes and voice.

Billy came forward. "Watch, kiddo," he said as he pulled Allen in and kissed him deeply.

Joel gaped at them both.

"So," Cory tried to piece it together, "When he saw Allen come towards us, it triggered repressed memories?"

Xain nodded.

"And that happened, as I said they were gay?" Kevin asked with horror.

Again, Xain nodded, but reached and pulled his little brother to him. "It was not your fault, Kevin. It would have happened anyway. What Joel saw here might have happened at any time. His fear for his brothers caused it, and it was not your fault."

"It's best that it happened here instead of somewhere that all of us could not have been there for him," Levi added seriously.

"I... I was also scared..." Joel mumbled, still looking at Allen and Billy in wonder, "because I think I'm gay too..."

He buried his head into Cory's chest and sobbed in relief. He had finally admitted it openly and freely, and even to himself, for the first time ever.

Cory rubbed Joel's back as he softly said, "Most of your new brothers are too, Joel; you're home now and don't need to worry about being gay any more."

Joel smiled timidly as he raised his head to look his brother in the eyes. "I...I have always been scared of... him... my master finding out..." He paused and closed his eyes. "Thank you, Mikey," he prayed quietly. "Thank you for saving me!"

He pulled back from Cory, then, and looked at Allen. In the greatest gesture of trust that he could manage, he offered himself to one whom he believed could easily hurt him; a man. He raised his arms, just like a tiny child begging for hugs, and blinked at him tearfully.

Allen came over and reached down to scoop up the small boy, and Joel clung onto him tightly. He finally let himself believe it was okay to be gay; to be safe. Allen moved and sat on a chair and simply held him, kissing his head in comfort. Joel felt suddenly very comfortable while in Allen's arms, and that Heat and Fire seemed to be back. He let it wash over him, different though it may be from the Heat and Fire from Cory and Sean.

"I'll go tell the others things are okay, Cory," Justy said quietly before leaving the room.

Sean got up from the floor and sat down heavily on the nearest chair. "Xain, can you explain more about what happened? How did this 'hole' get in his mind?"

"Unlike most humanoids," Xain answered, his voice hollow, "traumatic memories are not only psychologically disturbing to Vulcans, but have physical consequences as well. Joel's brain, in attempting to reorder the neural pathways and recover from the extreme shock of those suddenly emerging memories, literally tried to lobotomise itself. I would suppose that the first shock was in those repressed memories being integrated into his renewed physiology last night. As Joel was asleep, his brain could 'cordon' off those traumatic experiences without causing the situation we just observed. When the memories were triggered, however, Joel was pulled into those shut off areas of his own mind. Had his brain done what it is meant to, Joel would have been effectively dead to us. His body would be alive, and so would his katra, his spirit. But he would have been trapped forever, in his own mind."

Levi added seriously, "He will require healing. What I sensed in there was the combined worst experiences he has ever been through. It is as if he has a separate personality within that area that wants to destroy him."

"I felt the same," Kevin whispered, looking at Joel sadly.

Jamie added, "As he came free, that other 'thing' in there tried following. It was awful, Cor. Pure hatred, and it wants to destroy Joel. We barely managed to keep it in."

Joel then spoke up, his voice filled with horror, "So I'm brain-damaged and in...insane? Wh...what else can go wrong... w...with me!"

"You are neither." Cory replied softly. "You are healing from something which none of us can even imagine. We're your brothers, and whatever it takes to help you heal we'll do. If something like this happens we understand that it's a part of you that is still readjusting to your new life, and we'll make sure that you're helped through the adjustment."

"But..." Joel started.

Xain moved over and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Joel, you need help from all of us, as well as from our people. You are not beyond help nor aid. Trust us."

Joel looked up and into Xain's dark eyes, and something seemed to click slightly inside. "Thanks," he whispered.

He turned back to look at his big brother from the comfort of Allen's lap and he let himself smile. He hugged Allen tightly again for a second, before sliding off and moving over to Cory.

He felt he wanted to say something, but the emotions that now filled his little heart were wholly unfamiliar. It was that Heat and that Fire again, and it was larger than ever. He looked up into Cory's eyes. "I... I..."

He trailed off in frustration and nervousness. What if he got the name for this feeling wrong? He'd be lying! He'd be in so much trouble.

What Cory saw in Joel's eyes, however, he recognised and understood.

"I love you too, lil'elf," Cory whispered as he hoisted the boy up and into his arms. "I love you too."

Sean was sitting with Joel on his lap in the Rec Room while Cory was engaged in a whispered conversation with Doc Austin. The doctor had been called by the G-Cats when Joel had first entered his 'fit' and had come over post-haste.

"Joel, relax; we're not going anywhere," Sean said as he cradled the trembling boy in his arms.

Joel sniffed and clung onto his big brother tighter.

Sean continued, "Whatever happens, just try to relax. We'll help you, and we love you, and you won't be alone ever, okay?"

"'Kay," was the whispered answer from the now frightened and confused boy. 'What's this feeling? Where is it coming from?' he wondered to himself.

"I'm surprised," Cory was saying after he had finished explaining what had happened to the Doc, "You're not as tired as you were an hour back, Doc."

"I've slept for ages," the man laughed, "and you can thank Dylan for that. As soon as I got to my room I found him there. He took me to some quiet garden spot somewhere and brought me back after I'd had a good long sleep."

Cory shook his head. "This is getting to be a common thing around here!"

"Yup!" Dylan giggled as he popped into Cory's arms, gave him a huge, wet, kid-like sloppy kiss to the cheek, then popped away again.

"Okay, who told Dylan to take kissing lessons from Timmy!" Cory giggled.

"ME!" Levi bubbled as he too appeared in Cory's arms, and delivered his own wet, sloppy kiss to Cory's other cheek before vanishing.

Joel suddenly giggled as he witnessed this; his crystal clear, beautiful voice ringing out with his mirth. It was something Cory was overjoyed to hear; his new Vulcan brother laughing. Whenever Joel cried, his tears seemed to break Cory's heart, but his laughter was lightening to everyone's spirits.

Kevin, sitting next to Sean and holding Joel's hand, smiled and held in a sigh. He could still sense that, even though this was funny to Joel, a darkness was still pressed in on the boy's spirit and emotions.

Bryce could also be seen laughing at the other side of the Rec Room, and Cory noticed the mischievous look in his eyes. He braced himself, and was not disappointed when the eleven year old Mikyvis landed in his arms. "Family Tradition!" he crowed, before giving Cory's forehead the same treatment that his brothers had given Cory's cheeks.

Once Bryce had popped back to Xandor's side, Cory turned to find Doc Austin on his ass, laughing.

Joel was laughing openly, by now, as were Sean and Kevin.

As the doctor calmed down, he looked up at Cory. "I'll need to get with you guys after, but it will take some time to give you more details than I've just done. Just after the wedding would be best; not long to wait for that now. Nervous?"

"Lets just say Cory don't need to trim his nails!" Sean giggled.

Joel grinned as Cory poked his tongue out at his boyfriend.

Cory helped Doc Austin to stand then said, "Okay, after the reception, we'll have a talk."

The doctor nodded and moved away, and Cory went over and cuddled in next to his betrothed. Joel grinned at him, "You bite your nails too?"

Cory nodded. "I've done it since I lost my memory over a year ago; nobody says much about it and I'm down to only doing it when I'm nervous or worried."

Joel nodded solemnly. "I had to bite mine, or... or he would have pulled them off..." he whispered, a haunted look returning to his eyes and pushing away the jovial spirit that he had had watching the Mikyvis kissing their Uncle Cory. "I remember everything now," he said in barely a whisper, "all those people..."

Cory pulled Joel over and tight against him. "Remembering is okay, dwelling on it so that it makes you sad can hurt you. Always remember that is the past and not here; the Lord has taken those who suffered to a better place while those who tortured are feeling what they made others feel. You've got a wonderful smile, little brother; I'd like to see a lot more of it!"

"I'll second that!" Sean interjected. "Your smile is even brighter than Cory's."

Happy tears replaced the sad ones in Joel's pain filled eyes in an instant, and he started to smile again. "I think you both have beautiful smiles," he said shyly, before turning to Kevin. The boy was grinning at him, "And yours is too."

Kevin blushed, "Thanks, Joel."

Joel started to colour up slightly with his own blush, then he sighed again and scrunched his eyes up. Cory felt his happiness ebbing yet again, and sadness and pain replacing it.

'He needs to talk about it, big bro,' Victoria sent to Cory. 'Let him tell you in his own words.'

Cory extended his budding control of his natural empathic abilities and 'pushed' an empathic hug out to the little Vulcan sitting on his lap.

He sent back, 'Thanks, sis. Will do.' He then pulled Joel in tighter and cuddled him firmly against his chest. Joel shuffled about until he was sitting sideways, his legs over Sean's lap. Kevin was having none of it at being left out at comforting Joel, so he decided to shuffle under Joel's legs; ergo, now sitting on Sean's rather comfy lap.

"If you want to talk about it, Joel, then we're here," Cory whispered.

Joel began to whimper a bit as he started to purposely relive all those restored memories, but was drawing comfort from the three boys holding him. Protected and secure in their arms, he started quietly talking about what he had experienced.

"It... it started when I was ten. He took me down to the fields to 'do our duty', as he called it. All he'd ever said was that he was going to kill monsters to make the world a better place. I was actually kinda excited... at first... but then I saw who those 'monsters' really were; people... just people. And I felt so ashamed for being excited..." Joel choked up quickly and started sobbing. Cory started to rub his back with one hand soothingly while gripping one of Joel's hands firmly.

After a few moments, Joel stopped sobbing enough to continue, "They were just people. Young and old, it didn't matter. I heard about their 'crimes' and saw them die and I couldn't stop it. It wasn't long after that first time that I broke onto the internet and really found out about everything. And I began to get more scared when I realised that I too might be gay, and therefore a 'monster' in my own master's eyes."

Joel pressed his face into Cory's neck and bit his green lower lip to keep in a wail that was threatening to pour out. He managed to say, "I remember their faces... their names... there was a baby th...there... They... they..." He couldn't hold the wail in any longer.

Cory kissed Joel's head as he whispered, "Remember that they were called to Heaven to escape that place, Joel; they don't feel the pain any more."

"Really?" Joel blurted. "How do you know?"

"What does the Bible say, Joel?" Mikey asked as he appeared in front of the settee they were sitting on. "What did Saint John say about tears?"

Joel blinked and his eyes seemed to dart to and fro as if reading something. "'... And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.' Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new."," Joel recited quietly.

"And what did He say to Isaiah about fear and being redeemed?" Mikey asked again as he crouched down to join his brothers and Kevin in hugging Joel.

Quicker this time, Joel answered, "But now, this says the Lord, He who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: 'Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name; You are Mine.'"

"You memorized the Bible, Joel?" Sean asked softly in wonder.

"All those who suffered," Mikey said gently, while nodding a 'yes' to his younger brother's question, "all of them; they are with Our Father, now. All; except you. You He needs here, with those who were always meant to be your brothers. You're needed here, Joel Short."

"What? What did you call me?" Joel asked, turning his head to look into Mikey's eyes in wonder, his pain suddenly forgotten.

Mikey kissed the boy's forehead, "Something good that's going to happen, little brother. Your name is in the Book of Life, but it's not 'Williams'... it's 'Short'."

"I think we best call Mom over," Sean giggled.

Joel went ramrod stiff. "Why?" he blurted out, his voice sounding wild and terrified.

"Because it's usually a good idea if we tell her she has a new son; just ask Mikey, she is his Mom too and he can tell you that she is safe." Cory replied softly.

Joel trembled, "But... she's a woman..." he cried, now petrified.

Mikey held out his arms, and scooped Joel up into them. "Tigger, go get Mom. Tell her to just be herself. I'll help the elf. Sean? Go get our brothers and the others who've also taken our name," he added with a wink.

"Figures, you always give me the hard jobs!" Sean giggled as he stood and prepared to jog around the building.

"That's because you're the youngest!" Cory giggled as he headed off to find Teri.

"Or because... no, I'm an Angel, and we can't make sexual innuendo references," Mikey said with dignity, while blocking Joel's ears with his power.

Tyler popped over quickly, "Sean, you just gather those here; I'm going for the others who ain't, 'kay?"

"Okay bro." Sean replied, inwardly confused as to where else any of them could be.

As Sean headed one way, and Tyler popped to Lord knows where, Kevin giggled up at Mikey. "Shall I get my brothers too? We kinda like Joel," he asked with a shy grin.

"Of course. Anyone can be here, Kev. And don't you just mean 'you like'?" Mikey added with a wink.

Kevin blushed and ran off to find his brothers before his blush could get any worse.

Mikey sat down and unblocked Joel's ears. The little boy had not noticed, so panicked was he about the idea of being that close again to a woman. "Joel, I'll be right here, and so will Cory and Sean. Mom won't hurt you," he said soothingly.

A frightened face raised itself to look at him, "But..."

"No buts, elfin. She was nice yesterday, wasn't she?"

"Yeah... b..."

"Joel; I'm right here. Do you think that anyone, even my Mom, could hurt you if an Angel of Heaven was standing with you?"

Joel shook his head slowly. He hugged in closer to his Rescuer and whispered a question.

Mikey answered it softly, "You'll have to ask her that. Joel, you know what Vulcan's can do with their powers, don't you?"

"Yeah, but I don't know how."

"You also know about Vulcan empathy, right?"


"You need no training for that; just touch," Mikey explained.

Joel sat there and thought about that for a while. Maybe he could ask Cory's mother about things, and maybe he could know if she was telling the truth. He was still scared, though, and he felt like running away.

Joel was still lost in thought as the room grew quieter and the Short family gathered near the quiet area where he was being cuddled on his Angel brother's lap. Kevin and his brothers were already there and Kevin was once again sitting next to Joel, and tucked under Mikey's wing with Kenny.

Sean came in with Timmy riding on his shoulders, and being followed by Allie.

Teri and Cory were the last to arrive, and it was then that Joel noticed. He started to shake. 'She was okay, yesterday. She was! She didn't hurt me... but I'm sooo scared!' he thought as he fought with the panic inside him.

Cory immediately noticed Joel's unrest, and came over to where Mikey was sitting. "Remember, we are right here with you, little brother," Cory said softly as he reached out and took Joel's hand.

Joel nodded up at him while biting his lower lip. Cory felt the pressure on his hand increase as Teri came forwards, and knelt down to look at Joel more on his level. She knew to keep herself as non-threatening as possible, but it hardly seemed to work now. Joel seemed ready to start and run away at the drop of a pin.

"Joel," she began softly, "it's not right that you remain without an official family to call your own while we search for your relatives. Mikey said that this universe is where you were born, so you may still have family left here; but we may never find them. If that is the case, then I want you to have all the love that you deserve. I want you to have brothers that will love and protect you, and I want you to have a family to call your very own."

The boy looked up at Cory and back at Teri quickly. "But Cory said I was his brother already," he forced out.

"Yes, and you are; but every boy and girl in this Clan has at least one other who is either blood brother or sister, or adopted brother or sister; not just one by promise," she said softly. "And all have someone to go to if they need a parent. You don't; not yet."

Joel's lower lip started to tremble. He suddenly worked out what Teri was offering, something he hadn't thought about piecing together. He slid off Mikey's lap and moved closer, letting go of Cory's hand. A foot away from Teri he stopped. "Parent?"

Teri gave Joel a gentle smile. "I think you would prefer someone you can call your 'mother' and if you want that I would be honoured to be that person."

"A... a mother?" His mind was spinning. He'd never had one, not that he could remember; and it had been years since he'd wanted one, or could have even trusted one. Was this just a cruel joke? He looked back at his brothers, and they were smiling at him.

He turned and looked deep into Teri's eyes; searching for a lie, a deception.

He didn't find one.

Trembling, he reached out and took one of Teri's hands. Heat and Fire; different from Cory's and Sean's and the others, but... it was nice; just like Allen's. He shuffled closer and whispered something that she only just managed to hear. "You'll never.... hurt me? Cut me? B...burn me?

"No," she replied, using all her training to keep her face straight and impassive at the veiled explanation of what Joel had been through. "Never."

Joel's eyes streamed tears, now. He could feel the truth in the touch through his hands. He whispered yet again, a longer and far more involved question.

Teri had to force the bile back down her throat before she could answer him. "I will never touch you there, nor look; not unless you were hurt or needed help and asked me to do so. Never. I promise," she swore on oath, tears also pouring from here eyes as well. Now she knew why Joel feared women.

She gently released Joel's hand, then raised both of her own slowly to cup Joel's gaunt cheeks. Her thumbs were gently stroking those cheeks while her fingers rubbed his ears soothingly. "I would never hurt you. Never," she whispered again, willing him to believe her.

Joel felt that Fire and Heat yet again... and surrendered to it. His legs slowly started to give way, and he fell into Teri's chest, sobbing his little heart out. "M...Mammy! Mammy!"

"Cory..." Teri croaked out through her own building emotions as she cradled the sobbing child in her arms, her hands rubbing small circles into his trembling back as he heaved out his sobs. "I... can you... I can't..."

Cory nodded and stood straighter. "As Patriarch of Clan Short, due to violations of the Safe Haven Act including 90% of the Articles either active or in deliberation for inclusion into said Act, I hereby declare Joel Short the child of Teri Short by the powers invested in me by Article 200 of the Safe Haven Act."

Joel barely heard him. The only thing that registered was his new name, and the arms that surrounded his body. He felt other hands touch him and, blinking away his tears, he saw the other kids in the room coming closer and giving him back rubs and gentle squeezes to his shoulder. As each came close to him, they heard him repeating over and over, "I've got a Mammy! My Mama!"

They just smiled. To Joel, this was everything, and stating the obvious was totally normal.

They had done it themselves.

Then, in a Voice that overlaid the time-streams, Someone spoke. Someone that Joel recognised from the day before, and He repeated some of those strange words that He had said then...

//... for a Brotherhood that will never break...//

It wasn't long before most of the kids had gone off their separate ways. They were milling about the Compound on 'secret missions that Cory and Sean were not allowed to know about or interfere with', and thus left the Rec Room quiet.

Teri was still there with the obviously restricted teens, Cory and Sean. The four bodyguard G-Cats were lounging about, and Joel was seated on Teri's lap with a beaming smile on his cute face. Kevin and Kenny were both together on another chair watching, and a few other boys were scattered around the room resting up between 'secret missions'.

With his back tight against her chest, Joel relaxed more and more into his new mother's arms. Her hands that were around his front securely were, however, held in Joel's own grasp. Even with his memories now muted and his fears abated, he just had to make sure her hands did not go anywhere he was nervous about. He was still happy, though.

Joel was so happy that he was humming an old tune that he had heard from the underground internet; an old tune that Kevin knew very well. So well in fact, that he started to sing along without even meaning too.

"Such a feelin's coming over me,

There is wonder in most everything I see,

Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes,

And I won't be surprised if it's a dream,"

Joel joined in, also without thinking, and both boys seemed to be looking at each other without knowing it;

"Everything I want the world to be,

Is now coming true especially for me;

And the reason is clear, it's because you are here,

You're the nearest thing to heaven that I've seen:"

Together, they continued to sing, and the others just sat there, amazed at the pair's crystal clear, pure voices:

"I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation,

And the only explanation I can find;

Is the love that I've found ever since you've been around,

Your love's put me at the top of the world!"

As the last line of the chorus ended, Joel became aware that he was staring into Kevin's miles deep eyes, and blushed.

Kevin didn't notice and just kept right on with the next verse; almost a serenade to Joel:

"Something in the wind has learned my name,

And it's telling me that things are not the same.

In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze

There's a pleasin' sense of happiness for me;"

Joel just had to sing the rest with Kevin, not really knowing why, but something deep inside prompted him to:

"There is only one wish on my mind,

When this day is through I hope that I will find

That tomorrow will be just the same for you and me;

All I need will be mine if you are here.

"I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation,

And the only explanation I can find;

Is the love that I've found ever since you've been around,

Your love's put me at the top of the world!"

(Top of the World © The Carpenters, 1973)

"Wow," Cory whistled. "You sing really well, guys! That was beautiful!"

Kevin blushed crimson, more due to the fact that he realised he'd been serenading Joel, and the Vulcan had been doing so to him as well.

Joel giggled, even though his own face had gone a lovely shade of green.

Kenny's face, however, spoke volumes. He smiled joyfully at them both.

Sean added his agreement, "I'd love it if you could sing for our wedding, guys."

Kevin looked nervously at the two teens, then back at Joel. Joel, however, had no nervousness about that. If his Sean wanted him to do something, he would. He looked at Kevin with question in his eyes.

"Ah, sure. Okay," blushed Kevin again.

Joel nodded firmly. "Yeah. Okay, Sean!"

Teri hugged her new son lovingly, "You have a lovely voice, Joel. You too, Kevin. What do you want to sing for them?"

Kevin hopped down from the armchair and moved towards Joel, gesturing for Joel to do so as well. Once the two boys had met together they whispered briefly. Joel nodded suddenly. "I know it. I think I can sing it," he said quietly, now feeling nervous.

"Don't matter if you mess up a little, Joel," Kevin said to him, squeezing his arm gently. "It's what's in your heart that matters."

"'Kay," Joel turned and climbed back onto his mother's lap. He quickly whispered in her ear before resuming his position as before, and holding her arms around himself again.

She laughed happily, "I'll go and tell the others and we'll get it ready, okay?"

Joel nodded, yet his grip increased on her own arms. He did not want her to go away from him just yet; now that he had found a mother, a woman, that he trusted he wanted all the 'mother-hugs' he'd been missing all his life.

"I need to get a few things ready now, sweetheart. Do you want to come with me and help, or stay with your brothers for a while?" Teri asked.

Joel glanced at Kevin, then at Cory and Sean, almost seeking approval to make a decision. The gentle nods and happy smiles made him grin, "Umm; can I stay here a while?"

"Sure," Teri said, leaning her head closer to kiss his cheek.

"But... you will come back after for... for more hugs?" he asked hopefully, turning his head to look at her.

"That's a promise. I've got a new son, so I have to get to know him and start giving him all those cuddles he's been missing, don't I?" she answered with a laugh.

He felt that she was being dead serious, even through her humour. Joel hopped down from her lap, "Okay, Mammy!" He then trotted over and sat by the Thompson twins as he watched her leave.

He found it amazing that Mikey's simple advice had been right. He could feel emotions through simple contact, and in doing so had shattered his fear of his new mother. Yes, he was still nervous with other adults, but now he knew he had a way to know if he could trust them. Kevin's pop was the first man he truly trusted, and his Mam was the first woman. All others? Well, time will tell.

He looked over at his big brothers and the four G-Cats lounging about on the settee and armchair and was met by six wide smiles. He felt the large armchair he was sharing shift slightly, then arms around his painfully thin waist pulled him further into the cuddle the twins had going.

He giggled as he looked at them both, and they grinned right back at him. Kevin kept his arm around Joel's waist, however, and that funny weird strength was back again. Joel smiled softly and laid his head on Kevin's shoulder as he tried to concentrate on it.

Everyone started talking quietly around him, but both he and Kevin remained silent. The others were not being that loud, but as soon as Joel managed to pin down one thought regarding the feeling of strength, some comment or other by one of the others drew his attention away.

Joel looked over at his brothers before asking, "Is there anywhere quieter to go to for a while? I'm not used to all these people about..."

Kevin nodded his head against Joel's gently, while his twin giggled and said, "Sure there is, Joel. Lots of room in the Compound. I'm gonna stay, though. Need to speak with Cory. Kev can show you around, though."

Kevin smiled, "Come on, Joel. We'll walk around for a while."

He rose and held out his hand for Joel to take. Joel did so and they walked out of the room hand in hand.

Cory and Sean watched from the armchair, smiling all the while.

Joel's Point of View:

I'm not sure what's going on, now. Everything's so confusing. It's all so much different that I'm not sure how to take it.

I'm not hurting. I think that's the weirdest thing. It's only just after breakfast and by now I'd be scrubbing the floor, or cleaning something, and being hit over and over each time Mistress would walk by.

These people haven't hit me yet. It's so weird.

Then there's Cory and Sean.

Don't think they will hit me; not ever. At least, I don't think they will. They feel safe, even... Oh, I don't know.

And then there's Kevin. He's holding me by the hand, now, and we're going to walk around this 'Compound' so I can find somewhere quiet to think. Why'd they even care what a slave wants? Why does he smile at me like... like he's doing now.

He asked me, "Do you need the bathroom before we go outside, Joel?"

I thought about it and realised it was a good idea, so I nodded and said, "Yeah."

He pulled me into a huge, and I mean HUGE with a big H, bathroom; and then over to the toilet.

I made sure I did it real fast, of course. He mustn't think I'm doing anything. I don't wanna give him more reasons to hit me later.

Once we were done, we left the room, then the building and I just stood there looking out at everything. The door behind me opened and closed quickly and I saw Herm and Merc moving over to us. They are nice! My brothers, like Cory and Sean and Mont and Bast. What is Kevin to me, though?

"That's FYS," I heard Kevin say as he led me by hand around one of the many pathways. Herm and Merc were close behind, but seemed to be staying a good few feet away, unlike when they came back from that Camp place with me. Had I done something wrong?

It was then that I found I was thinking about a lot more things all at the same time. I had even asked Kevin something and been given an answer, all the while, I'd been wondering about my Cat brothers. I'd asked what FYS was, and Kevin had replied with a giggled, "Sorry, Joel. Federation Youth Services. They are run by your new Mom, Aunt Teri!"

"Oh," I replied, before my thoughts went off in about five different directions. One was all giggly about the Federation, and another about seeing Captain Spock as Cory promised earlier, and then... wow, being Vulcan was so fun! I was still listening to Kevin as well! He was telling me all about where my new brothers lived. Seems like Cory, Sean, Tyler and Tommy aren't the only brothers in their family; there's Gavin and Adam and a Gabe and a JJ... funny name, that... and loads more.

"They all have a surname 'Short'?" I found myself asking.

"Nope," Kevin giggled.

"Oh," I was confused again. "What about Herm and Merc? Are they Short? And Mont and Bast?"

"Nope," Kevin replied as he stopped and looked at me more closely. I think he saw how confused I was. "You don't know about this brother thing, do you?"

"Yeah... well... no, not really..." I replied nervously. I'm going to be slapped at least five times for this, now, so I braced myself. "I'm sorry, Sir. I'll try to learn quicker..."

Kevin started hugging me instead before leading me over and sitting me on the grass. Wow, this grass ain't like the stuff in that Otheruniverse... this is so green and nice smelling! I was doubly confused now; how can I be wondering at silly stuff like this when I'm about to be beat for being stupid? I stopped multitasking my thoughts and looked at Kevin and my brothers, and waited for the discipline.

It never came.

Instead, Kevin kept hugging me and that strange feeling was getting stronger, and the other two sat a few meters away watching us both closely and smiling at me.

"Joel, I'm not going to hurt you if you don't know something," Kevin whispered in my ear, and I thought I could hear tears in his voice.

He pulled back and looked at me, "If you want to know something, or don't understand, you can just ask. We all do that, and no-one gets into trouble 'cos of something they don't know."

Yeah, this I'd kinda heard from Cory and Sean already, and it was still confusing me. What I knew was that I had to learn fast and do right or I get whipped. They can't be telling me the truth, and yet it feels so... so right. They believed it, really they did, or was it just an act?

"Okay," I mumbled back as I released Kevin's hand and moved slightly to get a bit more comfortable on the ground.

The second I stopped touching Kevin at all, I felt cold and alone. I looked up in panic, and started searching for someone. I didn't know who, but I knew that I needed someone. This was the same as how I always used to feel in that place, and I didn't like it.

Damn, it was getting worse, and I was getting frightened. I started to cry a bit, and that made Kevin grab me and pull me into his chest.

The feeling went away, then, and I gasped.

"What's wrong, Joel?" Kevin was asking me as he rubbed my back.

I told him. He looked at me strange as I explained what just happened.

"Ookay," he said, after thinking about it for a few minutes.

"That's what I wanted to think about. In there, I was feeling okay all the time, but when you touch me, I feel strange. Can I... can I think about it and work it out?"

"Of course," Kevin smiled. Then his face brightened into a grin as he told me, "You lie down, I'll use your belly as a pillow, and you think about it some. That way, we're both comfy, and I'm still touching you."

I did as I was told. At least this order was a nice one. Kevin's head on my belly as he watched the clouds in the sky above felt nice, as did his hand in mine, for he just grabbed it. I looked up as well and started to think...

Return to normal perspective:

Joel smiled and laid his own head back and stared at the few clouds overhead. Kevin's head against his stomach seemed all the contact needed, let alone their hands together, to fill him with that weird, comforting feeling; that Heat and Fire and Strength. He started to go over the events since he had arrived here. He had not felt that alone since before Mikey came to him in his cell that day, so why did it suddenly happen now? No-one else filled him with this strength; strength enough to make him feel as if he could keep himself safe. Was that why he felt a little more alone when not touching Kevin? He started to run the fingers of his free hand through Kevin's hair, and gently across his brow without noticing what he was doing. Kevin's eyes darted sideways in pleased surprise to look at Joel as the Vulcan stared off into the sky.

As he went over everything, Joel noticed that he always felt most protected when touching or near to Mikey, Sean or Cory. Was that the key? His safety lay with Cory and Sean when Mikey wasn't there? Then, what about now?

"Kevin," he started slowly, still absent-mindedly, running the fingers through Kevin's short, spiky hair, "When I touch you, I feel... I dunno... kinda stronger."

Eyes slowly closing due to the gentle touch upon his brow and through his hair, Kevin responded just as quietly, "Stronger? How?"

"I dunno. Not like I'm Superman and can lift a car or anything, but... it's like I can stand up for myself again." He paused. He suddenly remembered that he used to feel this strong once, long ago. Before he had started breaking into the Internet. Before he learnt that he was stuck in a world with little to no chance of rescue from his pain. Before the beatings and abuse had sapped his energy to fight. "Inner strength, I think... I feel strong inside when I'm touching you," he murmured.

Kevin turned his head to look up at Joel.

Joel felt the movement and looked down into those beautiful brown eyes, sparkling up at him in the morning sunlight.

Kevin smiled at him, then sighed happily. Joel kept running his fingers about Kevin's hair, and traced his ear and forehead, also smiling contentedly. Kevin started to speak quietly, "It's something in me, Joel. A few months ago there was a problem, and Mikey came to sort it out. Turned out I have a lot of strength inside me..."

Joel listened attentively at the story, not even asking questions. He was mesmerised by Kevin's eyes.

"... so I have strength to cover Kenny's weakness. Now that we are soul-mates we cover those weak areas of each other. I think you are drawing on the strength that I carry, somehow." Kevin finished.

Joel's left hand now resting lightly on Kevin's forehead. "How? How am I doing this? Or is it you doing it?"

"I dunno. We could try asking the others?"

Joel nodded then laid his head back again to watch the clouds.

Kevin turned his head to watch Joel stare into the sky for a moment. He could hear Joel's heart rumbling fast, and giggled. "I love listening to a Vulcan heart-beat!"

Joel looked down at him curiously for a moment, then grinned as he remembered from the shows and books he had read, "Yeah, several hundred beats a minute."

"Mmm," Kevin's eyes were closed in contentment, "I sometimes hug Xain like this. So relaxing..."

Joel grinned even more, feeling completely pleased and, well... honoured, really. He was making someone else feel good; and after all these people making him feel happy, that brought a weird smile of pleasure to his face. He continued to run his fingers through Kevin's hair, while Kevin continued to mutter happily as he was fussed over.

After a short time of this, Joel raised his head slightly and looked about the Compound. He checked out the area for a while before he asked, "What's this Clan stuff about anyway? Heard it mentioned, but never asked."

Kevin giggled again. "Well, it all began in Iowa, with Cory and Sean..."

"... after that, they moved down here, into the Compound. Starfleet and Vulcan had given the money and items needed for both this place and the Camp opposite to be built. It's kinda grown a lot since." Kevin finished a while later. He had only briefly touched upon the Clan history up to the move to Florida.

"Cory said that Captain Spock will be here soon," Joel said happily. "Will Captain Kirk be here too?"

"Yes," came Xain's voice in answer.

They both looked up at the other Vulcan and smiled at him and Telez who was beside him. Xain gesturing for the two cheetah's to come over as well. "It is time to prepare for the Bonding Ritual. I am here to bring you inside," he said to Kevin.

Kevin moved up and away from Joel without thinking, and for a second, panic filled Joel's face. It was immediately replaced by puzzlement.

"I don't feel alone now, Kevin," he said in wonder.

Kevin blinked at him. "Well, all that's different is that Xain and Tel are here."

"What is the issue?" Telez asked curiously, drawing Joel's attention to him fully.

Joel realised that he had not even been overly curious at meeting an Andorian for the first time. He shyly explained what he and Kevin had discussed earlier before asking hesitantly, "Can I touch your antennae?"

"If you are gentle, then yes, you may," Telez smiled. He had been through this before, and he always found it amusing.

As Joel explored Telez' features with feather light touches, something clicked again inside Joel. He giggled at the faces Telez was pulling before hugging the blue-skinned boy.

"Joel," Xain said as the two boys broke contact, "I need to confer with he who is my father, but I think I know what this feeling you are experiencing is in regards to. Once I know, I shall explain. Is that acceptable?"

"Yeah," Joel nodded as Kevin took his hand. They all moved back down the path towards CIC, "Thank you."

"The 'Telan t'Kanlar', Xain?" Telez asked quietly as he drew closer to his new Vulcan friend.

Xain raised an eyebrow, "Correct. How do you know of the Telan t'Kanlar?"

Telez sniggered, "VSO, brother. I've been on Vulcan a few times, and the first was for training. It came up."

"The Bonding of the Children?" Joel asked curiously, once again amazed at himself for understanding the Vulcan words. "What's that?"

"All children bond with their parents and siblings prior to emotional control being gained," Telez answered lightly. "It allows them to feel safe and loved while very young. I think you just did it with me. I felt something touch my 'heart' when you were touching my face."

"You as well?" Xain asked, obvious startled going by the look on his face. "Only blood or close, very close friends cause this in children!"

Telez shrugged. "Dunno, bro. I'm more confused than you. Either you're more trusting than you seem, Joel, or your history is even more weird than we think!"

They walked on quietly for a few more yards, Joel's face troubled. 'Only blood? Wait... blood?? Xain?!' He reached out and tugged on Xain's hand hesitantly. "Are we related?" he asked, softly... hopefully.

"I... I do not know," Xain mused as he squeezed the smaller boy's hand. "I have no brothers... unless there was a child born before me that 'died'... yet... my father never mentioned anything such as that." He stood still for a moment, "I cannot see how you could be my brother, even though we are both half human. You could be a cousin."

"Same here," Telez added, much to everyone's confusion. "Half human, guys. Joel wouldn't know that, but come on, dudes!" he giggled at them all, which made them laugh as well.

Joel shrugged. "Well, can you two be my brothers anyway? Please? You too, Kevin?"

"Of course!" they all responded, surrounding him in a four way hug.

Once Joel's grip on them loosened, they started walking on. Kevin asked Xain curiously, "When I woke up this morning, there was a note on the bedside cabinet from Levi. He said I was to bring two sets of good clothes; do you know why yet?"

Xain nodded and stopped walking again. "Tyler told me earlier, Kevin."

Telez turned to the smaller boys and said, "Stand side by side, and stand up straight."

They did so. It was Joel who got it first.

"Me? Levi asked Kevin to bring nice clothes for me?!" he asked in shock.

"Oh!" Kevin giggled. "We're the same size!"

Telez winked, "Yup!"

Kevin giggled to Joel, "If we get to wear nice stuff, so do you."

Joel nodded hesitantly. "What if I... what if I break something or damage it?" he trembled. "I'm only a slave..."

Sadness came to Kevin's eyes, "Not any more, Jo'. You're not a slave. And anyway, if something gets damaged, then we can get it repaired."

Mercury squeezed Joel's shoulder firmly, "He's right, bro. Don't worry, and just enjoy the morning, okay?"

They moved off again, and came to CIC, where many of the other kids, who had been messing around outside before the wedding, were now gathering. All were dressed up to one degree or another.

Kenny ran over and grabbed Kevin's hand. "Come on, Kev. I've got our stuff in the bathroom. Joel, yours is there as well. Come on!"

They moved off, and Telez nodded briefly at Xain before joining his Division brothers. Xain had a feeling that he should be with Joel. Some link had formed that he could sense, and he was fairly sure what it was. Although, why or how it had formed was a mystery. Just as he was about to enter the bathroom with his own change of clothes, Rory rolled over.

"Ken in there?" he asked.

"Yes, Rory. They are changing clothes," Xain replied, raising his own bag that he carried.

"They? Kev too?" he asked with a smile.

"And Joel, yes," was the Vulcan's response.

Rory nodded, "Then I won't go in. Joel don't know me, yet. Don't want to frighten him."

"Logical," Xain half smiled. "We will not be long." He moved in and closed the door, leaving Hermes and Mercury outside on guard.

Joel was standing next to the twins, looking confused. Kevin was pulling various items out of his own bag and laying them out in separate piles.

"Okay, Jo'; strip off and I'll pass you your stuff to wear," Kevin said as he was still rooting about in the bag.

A gasp from Kenny made him look up, only to see that Joel had taken him literally and was now totally nude. Kevin was about to gently say that he only meant down to his underwear when he saw what had made his twin gasp.

Joel was a living skeleton.

The thin Vulcan tilted his head slightly as he watched Kevin's face distort somewhat. "What is wrong?" he asked, quickly looking down at himself and back again. He looked around at the other two, and Kenny was almost as bad as his twin, while even Xain was having problems keeping what he was seeing from destroying his emotional control.

"What?" Joel asked again, feeling nervous.

Kevin just continued to stare. Joel was standing normally, totally unconcerned about being in his skin, and for a nervous boy, that seemed weird to Kevin. 'Why isn't he shy and covering himself?' was just one thought that flashed through his head. Most, however... He asked his brothers in a whisper, "Was I that bad?"

"Nearly," choked out Kenny. "Oh, Joel," he finished with a whisper.

Joel was checking and rechecking himself. He looked up and caught Kevin's gaze with his own, "Please? What's the matter with me?"

Kevin and Kenny shared a look. Something seemed to pass silently between them and they both nodded together. They stripped to their underwear and stood next to each other.

"We're identical twins, Jo'," Kevin said by way of explanation. "When Kenny and I first met, I was all thin like you too, but you are so much worse!"

"He's still to skinny," Kenny added, pulling his twin in for a brief hug, "but he's a lot better now. Sorry, Joel, but when I saw you... it just made me feel bad for you."

Understanding, and also comparing himself with Kevin, Joel nodded. "Oh," he whispered sadly. Then, "Will I get better?"

"Yes," was all Xain said as he came over and hugged Joel to him.

Kevin broke away from his brother and moved over to them both. He pulled Joel from his older brother's arms and cuddled him. "We'll make you better, I promise," he whispered.

Joel hugged Kevin in return, and noticed how much more flesh was on this still too thin boy compared to himself. "Thank you," he murmured.

"Come on," Kevin said then. "Let's get changed. And next time, you can keep your underwear on, Jo'. We're changing the outer clothes not everything."

"'Kay," Joel said, smiling slightly.

Xain moved and assisted Joel with the unfamiliar clothing, for what the boy had worn on that 'hell-earth' was unlike the shirt, pants and tie he was handed by Kevin. The twins helped a bit but it was Xain who did the tie up for each of them in any case, for, "It is logical for the one who can make it look the best to do so for each of you."

Joel simply giggled.

Upon leaving the bathroom, Kenny went straight to Rory's side. "You look great, Ken," Rory murmured quietly, and Joel only just managed to hear him. Joel's eyes widened as he watched them kiss briefly.

"You're... you are gay too?" he asked Kenny while looking curiously at the wheelchair bound boy.

Kenny nodded with a gentle smile, "Yeah."

"That isn't a problem, is it, Joel?" Rory asked with concern.

Slowly, Joel shook his head. "I... it frightens me 'cos I..." he trailed off, looking pleadingly at the twins.

Kenny nodded as he understood and whispered quickly into Rory's ear. Since he had seen much of what had happened in Joel's past when he had been drawn into Joel's mind, he could relay it in words that Rory would understand and that Joel could not say.

Rory looked sick and automatically opened his arms to Joel. "Oh, man. Come here, Joel!" he wept.

Joel found himself moving without thought, and he ended up in Rory's arms and seated on his lap on the wheelchair. Both were crying softly.

"Don't worry about it, Joel. If you feel uncomfortable when we kiss or stuff, just look away. We'll understand that you ain't being mean or anything," Kenny whispered as he stroked Joel's hair and rubbed his back.

"Th...thanks," the Vulcan mutely replied. "What's your name?" he asked as he pulled back to regard the one he sat on.

Laughing now, Rory answered as he wiped tears from his own and Joel's eyes, "Rory. Rory Teeter. Best you know the names of those you use as armchairs, right?"

Joel tilted his head slightly and raised an eyebrow. Then he giggled, "Yeah, thank you, Rory."

He got down and found his hand grabbed by Kevin. He smiled at the brown haired boy, and received a stunning smile back.

"Ah, Joel?" Kenny asked, looking at the smaller boy carefully. "Do you want to know who is and who is not gay, just so..."

Joel was shaking his head. "It don't matter if people are or not," he whispered hesitantly, "it's just... I keep expecting to see... to see them... die... and stuff. I'm gay; I think. I... it's..."

"Shh," Kevin pulled Joel into a full hug. "I'm gay too, and if anyone tries stuff, they have to get through me first, okay?"

"'Kay," was the only response Joel could give. He then thought of something and looked at Kenny and Rory, "You my brothers too?"

Nodding heads and grins were his answer.

"Thanks," he bubbled as he ran over and quickly hugged them before returning to Kevin's side.

Xain coughed slightly to gain everyone's attention. "It is almost time for the Ceremony," he said formally, "and Kevin and Joel have to decided how and when they will deliver their song. Rory, if you and Ken will proceed to the Auditorium, I shall take Kevin and Joel to see Jason and Nathan."

"Okay," they all replied, except Joel who asked, "Who're they?"

"Friends," Kevin giggled, "Come on."


Jason looked from the floating Nathan above the stage towards the source of the outburst.

Joel was staring open mouthed at Nathan as the blond haired boy finished fixing the Seal of the Federation above the monitor at the back of the stage.

"Greetings, Joel," Jason said formally, giving the Vulcan salute.

"Ah," Joel stammered as he threw a quick look at the brown haired boy, "Greetings." Joel returned the salute easily. He had known how for years after watching everything he could from Star Trek.

"Hiya, Joel; how's it hanging?" Nathan called down. "Jace; is this straight?"

"If it is, then it's unique here, sweetie," Jason called back, giggling.

Joel looked curiously between them both, then down at himself, then at Kevin. "How is what hanging?" he asked nervously.

"He means 'How are things?', Jo'," Kevin smiled. "Or 'How are you feeling?'."

"Oh. Okay," the puzzled boy looked back up at Nathan. "I'm feeling okay, but a little nervous. You are scaring me a bit, and it's cold, but I'm not hurting or nothin'..." he trailed off quietly as he saw both Nathan and Jason's faces fall.

"Umm, I scare you?" Nathan asked, hurt clearly heard in his voice. He floated down and landed next to Jason.

"Yeah," Joel replied slowly as he backed up into Hermes' arms.

Jason sighed. He glanced at Nathan for a second, and the blond boy nodded back sadly. "Joel," Nathan started, "sorry if I said anything..."

"No," Joel interrupted softly, "not that. I'm scared of most everyone when I first meet them properly."

Hermes licked his ear before purring, "They are cool. Why don't you ask them what you asked us?"

"You mean...?" Joel started, but stopped when he felt Hermes nod his face against his own. "Kay."

Joel moved over slowly until he was a foot from the two Welsh boys. He looked up into their eyes and asked softly, "Would you be my brothers too?"

Nathan smiled softly and offered a hand out to the small Vulcan. "Love to," he said, as Joel took his offered hand. He watched as Joel's face changed from wariness to total openness at the touch.

Jason offered his own hand, and the same reaction came when he added, "No such thing as 'too many brothers'."

Joel hugged them both fiercely.

"Ribs!" Nathan squeaked. "Air! Lungs! Breathing... good!"

"S...sorry. I didn't mean..." Joel started, but a touch on his mind stopped him.

'Don't worry, we know,' he heard from them both.

Joel grinned up at them then, and moved back and had his hand immediately held by a waiting and smiling Kevin.

"Jason, you informed me that you wanted to speak with my brother and Joel. Is it in regards to the song they shall be performing for the Bonding Ceremony?" Xain asked politely.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, Xain; I kinda forgot with the whole 'getting a new rib-breaking brother' bit," Jason giggled as he winked at Joel. "Okay, guys. We have about fifteen minutes before show time, so I'm going to run you both through what's happening, in my head. You'll have practice time in there and you can take as long as you want, okay?"

"In your head?" Joel asked, mystified.

Nathan sniggered, "Yeah. He's got no brain, so you and Kevin will fit easily!"

"Makes me a good husband for a blond, then, don't it?" Jason retorted, lightly slapping Nathan's butt.

"Are they crazy?" Joel whispered to Kevin.

Kevin nodded, "They fit in well, here."

Joel blinked.

"Kiddin'," Kevin giggled. "They are just teasing each other. What Jason means is that he can take our minds into his own, as he's a telepath. Well, sorta telepath. I don't really know what Jason, Nathan and Victoria are, but..."

"We're special," Nathan said in a little boy voice, before breaking into giggles.

Joel couldn't help but giggle as well. He grinned at Jason, "Okay. Is it like a mind meld?"

"Similar, but only to a point. Humans can't meld. Not even Mikyvis can, so we found out earlier; they can do part but not all. It seems to be unique to Vulcans. Come on then, in you come!" Jason giggled.

Everything changed before Joel's eyes and he found himself next to Kevin in Jason's mind. Everything around them was dark.

"Okay," Jason said as he appeared before them, "I'll make an image of the Auditorium and then you two can decide how you'll do your little show for Cory and Sean. And, for the record, Joel; you can call me 'Jace' and my blond haired cutie is 'Nath'', okay?"

"'Kay!" Joel smiled as he quickly hugged his newest brother... and this time, he could really hug him without the fear of breaking ribs!

Joel's Point of View:

It was fun in Jason's mind. He showed us lots of things, and I got to sing that song a few times. Singing out loud is good! It felt nice to not have to be quiet all the time.

When Jason let us back to our bodies, it seemed like we'd been gone ages, but only a few more people had come into the huge room we were in. Kevin looked puzzled, but Jace did say time wouldn't matter in there.

Kevin grabbed my hand and together we ran over to our seats. Mammy was at the front row directing people to some of their chairs, while just lettin' others find their own. Not sure why she was doing that, to be honest.

"Joel, can you and Kevin come here please?" I heard her call as we ran closer.

Kevin smiled up at her, "Yes, Aunt Teri?"

Mammy smiled at us. I like her. She's nice, and she smiles a lot. Her smiles ain't like hers. She had a frightening smile. Mammy's is nice.

"Joel's to sit with his brothers for this, Kevin. But since you both are singing after, you should sit with him. Your brothers are in the row behind," she said to him.

He nodded, and I felt his hand squeeze mine, "Okay!"

I looked at the front row and saw Tommy, but no others; not even Tyler. There were a few other boys there, though. "Brothers?" I whispered quietly to Kevin. "Only Tommy and Gavin's here... are these the other brothers you told me about?"

"Yup, that's Adam," Kevin started to point each of them out for me. "That's Sipek, Skirk and Syzik. They are androids like Austin."

"Austin's an android?!" I gasped. Androids? In Kirk's time?? "And they are too?!"

I had a strange look from the three android boys. "Is there a problem with us being Android, Joel?" the one called Skirk asked me, his tone emotionless.

Wow, he could pull off the Vulcan thing easily!

"Umm... well, androids don't... I mean, they shouldn't... how can there be androids??" I was completely lost, now. What else in this world was different? First, Star Trek is real, now the times are all squiffy!

Tyler was suddenly at my side making me jump.

"Oops! Sorry! I forgot about that; sorry for scaring you. But about androids; we'll explain about them later today, okay?" he said to me, his face showing concern.

Feeling my heart rate decrease slightly, I nodded at him, "'Kay."

"I'll be over for some of them great hugs you give later. Tommy said they were great!" he bubbled then, looking a lot happier. I nearly felt bad for making him think he'd frightened me, but after he jumped and kissed my cheek and vanished, I could only stand there in shock.

"Mikyvis," I heard Adam mumble as he rose and came over to me.

I grew nervous. He was big. Not as big as Cory, but still. I cringed back and felt Herm behind me.

Adam slowed and smiled. He held out a hand, "Mikey said that if you touch someone you'll know if they are being truthful or not."

I nodded, "So he 'splained to me, yeah." I looked up and smiled at Herm, then stepped forward a bit. I reached out slowly and touched Adam's hand.

He smiled more, "I'm your brother, and I like you, Joel. I won't hurt you."

I felt that Fire again. It was different from Cory's and Sean's Fire. I liked Adam immediately. Then I felt that weird Fire in me as well! It was echoing with Adam's!

I moved right in and hugged him, whimpering. What was this Fire? This Heat? I was so confused.

"Relax; it takes time to get used to having family," Adam whispered into my hair softly. "Just live and learn; you are doing great."

Having a family, a real family; yeah, that'll take some time, but... it still didn't tell me what that Heat and Fire was... maybe... maybe it's...? But how could I tell! I just don't know!

I pulled back from the hug, and I wish I'd not. Adam gives nice hugs! He had been rubbing my back and it felt so... comfortable. "Can I have more of them hugs later?" I asked him hopefully, as Kevin took my hand and sat me down.

"Sure!" Adam grinned back before he moved over to his own seat.

I looked around as Mammy moved off towards the doors we'd come in from and disappeared through them. There sure were a lot of kids here! And why was I on the end of the row? I began to feel exposed. Suddenly, I felt an arm slip around my waist; it was Kevin, and he was pulling me over and into his side. I wonder if he knew I needed this?

Mammy came back a minute later, and she had a comb and a jar of something in her hands.

"What's that for?" my voice squeaked nervously.

"I want to make sure everyone else gets to see how handsome you are," she replied with a smile. "This will help you keep your hair in place."

I began to cry. So, she was just like my old mistress. I started to shake and no matter how much strength I could feel coming from Kevin, it just wasn't enough to help. I wanted Cory and Sean, but... what if they agree with Mammy?

Her face change as I looked at her through my tears, and I felt Kevin tighten his grip on me. I wanted to look at him, but I was too afraid of Mammy, now. Herm and Merc were sitting behind me, and I heard a growl come from each of them. One pair of arms suddenly encircled me from behind as Merc cuddled into my back, and then Herm was there next to me. He didn't seem angry at Mammy or anything, but he was standing strangely.

"Joel... what's wrong, sweetheart?" Mammy asked as she sank down to her knees to look up at me.

Sniffling, I answered; just liked I'd been trained to, "You're... you're gonna hurt me..."

There was a pause as she knelt there, staring at me. She put that jar and comb down and held out her left hand towards me. Then she waited.

It seemed like she wanted me to... oh! I reached out and touched her.

"Why do you think I'm going to hurt you?" she whispered.

"I... you said you were gonna make my hair stay in place..." I breathed out.

Her brow wrinkled, and she looked confused. "Why would that hurt?" Her voice was... curious. Just curious! That wasn't right, and I could feel she was upset and puzzled through her hand.

"She... my old... Mrs Williams... she used to... sometimes, she used super glue to 'make my hair tidy'... then she'd... I..." my voice faltered as the sobs I'd been trying to hold in came out instead. Kevin moaned next to me and buried his face into my neck as he tightened his grip on my waist. Finding my voice I added, "Then... she'd cut it off with a knife... cutting me... and once... just once, she set it on fire... It was the only time he... Mr Williams... ever did anything nice for me... he put it out and took me to hospital... I..."

Merc and Herm were growling a lot, now, and Kevin was whimpering and crying as much as I was. Could he feel what I felt as I remembered the pain? Could he?

"This isn't super glue Joel; you can put some in my hair to prove it if you want," was Mammy's soft reply, and I felt the truth as she said it.

"It's hair gel, Jo'," came Kevin's whisper as he raised his head off my shoulder to look at me, then at Mammy. "Aunt Teri, could you do mine first? My spikes have gone a bit flat."

Glancing at him, I saw that they were a little different, probably from his head pressed against my cheek.

I watched as Mammy used some on Kevin, and saw her make his cute spikes reappear.

As Kevin sat there, smiling at me, I couldn't help but reach and wipe some of his tears from his face. He smiled more.

I also reached and poked a finger into the jar Mammy had in her hands. She really had spoke the truth. This was some funny, slippery and sticky stuff.

Nodding my head as she held her comb towards my hair, I allowed her to use a small amount of the stuff on me. It took her about five minutes before she sat back on her heels and nodded, "That's a lot better. You're a handsome young man, Joel."

I blushed. I felt my face get very hot, and Kevin started to giggle at me. "That's cool! Green face, just like Xain; only he don't blush much!"

Herm and Merc had, by now, gone back to their seats. They still had one of their paws on each of my shoulders, though. I turned around at them.

"Looking real good Joel," Merc giggled. "Umm, Mrs Short? Could you put some of those awesome spikes in my fur, like what Kevin has, please?"

Mammy started laughing but she did wave Merc over to her. "Call me Teri, or Aunt Teri; or I'll shave all your fur off, not spike some of it!"

"Okay, okay, I surrender," he giggled as he knelt down next to her. I started laughing quietly.

It only took a few minutes, then he had a short 'garden' of mini-spikes between his ears. I really started laughing a lot, then.

"Thanks, Aunt Teri!" Merc giggled as well. He moved a bit, licked my cheek in one of those 'Cat-kiss' things, then trotted back behind me.

Mammy watched him go then looked back at me and held out her arms. Slipping off the chair, I hugged myself into them quickly. "Sorry for thinking you'd hurt me, but..."

"Relax honey; I understand," she interrupted me gently while giving me another great hug. "Any time you are unsure about anything just ask."

Well, okay... an order is an order. I nodded slowly before feeling two small arms circle my waist again. I giggled as Kevin pulled me slowly back and up to my chair. He whispered with a muted grin, "We need to let Aunt Teri go now, Joel. She has to get Cory and Sean ready for their wedding!"

I'd obviously upset him with what I'd said about the super glue, but I didn't have the time to talk to him about it as the lights started to change and dim.

It was time for the wedding, I s'pos.

Wow, it was dark in here now! I'd watched the place fill up in the dim lighting, and even seen Ambassador Sarek take a seat on the other side of the aisle! I wonder... will I get to meet him? Anyway, it got real dark, and I hugged into Kevin's side more. He whispered that it would be okay, so I just nodded against his cheek; he couldn't see and nor could I!

On the view screen at the front, little CD could be seen at an organ some place far away, and he started playing. I think it was the Wedding March, but I'd only heard a brief snippet of that a year ago or so, so I wasn't sure. I think CD is Calen's little brother... at least, he is Sean and Cory's boy, so... whatever.

The door opened at the back, the one Mammy had left through and I could see little Paulie and Wacko start down. As they did, torches took light at the same pace as them. Then came Mont and Bast with Mammy just behind them. There was Kyle and another big boy just after. Not sure who he was.

Mikey! Mikey was here, and he was leading Cory, and... No way!! Aaron Carter?! He's alive??

I just had to meet him after! I had to!

Cory was almost next to me when he stumbled. I think he saw his son on that organ. He looked upset.

Next thing I knew, I was looking forwards again, and Cory and Sean were at the alter, and this purple eyed older boy was talking to them.

I glanced at Kevin and he looked at me strangely.

"What's wrong?" he whispered, as the purple eyed one, Tyne I think he said his name was, backed away.

"Dunno... what happened? Cory was next to me one minute, then he was up there a second later!" was my puzzled answer.

Kevin blinked. "You didn't remember taking his hand? He looked a lot better after you did, then you sat back and went stiff for a second."

Again? I'd done something again without knowing it?

I felt frustrated tears well up and spill down my cheeks. Kevin pulled me over and cuddled me against his chest while whispering something under his breath. This was scary. What was I doing?

I just about heard this man up there with Cory say, "...To honour our Heavenly brothers and sisters, who the Mikyvis Council assure me are joining us today from what is Universally known as the Spirit Realm, I ask each and every one of you to join me in a minute of silence."

I sat up quickly so that Kevin wouldn't be in trouble for talking. I liked him, and if he got into trouble for talking to me, then that would be real bad!

After the man started talking again, I slowly reached and took Kevin's hand again. He smiled at me, pulled me over and 'kissed' my cheek. I'm gonna have to ask someone about these 'kiss things'; just to know if they are kisses. I thought kisses were for lovers, but most everyone was 'kissing' me... It was unnerving. Nice, though.

I really listened when the man... I think he was a pastor... started to recite from the Bible. I liked that passage. It was about 'love'... and love was something I always wondered at. I'd never felt it, myself, so I was not sure I was understanding things right about it. Could that Fire and Heat I kept feeling be love? If so, why's it all different for everyone?

When the pastor started to pray, I began to really feel nervous. Reading the Bible and praying? It was allowed here, I kinda guessed that; but I still expected someone to come in and start... start killing us all 'cos of it!

I just sat and thought about that Bible passage for a while, and I guess I missed a few things that were being said. Well, I think I missed it, but when I started reviewing the past few minutes, I found I could recite it all word for word in my head... I like being Vulcan!

Cory made a promise to Sean, then, and I felt my back tingle; and when Sean made his own promise, I really felt a tingle. Everyone did! It was nice; like Someone had answered them.

Musing on that, I vaguely remember hearing some song, then I snapped back to what was going on when the lights dimmed again.

"Come on," Kevin whispered, "it's time for us, now!"

"'kay!" I half whispered back, and, just as Jace said I should, I quickly moved to my side of the stage while Kevin went to his...

... It was time for me to sing a 'Thank You' to my big brothers!!

Normal Perspective:

As Joel stood and ran to his side of the stage, a pair of wolfish eyes followed him.

Black Feet watched as the boy that would be his held his mic in his nervous hands. The half wolf, half border collie pup turned to look at the back of the room.

Timmy turned quickly as well. There, almost hazy, was a huge, silvery wolf.

Black Feet nodded his head, then jumped up on Timmy's lap and licked his face.

"That your dad?" Timmy whispered as he glanced down at the puppy.

Black Feet nodded again.

Timmy looked back up, and started slightly.

The Wolf was gone.

"Where...?" he whispered.


Timmy looked back at the puppy on his lap. "You didn't talk... how did you do that?"

Silver Wolf... William... Same

Ricky snuggled closer to Timmy and asked the puppy, "You mean your daddy's a' Animal Spirit too?"

Yes Black Feet replied, I from Silver Wolf. I for Boy. Half of 'Those To Protect'. One with Teeth coming. Soon. He same Me

Timmy giggled as the music from the front started and Kevin was highlighted before the Crest of Clan Short. "Half Animal Spirits... kewl! Joel's a Guide?"

Not Guide. We not William. We Spirit Guardians. One from Boy's Home here. One from Boy's Home there. Protect Soul and Mind of Shaper

"Who's the other?" Ricky asked as Kevin started to sing.

Me not know. Soon know. Not now

Timmy and Ricky looked at each other, then sat straighter and just listened to Kevin and Joel sing.

Black Feet hopped down and curled up at Timmy's feet.

He would be with his Boy later. It can wait.


To Be Continued...

Editor's Notes:

I definitely am going to need to replenish my supply of tissues. I lost count of how many boxes I used while reading this chapter.

Thank you, Ilu, for writing this wonderful story; this is a very special chapter. It blends beautifully into the next chapter of another story that I am sure will be very special as well. Since I don't know when various chapters of stories will appear, I won't confuse people by mentioning which ones are involved. Let's just say there is a lot more coming along very soon, and I strongly suggest that you stock up on tissues or handkerchiefs or maybe even towels. Since these stories are seen on the Internet I will just call them very E motional. Sorry about that.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher AKA Sleeping Beauty