Copyright © 2022-2025 Douglas DD. All Rights Reserved.
Aiden woke up just after nine. He rose from his bed, went to his bathroom, and took a piss through his morning wood into his toilet. His cock went down to a semi when he returned to his bedroom, so he headed downstairs where Larry was busy cleaning the kitchen.
“Well, look at who managed to find his way out of bed,” Larry grinned.
“Dad, it’s after nine o’clock. I figure that’s plenty late to sleep in, although I’ve got no problem sleeping later,” Aiden giggled. “I am a growing boy who’s going to be a teenager in a couple of weeks.”
“You don’t have to remind me. Watching you eat and growing out of your clothes are big reminders, so to speak.” Larry looked Aiden’s naked body up and down and added, “And your precious sexual organs are telling a story, too.”
“I still don’t have pubes,” Aiden moaned.
“Don’t worry. They aren’t very far away. Now, are you going to shower or eat breakfast first?”
“Well, I’m down here naked, which should give you a hint.”
“I got the idea. What sounds good?”
“I’ll mix some pancake batter and make me some pancakes if you cook up three eggs, over easy,” Aiden responded.
“I suppose you want bacon or sausage with that.”
“Nah, a stack of pancakes and a trio of eggs will get me to lunch,” Aiden said.
“You will have two sets of chores this morning. Vacuum and dust the den, and make sure your bedroom will pass a white glove inspection,” Larry informed his son.
“Then there’s no use me taking a shower until after I work up a pit slaving away at your chores.”
“You running a vacuum cleaner in the nude posted on Facebook could easily go viral.”
“I was yanking your chain,” Larry laughed. “Now, let’s get your breakfast ready.”
After Aiden finished eating his four pancakes and three eggs, he cleared the kitchen table and counter, placing the dishes and cookware into the dishwasher. Taking care of the breakfast mess was a standard chore that didn’t have to be assigned—it was simply expected to be taken care of.
He wiped down the counter and table. But before he went to work cleaning the den and his room, he wanted to make a phone call.
Aiden called the number Cooper had given him at Alejandro’s house. The phone rang twice and then Aiden heard a high-pitched tween voice answer it. “Hey, Aiden, wazzup?”
“Hey, Cooper I’ve got a question for you.”
“Ask away. I bet I know the answer,” Cooper responded when he heard Aiden gasp. “So, what’s the question?”
“Well, I’ve got a big thirteenth birthday party coming up and I’ve invited Michael, Alejandro, Jaden, and Alex to it. They’re gonna fly up in Alejandro’s plane next Friday. Lenny and Lance asked me if I would invite you and Connor to the party. I thought it was a great idea, and I’d like to invite you two to come on that flight and join the party. If you can get your parents to okay it, of course.”
“That won’t be a problem. Our mom thinks Alejandro walks on water because he’s rich and everything. And when me and Connor want something important like this, we almost always get our way. She’s gonna want to talk to your dads about it and it should be good.”
“I’ll give you their numbers before we finish.”
“Lenny and Lance said it’s a nakey nakey party, but I’m going to ask to make sure. Is it going to be a naked party?” Cooper asked.
“I knew you were gonna ask that. The answer is yes to the Sunday party, only we call it a naturist party. There’s even a room in the basement and a room upstairs for messing around in.”
“This is the kind of party for Connor and me for sure. But you made it sound like there was two parties.”
“Saturday is the formal party. There will be girls there and clothes are required.”
“Connor just walked in. I’m gonna tell him what’s going on and then put us on speaker phone.”
“This is so totally rad,” Connor said after Cooper gave him the news. “Those Mayfield twins are…”
“…the second-best set of middle school twins on the whole west coast,” Cooper finished.
“With us being the best, of course,” Connor said.
“But it’s, like, almost a dead heat.”
Aiden grinned in amusement. ‘Having the Kendall and Hazen twins at the same party was going to be what a trip to another planet must be like’, he thought.
“Where are we going to sleep?” Cooper asked.
“That’s something for you to discuss with Lenny and Lance,” Aiden replied. “You’re going to have to talk to them about this anyway, so you might as well discuss business as well as partying.”
“We’ll call them. Thanks for doing what they asked and inviting us.”
“Do you have a swimming pool?” Cooper asked.
“Yep. Plus, a hot tub, showers in the basement, and a games room with ping pong, foosball, pool, and other stuff. You won’t get bored. Oh, and since you thanked me, you’re welcome.”
The phone call finally ended, and Aiden started on his chores. He knew that wouldn’t be the last time he’d be talking to the Kendall twins before they made the flight up to Centralia with the East Harbor boys.
Lenny and Lance sat with their mom in the living room. Leslie Hazen had used a family leave day to take the day off from work. It was family dental checkup day. Their family dentist was in Centralia. Their appointments started at 10:30. The receptionist assured them they would be finished between 12:00 and 12:30. Her estimates had always been accurate.
“Before the brat finishes dressing or whatever it is she’s doing, can me and Lance ask you a question?” Lenny asked his mother.
“You’re almost always welcome to ask me a question,” Leslie responded.
“You said almost always. So can we ask you a question or not?”
“Yes. But first you have to repeat this after me: Her name is Brenda.”
The twins groaned simultaneously. They had been through this routine a number of times and couldn’t believe that their mom kept thinking her idea to get them to call the brat, Brenda, was going to work. They had recently agreed they probably should call her Brenda since she had become easier to get along with recently.
“I didn’t mean it,” Lenny said. “I meant to call her Brenda but it’s not easy to do.”
Leslie gave the twins her MOM LOOK which meant it was time to surrender. Lenny and Lance traded glances with each other and said in unison, “Her name is Brenda.”
“Damn straight it is,” Brenda announced as she pranced into the living room. “Did they call me the brat again?”
“It was a slip,” Lenny said. “Honest.”
“Yeah, you’ve been kinda unbratty for the last few days,” Lance said.
“Hmph. It’s about time you said so,” Brenda grunted.
“What was it you boys wanted to ask me?” Leslie inquired.
“We’ve been talking and texting with Connor and Cooper,” Lance responded. I said I’ve asked Aiden if they could come to his birthday party. If Aiden and his dads plus their mom and dad say yes, can they sleep here for a few days? We’ve got the cots they can sleep on and everything.”
“Yeah, like they’re going to sleep on cots when they can sleep with you guys in your beds,” Brenda said haughtily as she entered brat mode.
Leslie shot a MOM LOOK at Brenda, who turned her head and looked at the wall. “How many days are we talking about?” Leslie asked Lenny.
“They said everybody is talking about coming on Friday…,” Lenny started.
“…and leaving on Monday, so it’s only three nights,” Lance finished. Leslie never failed to wonder how the two of them managed to coordinate like that. She wondered if the Kendall twins did the same thing.
“That’s going to cost a lot of money for a weekend party. How are they getting here?”
“Mason’s boyfriend is rich, and he can fly in a private jet with some of Aiden’s East Harbor friends and those guys would fly here with those guys…,” Lenny started.
“…so it won’t cost them a thing,” Lance finished.
“I saw them at the Base Brawl and they seemed like good kids.” ‘Good, but excitable,’ she thought. ‘Just like another pair of twins I know.’ “Okay, let’s give it a try. Tell those twins I gave my okay, providing I can have a talk with one of their parents first.”
“They texted that their mom wants to talk with you first. I’ll text you their mom’s phone number.”
“Are they cute?” Brenda asked.
“Yeah, but not as cute as me and… as Lenny and me,” Lance replied.
“If they’re as crazy as you two, then I want to stay somewhere else, like at Wendy’s house.”
“That would totally rock if you did,” Lenny said.
“Children, let’s try being civilized to each other for a while,” Leslie admonished her three kids. “And it looks like it’s time for us to head for Centralia and one of your favorite things.”
“Boo, dentists,” Lance and Lenny said.
“Yeah, boo dentists,” Brenda added.
Ten minutes later they were on the road to Centralia.
Gordy parked his bike and walked up to the front door of Kalie’s house. He moved his finger to the doorbell, but the door opened before he could ring it. “Hey, Kalie. What took you so long?” Gordy grinned.
“I liked watching you take your helmet off. I was hoping that maybe after you took your helmet off, you’d take your shirt off or open up your shorts and show me your undies or something sexy like that,” Kalie answered. She was wearing shorts, a tank top, and sandals.
“I knew I’d see you faster if I came right to the door. And then you could watch me do what you said and even more.”
“You’re so sweet. How about a kiss.”
Gordy was more than happy to oblige, and the two young teens traded deep kisses, their tongues going to war. Kalie then surprised Gordy by unzipping his shorts and feeling him up through his green boxer shorts.
“Oh, wow, you’re really hard,” Kalie cooed.
“And you’re really horny,” Gordy said.
“And you’re not?”
“Hard and horny, that’s me.” Gordy then slid his hand inside Kalie’s shirt and moved it up to her budding breasts. He was pleased that she wasn’t wearing a bra. He squeezed her breasts as she stroked his erection. “Where is everybody?” Gordy asked breathlessly.
“Travis and dad are working on the upper field. Mom is in Olympia talking with the produce buyers,” Kalie answered. Travis was Kalie’s older brother, who was a college student at Eastern Washington University.
Gordy dropped his hands and lifted the hem of Kalie’s tank top. As soon as it cleared her breasts, Kalie took over and pulled her shirt off. As she did that, Gordy took off his Mayfield Titans t-shirt and then leaned in and kissed Kalie’s left breast as she fiddled with the fastener on his shorts until the shorts opened. With the zipper already open, the shorts were easy to pull down, leaving Gordy wearing just his boxer shorts, shoes, and his shorts at his ankles.
Kalie’s right hand massaged Gordy’s throbbing erection. “I’m gonna cum pretty quick if you keep rubbing it,” Gordy panted.
“So? I know you can do it two or three times.” But she pulled her hand away and yanked down her shorts and panties. The two teens knew it was time to take the next step. They stepped out of their underwear and removed their shoes. Gordy then rubbed her vagina causing her to moan with pleasure. “Do you want to do it on your bed or go outside?” Gordy asked.
“Outside. Wait here while I get a blanket.” Kalie went up the stairs to her bedroom and was back within a minute carrying a big queen size blanket.
The pair moved to the backyard. Kalie set the blanket out and they quickly went back to kissing and feeling each other up. “I wanna cum in you,” Gordy rasped. It didn’t take long for Gordy to get his wish and the two naked, hormone charged teens rolled around on the blanket and at times onto the grass, feeling each other up, kissing and licking each other’s bodies and privates, until Gordy found himself on top of his girlfriend inserting his four-and-a-half-inch penis into her and fucking her for all he was worth. It didn’t take long until their youthful screeching told each other what they were feeling. Gordy was happy his girlfriend was on the pill since he hated wearing condoms.
What Gordy and Kalie didn’t see was Kalie’s brother, Travis, staring out the kitchen window. The twenty-year old had just finished shooting his thick wad onto a towel on the kitchen floor while watching the sexual gymnastics in the yard. When he heard Gordy was coming over to visit Kalie, he suspected something might happen near the house since neither parent was there. He found an excuse to head home from his farm work to see what was happening there. He wasn’t disappointed, but he did wish there was a way he could dump his load into his sister just like her lucky boyfriend just did. But he really liked Gordy and wished him only the best. He quickly grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator, ran out of the front door, and hopped on his bike to ride back to the field where he was working.
Nolan dropped by for lunch and for maybe an extra treat that had nothing to do with food and drink. “We still have to do it out on your balcony, you know,” Nolan said. “We said we’d do it before school started.”
“Do you want to do it now or on another day?” Aiden asked.
“We only have a couple of weeks before school starts.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Remember, we both promised somebody we’d top them before school started. You are going to do Skip, and I was going to do my cousin Shelby. It looks like Shelby and his family are coming up here on Labor Day weekend so they can see our new house. That means I should get a chance to take his cherry.”
“Then I say we do it now and the pressure is off,” Aiden said. “And nothing says we can’t do it again.”
“Yep, once the fucking on the balcony cherry is broken, anything goes,” Nolan chuckled.
The boyfriends headed upstairs to Aiden’s bedroom. The first thing they did was set up Aiden’s air mattress. It didn’t take them long to lay it out on the balcony and pump it up.
“When’s your pop coming back?” Nolan asked.
“Whenever he gets back,” Aiden answered. “You know what it’s like when coaches get together—it’s never-ending yak, yak, yak.” Larry was working as an assistant football coach for the Mayfield High School Mustangs. The coming Monday was the first day teams were allowed to practice and the coaches wanted to be totally prepared for the first practice.
“And you know just like I do, that if he thinks we’re having sex up here he’ll do his best to stay away and not bother us,” he went on.
“Not many kids are so lucky,” Nolan said.
Once the balcony was set up Aiden and Nolan sat on the mattress and started making out. The translucent plastic below the railing prevented anyone out on the lake from seeing them and the balcony was completely out of sight of the road. The neighbors couldn’t see it either.
They were soon on their sides facing each other. They hadn’t come to a firm decision as to who the top would be. With decision time upon them they decided to let nature take its course. When Aiden rolled onto his back with Nolan on top of him kissing him hard and deep, it became obvious that nature was telling them Nolan was going to be the top.
And top he was as he pounded his boyfriend’s ass creating howls of pleasure. Nolan’s deeper groans were plenty loud but couldn’t compete with Aiden’s high-pitched shrieks. Nolan came first, shooting his teen cum into Aiden’s tight ass. Aiden shot his lighter cum over ten seconds later. Both boys were satisfied and totally spent.
“Now I have only one thing to worry about,” Nolan said as he recovered his senses.
“What, that you got me pregnant?” Aiden asked.
“No, that my white ass got sunburned.”
“If it did, I’ll be sure to rub After Sun on it.”
“And I know you’ll do a thorough job.”
They rose from the air mattress, headed for the bathroom, and took a shower together. They then dressed in t-shirts and shorts and were downstairs when Larry returned home.
Nolan greeted Larry and said he had to get home. He and Aiden headed out of the front door. They exchanged a quick kiss where Nolan had his bicycle parked. Nolan then rode off and Aiden returned to the house and told his pop he needed to talk to him. They sat on the couch in the living room and Aiden went into the phone call he had made to the Kendall twins that morning.
“It’s your birthday, kiddo,” Larry told his son. “From what I understand, if you can put up with both the Kendall and Hazen twins without losing your sanity you might have reached a pinnacle of maturity.”
“Well, they are a horny quartet of boys, that’s for sure,” Aiden said. “But from what I’ve seen and what everybody says the Kendalls are good kids, and we know the Hazens and how good they are. So, it will all be good.”
“Sometimes what you add to a mild recipe can create a really sizzling meal.”
“Then I’ll sic my enforcer on them.”
“You know it. Along with Miles.”
“What about Mac?”
“He said he was going to the Rainiers game on Sunday with his dad along with Scott, Ronnie, and their dads. Ronnie’s dad managed to get free tickets. It’s their last home game, too. I guess there’s going to be a lot of prizes given away to kids.”
“I have the guest list for Saturday and your estimate of how many boys are coming on Sunday,” Larry said. “Make sure you let me know if there are any changes for Saturday and any big changes for Sunday.” Saturday’s party was Aiden’s formal birthday party and was by invitation. There would be a few girls there and clothes had to be worn. Sunday was clothing optional with no invitation necessary. It was show up if you can, the only caveats being you had to be male and a friend of Aiden. “With the inclusion of the East Harbor visitors, it looks like there’s going to be around 20 of your friends at each party. But we’re buying food for more.”
“And I know what you’re going to say next,” Aiden said.
“You’ll have to tell me, since I don’t have a clue.”
“We’re going to need so much food we’re going to have to rent a truck to carry it all.”
“Hmm, yeah, that’s exactly what I would have said if I’d thought of it.”
“Good luck,” Larry grinned. “Now I have some shopping to do in Centralia, so I’ll be gone for a bit.”
Aiden went out on the deck, sat in a lounge chair, a towel protecting his privates, and called the twins. The phone was answered after two rings. “Hey, Aiden, this is Lance. Wazzup?” Since the Hazen twins shared a phone, the twin answering it usually identified himself. If they didn’t recognize the caller or were in a mischievous mood, then they would answer with a simple, “Hello,” as their mother taught them to answer.
“Put this on speaker phone,” Aiden commanded.
“Yes, sir, General Aiden. If you’re nakey I could make this a video call.”
“If I were naked, I’d be too busy doing something else to be able to talk to you.” ‘If he only knew how close to naked I am,’ Aiden chuckled.
“Well, I tried.”
“Hey, Aiden, it’s Lenny, who thinks you should be nakey on a nice day like this.”
“I’m willing to bet that you two are not close to naked,” Aiden said.
“Only because my mom isn’t working today because she took the day off to take us to the dentist.”
“The dentist says we still have all of our teeth with more to come,” Lance added.
“I called to talk about the K-twins,” Aiden said. “Having those two imps here is gonna be a total kick in the glutes.”
“In the what?”
“In the ass,” Lance answered.
“But in a nice way.” Aiden said.
“The K-twins, like you call them, and the H-twins are gonna be doing a lot of talking the next few days.”
“Excellent. That’s all I have to say.”
“You mean you called us to tell us shit we already know? How about I ask me and Lance come over to swim?” Lenny asked. “Doing that will make us answering the phone worthwhile.”
“I’m thinking Monday, but I’ll let you know for sure by Friday. Until then take two aspirin and call me in the morning.”
“Aiden, has anybody ever told you that you’re totally weird?”
“It sounds like you guys just did. Now, be ready to be called. Later.”
“Later!” the twins shouted back in unison.
Aiden then called Skip. Skip answered his phone and told Aiden he was at his grandmother Rita’s house.
“Since you’re at your grandmother’s house you must be naked,” Aiden said.
“Good guess. What about you?”
“Same. And speaking of naked I promised you something before you start sixth grade and it involves being naked.”
“And I can guess what it is. And I haven’t told anybody about it except Gage.” Gage was Skip’s best friend and bed buddy.
“What did Gage say?”
“He said he didn’t know why anybody would want to have somebody’s cock in their butt or want to put their cock in somebody’s butt. He thinks it’s dumb. But he’s only ten, so he’s got stuff to learn. Besides, he likes to kiss and rub dicks together, so he’ll learn soon, especially since he’ll be eleven in November. He knows you and me have done it once, but this is gonna be special since we’re gonna do it outside. He said he thinks that’s even dumber, even though he and I have jerked off and kissed outside.” Skip was eleven and going into sixth grade. Gage skipped a grade and was going into sixth grade as well.
“So, are we going to do it at your party next weekend?” Skip asked.
“I’d like it to be something special between you and me,” Aiden said. “What do you think?”
“It sounds good to me, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I mean, we could, like, do it at the party or just between you and me and I’d be cool. But since it’s going to be outside, I guess just you and me is best or who knows how many peeps would be watching and that would be an embarrassing suck fest even though we’ll be fucking and not sucking.”
“How does next Tuesday sound?” Aiden knew it wouldn’t be a problem for him since both of his dads would be working that day.
“Sounds good to me. I just gotta check with my parents and with grandma to make sure they haven’t got me doing something else.”
“Let me know as soon as you know.”
“Thanks for this. I can’t wait to do it outside. This will be my second time and both will be with you doing me. Does that make us boyfriends?”
“Nolan is my one and only boyfriend. But it can make us the best of besties.”
“I like it. Bye, Aiden.”
“See ya.”
After Aiden disconnected, he sat back and wondered if the two sets of twins got things figured out. He was thinking about calling the Hazens when he got an incoming call from them.
Lenny was the one who called. “Everything’s cool with Cooper and . They’re flying up with Michael and them and will be staying with me and Lance.”
“Thanks for letting me know. And thanks for getting it all organized.”
“It’s called twin power. Talk to you soon.”
Aiden decided to go up to his room and do some writing. His story had been coming along slowly and he wanted to get it finished and get it proofread in time to send it to the Lewis County Young People’s Quarterly.
He also wanted to read “The Twelfth Angel”. It was a book he heard about at the Base Brawl. He wanted to read it since it was about a boy who plays baseball and because the Goats fell in love with the “Never, never, never give up” theme of the book. Aiden wasn’t sure of what the story line was, but he did know it was a sad book. He’d read sad books before and sometimes they made him think, but most importantly they made him feel, which was part of what good reading was about.
He didn’t make much writing progress. About fifteen minutes after he sat down at his computer, the doorbell chimed. Since he didn’t know who was at the door, he pulled on the pair of gym shorts he kept in the second drawer of his nightstand for cases like this.
When Aiden opened the door, he was pleased to see Gordy standing on the porch. “Hey, Gordy, come on in,” he grinned while at the same time realizing gym shorts weren’t needed at all.
“I thought you’d be with Nolan, or something,” Gordy said as he entered the house, “plus the weather is perfect. I didn’t expect to see just you.” He stopped at the foot of the stairs and looked up. “Or is he up in your room waiting for his boyfriend to hustle back?”
“It’s just me. I was going to do some writing.”
“If it’s just you, how come you’re not naked?”
Aiden quickly pulled off his shorts and tossed them on a step. “Happy? I didn’t know it was you at the door, so I was playing it safe. You usually call or text before you come.”
“I was at Kalie’s and decided to ride home before one of her parents came home or her brother came by and when I came by your house I decided a good friend would stop there, so here I am.”
“Did you and Kalie, like, do the nasty?”
“Since I had to put my clothes on to leave your question is answered. And that’s something I wanted to talk to you about. But I just got a text from Mason that he’s coming home tomorrow.”
“…and you thought it would be great if we rode our bikes to his house to welcome him home.”
Aiden checked his phone and saw the same text that Gordy received. “Is what you wanted to tell me something you wanted to say quickly, or should we wait until later?”
“I’d like to tell you now. I just didn’t know whether or not you were, like, really busy.”
“I’m ready for whatever you want to talk about.” Then a thought struck him. “You’re not breaking up with Kalie, are you?”
“No way, especially after what we did in her back yard. It was as good or better than ever. But I do have a little problem that I thought you could help me with.” Aiden nodded for him to go keep going. “How about we sit in the living room. It will seem more serious that way.”
“Whatever works for you works for me,” Aiden said.
The two boys sat on the couch. “My problem is I want to sleep with her. I mean, I’ve napped with her, but that’s different than spending the night in bed with her.”
“I can’t help you with that.”
“I know, but you could let me sleep with you for one night. We don’t even need to do sex. All I want is to spend a night naked in bed cuddled up with somebody. You’re my best friend and we’ve cuddled overnight lots of times.”
“Yep. And we had sex almost all the time, usually either sucking or fucking or both,” Aiden reminded his best friend.
“I know, but like you said, we usually had sex. I just want to be hugged and cuddled all night. Kalie and I used to be able to do it in the back house but that was before we became teenagers and boy and girl friends. I know her dad would stop it, but now I bet even her mother wouldn’t let her do it.”
“I thought she was on the pill.”
“She is,” Gordy said. “But her mother talked about it once and said it’s about us being too young to have sex and sleep overnight.”
“I thought she knew the two of you fucked as much as you can.”
“She does, but she told Kalie that sex was different from sleeping together. Go figure.”
“Moms are moms, I guess. Not that I would know.” Aiden felt a sudden spasm of emotion shoot through him as the conversation reminded him he hadn’t had a mom since he was seven. Gordy’s mom had been giving him motherly hugs since he and Gordy became best friends and Nolan’s mother had given him motherly embraces and even advice ever since she had accepted the fact that Nolan was gay, and he and Aiden were truly boyfriends.
It didn’t take long for Aiden to make up his mind on how to answer his best friend’s request. “You’re my best friend. I’m more than happy to cuddle with you and even have sex if you want. I’ll leave that up to you.”
“What would Nolan say?”
“He knows we’re best friends and as long as I tell him about it, he’s good with it. He’s even better if I tell him before we do it. What about Kalie?”
“Same. I can go all the way with you, Nolan, Miles, or Mason, and mess around with any of my other friends. She likes to do it with Christy and Brittany sometimes, so we are pretty open about it. But I have a feeling that when we start high school, she might want to take things to a more serious level. But we’ll see. At least this year, we are both keeping our freedom to mess around with our friends. But we both agree it will be with only same sex friends.”
They agreed on Monday night unless their parents had other things planned, which was unlikely. Aiden decided to give Gordy the best night in bed he possibly could. Hugs or no hugs, Gordy just wanted to sleep with a naked boy he liked, or, in the case of Aiden, one that he loved.
Because Gordy would be coming over on Monday, Aiden decided to tell the twins that Wednesday would be a better day for their swim session. He wanted to leave the entire day open for Gordy if he wanted it.
Aiden and Gordy then chatted about Mason’s adventures and what Aiden observed in California. Aiden said that Mason looked happier than he had ever seen him. Not only that, but that Mason’s talent was light years beyond what he had ever imagined.
“I know you’ve seen him on TV, or your computer, or phone, but what you see is nothing like seeing him in real life. Gordy, I swear a whole new boy was born in Cali. I have to wonder if Mayfield will hold him or if he would have to go back south to East Harbor to be happy. I mean, think about it, is he going to want to play baseball and maybe get hurt when his life had become all about music?”
“I think Mason isn’t going to let his success change how he is,” Gordy said. “And he is somebody we all know and love in lots of ways. Besides, he also is a Goat and we know how special that is.”
“Good point. Well, I look forward to seeing him home tomorrow.”
“And I do too. He has been a best friend for a long time, and I don’t think that will ever change. I mean things are changing and will change, but not us being friends.”
Aiden hoped like hell that Gordy was right.
He sent Mason a text. “Is it ok if Gordy and I stop by tomorrow some time?” he asked.
Mason’s reply arrived three hours later. “i am all 4 it. we can set time 2morrow.”
“We’re off the ground and at cruising altitude. I guess that means I’m truly on my way home,” Mason said as the Diaz family jet headed north for Centralia, Washington.
“You sometimes looked like you were making California your home,” Alejandro grinned.
“I wish I could because you’re there. And after what you did to me last night the thing I wanted to do was to skip the trip home so you could do it to me again tonight.”
“We did rock the bed a bit, didn’t we?” Alejandro grinned.
“A bit? I thought we were going to crash into the next room. That was the most exciting sex ever.”
“Only because I have the most exciting boyfriend ever.”
“I’m going to miss you so much.”
“The same for me. But I will be coming back to Mayfield next week for Aiden’s big party.”
“You’re gonna love it so much. The first party is okay and it’s the one with the best cake. But the naturist party as Aiden calls it is totally dope. It’s all about skin and boners and with all of us in middle school I’m serious about the boners.”
“Mason?” Alejandro asked seriously.
“Yeah?” Mason wondered what Alejandro was getting serious about.
Alejandro squeezed Mason’s hand. “Have I told you today how much I love you?”
“Then I want to make it a three-peat. Mason, I love you so much I never get tired of saying it.”
Mason shivered with pleasure. “Alejandro, I love you so much I never get tired of listening to you say it.”
The boys exchanged kisses and sat quietly holding hands. Jacob, who was the boys’ bodyguard, looked around as the quiet stretched on. “I didn’t know you guys could be quiet for so long.”
“We can when we’re feeling each other’s love,” Alejandro said.
“Feeling love is very special but it isn’t keeping my belly from growling,” Mason said. “When’s lunch?”
“Chef Juan made some first-class sandwiches and bean and bacon soup that is ready to be microwaved by Jacob.”
“I thought Jacob was your bodyguard,” Mason said.
“Hey, Jacob, aren’t you a world class microwaving expert as well as the best bodyguard I know?”
Jacob, who was strapped into a seat ahead of the rows, turned to face the boys and grinned. “Nobody microwaves better than I do, especially when I have detailed directions from Chef Juan. And you are fortunate to have me as your bodyguard considering my obvious cooking skills.”
“See, he even has a sense of humor at times,” he said to Mason.
“Having a sense of humor when I’m on alert, which is most of the time when I’m around you, takes away from my concentration.”
“I understand, Jacob. I respect you more than you can ever imagine.”
“And so do I,” Mason nodded.
“And I believe it is now time to show off your microwaving skills.”
“Consider it done, Master Alejandro,” Jacob said rising from his seat. Jacob also heated their roast beef sandwiches.
After they finished eating, Mason said, “That lunch was yummy. You really are a master microwaving bodyguard, Jacob.”
“Only when I have a master chef to create something along with two starving teenagers to appreciate it.”
Alejandro decided it was time to bring the conversation to Earth—figuratively of course since the jet was 30,000 feet in the air. “Thank you for taking care of the food.”
<Centralia, Washington>
A half hour later the jet started its approach to the Centralia airport. It was close to the biggest size the airport could handle, making a precise landing imperative. Roger Nelson, their pilot, was a veteran and made the landing routinely. Soon after, Mason’s baggage was loaded into the back of a Lexus SUV. Alejandro would be heading back home after dinner, so he carried nothing but one of Mason’s bags from the jet to the waiting car.
The drive to Mayfield was a quiet one which surprised Jacob. In the short time he had followed the two boyfriends he observed that Mason was a chatterbox who made the sometimes-reticent Alejandro much more animated.
When they arrived at Mason’s house, Mason’s mother, Madeline, was waiting for them on the front porch. Mason’s feet hit the ground the instant the SUV came to a full stop and Jacob unlocked the doors. “Mom, I’m home!” Mason screeched not caring how ridiculous he sounded.
Madeline gave her son a big hug and then listened as Mason rambled on about how exciting his time in California was even though Madeline had heard it all on her phone. Alejandro stepped up onto the porch carrying one of Mason’s suitcases. Madeline surprised him by giving him a hug of his own. Jacob, who was pulling two bags, stopped and took in the happy scene on the front porch. He was left with no doubt that his charge had found the right boyfriend. He felt good for Alejandro, Mason, and Madeline Johnson who was beaming.
NEXT: Friends