The Love I Lost and Found Again

Chapter Three

To say that pandemonium erupted at that point would not be the truth, in fact, what actually happened was a dead silence; then a few Boos, which were then quickly drowned out by the cheers and the loud clapping from almost all of the students. A few idiots continued to boo and shout catcalls, which was actually very stupid on their part, as they were about to find out.

Jake joined David up on the stage. He was a little unsure of himself at first, then he quickly recovered as David grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. There was a bit of of a commotion in the back of the auditorium and in the main aisle. David looked up and got a big grin on his face, when several of the teachers started to go over and silence the idiots who were booing and catcalling, but they were replaced by members of the Baseball Team and Student Council. The misbehaving students quickly silenced themselves and sat down quickly. One of those students looked over to where the teachers were standing for help and the Dean of Boys just shook his head and pointed to the idiot's seat. The boy just shook his head and sat down. The rest of the Baseball Team, led by Scott, arrived on-stage and formed up in line behind David and Jake.

David let go of Jake's hand for a second and then turned towards Scott to say thank you but before he could say anything Scott enveloped him in a Bear Hug and whispered;

"Give em Hell Bro."

While the Baseball Team was taking matters into their hands so to speak; Coach Anderson was standing there shell shocked at the show of support from his team. The rest of the School Administration was also shocked but very pleased at the same time. But the proudest person was Jake's Father Bill, as Jake had never done something so public before in his life. Bill reached over and grabbed Michael's hand and gave it a slight squeeze while whispering,

"Thanks for giving me my son back."

Michael replied, "I didn't do anything; it was David and your upbringing that did it. Sometimes it just takes a while for good upbringing to surface. But from what I have seen so far, I have no qualms at letting you raise David or for that matter me raising Jake. I think we have similar or at least complementary philosophies so I think both of our kids are in good hands. I think we'd better pay attention to our sons in case they try and embarrass us."

Back on the stage, David had begun speaking again;

"Teachers, Administrators and Fellow Students, I never thought I would be up here doing what I am about to do. As most of you know I am usually a very calm and level headed individual. However, I have learned that I am definitely human as my outburst last week proved to my embarrassment." David paused to catch his breath and as he did he got a hug from Jake as the auditorium broke into laughter at his self put down.

"I have learned many things this week during my suspension from school; first among those is the fact that you should always give those you love and consider friends a second chance. I have also learned that if you don't give those same people a chance to explain things, you will end up making a very serious and stupid mistake like I did. Luckily for me, I had some very caring and smart people looking out for me including Coach Anderson who by suspending me instead of expelling me; started me back on the right path." Taking a deep breath David gathered his thoughts and then proceeded to speak again.

"Before I go any farther with my explanation, I need to apologize to several people here today. First off; Coach Anderson, I apologize to you for my outburst in front of you and causing you the dilemma I did. I realize now what problems my actions caused you. It was unfair of me to make you put enforcing School Rules ahead of the good of the Baseball Team. I do have to thank you for your ethics and the fact that you have always placed our well being ahead of winning. That is one of the reasons all of us on the team play our hearts out for you. So I say thank you and please accept my apology.

I will get back to my public apology to my Boyfriend Jake in just a minute or so. He has already accepted my private apology so I can apologize to the other people I need to first. And for that I thank him dearly." David then gave Jake a big hug and a quick kiss on the cheek to the amazement of most.

"To all of the students who witnessed and were offended by my outburst, I apologize from the bottom of my heart and I will do everything possible to avoid doing it again. Now on to the most important apology of them all. Dad, I hope you can forgive me for all of the pain and turmoil I put you through by ignoring your attempts to reach out and help me. I never intended to hurt you at all, so please forgive me." David then looked his Dad directly in the eye across the sea of students and faculty with a tear glistening in the corner of his eye.

In the back of the auditorium, Michael stood there stunned as his son poured his heart out in front of the audience. As the students and faculty turned towards where David was looking Michael smiled broadly and mouthed;

"I love you son!" As he reached out and grabbed Bill's hand again for support.

"Thanks Dad I love you too! I also need to apologize to my teammates standing behind me for my putting their season in jeopardy by my selfish and unthinking actions." David and Jake smiled inwardly at the show of support their fathers were giving each other. "I am not sure why they are up here behind me, but I am very grateful for their support."

David had to stop speaking because Scott had enveloped him in hug from behind while whispering;

"Cause we love ya bro." Scott then went back to the rest of the Baseball Team.

"I guess I should explain how this all came about and how I ended up with a boyfriend while all of you thought I was straight." David had to pause because of a bunch of students in the audience were shouting;

"It's about time!'

David proceeded to give the students and faculty a mini version of what had happened to him this summer. Of course he left out all of the embarrassing scenes , like the picture and the scene where he first saw his new patio. When he had finished he had to pause because of the roar of applause from the students, which was totally unexpected.

"I also need to apologize to Dr. Bill Patton for the pain I caused him by hurting his son. Doc, I am truly sorry and I will never knowingly hurt you or Jake again. I also want to thank Doc Patton with all of my heart for all of the time he has spent counseling and talking with me over the last week. How he found the time with all of the work he had to do here, I don't know, but without his help I would not be here today. I would still be a basket case and probably drugged into a stupor so I couldn't hurt myself. If any of you students or faculty need help with anything, do not hesitate to go see him! He will do everything he can to help you and whatever you tell him will remain locked up tight in his loving head. Doc Patton listens to you and doesn't make judgments he just helps you deal with your troubles. He was a lot of help to me and my Dad dealing with the loss of my mother."

David looked back at his second father who was beaming with love. Shy Jake overcame that for a second and gave David a hug and to Bill and David's amazement gave David a quick peck on the lips.

"I think I have apologized to everyone necessary and now I would like to know why Scott and the rest of the baseball team are all up here on the stage behind me?"

Scott stepped up to the mic and smacked David on the shoulder as he walked by.

"David forgot to tell you one important fact and that is that I decked him when I found out! Scott had to stop speaking because of the outcry from those assembled in the auditorium.

Editor Note:

Wait just a darn minute... You aren't supposed to do a cliff hanger... This is much to short. All the gripes I get about the cliff hangers and you do this? I'm so proud...

Very good chapter I enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next LONGER chapter soon. Grin.

Str8mayb AKA Evil Author & Master of Misdirection

Editor's notes:

I loved this chapter. Like Str8mayb said, it was too short.

I think this story is going to be a real good one. It already is a good story, but I believe it will be even better.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Comments always wanted - The Story Lover