I finally got myself back under control, but could still hear laughter in the courtroom, and Eric looked beet red, while the judge wasn't much lighter in color.
Poor Mrs. Perkins looked as if she had swallowed a lemon, and Jennings was almost in tears, it looked like, and it wasn't from laughter, but finally things began to settle down, and the Judge gave my boys a stern look, that was belied by the twinkle in his eyes, as he said, "I think next time, I will listen to your father." chuckling once again, as Jennings weakly said, "objection," which caused that eyebrow to raise on the judges eye, once again, as he turned his gaze to the offending party.
"To what?" he asked, with disbelief in his voice, causing Jennings to sink down a bit in his chair, before replying
" your referring to Mr. Reynolds as the boys' father for one, and the statements made by the children for another." he said.
The eyebrow stayed that way, as the judge looked at Jennings as if he were an insect under inspection, or a bad dog who had just done something on the carpet.
"Mr. Jennings, in case you have forgotten your motions of yesterday, Mr. Reynolds is the de facto father of three of the boys and a second father to three more of them, and unless something remarkable occurs, will probably assume that mantle in fact, as well soon enough. As to the comments of the children, exactly what could you possibly object to? Mrs. Perkins may have a great deal of training, regarding children, but they are children after all, which makes them expert witnesses, I do believe, with more credibility than she has." he concluded.
Jennings began sputtering, but ultimately chose, wisely in my opinion, to remain silent, as the judge said, "Let's continue," while I hastily remembered that I needed to turn off everyone's microphones.
"Mrs. Perkins, you have stated, in your professional opinion, that the policies and guidelines in place currently, are harmful to children, and encourage abuse of children, can you expound on that please?"
Mrs. Perkins was clearly not happy, as she repeatedly glared at the cameras, and hence us, while the brats just smiled back at her, which didn't help matters.
"I would be glad to, but first, I would like to explain a little about how we have always approached instances of molestation within the department. When we would get a complaint, obviously we would have to investigate it, and we would be seeking to protect the victim, and get him help, while finding suitable punishment and treatment, for the offending molester. Under the new guideline, we were being asked to not do that." she said.
I could see Alan tense up, but then he sat back, as she continued, I think he was going to object.
"Now we have to go into a situation under the false assumption that no molestation may have occurred. We are expected to disregard proven scientific evidence, which shows otherwise, and try to find reasons why it isn't child molestation, on the false premise which I explained earlier that children might like and want to engage in this aberrant behavior." she told the court.
"I see, well thank you then for that, now could you explain if you happened to discuss the Perry case with Mrs. Higg...." Jennings was saying, but Alan had stood up calling "objection, hearsay."
"Your honor, she had discussions with Mrs. Higginbottom in her capacity as a consultant, and in that capacity, can testify." Jennings said quickly.
"Mr. Simpson, overruled, continue Mr. Jennings" the judge said while Alan sat down
"Did you happen to discuss the Perry case with Mrs. Higginbottom?" he asked her.
"Yes, I discussed it as well as reviewing the tapes made of the interviews with the boys, and their mother. I also looked over various notes and statements by the boy's father." she said.
I could see the shame in the boy's faces, and I said quickly to them, "Don't be ashamed of a damn thing, hold your head up and screw this bitch," which got shocked looks from the boys, as well as Alan, who heard me, but it had the desired effect.
"Can you please, in your professional experience, and capacity as a consultant, explain your findings in this particular case?" Mr. Jennings asked.
"Certainly, Agatha was right to be extremely concerned, and to attempt to remove the victim from the home in question. Not only was the younger child subject to further assault, but with the mother apparently condoning such abuse, it was not safe for the child to remain in that environment." she pronounced while Derek muttered, "She's full of shit."
"So you believe that the younger child was in danger in that home?" Jennings asked,
"Yes, certainly. The father of the children had walked in and found the older boy sexually assaulting the younger, and took steps to protect the child. There is no doubt in my mind that the younger child was the victim, and the older one was the offender, simply by the age difference, inherent between them. With the rape of the younger child, and the mother's obvious acceptance of this situation, the child certainly qualified under the imminent harm statutes. I advised Agatha that she should get the younger child to safety, as quickly as possible, to avoid further trauma, and also to have the older child taken into criminal custody, for his offenses." she told the court.
"So, just to be clear, after hearing all the evidence, you feel that it wasn't something mutual then?" Jennings asked.
"No, certainly not. The younger boy is but 11 years of age, and clearly would not voluntarily participate in such activities. It was very clear that it was rape of the younger child." she said forcefully.
"Thank you, no further at this time, right to recall." Jennings said before sitting down.
Alan looked at her for a moment before asking,
I am at a loss Mrs. Perkins, I listened to those tapes of the boys, and," shaking his head, "didn't hear that at all. Matter of fact, I heard the younger boy in question, very specifically say repeatedly, that he initiated the contact, and thoroughly enjoyed the activities that ensued. With that in mind maybe you could explain to me, how you heard something so vastly different?" he asked.
"A young victim of sexual assault is often groomed to believe he actually wants to be assaulted. It is only with a great deal of therapy, that we can show him just how he has been victimized, and help him then recover from the trauma. Since a child that young, doesn't want to engage in such behaviors, it is obvious, he has been led down a path to simply think he wanted to do something such as that." she replied.
"Ah I see, so you encounter a great many children, who have been led down this path, to think they want it?" he asked.
"Yes, all the time. Offenders are quite adept at corrupting the innocence of these children, to make them think it is their fault." she answered.
"Their fault, or that they wanted to do it?" Alan shot back.
"That they would want to do It." she reluctantly replied.
"So these children are fine with it, until you get the chance to brainwash them, to believe otherwise." Alan quickly said. While Jennings called "OBJECTION."
"Sustained, Mr. Simpson please refrain from editorializing"
"Mrs. Perkins, you have stated that you get a great many children coming to you saying they voluntarily engaged in sexual contact, and were NOT abused, yet you have also stated that after intensive therapy, these children come around to see how they had actually been abused. The question I have is, have you ever considered the simple premise, that they might be telling you the truth, from the beginning?" Alan asked.
"No." she replied.
"No?" Alan asked her.
"No I have never considered it because it isn't possible" she stated.
"Ah, I see. Maybe you could answer a couple of other questions for me." Alan said, while Mrs. Perkins muttered "Do I have any choice?"
"No you don't." Alan retorted, earning a scowl, before he continued, "The two boys in question were mutually masturbating each other, so I am curious where you get the appellation of rape from?" he asked.
"Any forced unwanted contact sexually, by one individual against another, I consider to be rape." she said.
"Ah I see, even though the child doesn't?" Alan shot back, while Jennings looked like he wanted badly to say something, sitting upright in his chair.
"That is correct" she replied.
"Fine, we can completely dismiss the children from this then apparently so tell me you consider a jack off session assault, and rape, but I haven't heard you mention anything about the stepfather, in all of this, why?" Alan asked of her.
"He, the father, walked in and saw this abuse, and put a stop to it. He was falsely arrested for trying to protect his child, and the children were left in harm's way. He may have overreacted slightly, but that is only to be expected, in this type of situation." she said.
"Okay, let me get this straight then, just so I understand your viewpoint, on what is and is not, harmful to a child, or better yet, what constitutes abuse. Two young boys masturbating each other consensually, between themselves, is abusive and harmful, while a 34 year old man, breaking a 12 year old's leg and arm, giving him a concussion, and causing internal injuries, amongst other things, is good for the child, and is not abusive, or harmful?"
"Objection, argumentative." Jennings called out.
"Overruled! I would love to hear the answer to the question." Kendall said, looking at Mrs. Perkins.
"I didn't say that." she replied.
"Oh, but you did. Would you care for me to have the reporter read back your statements?"
"No, that won't be necessary. The father may have overreacted, somewhat. I believe I did say that" she replied.
"Overreacted somewhat!! I wonder what you would consider too much then." Alan said, while Jennings cried "objection" again.
"You can't expect a father to take the molestation of his youngest child calmly, his reaction was only natural sir." she stated heatedly.
Alan swung back around and said, "Natural, he beat the living hell out of a 12 year old boy, Mrs. Perkins, and he is the STEPfather, not the father." Alan told her, quite forcefully, the anger clearly plain on his face.
"Objection facts not in evidence." Jennings called out.
"Not in evidence, fine." Alan cried, walking over and grabbing a folder, before taking it back, and saying, "Here are some facts for you Mrs. Perkins." and turning to Jennings, "and for you Mr. Jennings," as he proceeded to remove photographs and placing them on the stand in front of Mrs. Perkins, then taking some more and walking over to Mr. Jennings, and throwing them down on the table, where they spread out.
"There are your facts, take a look, and then tell me that it was a slight overreaction." Alan said, in disgust.
There was silence in the courtroom at this, and I knew how much those pictures hurt Alan, and then to have Perkins dismiss them as not mattering, completely angered him.
There were several minutes of silence, as Alan collected himself and Mrs. Perkins studiously avoided looking at the photographs, before Alan had sufficient control of himself to once again approach the witness stand, where he said,
"Well, since you don't want to look at some actual evidence, then maybe you can answer this. You mention that the new policies and guidelines at CPS are from new science and that the science is invalid is that correct?"
"Yes" she said.
"Ok then, can you read the first page of this document and give the court your opinion please?" he asked as he stood up and walked across the room, handing the papers to Mrs. Perkins.
She read the top page, "This appears to be a perfect example of this erroneous science." she proclaimed.
"Ah so it is definitely in line with the science which has resulted in the new CPS policies?" he asked her.
"I would say so, same misinformed ideas by those attempting to promulgate their twisted views of children" she said.
"I see, could you please turn to the next page, and read aloud the copyright date listed there?" he asked her, which caused her to get a startled look on her face, and a hint of dread as she slowly turned the page obviously not liking what she saw.
"Well, Mrs. Perkins?" he asked.
"1977" she finally answered.
"I see 1977, so that predates your education then, doesn't it? Tell me Mrs. Perkins considering that I can produce quite a few more examples of this, isn't it true it is your science that is wrong and new age while the concept of children being sexual beings, has been around for 50 odd years or better?"
"No, it most certainly is not." she said.
"Really, because I can produce a study by the eminent researcher Kinsey, dating back to the 1950s, that shows children as young as one month in age are capable of achieving orgasm, so please tell me how you justify saying your science, which only appeared after the McCallister trial in the early 80s, is valid, while everything else isn't. Isn't it true that your so called new science, is just the witch hunt finally beginning to end, after 20 years of persecution of thousands upon thousands of children, who have been made to believe they are child molesters, or victims of it?"
During all of this Mrs. Perkins face had become redder and redder, and I could see a vein throbbing in her forehead. The boys were watching intently, and all were staring at the vein, almost waiting to see if it would explode.
"Well?" Alan asked again.
"No it is not. The McCallister trial was a travesty and all those children were just further victimized by the system. Since then thousands and thousands of children have been saved, not victimized, as you would suggest. You don't know what you are talking about." she veritably snarled.
"Oh I think I do Mrs. Perkins, matter of fact, I know I do. The McCallister trial never should have happened in the first place, because it was initiated by people such as you, creating problems, where there never were any, the only victims there, were the family and teachers that ran that pre-school not to mention all those who suffered afterwards, because of that travesty." Alan shot back, just as quickly.
"Furthermore, these children you seem to insist can't like sex, certainly do, and always have, isn't that right Mrs. Perkins?" Alan continued, not letting up.
"No, they don't that is the view of the devil and the filth..." Mrs. Perkins started screaming before tapering off and going silent, rage clearly in her visage as she glared at Alan.
Alan was standing there with a little smile on his face, as he asked softly, "Tell me Mrs. Perkins, what church do you belong to?"
We all watched as Mrs. Perkins worked her mouth several times, clearly attempting to regain control, before spitting out, "My personal beliefs are none of your business," in clipped angry tones.
"Oh but they are, Mrs. Perkins, when what you are testifying to is based on them." Alan told her bluntly.
"Answer the question Mrs. Perkins." the judge instructed.
Mrs. Perkins glared at him, and didn't speak, causing the judge to say again,
"Mrs. Perkins, you will answer the question."
"I belong to the First Fundamentalist Church of Christ." she said forcefully expelling each word with great effort.
"I see, and is Mrs. Higginbottom a member of that church?" he asked "yes" was the only reply.
"Thank you, no further and recall your honor." Alan said, as he turned his back on Mrs. Perkins and went back to his table.
"Do you think you can get away with this?" she said to his back, causing him to stop and turn around.
"I beg your pardon?" he asked, as the judge said, "You may step down Mrs. Perkins."
"You won't get away with this. The righteous shall prevail against the wicked." she intoned solemnly, as Alan looked on, in disbelief.
"Good bye Mrs. Perkins." the judge stated coldly.
I watched as Mrs. Perkins turned to the judge and with a decidedly unfriendly smile on her face said,
"And you, who are supposed to bring justice, instead siding with evil, shall pay an even higher price for your blasphemy."
"Bailiff, take her into custody, now!" the judge said coldly, before turning to Jennings and asking coldly,
"Do you have any witnesses who are not members of this abomination they are calling a church of God?"
Perkins screamed, "You shall pay for saying that, spawn of Satan!" before the bailiff could get her out of the room and we could still hear her screams and imprecations, after the door shut behind them.
Jennings did not look happy, but reluctantly answered "I'm not sure, your honor."
"Well you might want to consider any more witnesses and whether they are going to go down the same path as these two have" he advised him, while Jennings just nodded his head.
"30 minute recess." Kendall ordered, and then got up as everyone stood, and walked to his chambers.
Alan started to speak when the judge had left.
"Jesus, I think the church is behind all of this, Mike." he told me.
"I have a feeling they are Alan, I need Eric on too, for what I am about to tell you." I told him and he quickly had Eric put on a headset, and I told the boys to hit the bathroom if they needed it, or get snacks and drinks if they liked. Everyone but Sammy and Samantha left.
"Hey Mike, how are the boys?" was his first question, and I told him
"They're doing ok, Eric, they're doing ok."
"Eric, Alan you need to know that Samantha has another son that Tom and the church have been holding hostage for several months" I told them.
"What?" Eric asked, sitting up abruptly
"Samantha didn't know what Tom was into, and threatened him if he harmed the children. He took her son hostage, for good behavior."
"Shit!" Eric and Alan said, at the same time.
"Yeah!" I said. There wasn't much else I could say to that, and it summed it up well.
"Eric, she has no idea where he is, other than in Montana, and nearby, and we have no feasible way to search either." I told them.
"Oh, there are ways." Eric said.
"Yes you're right, and I'll start making some calls as well" I told him.
"Good, get me the info as soon as you can." he told me.
"I will, the sat unit can receive files and faxes, so I'll scan some pictures and send them." I replied.
"Good, I'll be here." Eric said.
"Alright give me a few" I said as Derek suddenly came running into the room
"Hey Sam sa...uh, I mean ah mom, I ah thought you might need this." he said out of breath, holding out his mom's purse to her.
Samantha looked at him for a moment and said "Yes, thank you honey, taking the purse and starting to go through it, before pulling out her wallet and delving into that, removing several photographs, and then handing me three of them.
"This is Matthew, and all of them were taken just before he disappeared." she said, as I took them from her, and looked at a smiling little boy, with mischief clearly visible in his eyes, and the impish little smile on his face.
His hair was down just touching into his eyes, and you could tell he was a happy baby and full of joy. It was a bit darker than his brothers but not a lot, and I just hoped I would be able to meet him soon, and that he would be ok.
I placed the photos in the scanner and activated it, placing all of them into a file and then sending it to the machine in the courtroom in Montana.
"Eric it should be there any second." I told him, as he looked and started pressing some buttons telling me
"Got it, oh he's a little cutie, isn't he" smiling gently at the picture.
"Yes he is." I replied, and then also entered a second set of information into the system, and picked up my phone, dialing a number and killing the audio on the microphones, as I told Eric and Alan to hold on for a minute.
"Hello" the voice said.
"Hi, I am sending you some pictures; he's kidnapped 4 in a month and being held hostage. He is the brother of the two boys whose father was arrested. The stepfather is a member of FCC and they are behind this." I said into the phone.
"Possible location?" I was asked.
"30 minutes of Missoula last known, no further" I told it
"Ok, did some checking, and FCC is behind this, all the way up to the state involvement. Watch your back, Mike and those kids. These are some nasty people." I was told.
"I will, have you any resources?" I asked, meaning did the person have anyone inside or close to it.
"No, Mike, not really. I have a few contacts, but that bunch is rather closed to put it mildly." it told me.
This was not good. If this person didn't have an in then forget the government, or anyone else.
"Ok, thanks, anything you can do would be appreciated." I told it.
"It's a child, Mike, I'll do everything in my power to find him, you should know that." I was told.
"I know that, I know, thank you." I told the voice.
"Goodbye for now" and the phone went dead. The resources brought to bear would be enormous, but whether they would do any good was debatable.
I clicked it off, and turned the microphones back on, telling Eric,
"Call has been made."
I heard a grunt, and then, "That'll light a fire," as I responded, "Maybe." while I watched Eric give me a sharp look, before saying
"I hope so."
"So do I." I said, and then "Going to hit the john, back in a few." to his nod of acknowledgment.
I removed the headset, and stood up, to find three pairs of eyes looking at me.
"We are going to do everything we can, I promise." I told them as I turned away and headed out.
Sammy, and Derek too, after giving his mom a hug, followed me, and before I had gotten through the door, I had two little boys attached one on each side.
I just pulled them to me, and held them close, as I made my way to the bathroom.
After taking care of business, I turned away from the toilet to be engulfed by a pair of arms, attached to a eleven year old cuddle puppy, as he sobbed, "I'm really scared Mike."
I picked him up in my arms and carried him out and down the hall, to one of the bedrooms, and sat down on the bed just holding him, as I whispered, "I know sweetheart, I know."
After a while he whispered back "Are you going to find him alright?"
"A bunch of people are going to try baby, we're going to try our hardest, I promise you that." I told him, while looking into his eyes, which were staring at me with fear and hope all mixed together.
He just buried his head in my chest again, as I held him and rubbed his back.
We sat there like that until it was time to return to the conference room, and I told him,
"We have to go back now, honey." causing him to nod his head and slide off my lap.
"Thanks" he said shyly, as I ruffled his hair and told him "anytime, I like cuddles." which got a small smile from him; as I put my arm around him and led him back outside.
I stopped and gave everyone hugs and kisses, before going back into the room and settling down in my seat, placing the headset back on my head, and glancing around to see that everyone else had theirs on as well.
After making sure everyone was ready, I told Alan, "We're back."
"Just in time too." he said, as the judge walked out and we all stood until he had seated himself.
"Alright then Mr. Jennings, what's next?"
Mr. Jennings didn't look too happy, but said "The state would like to call Derek Edward Perry to the stand," as Alan called "objection" and I called Alan, while Derek looked scared to death.
"Yes, Mr. Simpson,"
"Sir, he is a minor, and has been through enough trauma in recent days." Alan said.
"Your honor, I understand that, but I need to question him." Jennings interjected, while the judge just looked at Jennings finally speaking.
"Mr. Jennings, I am going to allow this, but heed my words, Mr. Simpson is very correct in his statement, and I warn you now, tread carefully, very carefully." he said, causing Mr. Jennings complexion to pale considerably, before he gulped "Yes your honor."
"Mr. Reynolds, can you please put Derek on with us?"
I looked at Derek and told him, "Der if you don't want to do this just say the word." and watched as his head came up and he told me.
"I'll be fine, I'm not ashamed, you told us that, remember?"
"Yeah kiddo, I do, just tell me if it gets too much." I told him and he smiled and nodded his head as I activated his and my microphones and answered the judge.
"Yes your honor, he is on now, and I would like to add my hesitation at him being subjected to this," I added,
"I understand, and Mr. Jennings will be treading very lightly here, have no fear." The judge, said more to Jennings than me, as he went on and asked,
"Derek, I want you to know that no one is going to hurt you and you can stop if you feel it gets to be too much, do you understand?" he asked Derek, who nodded and then said "Yes sir."
"Mr. Jennings..." he said to the prosecutor, indicating he should proceed.
"Yes your honor, before I do, I would like to protest your restrictions for the record, sir." he said, nervously, while I watched Kendall's eyebrow again.
"Really?" he finally said.
"Yes your honor, limiting the scope of my questioning hampers the state's case." Jennings bravely pressed forward.
"Be that as it may, you are so limited, protest is noted." Kendall said as Jennings started;
"Derek, I understand that this is a difficult time for you, but I do need to ask you some things." he said, pausing and looking at Derek, who filled their screen.
Derek just looked at him without replying and finally Jennings cleared his throat and began.
"Your father..." he started
"Step" Derek interrupted him.
Jennings shot him a dirty look, before continuing,
"Your stepfather walked in on you and your older brother while he was doing something to you is that correct?" he asked.
"No." Derek replied, causing Jennings to briefly get a look of shock on his face.
"No? That's not what we understand happened." he said snidely.
"Well, you don't understand then." Derek shot back, the change remarkable. This boy was no longer the scared thing of a few short minutes ago, but now stared challengingly at the prosecutor, who was clearly not happy that things were not going the way he thought they would.
"Let me rephrase this then, maybe you didn't understand me..." he started but Derek once again shot back.
"Oh I understood alright."
"Good then back to the original question, your stepfather walked in on your older brother doing something to you correct?" Jennings said.
"No that is not correct." Derek replied steadily.
"Your honor," Jennings turned to Kendall, who merely looked at him saying
"Can you direct the witness to answer the questions please?" Jennings asked.
"Mr. Jennings, I don't know about you but he seems to be answering them quite plainly to me."
Jennings face got red, but he didn't say anything else, as he turned back to the monitor.
"Well then did your father walk in on you and your brother while your older brother was molesting you or not?" he asked Derek, who looked coldly at him and replied,
"He did not."
"He didn't, then why are you here today?" Jennings asked rudely.
"Cause of people like you, who don't listen to kids, when they tell you things." Derek said to him.
"Your honor," Jennings said, turning to Kendall, who smiled and said,
"Well, you asked." causing Jennings face to turn red as he turned back on Derek.
"Young man this is not funny, your stepfather found you being assaulted by your brother and...." Jennings was saying when Derek very angrily interrupted and told him, "Would you all stop saying that? It isn't what happened."
"Your honor," Jennings turned back Kendall pleading.
"He's right, Jennings, I've had about enough of this. Stop referring to what happened between the brothers as you have been." he told him, while Jennings just looked on stunned.
"But your honor, a significant portion of our case is built around the molestation, which occurred." he said.
"That is the problem counselor, nothing you, or any of your witnesses have testified to so far in this hearing, leads me to even suspect that this was an abusive situation." Kendall told him.
"But your honor we have clearly demonstrated that..." Jennings started as Kendall held his hand up.
"No Mr. Jennings you haven't. These people and their belief that children can't or don't want to engage in such activity is plain wrong, and your entire case seems built on it, which should suggest, you have a big problem with your case. Now can you continue without the insinuations or should I dismiss this witness?"
Jennings looked like he had swallowed something that went down wrong, as his mouth worked several times, but he finally managed to say,
"I will continue your honor, at least briefly." Before turning back to the monitor, and addressing Derek.
"Did you stepfather enter your room to find you and your brother engaged in some type of sexual activity?" he asked
"Yes" Derek replied.
"Did your stepfather become upset at some point upon finding your brother...upon finding the two of you engaged in that activity?"
"Was he or did he express concern over what he found the two of you doing?" he asked
"No" Derek replied.
"Excuse me, no?" Jennings asked.
"No, he just beat the shit out of us and called us fags" Derek said.
"Objection" Jennings quickly said.
"Counselor, didn't you learn in law school not to ask a question you didn't know the answer to?"
Jennings didn't say anything but turned back to Derek and said,
"Could you have possibly mistaken what happened and thought his justified concern was anger when it wasn't?" he asked.
Derek got an incredulous look on his face before he said,
"Are you joking, he started beating the hell out of us, and almost killed Chris, and the whole time he said we were evil and going to hell, and called us perverts and fags, he wasn't concerned bout nothing but beating us good, to get the fag outta us." Derek yelled at him, while Jennings was calling "objection, objection over and over again.
"I think that is about enough." the judge intoned, looking squarely at Jennings now.
"Mr. Jennings, you cannot convince anyone that what that man did to those boys was justified, in any way, shape or form, so I suggest you find another topic." Kendall told him.
Jennings didn't look very happy but addressed Derek again, "You seem to believe, if I understand correctly, that you wanted to engage in such activities as your father found you in, correct?" he asked.
Derek looked at him with one of those patented 'boy are you a stupid adult' looks that only a kid could portray convincingly; causing a flush to arise in Jennings face as he answered the question.
"I know that I wanted to do it, and I liked it, a lot." he said adding the last with emphasis, which caused Jennings to glare at him then ask, "so you believe you wanted to do it..."
"Objection asked and answered." Alan spoke up
"Sustained, Mr. Jennings, please cease. He just told you he knew what he wanted and did it, move on." Kendall said.
"Your honor he's an 11 year old boy, he doesn't know what he wants and certainly can't consent to engage..." Jennings started.
Kendall interrupted him and said, "Mr. Jennings, this is not an age of consent issue, the other party is one year in age different and both are minors. The ages of consent laws apply to children and adults. As to whether or not he knows what he does or doesn't want, that has also been addressed and in the court's opinion a child certainly does know if he wants that or not, so move on."
"Your honor I object to these restrictions. You have hampered the state's attempt to prove its case at every turn, and now you won't even allow me to question this child, which is critical to our case." Jennings was virtually shouting.
"Mr. Jennings, I am very tempted to charge you with contempt, and if you have another outburst like that, I will. You have not been barred from questioning him, but you may not badger him, nor may you continue to assert accusations without any foundation, is that clear?"
"No your honor its not. I have laid a foundation regarding this issue which you have chosen to ignore, and to nullify. Then you have denied me the opportunity to pursue an entire line of questioning in this regard that is integral to my case." Jennings fired back.
"Mr. Jennings, it has been proven that your foundation was built on faulty construction material and that sir is your fault not mine. The basic premise, which you have been espousing, in both your arguments and with your witnesses, is false, and I will not allow you to attack a child based on it. Is that clear?" he asked.
"You believe it to be false your honor, that doesn't make it false." Jennings bitterly said,
"Yes and I'm the judge remember? It is false sir and you have been shown that. Not only that I certainly knew way earlier than young Derek here if I wanted someone playing with my penis or not and I can categorically state that I was never molested either so enough"
Jennings just looked at the judge for a moment and I was sure he was going to say something else when instead he mumbled "yes your honor" and turned back to Derek.
"Can you tell me if your mother approves of these activities?" Jennings asked.
"I think so." Derek told him.
"You think so?" Jennings said.
"Well I don't know for sure, but she seems to." Derek replied.
"Could you explain that please?" he asked.
"Yeah, she says we didn't do anything wrong, and that it's normal and natural." Derek said.
"Well that sounds like she approves then." Jennings said, as Kendall commented, "And the point would be counselor?" before Alan could say anything.
"Just trying to establish the facts your honor. Derek has anyone else told you that it's ok to do these things?" he asked.
"Yes." he answered.
"Who?" Jennings asked.
"Mr. Reynolds and Millie, and some of the boys" he replied.
"Ah, can you tell us what they told you?" he asked.
"Kinda the same thing?" Derek said.
"I see," no further questions with right to recall. Jennings stated sitting down.
Alan looked up and asked "Derek just for the record did Chris or anyone else ever force you in any way to engage in sex stuff of any kind?"
Derek had already begun shaking his head and when Alan was finished replied "No sir."
"Has anyone ever told you that being forced to do sex stuff is ok?" he asked.
"No sir, mom always said to tell if anyone tried." he replied.
"Very good Derek, one last question for you just to clarify things, of any sex stuff you have done, did you want to do it?"
"Oh yeah...ummm...I mean yes sir." as the others giggled in the background.
"Well thank you Derek, I am sorry you had to be put through all of this."
"That's ok Mr. Simpson, it's not your fault some grown ups are so stupid." Derek said, producing giggles from the kids and the inevitable "objection" from Jennings while Kendall simply said "overruled" without even listening to it this time.
"Nothing further" Alan said, walking back to his seat as Jennings said "I call Samuel Patrick Reynolds to the stand." while Sammy said, "ME?"