Even If We Tried

An Introduction From The Author

Greetings readers of Even If We Tried, D.K. Daniels here, or Danny to some. I just wanted to give you this little update about EIWT for my invisible readers who haven’t messaged, or new readers who are only catching up with the story after so long. I am truly grateful that the story has progressed this far. First off, I want to say thank you so much to everyone who got in contact with me. Secondly, I want to thank everyone who has believed in EIWT, it was the love you guys showed that made my love for the project grow, and since then it has become a big part of my life. I have been deeply moved and changed since I started working on this story.


So, to the business, questions and answers.


Even If We Tried has not finished, true the first draft finished around the start of June 2017, however since then I have gone on the write other stories as well as re-scooped the world of EIWT. And I would like to announce that I have a book planned for the story. As far as facts goes the story will be split into two possible books, since I have planned out the entire book(s) and have been slaving away creating and fixing EIWT to perfection. I’m addressing all errors, and grammar problems within the story for the final draft. New scenes, characters, and side plots are coming away from the original idea I first had when I started writing. The world of EIWT has been re-imagined, yet some remains. The boys will all be who they were when you last read of them, only with one slight change. Apart from numerous new scenes have been added to Sam’s portfolio, the readers of EIWT will be able to take on the roles of Ethan and Austin. You will be able to see what is going on in all three heads of our main bunch, and read to your hearts content as the boys unfold their or (our story) together.)


Each character will come with new motives, new plot goals and scenes. I can’t stress how excited I am about committing to EIWT full time. I feel really immersed in the world of boys and I am working as hard as I can to get the story out for everyone to enjoy. Sam will always remain the focal point of the story because he is my spirit animal, all I ask is a little patience and I promise the wait will be worth it.


